Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 54541 times)


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A demon? He sure didn't look the part. Maybe he was hiding his true form with some trickery. Ah yes that would be typical of a demon and there was an absolutely foolproof way of checking that.

"Wow! I haven't met one in forever." Lizzie walked closer and then she.... embraced him. "You don't feel like one." Then she took in his scemt. "Or smell like one either." Then the grand finale, her lips touched his as she initiated a brief kiss.

"Nope don't taste like one either." She said disappointedly.


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The demon was caught completely unawares, grasped by the girl's powerful grip, there was no escape left for the poor soul. Despite his stoic demeanor, even while his eyes were closed and he kept his polite smile the girl managed to make him sound timid, if only slightly.

"Hey, now then-"

And then, it happened. He had no way to counter an attack like this. She had fount the chink in the armor, the pillar that made the fortress crumble. His skin reddened and his hair began to glow red hot like a forged blade beaten by flame and hammer, nothing but demonic energy swelling at the sudden contact, surely.

"Wha?" Was all he managed to blurt out. What just happened? Did his eyes, no, lips just deceive him? No no, that couldn't be right. While he wouldn't call himself unattractive, and was not inexperienced when it came to this, he could count the times something like this happened in his lengthy life on one hand at best.

He looked completely out of the loop and lost, it was kind of adorable in its own way. He looked like he was about to melt any second now out of sheer embarrassment.

"Hoho. Of course, well, there are many demons. The ones you know might look scarier, but I can assure you I am not lying." He finally managed to say, puffing his chest proudly. If she thought this was enough to make a demon who lived over a thousand years lose composure, she'd be sorely disappointed!
« Last Edit: October 30, 2017, 09:20:05 PM by francobull3 »


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The giant observed the two and paused for a moment, digesting the situation. An enormous grin met the girl's as he raised his arms sideways for dramatic effect.

"Nah. Congratulations, you both pass."His alligator-like expression was only accentuated by wild gesticulations, like that of a performer. "Seriously, why would we kick out potentially interesting guys from this? Even if you were weaker, we need fodder for the show too.  What we don't need are pussies who talk big but can't even deliver a bare minimum of entertainment."

He snapped his fingers and pointed at the man in sunglasses, like he already felt a sort of kinship with the inferior fella.

"But you didn't back down, even if you were outclassed. That makes for a great show. Now then, we need to go take your pictures. SInce you're the first ones here, how about you enjoy yourselves a little? There's snacks and the like at the caf."


Hearing that brought a smirk to Raikou's face. Big guy's clothes may have been tacky, but he said some pretty understandable stuff. Even the little lie minutes ago, though the hybrid wasn't the fondest of that kind of test except when he was the one doing it. Newsflash, of course they wouldn't have gone through all the trouble otherwise. If he wasn't fighting though, did that make the dude a pussy where the tournament was concerned? Or was he just wearing the face of one?

"Let's get on with the pictures, eh?" He said, casting a look at Rikuyo. "I'm not really hungry."
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts

Cherry Lover

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Sakura frowned at the man's response. She could tell that he was hiding something, he wouldn't even give his name. And what sort of girl would or even could put a hole in someone's hand for hitting on them?

"Really?" she said, obviously unconvinced. "Some girl put a hole in your hand for hitting on her? What sort of girl was she?"

"And, I'd much prefer it if you would give us your real name. I don't particularly want to have to refer to you as 'bloody man' all the time...", she added, obviously not too impressed with his secrecy.

Umbra of Chaos

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"Well, I'm pretty sure he beat on me a bit. You're not doing the best job at making him your bitch, are you? He kind of runs around doing whatever he wants. It's kind of like letting your dog run around and crap on other people's lawn before walking in and stating you're definitely in control of it." She sounded kind of bored, actually.


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"What? No, I just took the time to clean out the liquor storage in the kitchen while no one was looking. It was the perfect opportunity." She replied back happily. the two of them sure took their sweet time in his room. That and it would do him good to spend some time alone with Sakura and get to know her better. Not that she voiced any of this. No she was far too busy with getting dragged along out with an impossible grip that couldn't be broken. Truly the work of an evil wtch.


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Neptune put away the magazine when she noticed Noire's glares but she didn't respond to her question, she was distracted elsewhere. That beong dealing with this rude boss lady that was giving final boss vibes of the worst sort.   

"My best bud Lorry would not hurt a fly and he's not your bitch." She stood firm and glared down the oppressive woman that was approaching them with a confident stride. She reeked trouble and demanded all her attention.


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Lizzie's look changed to one of complete enrapture, she'd been wrong and she was immensely pleased by it. His appearance became more exotic and it would have turned her into blushing mess in her youth. Now it only served to make her amused grin gow evr so slightly wider.

