There were a couple of things the vampire registered as the - now she could say for certain - deranged man put his hands on her. One was, despite the power she was holding back in her reconnecting muscles, a gut-piercing feeling that ignored all of her body's resistance, shooting icicles through her spine. That alone numbed her perception to the point she lost focus over her surroundings.
The second thing was, as she seemed to hear the frames of her own life echo in her skull, a sinking nausea as every physical sensation vanished, to leave her in a lightless void with nothing but the ominous voice for company.
She swallowed dry, a useless reflex she had long ridden herself of, and answered Relius Clover. "I see, so you're a pervert who enjoys dredging up the most intimate part of people, aren you."
Irene Maiden could almost laugh, but the response was all she could do to keep with the situation for the moment.