Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98312 times)


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

That it's a not really a term used in the study of the Kaleidoscope, but chances are, since she's from another universe, she won't know what the Kaleidoscope is either, Rin thought as she began to put together what little this Sakura said of alternate realities as well.

The boundary.  "The boundary" and not "a boundary".  Maybe it's like the Kaleidoscope, or the thing that keeps the alternate realities from colliding into each other . . .

"It sounds like, from where you're from, it's sort of the 'point of origin' for all the alternate realities, the thing that keeps them apart and not running in to each other.   From my world, we call it the Kaleidoscope," Rin answered.


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"BZZZZT." Sakura made a buzzing noise with her mouth. It sounded almost identical to a buzzer from a game show. "Nope. It does nothing of the sort. It's another dimension that's like an amalgamation of all the possible worlds and provides a viewpoint into them. A normal person goes insane within seconds, and their body gets deformed into a hideous monster within, um, minutes. It's pretty brutal. I've heard that the source of the ultimate power, the Azure, is hidden in there too."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Nope, beats me. Pretty fancy though, even for a noble." He said teasingly, but he praised her nonetheless. Names were pretty important after all, the sort of things legacies are built upon are no laughing matter.

He stretched his arm around over his elbow like some morning routine exercise. "And nah, sorry to disappoint. I have a bad affinity with other types of magic. Though I can do stuff like this."

A few pieces of burning grass turned to ash while the flames turned into... bunnies. Incredibly small bunnies, hopping slowly towards his new acquaintance. "Pretty cool, eh?"

Olga Marie

Olga looked down at the bunnies and then picked one up, examining it as it frolicked around on her hand and arm while she waited for Saber to respond. When it became clear a response wasn't coming soon, she started speaking to Lorenzo again. "You're not bad. It's not bad familarcraft." Her compliment was genuine, but it came with an implicit feeling of "but it could be better."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


  • The God Tongue
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The skeletal pirate rubeed the head of his head awkwardly, but the meaning of her words wasn't exactly subtle. He might have been one of the strongest pirates in his world, but he was anything but the strongest man. He wanted, no, he needed to become strong, so much stronger.

So he'd never have to lose anything again.

"Now, since when did not bad mean good enough? Hmph, not that either would suit me." He pouted her cheekily. "I'm the sort of guy who could only get an eighty when aiming for a hundred. Otherwise, I wouldn't be in this sorry state now would I?" He slapped his poor old bones as if to show off, though it was anything but prideful.

"Well, I s'pose in that case, I should aim for a million from the get go, eh Olga?"


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"There will be a time and place for excitement, rest at ease." He told her comfortably, though he couldn't say he was too surprised at her quick recovery.

Her power was peculiar, and while she was not entirely refined, her fighting style told of a certain experience, most likely self taught over the ages. But that wasn't the underlying issue.

If she did have such an experience, if she was no stranger to fighting, why did her body hold no trace of it? It was as glaring as ever, and her pristine skin stood testament to her words. But alas, he had learned better by now than to bet on a single horse. Besides, she had strength, that was already proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

"Nen, hm? That must be the name of the technique you used earlier. You're not much different from me, though the process is different, we both  control our own souls." He declared solemnly.

"Where could you have learned such skill?"


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While the purple haired servant picked up on his akward gesture, it seems she misinterpreted its meaning.  He was looking at Anastasia because he was ashamed of his presumptuous request.  For this reason, he was thankful she changed the topic.

"I believe you are mistaken," he said in a soft voice.  "I realized vary quickly that she is not from our world.  For example, she can see you in that form."


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"Haha, because of your strength you clearly overlook what is harmless but still bothersome to humans. See, minor spirits tend to play pranks, spoil food, make a mess, move your keys elsewhere and generally create such kind of chaos." That was really amusing, to be honest. Enough that she couldn't restrain from laughing. But then, she reverted to more serious demeanor in order to explain it to the other master's Servant. "I prefer a more direct approach and appease them on a regular basis rather than deal with what Godsworn call Gods, but your master's approach of venerate a higher power might not be ineffective at warding against such spirits. It's simply more risky to attract attention of Gods than my time consuming method. I'm already burdened with sensitivity to spiritual realms, so I gotta be careful about attracting too much attention from the most potent spirits."

If she had to assess how strong Ruler and the other Servant were in comparison, she would put them between those lesser spirits and Gods because Gods were unable to manifest physically. So she would just do enough to avoid their ire and attention.


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Olga Marie

"No, one should look to accomplish what they can in their lifetime, and then pass on their skills to their descendants. It's the proven way to build your family's power." Olga corrected him with this common knowledge. As long as one knew their limits, and worked to reach them, their efforts were admirable in her eyes. On the other hand, someone who tried and failed to surpass them was but a fool.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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He could feel the air.
He could feel the dirt.
He could feel the fissures in his shell widening, the pressure widening the cracks as the ground rapidly approached him.
He closed his eyes, expecting the impact to shatter the body so meticulously crafted by his "Mother".

It saw the light through the cracks.
It scratched at them. It clawed at them.
It broke them.

When the body was just centimetres from the ground.... It emerged.
A blackness, pulsatin, wet, an infant of darkness shattered the ground.
As the dust settled, for the first time, it cried out.
A deep, bone-shattering sound, like an ancient lizard crawling into the modern world, a shadow had been spat out into the light.


