Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 97460 times)


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Medaka sighed and said, "I'd rather avoid killing any living creature if it can be avoided.  Many of the "demons" in this city are given an unearned reputation as monsters.  I prefer to attempt to reform people rather than kill them."

She had that look in her eye, one of a person unwilling to compromise.


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"First off, there are also those with earned reputation. Secondly, I doubt you can reason with monsters like wyverns who have intelligence of a wolf or tiger. To such animalistic creatures you're nothing more than potential supplement to their monotonous diet of eating deer and hikers." She argued back. Would she even try to reform an aggressive animal trying to eat her? That would have been beyond naive.

"Anyway, relying on people who consent cannot be deemed too reliable in case when you're stranded in wilderness and out of options. If drinking wild animals dry is problematic for you, then you should become more flexible. I naturally had to learn how to hunt, skin and cook wild beasts when I was younger. In case I ended up stranded far from supply lines of any kind."


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Well truthfully, it just turned him on to have an obedient partner.  Even so, her comment caused his face to darken into an aggressive frown, one not unlike a lion ready to pounce.  If she wanted a more hands on man, she would give it to her.  He climbed on top of her, pushing open her legs with his own hands and penetrating her with a strong but precise thrust.  His hips swayed back and forth, increasing in speed and power with each thrust.  Eventually, he was pounding her into the ground, causing the concrete beneath her to crack.

It was strange but nice.  Her walls were so tight, enveloping his thick cock with that lovely tissue.  It felt like he was being squeezed.  He let out a groan, his body starting to coat itself in a layer of sweat.  It wouldn't be long now.


"If they have intelligence, than it is possible to reason with them, even if we have to fight them first.  However, if they are like animals then...." she paused for a moment, her pupils shifting left and right.  "Then, they will likely flee, at least as long as I am around.  I must admit, I enjoy meat and I understand the need to hunt for survival but I doubt they will stick around long enough for capture, if they show up at all."

Medaka looked at her new sensei, wondering what her response would be.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2017, 06:14:18 PM by yinsukin »


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The Godslayer playfully tried to pry the spoon from his unrelenting mouth, pouting as she evetually failed at her impossible task, that didn't mean she'd given up just that she'd been beaten for the moment.

He looks so cute when he's embarassed.

A thought entered her mind, it would have put her on guard if she hadn't already been thinking along those lines earlier. Which is why it she didn't note that train of though as particularly out of the ordinary. There were other more important things.

"I'd like you even more if you'd give me my spoon back so I could feed you more~" She replied sweetly.


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"E-eh?" The demon didn't blink, but opened his eyes widely. The spoon remained in his open mouth for a while until it dropped with his flustered shaking of his head. The last thoughts hardly affected him as much, because deep down somewhere inside him they were already there.

All they did was give him a little push and speed up the process, but it was honestly a matter of time. At this point, the two might as well sit back with popcorn bags in hand and enjoy the show.

On the other hand, his new appearance and the flames crowning his head were not just for show. The demon really felt he was burning, down to the core of his being, that his chest might bubble over and something might tear out of it. He was a mass of desires in the end of the day, so he was weak to desires. Yes, that was it, that was the only explanation.

He closed his eyes and opened his mouth lightly, his little demonic fangs showed through the roof of his mouth.


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Sakura Matou

Sakura signed her name in neat Japanese characters with a flourish. Maybe Joe would be impressed by her being multilingual. "Thanks for this Joe." She said, handing her form back to the man.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Yes, though there might be some conditions put into place in order to make it fairer for the other contestants. Nothing that would give you any larger disadvantage than your foe, I can assure you." He nodded curtly before reaching for a pile of documents and handing them one each.

"This is just a formality, it states that you are consenting to participate and specifies the deadline for the inauguration. At the moment, this is all you'll need to sign. Your name, address, and a way for us to contact you. There is also a list of rules of regulations, though you will not need to sign it yet. We leave the greater formalities for the inauguration day." He told them frankly.

The rules were honestly quite simple, and most of them were common sense more than anything. It stipulated that the fighters consented to performing risky tournaments, and while medical , lodging and food expenses were covered, it was their responsibility to make sure their health came first and foremost.

Other than that, they had a fair amount of freedom, surprising even. They could use the facilities in the stadium as they pleased, and the only true requirement was to meet the deadlines for each tournament. And of course, they could not under any circumstance outside a life threatening one, cause any direct or indirect harm to staff or spectators.

Auspicious Breeze

Well, that was a lot of things. Breeze had no idea what to put for all the contact information stuff though. "I don't really have much of an address, and... phones are those things people talk into right?" So this part was hard for her.

And beyond that, she had one more thing to figure out! "So what do I need to do to get some cheerleaders here, anyway?" She'd fight Oka if she had to! Well, Oka's pets. She didn't want to actually hurt the girl.

Oka Kurosawa

"No. Cheerleaders!" Oka wagged her finger at breeze, and Mimi mimicked her movements. Oka was ready to fight to keep them away!

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Oka Kurosawa

"No. Cheerleaders!" Oka wagged her finger at breeze, and Mimi mimicked her movements. Oka was ready to fight to keep them away!

Auspicious Breeze

"I'll fight you for them!" She stood there, arms crossed under her chest, and glared as best she could when dealing with a cute girl like Oka. Which wasn't very intimidating, admittedly. "If you win, I'll stop mentioning cheerleaders at all! I'll even wear pants or something for the whole tournament! If I win, you have to stop trying to get in their way! And wear a cheerleader outfit yourself."


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What a cute little demon! Elizabeth thought to herself. She inserted another idea into the girl, one from the back of her mind creeping forward. Maybe she'd want to just lean forward and kiss him. She made him look just that little bit cuter.

"So what is your name, child." Elizabeth finally asked, turning to face them. She was addressing both of them.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Oka Kurosawa

"No. Cheerleaders!" Oka wagged her finger at breeze, and Mimi mimicked her movements. Oka was ready to fight to keep them away!

Auspicious Breeze

"I'll fight you for them!" She stood there, arms crossed under her chest, and glared as best she could when dealing with a cute girl like Oka. Which wasn't very intimidating, admittedly. "If you win, I'll stop mentioning cheerleaders at all! I'll even wear pants or something for the whole tournament! If I win, you have to stop trying to get in their way! And wear a cheerleader outfit yourself."


"Fine by me! I'll wear whatever you want! I'm not going to lose! And when I win, you're going to be wearing a nice frilly dress! Pants aren't going to settle this that easily!"

Oka turned in a huff to Vanguard. "So, we can use an arena, right!"
« Last Edit: December 25, 2017, 08:48:13 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The warrior was standing right in the middle of their debate, like a very large elephant in the room looking blankly at both with what could only be described as ultimate puzzlement. He was taken completely off guard. "Eh? Right now?"


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Auspicious Breeze

"I'm always ready to fight!" Breeze bounced in place on her heels, bringing her hands up and shaking them out with a big grin on her face. Other things bounced with her. "So whenever Oka's up for it."


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"Yes, now! Why should something this important have to wait!" Oka exclaimed in a huff. "Don't worry, I'll hold back on you, ohohohoho." Oka said to Breeze with a smirk, covering her mouth with her hand as she laughed.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2017, 08:56:24 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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But it's not up to me... He moped, like either way no matter what happened he was going to be the one receiving the short end of the stick regardless. What should he do...


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"Enough of this! There won't be any fights here before the opening of the tournament, I thought my instructions were clear regarding that Vanguard."

A booming voice echoes throughout the room. It's source was a robed man standing by the door. There was a lingering fury in his gaze that was aimed solely at one thing, the ancient warrior himself.