But it seemed like he'd forgotten how close they were in his embarassment and his attempt at saving face by puffing his chest only made the distance between even smaller. Not that she minded that, oh no never.

"I've not seen many with hair as beautiful as your's...." Crap she'd forgotten to introduce herself. And she'd even ruined his inn, this was utterly unaccaptable. "I feel we've gotten off on the wrong foot but... The name's Lizzie."


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Oh my, goodness. Just what was he going to do? What was the right course to take in those kind of situations again? Usually you'd give your name before kissing a stranger, this was all so sudden. Oh, he was afraid he couldn't quite keep up with the times anymore. But of all things, his hair? Why, this was quite something. Sadly, she might realize one day he did not have any, hohoho!

"My name is Engetsu. It is very nice to meet you." He lowered his head to bow, out of respect of course.He sounded all around serene, zen some might call it. Well, he also sounded rather shy from this whole situation, but if anything he managed to hide it pretty well, if he wasn't flushing to the point of being a red glow stick that is.

"You're pretty. Strong. Yes, strong." He managed to say, though he had almost fell into a most troubling predicament. "Can I make you some tea? Or something stronger perhaps."
« Last Edit: October 30, 2017, 11:12:40 PM by francobull3 »


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Of course she was strong, didn't he know who she was? Oh wait of coure he didn't and human girls didn't tend to be this strong. She almost threw a fit there, luckily for him she was past the point of childish outbursts like that.

But now that it was clear he hadn't been lying about the demon part she let go of him. It's not like he could make tea like that either and she really needed something right now.

"I'd really like something for the infernal punding in my head if you could." She asked him as nicely as she could, which depsite her best efforts still came across as more of a demand.

Umbra of Chaos

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This would be annoying to intercept. She would do it all at once with the tools she had on hand then. Her hands gripped the vampire's chest and tore Irene from Orianna's body. Then, just as Cossie unleashed her blades, she threw her own projectile to intercept them. The green haired woman was sent flying at the attacks with tremendous force.


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Emily's eyes widened as Nero suddenly dropped her toga to the floor, the busty blonde striking a pose as if it was the most natural thing. The redhead stared for a moment, the glanced at Megan, when an idea hit her, a wicked little smile coming to her face.

Well, like they say, when in Rome...

"You know, spring is rather warm for a sweater," Emily remarked to the saleswoman, starting to peel the snug sweater away, letting the garment practically slide off of her body as she let her Mantle go, the rejuvenating smells and warmth of spring filling the air around her, "And I suppose this clothing store makes for a rather drab backdrop. Let's see if we can't do a bit better..."

With that, Glamour flowed out, an outpouring of power into the ground around her, reaching for the soil beneath. The changeling was careful not to tear up the floor too much as brought forth flowering vines to serve as an appropriate backdrop, the Changeling stripping away her blouse before simply slipping out of her jeans, her underwear following suit to leave her about as naked as the Roman beside her, both of them art painted against a backdrop of flowering vines. Emily took a moment to lean back into a seat of  some vines that rose up in just the right place, one leg tucked up against her chest while the other dangled free, the redhead giving Megan an inviting little smile as she complemented Nero's pose with one of just the right mix of teasing and wanton desire.

All in all, Emily was rather pleased with herself, for what she'd managed to improvise on the spot, given how little warning Nero had given.

"Mmm, indeed," Emily mused, her tone just a little needy as half-lidded periwinkle eyes locked with Megan's, "We'd both certainly appreciate your assistance. So how do you think you'd want go about this, hmm?"
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka nodded.  "I would be more than happy to assist you," she said, walking over to the pyramid.  She squatted down in preparation to lift the object.  "So we must lift this together?"

Arch-Magos Winter

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After spending a good bit of time searching for Pokemon, Trivek had come up with a single Grimer. Examining the ball containing the creature, he whistled an Izzet steambillow worker tune to himself as he started to look for something to eat. Much like the creature he'd caught, Trivek wasn't exactly picky about what he ate - a nicely cooked rat was better than no food at all, and sometimes people's scraps were a meal in and of themselves. Strolling down the lane, he was about to turn into the alley to go dumpster diving for dinner when he bumped into a pair of women, nearly losing the pokeball.

"My apologies," he quickly said, "Are you alright?" He could sense an absurd concentration of mana in one of the women, almost as if she was made of pure magic.

Umbra of Chaos

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She walked over and slipped her fingers under it as well. "Yep! Do you have any place we could put it? It's pretty important after all. I'd be sad to see it get vandalized or broken. And then I'd need to punish whoever did it."