Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98328 times)


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As Mitsu blasted off the ground with a shot from her arm, Medaka pulled herself onto the girl's back, allowing her generous chest to cushion the impact.  Her legs then wrapped themselves around her waist, securing her place on the girl's body.  A glint of excitement sparkled in her scarlet eyes even as a frown formed on her face.

"Mitsu, we should consider her proposal," she suggested.  "We wouldn't want her to break into a violent fit again."


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"W-woah! Seriously!?" She cried out as they accelerated.

And so she eventually lost the two, or perhaps she lost motivation.

She just landed on the ground and  tried to put her hand over her eyes like a binocular. Sometimes, life just wasn't fair.

Oh well. Maybe she'd just settle for Chinese.

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Rider couldn't help but giggle slightly at Anastasia's comment, as ironic as it was given Rider's method of birth. Her giggle intensified at the other servant's comment. He seemed to believe that her lack of religious fervour was due to not believing in the gods, rather than out of a lack of interest in worshipping a bunch of long-dead deities she mostly hated.

"You seem to be mistaken", she said to Ruler. "I do not deny the existence of the gods. Or, at least, that they used to exist. I simply do not consider them worthy of being worshipped or praised."

Then she turned to the master.

"You seem to be mistaken about my identity. Yes, I am a spirit, but I am not one who was born of worship, at least not in this life. I was pulled here from another dimension, and in that dimension I came into existence because my master summoned me, with the assistance of the Grail", she said.

"Your world may work in the way you described, but it does not follow that this world does so, and especially not in this era. In the world I came from, at least, the gods and spirits you talk about had faded away long before I was summoned. Only a few still continue to be worshipped, such as the 'God' your servant believes in, and even then interest in them is fading fast", she added.

"This world, too, seems to lack such spirits. At least, I have yet to meet one who fits the description you gave, and most of the supernatural beings I have met were pulled here from another dimension, just like I was."


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"Wait!" the magus shouted as this version of Sakura grabbed their intruder and slammed them into the ground.

She held a gandr at the ready on her finger tip just in case Sakura couldn't just pound him into nothingness if he was trouble.  "Let's hear what he has to say, please.  If we don't like it, then you can pound him into the ground."


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Hah, did she lost her? Yes, she did lost her! The escape was fully successful, but she had to land somewhere far from prying eyes. Maybe that backalley would do. "Alright, I guess it's fortunate you're undead, anyone normal would fall unconscious from the g-force." She remarked as she landed there. "I guess you have questions, but let's leave them for another time. Now we should try to sneak in somewhere enclosed without people around." She prefered to not transform back outdoors, given that the damage she sustained could carry over to her Cover.


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"I don't see the faith fading here. There are temples scattered across the city dedicated to deities I don't know, some of them a bit familiar to me and some of them complete enigma. But more importantly, there are people who still invoke them. For example, your master." The woman also seemed to misunderstand her other point. "You don't interact directly with Gods, though. They manifest themselves through holy men and women who perform miracles in their name, through blessings they give and through spirits who align with their domain. Spirits of sunlight, for example? Children of the Great Father, the one who tread the world first, whose eyes shine with more strength than all stars on the night sky." That's why she considered it unwise to try worship a God like him directly. One could blind themselves.


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Oh... she dodged... he thought as his body struck nothing.

And just like that, a delicate hand wrapped around his face and slammed him into the ground.  The electric aura which coated his legs spread throughout his entire body, providing some protection from the impact.  Even with that protection, a wave of pain spread throughout his entire body.  "Oww," he cried.  "That hurt!"

 He looked upward to spot a woman in workout clothes trying to kill him with her finger powers.  With a proud grunt he said, "Fool!  You can't kill me with pointing!  I'm RYU!"

But his plan was a success.  The fair maiden ceased her incessant whispering of the self destructive science!  But just as he reveled in his victory, a realization flooded his mind. He lifted his head, trying his best to make contact with the purple haired girl.  "Are you.... a true fighting game character?!"


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His breath, if you could even call it as such, was cold and metallic. No, it couldn't be something like this, it had to be some sort of mistake. Breathing was a luxury solely reserved to the living.

His eyes shone brighter for a second. How ridiculous, for a second he almost thought she was a survivor. This skill of hers was eerily similar, but it wasn't unheard of. But the similarity, an opportunity like this would not come again, at least not in time.

He'd keep her close, perhaps the closest he'd have kept anyone as of yet. Valuable things should be kept under watch, and her abilities would prove very valuable.

He grabbed her hand and held it right in front of her face, his touch as cold as ice and his eyes burning like an inferno. She would be perfect.

"You are blessed with something incredible." He told her, his words echoing in the small room as something more than just wind, as something true and therefore beautiful. "You really are special. Tell me, what do you desire?"
« Last Edit: August 23, 2017, 08:17:50 PM by francobull3 »


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He was laying it on real thick right now, maybe he really did think she was special but it was quite obvious he wanted to tie her to him. So it had worked, he was really interested in her now, most likely for the information she had given on her powers, which meant he was interested in her powers for some reason or other. She'd have to fogure out what that was.

She didn't fail to notice that his involvement in the conversation had spiked, he was much more passionate now. So whatever it was that had brought was something deeply tied to him yet was related in nature to the workings of Nen, interesting...

"There's no need to compliment me so much, I'm not gonna start swooning over you for so little." She wouldn't do it even if he showered her in roses, but she saw no need to tell him that.