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Each step struck the ground with an earthquakes intensity, even if it didn't shake the ground.  His shoulders shifted back and fourth, his chest not only open, but puffed out, like he was about to start a fight.

"Grrrr....." he groaned, pushing passed a pedestrian without a second thought.  The man glared angrly at him before realizing the front of the crazy cosplayers body was covered in soot.  Needless to say, the civillain kept walking, deciding it wasn't worth his time to pick a fight with someone that crazy.

Just as he approached an intersection, he saw something strange, a purple haired girl buzzing like a bee.  It was so...... cute!  And her body, it was so strong and muscular.  And they said he wouldn't ever meet anyone that jacked.  His entire body deflated, stolen by this girls angelic beauty.  But then... something happened.  She started using words he didn't understand.

Could it be?! he thought, his thoughts becoming shakier as he drew closer.  He furrowed his brows in fear. No! NO! Its....SCIENCE?!

Just as he was finally drawing close to them, he exploded.  An electric aura surged around his legs, increasing his speed to inhuman levels.  With one massive leap, he flew into the girl, intending to save her from her own words.  "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
« Last Edit: August 22, 2017, 08:45:00 PM by yinsukin »

Cherry Lover

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Rider chuckled at the girl's words.

"If your gods are anything like the gods I knew, then you are most certainly better-off staying well away from them. The gods I was acquainted with were jealous, selfish and vindictive, certainly not beings worthy of worship or admiration", she replied.

"However, what makes you think your gods even exist in this world? Things are different here", she added.

Then, she thought back to what the other servant had said.

"Is it true that you can see spirits?" she replied. "Could you see me just then, when I went into my spirit form?"


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Each step struck the ground with an earthquakes intensity, even if it didn't shake the ground.  His shoulders shifted back and fourth, his chest not only open, but puffed out, like he was about to start a fight.

"Grrrr....." he groaned, pushing passed a pedestrian without a second thought.  The man glared angrly at him before realizing the front of the crazy cosplayers body was covered in soot.  Needless to say, the civillain kept walking, deciding it wasn't worth his time to pick a fight with someone that crazy.

Just as he approached an intersection, he saw something strange, a purple haired girl buzzing like a bee.  It was so...... cute!  And her body, it was so strong and muscular.  And they said he wouldn't ever meet anyone that jacked.  His entire body deflated, stolen by this girls angelic beauty.  But then... something happened.  She started using words he didn't understand.

Could it be?! he thought, his thoughts becoming shakier as he drew closer.  He furrowed his brows in fear. No! NO! Its....SCIENCE?!

Just as he was finally drawing close to them, he exploded.  An electric aura surged around his legs, increasing his speed to inhuman levels.  With one massive leap, he flew into the girl, intending to save her from her own words.  "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!"


Rebel 1—ACTION

Sakura sidestepped his leap and grabbed him, slamming his face into the ground hard enough to break the ground and then slammed him three more times for good measure.

"Ew, what the hell are you doing creep?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Olga Marie

"No, one should look to accomplish what they can in their lifetime, and then pass on their skills to their descendants. It's the proven way to build your family's power." Olga corrected him with this common knowledge. As long as one knew their limits, and worked to reach them, their efforts were admirable in her eyes. On the other hand, someone who tried and failed to surpass them was but a fool.


The mana and heat around the pirate intensified, if only by a slight degree or two. He scoffed and bowed as if accepting this as a well meaning joke.

"Well, if it's a lifetime I've got a pretty long one waiting ahead of me. As for descendants... hoo boy, yeah, no. Let's not even go there."

He held an arm out, the sort of motion meant to show something, but it was clear that in this barren piece of spiritual land and ash, the one thing he could pointing to was himself. It wasn't much, but could it be that bringing family up had somehow offended that man? At the very least, his tone was no less friendly, he wasn't the sort to take things like this personally in the first place.

"Besides, that's pretty depressing. I get trying to keep reasonable, but are you really going to tell me that this is all I'll ever amount to? C'mon lass, that's kinda cold. Even for a noble."
« Last Edit: August 22, 2017, 02:52:37 AM by francobull3 »


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Antonia San Nicolas

Antonia scratched her chin, trying to find a rather normal answer. "I didn't exactly have a hobby in my spare time. I barely had any to begin with... All I did was hunt and maybe eat a meal in between..."

She paced around the roof, sifting through her nocturnal memories for something to grasp onto. A shred of light amongst her monotonous life. Antonia looked down at the fraying edges of her clothing some of which were mended together. ...Was she this stupid?

"I sew," Antonia finally answered. "A rather rudimentary sewing but I can do it."


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"If spirits exist in similar shape to those that I'm familiar with, then it's natural conclusion that Gods exist. With time, any spiritual being may be elevated to the level that some call 'divine'. Either through direct worship, thriving on powerful emotions of mortals or absorbing other proto-gods. For example, a god of death should exist because people fear death. I've never seen a god because as I said, they cannot manifest directly on this plane, but miracles performed by their servants are a concrete proof of their existence. Some of those servants are human, but some are lesser spirits aligned with a divinity." The wizard explained why she believed in existence of Gods even if she didn't devote herself to them. "Yes, I could see you as a person attuned to the spiritual. Do you want to confirm that?"