Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98332 times)


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Marcus's hands glid across her back, all while pulling her closer to him, reducing the already small distance between their bodies.  His length grew a little more, teased by the simple fact that she was wearing nothing under her skirt.  Meanwhile, he teased her lips, kissing the top and bottom, while occasionally ending his kisses with a nibble.  Her mouth spilled into his a tinge of orange, a small aftertaste of the flavor of her last meal.

He pulled away, raising his eye brow. "Fruits?" he asked, silently taking note of the pedestrians giving them looks.


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Ryuji: world's strongest cosplayer

"Ugh!" the man cried, looking up at the purple haired girl like an injured pup.  "Why?"


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

The vampire returned the kisses as Marcus pulled her closer.  She gasped against his lips as she felt the hot length of him press against her.  A slight flush from borrowed blood crossed her cheeks as he nibbled her lips.

Then he pulled away and asked, "Fruits?"

"I. . . like the way fruit tastes.  Especially oranges," Forest replied, "It doesn't really do anything, but it tastes good and is kind of comforting."


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The maid was pulled off her feet by an irresistible force and tumbled down on Vanguard's metallic frame. Her soft body seemed tiny in comparison to his when they were so close. A rush of excitement came over her for a brief moment and her cheeks flushed red.

"I-I'm not your slave. I refuse to help you unless you tell me what it is?" While she initially stammered from the surprise, it didn't diminish the indisputable fact of her burning glare of defiance that was challenging him.


"Everyone is a slave to something, be it money, love, duty, happiness or even fate. We are no exception." He told her solemnly before pulling her up, turning his own lap into a chair where she could sit.

His aura shifted and danced out of his frame once more, crawling in the air and forming words and sentences. There would be no evidence of this discussion, it seemed he knew better than to waste breath on such things. More than anything, he was wary of any way this conversation could be recorded and turn into evidence. No matter what, his plan would fall the moment it was exposed.

And so, he told her everything. At least, the things she needed to know.


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"A magnificent plan, but if you're going to be so careful you didn't take cameras into account. I can perceive such powers being used in a recorded video." She smirked at him from her sitting position.

"Oh right I forgot to tell you that, how silly of me." She didn't sound regretful in the slightest. "Well I purposely withheld the majority of things I could do, you don't even know what Nen category I belong to."


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Marie shrugged. "I'm not nesseccarily telling you how to do anything, after all your world could very well work drastically different from mine." She said. "All I'm saying is don't be stupid about it."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The reaction he got was priceless.  The red flush combined with that lovely noise warmed his heart and excited him even farther.  He found himself pressing his hips forward a bit, positioning his clothed cock in between her legs.  The only thing that protected her slit was the thin cloth of the skirt.

"Uh huh.." he said, lowering his eyebrow.  "Your lucky I like oranges too."

Then, he leaned in and gave her a kiss on the neck.  Meanwhile, he reached down and moved the skirt, allowing his length to rub up against her unhindered.


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"Heh. Well, thanks for the advice buddy." He said casually before giving her a friendly tap on the back.

"You don't look like a craven who wouldn't speak her mind, and you're beautiful as well. To tell the truth, I like ya. I'm pretty sure I'd be head over heels for you if I was still alive." He told her bluntly, the sort of confession that would take days if not months to muster up like it was the most unimportant thing in the world.

He sighed and slouched his shoulders down, like the weight of the world had suddenly become too much for him. He looked seriously bothered and down for a second there, like he just realized he had hit the jackpot of misfortune. Why did he have to be taken by that troublesome wannabe when there were so many finer mages around? Jeez...

"Man, this sucks. Looks like I got no luck with the ladies, eh? Well, anyways, I guess I'll be going now. Wouldn't want to disappoint my fans would I?"

He tipped his hat and waved adios before turning back and leaving.


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

People were watching.

Not many, maybe a handful at best, but there were a few people watching Forest and Marcus's display.  A couple were even snapping pictures with their cell phones.  Forest distantly heard the electronic mimicry of camera shutters as Marcus rubbed against her.

She felt a draft on her rear as he lifted her skirt as his length rubbed against her slit while his lips kissed her neck.

A shiver passed through her.  She felt things tighten with want inside of her.  Because she had fed recently, she was warm to Marcus's touch, and the lust currently coating him was also warm.

"Oh, Lucky because you like them too?  Would you leave if you didn't?" Forest asked with a moan.


Gabriel had stepped into The Hoary Head pub for a bit of a drink. 

He really had nothing else to do, and he could only pester his Godmother for her own good so much before she would blow up.  He had the night off so he figured he could either look for some female companionship, spy on some unsavory types to get information to sell against them, or drink.

Or some combination of all three.

The Irish "themed" pub was so stereotypically Irish that it made a real Irishman like him groan.   Still they had a good selection of beer on tap and Scotch.  So he sat down at the bar and ordered his first drink of the night, a Scotch Sour.

