Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98595 times)


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Jesus that was terrifying, Joe thought as he reached into his pocket and grabbed his cellphone.  With an uncharacteristically fast speed, he typed up the local police stations number and reported the situation to the cops.  Unfortunately, they kept bouncing him around different departments.  It was always this annoying at night.


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"Well, so what?  I'm a neurotic mess!  I warned you what I was," Forest said, "So maybe I am a loser.  Or maybe fate has just been against me from the beginning.  Or maybe I shouldn't help others because I didn't get help when I needed it.  Maybe I should just start exploiting . . ."

Forest gritted her teeth and glared at him.

"Maybe you are stronger than me, but strength isn't everything."


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She suddenly found herself airborne for a brief instant before gravity set in and pulled her back and she landed on something hot. Or rather her moist nether lips landed right on something hot and hard, it only took her a second to realize what it was. Now this was exciting, she could tell even without a mirror that she was grinning madly now.

"And you called me greedy, you leech." Despite her seemingly harsh words she didn't do anything to correct it. No that wasn't entirely true, she did do something. She started rubbing her wet pussy along his massive length, coating it in her slick juices.

"Mhmmmm." It felt nice, very nice in fact.

"Why are you really here?" From the tone she used it was clear she didn't mean the spa specifically.


  • The God Tongue
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He let out a pleased grunt and licked his lips. Damn, she was good at this. Just how many men did she service like that in the past? If he was a leech, she was a carnivorous plant far too attractive for her own good. She might really end up killing him at this rate, and the worst part was he'd like it.

His wide grin did not betray his intent. He began to move as well, rocking his hips according to her rhythm with an expertly slow pace, rubbing her the opposite direction and increasing the friction between their nether parts. His hard length was pressing against her with inhuman force, and each slight motion only intensified the sensation.

"Why would I be anywhere else? Interesting places like these don't come and go every day. The world is changing young lady, and I'd be crazy to take the the front row seats when the stage is ripe and ready for me." He pulled the girl closer to him and matched her grin with his own before nibbling at her ear.

"Then again, I'm making sweet love to a murderer. I might be a bit crazy after all."

« Last Edit: September 02, 2017, 01:38:17 PM by francobull3 »


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Medaka sighed and said, "I do not see any reason to go after them again.  I got the impression that I had made a terrible assumption.  So it is best that we leave them be.  Once we get home, perhaps we should discuss your abilities in more detail.  If we get into a situation like this again, it might turn out better if we can play off one another more."


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After a while, he managed to track that troublesome master of his and landed right behind her like a comet of fire. Honestly, he was kind of bored now. Something to do might not be too bad. Else, he'd just tease her some, probably.

Pffft, as if he wouldn't do that anyways.

"Heyo!" He called her out as soon as he landed.


  • Moon Cancer
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The blond was sitting at the base of a building, looking upwards to size up the building's height.  She was only a few blocks away from Ryuji.  Knowing he would probably need help, she sent some back up.  Still, it wouldn't hurt to get a vantage point, maybe relax atop a building.  It would be nice to lay down on some roof, gazing mindlessly at the stars.  Just as she was starting to get into that idea, a voice rang through her ears.

"Heyo!" a familiar voice called out.

Her shoulders rose and she bit down on her cigarette.  "God damn it," she muttered.  After taking a deep breath, she spun around, only to notice that there was no body.  Either he completely incinerated them, or he messed up.

"Soo how was the mission?" she asked.  It didn't hurt to be positive.  The night was still young.


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"Huh? Oh right, that. Well, the girl was so weak that honestly I felt bad burning her. Like, super bad. You know, the sort of feeling when you burn the trash and you realize that there are thousands of poor baby animals that will suffer because of you? Yeah, that bad. You've just made me kill a thousand babies."

He stretched his poor bones and sat against a convenient wall.

"Well, I guess it's taken care of? I was more surprised at how you failed to beat her yourself. Are you like, a scrub or something?"
« Last Edit: September 02, 2017, 04:20:38 PM by francobull3 »


  • Moon Cancer
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Hazel lowered her eyelids.  That was suspicious. Sure the girl wasn't the strongest thing in the world, but her strength did not come from her raw physical power but instead her wit.  Well, truthfully, she was just mindlessly venting before and the girl might not fare so well without her companion.  Its possible he just blitzed her before she had time to react.

Then, he started trash talking.  No, this idiot is too much of a showboat for that.

"What if I am?" she asked with a disinterested frown.  She took a step forward, coming closer so she could check for any injuries.  "Either way, you're stuck in a contract with me.  So I guess that makes you a servant of a scrub."

