Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 97476 times)


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Purple Heart

His fire may stretch on and coil around the ship but it didn't change one simple fact. That she was standing right next to him and that the fight was about to begin.

"Cross combination!"

Without warning the goddess of Planeptune shot towards him and delivered a flurry of blows, each blow feeding into the next from another direction. Nothing was held back in her movements and each blow was coming for him.


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"I understand," she said, pointing her fork at the mage.  "But don't you want some food first?  If we go out, we may run into something that keeps us there.  Its best to eat before then."

She stood up, taking her plate to the sink.  "As for me, I am fine now."


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"Sure," the man said, opening a drawer and pulling out a form.  "I'll need you and your lady friend to sign a form.  We do have a monthly fee, but it lets you use the entire facility."

Joe shook his head and said, "Do you have some sort of free trial service?  I want to make sure she's going to like it here first."

The man behind the counter glanced at Sakura.  It was a weird thing considering how happy the girl looked.  Despite her patient demeanor, the girl looked like she was ready to do whatever this guy had in store for them.  The counter guy sighed, wishing he was on a date too instead of working.  "Yeah, we do, but you sill have to fill out this sheet first.  I'll take care of the rest.  Keep in mind, the trial is only one month."

Joe took two pieces of paper from the man and extended his hand so Sakura could take one.  "So we just have to fill this out, then we can go inside," he said, his smiled dropping for something more neutral.


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"Hoho!" He instinctively moved back, but the blade already touched his body. He should've been cut down in one strike, but as she slashed at him a monstrous burst of fire dragged him away, letting him dodge the first, second and third attack before forming a giant pillar of flame beneath her. Her skill, power and strength were incredible, he was truly awed by his opponent in every way possible.

But as long as they were fighting where there was fire, even with her crazy power he would always be a step above her. You could compare this situation to fighting him in a cannon's barrel, or a hydromancer on a rainy day. It really couldn't be helped.


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Purple Heart


Very well if he was gonna be an illusive litle bugger she had no choice but to go all against him. He should be honoured that he made her use this so soon.

She dodged the pillar of flame and initiated it.

"Neptune Break!"

Time seemed to slow down to a crawl for a moment, then the goddess disappeared for her place and reappeared right next to Lorenzo and delivered a mighty strike sending him skyward, then she reappeared behind him and knocked him down again, only to appear before he struck the ground to bounce him back. This would repeat itself over a dozen times unless he did something to prevent it.


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So she dodged. Nice, nice! He was starting to get fired up.  This was fun! He  moved his arm back to throw a fireball, but in a moment she vanished.

"Wha?" And before he could throw it a monstrous impact sent him flying. Then another. And another. He couldn't feel pain, but he could tell his bones were being slashed and shattered, but he couldn't even count. Everything just happened all at once. Ground, sky, he couldn't even tell which was which or where he was anymore. If he had the time to yell something out, it would probably be a curse to his own incompetence.

Assuming he still had a jaw, he grit his teeth and roared, causing the flames of his coat and body to erupt all over him.

If he couldn't see her, he'd have to blow everything to kingdom come without discriminating, a continuous attack that did not require aim, speed or any refinement whatsoever. He wouldn't even bother aiming or forming anything more than waves upon waves of fire, feeding off the flames of his ship and expanding from his body without a single gap, pause or opening. Until his very spirit burned to ash.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2017, 11:15:15 PM by francobull3 »


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Purple Heart

Just as she was about to finish her smackdown a fiery explosion of heat burst out from her opponent and devoured everything. Having stopped midway through the execution of the technique she was left with a portion of the power remaining, and in that millisecond it took for the flames to reach her, she has already moved.

Like a purple blur she flew backwards and out of it, beyond the range of the exploding sphere.


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The ball of fire kept expanding, but after a point it began to fade and dissipate, revealing a scalding skeleton littered with flames, his coat and clothes gone with the blast.

"Oh boy..." Damn, that might've actually done more damage to him than her, considering he could see her far away.  "Woah Nep. You really dodged that?" The half broken corpse said tiredly,  for he should've already had already strained his spirit beyond what he should be able to handle. No, it was more like he was actually leaking, mana seeped from the wounds she caused him, preventing him from finishing his spell.

In a way, this was fortunate, but calling him a talking corpse was really no exaggeration at this point.

But he was still floating, using his own flames to keep him in the air and looking at the goddess. "C'mon, couldn't you be a bit more gentle? If I wasn't like this, you would've really killed me there." He rubbed the back of his broken skull, not noticing just how much damage he took in that short a while. It was more than he'd expect and as he said that, he slowly began to descend, but gained speed as the pull of gravity beat his magic.

