Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98180 times)


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She nodded to the detective and accepted his card this time. Trying her best to cheer him up as their eyes met she spoke again. "Ah I see, so you are busy. Then I won't bother someone so dutiful anymore. I'm happy to see that this city has someone so dedicated looking over it." She waved him off and turned back for the apartment, having finished her business with him.


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The metal giant's head raised up to attention and he turned to where the voice came from. Did she... get the drop on him. For a second, he felt tense, as if he had been caught in the act. But he quickly recomposed himself. How foolish, it was enough to bring a chuckle out of a fool. She did not sneak up on him, he simply happened to lower his guard. If the gods were truly watching, their laughter would certainly shake the heavens.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't notice you." He said with an oddly surprised tone, a soft spoken and rather kind one in fact. It gave the sort of impression of something old, and understanding. He walked towards her and extended his metallic hand, as if confronting a child.

"Are you lost, little lady?"


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The tiny maid skipped out of the way his outstretched metallic arm and fixed her adorable cat ears that had somehow slipped out of place. What did he mean by tiny? It was he who was the giant clearly, what a dummy. Her eyes strongly conveyed that sentiment as she glanced up at him.

"I was lost."

Deliberately keeping it vague while implying something had happened to change it, without actually mentioning what that something was. That was how you kept things interesting.

"Is striking down imaginary foes really that engaging?"


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She met the charge of the vampire by blocking her bladed fist with her own arm blade at a right moment. The momentum would normally push her back, but she used her magnetic powers to hold her ground as her veins glowed blue. The teeth of the chainsaw would rip into her Costin's fist as Mitsuba planned to fire less devastating attack with her other arm. She didn't have time to fully charge her cannon, so its power was akin to a shotgun's blast.

Cherry Lover

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Rider smiled.

"Yes, I do", she said. "Reading is one of my favourite past-times."

"However, I went to the library earlier, and I have plenty of books at home, so I have no need to go there at the moment. Besides, it'll be closed by now", she added. "But I can show you where it is, if you like."


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The mage raised an eyebrow at the strange act he witnessed. It wasn't something the boy had done, he was safely falling through the air, nor anything caused by the girl he threw. No it came from the blue haired girl. It would have made him laugh out loud, if it hadn't surprised him to such an extent, what was she even thinking? For some uncanny reason she had decided to hit the ground like a useless pile of garbage.

He moved over to her quickly, as if he would just let her laze about in the midst of battle, such a tactic was supremely dumb. This was a lesson she would very very soon learn the hard way.

He soared through the air towards her and descended on her neck with a vicious stomp, powerful enough to shatter it into pieces.


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Antonia San Nicolas

Antonia forced a smile, though, there was a hint of genuineness in the gesture, and released the handshake. She sent an acknowledging nod towards Erica.  "Well, in terms of training or entertainment?"


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It was impossible to tell what he felt with his artificial skull, but if he had to describe the way he must be looking at the girl before him, it was curiosity. Was there a reason for her interruption beyond such trivialities, or did she perhaps know more than she let on. Her soul looked different from that of a common man, but he couldn't quite figure how.

Perhaps, it was a certain strength of spirit.

Vanguard nodded but shrugged nonchalantly in the end. "Is it truly so strange to train my skills? My body may be artificial, but it does not excuse idleness. Is that so strange?" He asked her like he truly wondered if there was an answer to this question.

Umbra of Chaos

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She did in fact take a seat. Her mom and sister usually asked the same thing of her when they brushed her hair. It felt... kinda weird. But nice. "Ehhh. We'll see. My family never managed to do it, and you're not as annoying as they managed to be."


"Of course. We can arrange that right now." So she stood up and began to lead the other woman out of the room, giving the other two a nod as she made her way to the fridge. Suzuko pulled out an apple, neatly broke into halves, and plucked out a few seeds. She handed them to the other woman they reached the rather spacious balcony.


Imbecile. What kind of foolishness was that? She would let Saber attack like a common brute for an excuse as asinine as that? She just sighed. "Disappointing." Then she focused her senses once more and watched the two fighters.

Her magic lashed out and began to create copies of the skeleton. They lacked physical substance but they still made sounds and their own false fires, and soon there were about fifty of them. For the most part they just swarmed around Brutae. More annoying than anything else all things considered.