"My desire huh.... is joy.... so... so much joy." With every word her voice became more and more laced with an intense burning desire.

"Nen isn't even incredible in my world, pretty much anyone has the potential to use it~" Her voice had gone back to the sweet cheerful tone like the flip of a coin.


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Oh... she dodged... he thought as his body struck nothing.

And just like that, a delicate hand wrapped around his face and slammed him into the ground.  The electric aura which coated his legs spread throughout his entire body, providing some protection from the impact.  Even with that protection, a wave of pain spread throughout his entire body.  "Oww," he cried.  "That hurt!"

 He looked upward to spot a woman in workout clothes trying to kill him with her finger powers.  With a proud grunt he said, "Fool!  You can't kill me with pointing!  I'm RYU!"

But his plan was a success.  The fair maiden ceased her incessant whispering of the self destructive science!  But just as he reveled in his victory, a realization flooded his mind. He lifted his head, trying his best to make contact with the purple haired girl.  "Are you.... a true fighting game character?!"


The girl suddenly stomped on his neck, clearly unhappy with how her attack had been mitigated. She pressed down on him with nearly all her weight in just the right way so that if her weight shifted just a little bit, she would fracture his bone. "What are you talking about. He's a creepy and disgusting stalker, Rin. I should put the scum out of his squalid misery before he manages to harm somebody.  It'd be a public servce."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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. . . Did he just ask Sakura if she was a . . . fighting game character?  Like in some video game?

Rin inwardly squirmed at the casual thought of killing this man, even if he was a complete idiot.  It seemed almost everyone around her but Shirou could casually kill.  Hell, she was pretty sure Rider even got off on it somewhat.

She made a face and said, "He just seems . . . incredibly stupid.  I mean, he just asked if you were some sort of video game character.  I think."
« Last Edit: August 24, 2017, 02:50:51 AM by Elf »


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"Do not mistake truth for flattery, I don't care what you think." He told her flatly, pulling her closer to him by the hand with the same massive strength as before. "If I wanted something out of you, I would not waste words of praise."

His eyes were intense, and his grip fierce, and yet he was as still and calm as a mountain, and his words were just as heavy. "To your people, this ability must be nothing but a trifle. To me, it is an object of interest, perhaps even a weapon I can use to further my ends. It is special. You are special."


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The maid was pulled off her feet by an irresistible force and tumbled down on Vanguard's metallic frame. Her soft body seemed tiny in comparison to his when they were so close. A rush of excitement came over her for a brief moment and her cheeks flushed red.

"I-I'm not your slave. I refuse to help you unless you tell me what it is?" While she initially stammered from the surprise, it didn't diminish the indisputable fact of her burning glare of defiance that was challenging him.


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Some time later

Julius' recovery had largely finished, exceeding initial expectations of doctors who supervised his treatment. He wasn't in a top shape, but he was ready to discuss how to cover expenses of his treatment with representatives of the hospital. As a man of honor he would fulfill his obligations but he was aware that this could have been too costly for him to cover in one installment. He was ready to bargain how he could pay off the debt, hopefully on terms that wouldn't interfere with his higher calling. The ideal situation would be if they could waive his debt for defeating some evildoers and he wouldn't get injured severaly doing that, but even for him that sounded like a quite unrealistic scenario.


It was shortly after Julius had gotten up and recovered his clothes that the door to his room received a curt knock, and without a wait for response or hesitation, swung open. The doctor's white coat fluttered slightly behind her as she walked in, her presence demanding his attention.

"You've gotten back to shape remarkably soon. We were expecting a day or two more before you would walk around," the woman spoke, adjusting her glasses over her shape of her stacked clipboard. "All the better for you and us, I suppose."

If he didn't know she was a doctor, he might have found her somewhat common in appearance. Her expression was just as subdued as her tone, and her simple clothes, shirt, long skirt and shoes, did not show any memorable facets of her personality. But she had been the one coming in to check on him, so it was only natural she had come to dismiss him.

"I'll approve of your discharge," she added, looking back at her papers. "All that's left is to settle the matter of payment. Your friend isn't here right now, but she already reached an agreement with the company for a part of your treatment costs."

The stoic doctor flipped through her papers, looking for what she'd been given. The fwooshing of pages held itself for a second as a brain wave graph caught her gaze and made it to linger there, before she lifted her head to smile at Julius.

"I spoke to my supervisor, and given your minor but noticeable abilities and stated expertise, it was decided we'd have you collect some materials."

She pulled the official terms from her stack of papers and handed it forward for him to verify and sign. His task would consist of bringing back samples or bodies of supernatural hazards that he deemed valid or were specifically designated by them. To hear her say it, there was no reason to worry. They wouldn't ask him to go after creatures beyond his paygrade, nor to target any non-humans who seemed harmless or to have a secure place within their living locale. He could go about his usual life otherwise, and what he owed them wouldn't be unreasonably over time.

A few pieces or a whole more unusual body would suffice to make up for all of it, and they would offer support and information in the meanwhile. Judging from what they knew of him and had gathered in the interviews when he was conscious, the arrangement was good for him as well.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2017, 06:19:30 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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"No, it is not in society, it is within her mind," he interjected.  He wanted to say more, but felt that for the moment, he was not needed in this discussion.  He was good at speeches, but he preferred not to talk unless it is necessary.