He sighed, like he had expected this outcome regardless of what happened. Damn, why couldn't he have things go his way for once...
« Last Edit: December 24, 2017, 11:46:28 PM by francobull3 »


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"I need to also account for the blood loss, so yes, you probably have a point." She might have not been too weakened, but also she wasn't clearly in her top shape. Getting some food was just common sense. So she would just go through the kitchen and fetch something to eat. But before that. "How often do you need to feed? I probably need to know that in order to adjust any plans I might have regarding your training."
« Last Edit: December 25, 2017, 04:35:06 AM by Sinib »

Cherry Lover

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Shirou and Sakura

As they sent the familiar after the weird-looking flying girl, she went into a cafe, no longer visible from their perch on the roof. Nevertheless, they continued their plan, Sakura watching through the shadow familiar's "eyes" as it approched, keeping itself hidden in the shadows as it headed underneath a nearby table, from which Sakura could listen to and watch the unusual woman through the familiar.

As Sakura watched, though, another women crept up on them. However, experienced as he was in watching things, he was not fooled by her attempt to sneak up on them, and turned around as she came close, seeing a brown-haired girl approaching. Instinctively, he summoned up his swords, preparing to defend himself and his wife if necessary. Nevertheless, he never gave off any indication of hostility, making no move to attack the girl.

"Why are you sneaking up on us?" he asked in a neutral tone, being careful not to show any signs of aggression.


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"Yes, though there might be some conditions put into place in order to make it fairer for the other contestants. Nothing that would give you any larger disadvantage than your foe, I can assure you." He nodded curtly before reaching for a pile of documents and handing them one each.

"This is just a formality, it states that you are consenting to participate and specifies the deadline for the inauguration. At the moment, this is all you'll need to sign. Your name, address, and a way for us to contact you. There is also a list of rules of regulations, though you will not need to sign it yet. We leave the greater formalities for the inauguration day." He told them frankly.

The rules were honestly quite simple, and most of them were common sense more than anything. It stipulated that the fighters consented to performing risky tournaments, and while medical , lodging and food expenses were covered, it was their responsibility to make sure their health came first and foremost.

Other than that, they had a fair amount of freedom, surprising even. They could use the facilities in the stadium as they pleased, and the only true requirement was to meet the deadlines for each tournament. And of course, they could not under any circumstance outside a life threatening one, cause any direct or indirect harm to staff or spectators.

Auspicious Breeze

Well, that was a lot of things. Breeze had no idea what to put for all the contact information stuff though. "I don't really have much of an address, and... phones are those things people talk into right?" So this part was hard for her.

And beyond that, she had one more thing to figure out! "So what do I need to do to get some cheerleaders here, anyway?" She'd fight Oka if she had to! Well, Oka's pets. She didn't want to actually hurt the girl.

Umbra of Chaos

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She nodded at that, in thought for a bit. "Mental effects are... lackluster usually. Would the binding be physical then? They would have to be quite impressive in that case, what is the process you use to give yourself these eyes?"


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"Yes, though there might be some conditions put into place in order to make it fairer for the other contestants. Nothing that would give you any larger disadvantage than your foe, I can assure you." He nodded curtly before reaching for a pile of documents and handing them one each.

"This is just a formality, it states that you are consenting to participate and specifies the deadline for the inauguration. At the moment, this is all you'll need to sign. Your name, address, and a way for us to contact you. There is also a list of rules of regulations, though you will not need to sign it yet. We leave the greater formalities for the inauguration day." He told them frankly.

The rules were honestly quite simple, and most of them were common sense more than anything. It stipulated that the fighters consented to performing risky tournaments, and while medical , lodging and food expenses were covered, it was their responsibility to make sure their health came first and foremost.

Other than that, they had a fair amount of freedom, surprising even. They could use the facilities in the stadium as they pleased, and the only true requirement was to meet the deadlines for each tournament. And of course, they could not under any circumstance outside a life threatening one, cause any direct or indirect harm to staff or spectators.

Auspicious Breeze

Well, that was a lot of things. Breeze had no idea what to put for all the contact information stuff though. "I don't really have much of an address, and... phones are those things people talk into right?" So this part was hard for her.

And beyond that, she had one more thing to figure out! "So what do I need to do to get some cheerleaders here, anyway?" She'd fight Oka if she had to! Well, Oka's pets. She didn't want to actually hurt the girl.


The man clapped his hands silently and smiled encouragingly at the brave girl. "You can win." But as he said that, his face turned into a sour frown. "But this is troublesome. A way to contact you would be convenient. If its not a problem, I could buy you one. But do you really have no lodgings?" He sounded concerned for the girl.


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She nodded at that, in thought for a bit. "Mental effects are... lackluster usually. Would the binding be physical then? They would have to be quite impressive in that case, what is the process you use to give yourself these eyes?"

Olga Marie

"Mine are a powerful mental effect, but I also have a physical bind as well with my pebbles. I'm planning on modifying my other eye to do something else later. And I don't think there's a reason you couldn't put something physical in the eyes, or at least a reason it couldn't exist. Petrification eyes literally turn people to stone just by looking, and I've even heard of some eyes that can outright kill anything just by glaring."

Olga felt a bit sheepish at her eyes being called lackluster. They had their place.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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"That does sound useful, some sort of indirect debilitation, perhaps. I've considered using a numbing effect before. All the strength in the world doesn't mean anything if you can't feel your arms and legs. Perhaps we should look into something like that, Olga." Looking up at her apprentice as she considered possible applications.