It didn't take too long before the Blood God had found himself on top of Joe's shoulders. Whether he liked it or not. "So, mister, what do you do for a living?"


She spared the other girl a single, cursory look. "There is a police station near here. If you wish to familiarize yourself with the local law and join them that would be a good place to start." Then Erica turned back to the blonde.

"Do you wish to accompany her or..."


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"It is not a bad suggestion master," the priest said, turning to the young mage.   Of course, when Rider spoke, he returned his attention to her.  "Well I am looking more for a bookstore to purchase Christian literature.  However, if you have such a large collection at home, it may be worth exploring, if you have anything interesting."


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The maid shook her head and let out soft giggle in response to his silly answer. She wiggled her right hand him her index finger raised, a cheeky grin present on her face. Now that wasn't what was unusual, it was the other thing that was happening at the same time. It was something truly out of the ordinary.

From her finger trailed a whiteish aura like smoke, an aura that would remain unseen to the common folk, yet there nonetheless. It's sublety was beautiful and deadly in equal measures. It's smokey form formed letters, no entire words, words directed towards the metal giant.

Then why are you holding back?

« Last Edit: August 11, 2017, 10:49:54 AM by Thedoctor »


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While his body had no such thing, he could have sworn he could feel his heart bounce fora second. If he had merely been intrigued, he felt that his emotions were closer to wariness after all.

He stepped aside and took note of her range. He paid attention to her hands, her knees, her mouth. It was no different than observing some interesting lab rat, but to him it was more than that. She was no stranger to combat, he could tell that much, but she was more than just some mere warrior among the thousands. She was closer to something else.

He laid the side of his hand over her shoulder, letting her skin feel the cold metal and something else as well. Wild, yet opaque, and overwhelming their surroundings like a fog. It slithered around her like serpents or tendrils, reaching past her limbs and stroking past her skin, but unlike her aura his had no true physical form. In a way, it was wilder and more uncontrolled than her, something closer to primal energy in its rawest state.

But despite being nothing more than rot, it was grand, and beautiful, and mighty in a way that only an ancient being could be. And as he traded her demonstration for his own and let her feel him, he asked her a question with the purest of curiosities.

"Who are you?"
« Last Edit: August 11, 2017, 12:24:10 AM by francobull3 »


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Rin blinked at this new Sakura eagerly, yet gently, grabbing her arm and feeling the muscle tone there.

She grinned and answered, "Well, I can have some physical power when I need to. That's not my main ability though.  I'm kind of a Jack of All Trades sort."

Yes she looks like Sakura and seems to be a happy and well adjusted Sakura, but I just met her.  Babbling about magecraft seems kind of dangerous.


Forest blinked at Marcus's complaint and then smiled.

"You know, all I'm reading is on the surface.  If I really wanted to know everything about you, I'd actually have to try," Forest said with a shake of her head.

"Not to mention, you said it yourself, I am very old, even though kind of immature, it's one of the 'curse' parts of being a vampire.  But I've been around.  Seen a lot of stories.   You get to the point where you start to know what happens before it happens because history does indeed repeat itself."

Then she leaned forward and lightly kissed him before pulling away.

"And mind reading isn't something I'd curse my worse enemy with."


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Joe just looked at the TV screen, trying his best to follow the flow of the mood.  I'll just go with "they want to hang out." If I don't do anything to anger them, I should be ok.
 Besides, maybe their just mean because they are awkward or something cute like that.

"Uhh, i'm an accountant," he said, trying his best to ignore the fact that the kid was ontop of his shoulders.  "I was pretty alright at math in highschool and college so I decided accounting was pretty lucrative."

He paused, as if he was unsure about his next sentence.  "Are you in school?"


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She did in fact take a seat. Her mom and sister usually asked the same thing of her when they brushed her hair. It felt... kinda weird. But nice. "Ehhh. We'll see. My family never managed to do it, and you're not as annoying as they managed to be."

Sakura Matou

Sakura laughed. "I'll take that as a compliment. As long as you know when you need to present yourself properly, I guess it doesn't matter what you do at home, right?" Sakura continued brushing as she spoke. "Make sure you shower at least three times a week! And stop throwing stuff away into other dimensions! I can get some maids to come here and clean if I need to!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end