Liquor before beer, you're in the clear, beer before liquor you've never been sicker, he thought as he looked around.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2017, 08:04:58 PM by Elf »


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Oh?  You don't seem to mind huh? he thought, knowing she would hear.  He was finally starting to get used to this, the idea that his mind was no longer private.  His smile softened, though his eyes still maintained a cat like glint.

His head drifted down towards her chest and he kissed the soft tissue just above her breast.  It was strange; her body was warm, like a regular humans.  The warm touch of her body was a lot nicer for this sort of... loving sex play.

His hand glid from her back to her arm, greedily gripping the tight muscle of her arm.  Then, it softened, delicately stroking it as he moved one hand down to her belly.  Meanwhile, with the other hand, he attempted to pull down the front of her tank top to get a peak at her breasts.  He licked his lips in anticipation.


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As Medaka settled onto her back, she looked behind them, watching with curious eyes as the girl's figure faded into the distance.  "I would insist on staying alert," Medaka said, the worry visable in her voice.  "It is better to be safe than sorry."

Then, she sighed.  "Yes, I do have some questions.  But for now, I shall settle on an apology for lying to me."


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Well, I don't not mind . . . if that makes sense, Forest sent back at Marcus about their audience.

She arched back as he lowered his head to kiss above her breasts before gripping her arm.  His touch softened before it moved down to her belly.  Her muscles clinched under his touch as his other hand pulled down the front of her tank top.  Her small, pert breasts were easily seen, the nipples hard, pink points.

Someone hooted in excitement in the background, and that only made Forest shiver more.


"Because you just attacked her randomly on the street!  Then asked her some ridiculous question," Rin replied.

Then she fired a gandr right beside the miscreant's head so he'd realize how much danger he was currently in.

"So, choose your next words carefully or I'll just let her end you," Rin said, her stomach knotting up at the thought of letting this idiot needlessly die.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2017, 10:44:36 PM by Elf »


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"Heh. Well, thanks for the advice buddy." He said casually before giving her a friendly tap on the back.

"You don't look like a craven who wouldn't speak her mind, and you're beautiful as well. To tell the truth, I like ya. I'm pretty sure I'd be head over heels for you if I was still alive." He told her bluntly, the sort of confession that would take days if not months to muster up like it was the most unimportant thing in the world.

He sighed and slouched his shoulders down, like the weight of the world had suddenly become too much for him. He looked seriously bothered and down for a second there, like he just realized he had hit the jackpot of misfortune. Why did he have to be taken by that troublesome wannabe when there were so many finer mages around? Jeez...

"Man, this sucks. Looks like I got no luck with the ladies, eh? Well, anyways, I guess I'll be going now. Wouldn't want to disappoint my fans would I?"

He tipped his hat and waved adios before turning back and leaving.

Olga Marie

"I never said I didn't like you, you know?" Olga said with a raised eyebrow, surprised at how much of a drama queen he was being. She hadn't said anything that mean, surely? "I'm actually quite curious about you. Namely about why-ah-you're a skeleton?" Olga sat down in the air and crossed her legs before she continued, seemingly in no hurry.

"I assume you weren't always one, after all. You don't seem like somebody created you as a familiar."
« Last Edit: August 25, 2017, 10:49:07 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The skeleton did manage to stop at those words, not her question more than her prior statement. Hmph, how foolish. But he couldn't quite dislike it.

"Isn't it obvious?" He asked her while turning around. "I died." He answered, with words so grave that the fact they were so casual and nonchalant was somewhat more worrying than his appearance. For how could one who was murdered speak about this with such calmness?

And then, he punched his skull. Hard. Like he had just realized he made a terrible mistake.

"Argh, sorry, I don't mean to sound so grim. Honestly, no wonder I scare even the ugly ones away." He cursed to himself, but it was more than just the ladies or the like. The truth was he hated troubling them with such matters.

He didn't want to seem weak after all.

"Say, you're a mage too right? Is there a chance you could, you know..." He pulled his skull off his spine and tossed it in the air only to catch it, as if what he really meant to say was fix this.


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Well, I don't not mind . . . if that makes sense, Forest sent back at Marcus about their audience.

She arched back as he lowered his head to kiss above her breasts before gripping her arm.  His touch softened before it moved down to her belly.  Her muscles clinched under his touch as his other hand pulled down the front of her tank top.  Her small, pert breasts were easily seen, the nipples hard, pink points.

Someone hooted in excitement in the background, and that only made Forest shiver more.


"Because you just attacked her randomly on the street!  Then asked her some ridiculous question," Rin replied.

Then she fired a gandr right beside the miscreant's head so he'd realize how much danger he was currently in.

"So, choose your next words carefully or I'll just let her end you," Rin said, her stomach knotting up at the thought of letting this idiot needlessly die.


Sakura's eyebrow twitched at the implication that Rin could do anything to prevent her from killing this man. It was an involuntary and almost imperceptible movement, but it most certainly happened. It seemed as if the idea bothered her.

"Why wouldn't I attack a creepy stalker?" Sakura asked him irately. "Why shouldn't I just end you? I think it would be perfectly reasonable for me to do so, considering you're the only dangerous thing around."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end