Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98725 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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"Your will be done, Master." Then Orianna turned her head to face the dog. Only her head. "Mutt, we will begin tracking this Coppelius immediately. You may lead the way. If you give me reason to think you are attempting to escape I will remove your tail and shave you. Repeatedly."


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Marcus burst out laughing, even despite the dark eyes praying on his from."You realize thats why its going to be so hard right?" he asked, putting one hand on her cheek.  "A true loser lives in failure.  That's why you'll never hear me beg."  He glanced down at her body, as if he was checking to see if it was still in tact since the last time he checked it out.  "Don't tell me you let everyone in as long as they are hard enough?"

At least we are in public still, he thought as he heard the white noise of the gossiping civilians around them.  She won't try to kill me here.


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Medaka growled, but suppressed her anger.  It was strange, if she had heard something like this upon first meeting Set, she might have lost her temper and gone full war god mode.  However, now she only gave the girl a dismissive sigh.  "Do you ever get lonely Set?"

Umbra of Chaos

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"Pfffft. That's impossible! That's like asking if the sun ever felt too cold. I have myself and only myself, I love myself more than all other things. How can I be alone when I have me?" Set caressed her own face with that, joyous in her proclamation.


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"Your will be done, Master." Then Orianna turned her head to face the dog. Only her head. "Mutt, we will begin tracking this Coppelius immediately. You may lead the way. If you give me reason to think you are attempting to escape I will remove your tail and shave you. Repeatedly."

Costin will remember that.

"Sheesh, can you get that stick out of your ass already? I am offering my help." She sighed at the girl like she was some hopeless child before holling on her back, holding on around her neck like a dog backpack and pointing forward. "Onwards my loyal steed!" She ordered dramatically, in such a way you could almost hear Orianna neighing.


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Oka Kurosawa

"There's a place like that here? Why haven't I heard of it? Where is it?" Oka asked Breeze excitedly. She missed the thrill of demolishing people in tournaments without a shred of mercy. Now all she did was run around selling people pets. That was a lot less fun.

Auspicious Breeze

"Oh, I meant back home! Everyone would come to watch me fight there." Well that was a sad misunderstanding; at least she had an answer for this one. "But here? Well, I mean I've overheard some people talking about a tournament being put together. I'm a little fuzzy on the details though."

The brawler looked Oka over again, tilting her head, this time less to check her out and more to see what kind of a fighter she looked to be. Hmm, maybe she was just a fan of watching? That was okay too!

Umbra of Chaos

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If that kept her there Orianna had no problems with it. Instead she simply began her steady march away from the the lab and soon from the store. But it was only when she was out of earshot of Relius that the doll finally spoke.

"Costin, your response to my Master's statement intrigued me. You say you hate everyone. Does that mean you hate all people equally?" It sounded paradoxical to her. Something that simply didn't make any sense. It was like saying that you loved everything. Love and hate, they were things of extremes. It was as foolish as saying that humans had no free will even as they made choices. A meaningless platitude for one's self.


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"Eh? Were did that come from?" The dog raised her eyebrow and gave the doll a weird look. Why would some machine care about that? The answer was obvious either way. "Of course I do. I hate everything and everyone equally, to animals or trees or people or the sun itself. As far as I'm concerned, you're all trash in my way, it just happens that some trash is more fun to play with than other trash."

"Some trash I like to make music with, other trash I like the taste, and some trash I find entertaining. I love to hate trash, without distinction or discrimination. Its that fucking simple, so don't worry. You're not being left out either." She answered the doll in a cheery casual tone, despite speaking of words so venomous that they would appall anyone with a semblance of a heart.

Umbra of Chaos

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Orianna nodded at that. "So no matter what that person does or how they acts, you will always hate them the same amount? You could compare everyone in this city and you would say that no matter who they were you wouldn't hate one more than the other?"

Her voice was steady but had the slightest bit of curiosity.


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"Hmmmm...." The hound was deep in though, much ot her surprise. Well, she beat her, so she might as well not dismiss her questions, even if her head felt like it was going to overheat.

"Beats me. I never thought too far into it." Was the best she could manage. "I mean, I see where you're coming, but only humans think like that. Discriminating and selfishly leaving others out is their specialty, and I'm not like that! Why would I hate someone more than someone else? Giving special treatment to a lover while ignoring the other is the worst thing you can do!" She told her casually, with as much certainty as it was possible to have in your own words.

"Besides, why WOULD I hate someone more than someone else?" She asked her, truly curious as to what possible reason she could come up with.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2017, 01:18:39 AM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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That had the doll tilt her head in confusion. "Is it not human nature to hate those who have what you do not or take what is yours? A man hates someone who has taken his position, a woman hates an undeserving mother when she cannot bear children of her own, a slave hates his master for the freedom that he does not have and the life he will never gain. How else does one hate?"
« Last Edit: November 26, 2017, 01:26:17 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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"Yeah, but I ain't human." She scoffed at her reply. This was really getting out of hand, how ridiculous! She didn't need a reason to hate people, she just did. Even if there was one, it wouldn't be as shallow as something like this. She was better than this, better than these petty human emotions. She became an invincible monster of the night, discarding everything that she once was. And yet was she implying that her hatred was due to some fucking attachment to that weakling? Ridiculous!

She sighed.

"There was one nasty sonuvabitch who did some fucked nasty shit with me, but I already forgave him. Sure, the human I was back then probably hates him, but she died. I'm just not that person anymore. I'm above all these petty grudges and shit, you might as well have a personal grudge against an ant. Do I look that crazy to you?" She smacked the doll's head with her paw for good measure.

"Oh, and pay attention, you almost crossed a red light!" She scolded the doll. Just because she was a murderous monster didn't mean she didn't have rules to follow. Disobeying traffic regulations could seriously get someone hurt ot killed!
« Last Edit: November 26, 2017, 01:35:57 AM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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The doll didn't even flinch. She had done no such thing. Her awareness was refined enough to notice a failing like that. "If you hold no grudges then what hate do you really have? It is like saying that you love everything but are without attachments. If it has no depth, no point, no substance, does it exist?"

"If you hate a faceless nobody as much as someone who has everything you ever wanted and never even thinks of losing it, is your 'hate' anything but words?" If you think, if you deviate, if you twist and turn or try to consider anything but the path before you, can you even call yourself a doll?
« Last Edit: November 26, 2017, 01:50:37 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Oka Kurosawa

"There's a place like that here? Why haven't I heard of it? Where is it?" Oka asked Breeze excitedly. She missed the thrill of demolishing people in tournaments without a shred of mercy. Now all she did was run around selling people pets. That was a lot less fun.

Auspicious Breeze

"Oh, I meant back home! Everyone would come to watch me fight there." Well that was a sad misunderstanding; at least she had an answer for this one. "But here? Well, I mean I've overheard some people talking about a tournament being put together. I'm a little fuzzy on the details though."

The brawler looked Oka over again, tilting her head, this time less to check her out and more to see what kind of a fighter she looked to be. Hmm, maybe she was just a fan of watching? That was okay too!

Oka Kurosawa

"A tournement!?!" Oka leaned forwards towards Breeze with stars glistening in her eyes. "Tellmetellmetellme! Where is it! What do you know about one? I wanna compete!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Auspicious Breeze

Ahhhh, this Oka girl was pretty cute when she got all excited like that! Now how to avoid letting her down? "Ehh? I, um, I don't know the details but I kinda know where I heard some people talking about it! It was a few... blocks, I think? From here." She pointed west. "That way. I'm sure if you ask around someone will know more. I'll show you!"