It didn't look like he was hurt too bad.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2017, 06:43:47 PM by Thedoctor »


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Ryu responded to the ground shattering strength with a stoic stare.  His head band fluttered from the shockwave, his jacket being blasted as well.  This girl was a true fighting game character, a person that he desired to be more than anything.  When the stage is set and the fighters are chosen, nothing else matters aside from the combos chosen and the ability to read the opponent.  In this case, he was fighting a two on one battle, a fight that he was destined to lose.

He lowered his legs, raised his arms into a battle stance and said, "You are a beautiful woman.  I wanted to put my dick in you, but then, I heard you speaking the devil's words.  SCI-" he cut himself off.  Now was not the time to be loud.  Now was the time to sound all cool and stoic, like an anime character making a speech.  "Science, the path of darkness.  But, I understand now, i'll never earn your affections, nor will I ever be able to save you."

NAILED IT  Using random big words will make me sound smart! he thought.


Sakura reluctantly put the girl down, worried about her still. "Get out of here quick. He's strong." Sakura said as she grabbed a car and chucked it at her opponent to stall for some time.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Jesus that was terrifying, Joe thought as he reached into his pocket and grabbed his cellphone.  With an uncharacteristically fast speed, he typed up the local police stations number and reported the situation to the cops.  Unfortunately, they kept bouncing him around different departments.  It was always this annoying at night.


The phone on the detective's desk started ringing, bringing him back from the digital muck of criminal mugs and up for submission witness interviews which streamed endlessly over his computer on this day. But if there was to be any respite, it would only be slight. His coffee-drowned expression staggered to look at the offensive ringing object before pulling it up to his ear.

"Yes, Barthow here," he picked up.

His colleague's unwarned request made him reel up, half-slamming his palm onto the other side of the desk. "Really. And you think I'm doing nothing over here? Why is this even being sent to me," he countered the words on the other end harshly, making their origin hesitate before continuing. "Sounds high profile you say... Yes, I know it's late."

Grumbling at the situation, Henry heavily stretched the string of the phone with his free hand, and after a few seconds, sighed.

"Fine, send it to my computer and pass the call here," he acquiesced, pulling up a blank text without even looking at the screen, and holding the phone between his ear and his shoulder. There was a momentary silence before a ring that announced the final redirection of the call. "Good night, this is detective Henry Barthow speaking."
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

As soon Rin was down on the ground, she nodded in assessment to Sakura's instruction.  She flooded prana through her body, reinforcing her limbs and took off like a shot.  However, instead of running away like instructed, she jumped into the air.

Flying, she had found out not too long ago, was almost ridiculously easy and stupidly fun.

It was also very useful in cases like this.

Using a simple wind spell, she kept herself aloft as she flew to behind the combatant.  Then, aiming her finger, she started to fire gandrs at the idiot wanna-be rapist from behind.


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The maid moaned out loudly in an adorable tone as the grinding got more intensive. It was so hard and she was soaking wet by now. She leaned against his chest almost as if to catch her breathe. Not wanting to be outdone by him however she added a twisting motion to her hips, it did have the drawback of making even better for her though. Drawback depending on how you see it.

"So you're the same as me. I can appreciate that... go on, stick it in. I can't guarantee I won't devour you though~" She said, her voice getting progressively more crazed with each word spoken.


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The bath almost seemed to turn hotter at her words, but it was false. His entire body was hot, and being so intimately close to him made one realize how unnatural the heat was.

Of course, unnatural meant anything but unpleasant, especially in this context. He was enjoying himself immensely as well. It almost made him want to kill the old man and keep her to himself for a hundred years or two.

"Khahahaha! You'll find I'm a bit hard to chew, but if you insist..."

Two powerful hands suddenly gripped her by her waist, the sort of strength that could break a normal human as easily as a twig. He held no compassion or mercy for the poor maid as he turned her away from him and pressed his massive length on her needy slit.

He wiped the mask and cucumbers off his face, but a third arm appeared behind him and slipped his shades in a moment's notice before vanishing. The way her skin glistened made him so very hungry, he felt the need of rubbing her wet loins more before he added cockily.

"Have a taste."

And with that he thrust his hips with full force, piercing her in one deliberate motion which filled her to the absolute brim, bulging her stomach some and more.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2017, 02:57:55 AM by francobull3 »


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"Woah, harsh. But you know, even if you did force me into this whole thing, if I wanted out I'd be out already. I'm not stuck with you, i don't even hate it that much." He said, for the first time in a while without any lame jape involved as he bowed.

"So, have you been up to anything? If you just stand there sitting on your ass, it might turn flat. Is finding out if skeletons cry part of your plan?"