Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 92977 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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She waved her hand at the praise. "It was merely a whelp. If it was any dragon worth speaking of I would need far more preparation. Still, Lady Valerie, there are ways to go about such things with a more subtle hand. Fatalities occur in this city rather often, and the wilderness is a rather plentiful source of materials as well."

Cherry Lover

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Sakura and Shirou

Neither Sakura nor Shirou fully understood what the girl was talking about but, nevertheless, they understood enough to realise what her plan was. And, whilst they didn't know whether it would work, they saw no real reason not to attempt it. Even if the spirits were detected, they likely couldn't be traced back to them.

"Yes, that would be fine", Shirou said with a smile. "What do you think, Sakura?"

"Yes, it seems like a good plan to me", she replied.

"Although, if she does detect the spirits, is there any way she could trace them back to you? If there is then it could be dangerous, otherwise the worst that can happen is the spirits get blown up", she added.

"Yes, I agree", Shirou replied. "If she can trace them then we need to consider it carefully, if not then I don't see any issue as long as you're fine with the possibility of her destroying the birds."


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The old man smiled at the girl and said,  "And mine is Sigurd.  I apologize, but there is a reason why I stay away from civilized life.  The memories are still so strong and still so dear to me."

He walked around the pile of bacon, re positioning himself so that he could continue to eat the bacon and still maintain eye contact with the girl while they talked.  He sat down on his knees, a gesture of respect to authority.  The old man began consuming the meat, keeping his lips shut to avoid startling the girl any more than he already had.  There was one thing he wanted to ask her, but he avoided speaking, instead silently consuming the eggs and bacon instead.


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"Do as you wish. I will only point out that if your actions collide with my convinctions, I am not going to stay idle." If he broke the peace here as he bragged, then he would undertake necessary actions. He did not seem to be armed, and Julius' trenchcoat was a metaphorical bag of holding which included many tools in case he was armed after all.

Hence, he was semi-confident that he took on him unless he hid some trick he couldn't expect and sense with his talent for uncovering the unnatural. Honestly, taking on true monsters in a way was quite easier if one took into account they quite a lot of weaknesses that could be uncovered and exploited to gain upper hand. And with God's blessing, he gained more prowess when facing such horrors.


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Much to her dismay, the wizard discovered that she couldn't afford everything she needed for the most comprehensible version of tests she wanted to undertake. She had run out of cash by the time she bought everything required to test affinity for various elemental magics that were known to her world. But at very least, she might be able to confirm or rule out Medaka's affinity for that branch of sorcery. They could test for other types later or she could just borrow money from someone. She didn't like the second idea as someone who liked to be self-sufficient to a degree.

Either way, it would take some time to get back to her place where Medaka was supposed to still be.
Anastasia had her eyes metaphorically open for any distractions that could have awaited her on her way back.


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The force of the blow would have been pretty devastating if not for the fact she could also regenerate. "Kuh, it's not like me either, getting trashed around like that!" She exclaimed in frustration at her mistake. Thankfully, the attack propelled her enough to put some distance between them.

Her tactic of switching to her more powerful but slower form when she was in Bey's range paid off only partly after all. She was able to deliver rather powerful attack, but her opponent managed to exploit Rikuyo's speed and reactions slowing down and countered too fast for her. She had no choice but too count on her regeneration again. She at least learned one thing: her foe was too fast for her trick to work. She had no choice but to whittle down him first. Maintain her speed and circle her like a wolf or shark and snipe at him from range. After all she could use her energy attacks. She couldn't afford to charge up, so she would just attack in small, quick bursts, hopping quickly from a tree to a rock and other obstacles and so on to hopefully not get caught again.

"Eh? Tired already? Kahahhaa!" Bey did not stop his assault the moment the punch connected; as soon as she was propelled backwards, he followed. The force behind his strike was enough that it propelled her backwards, but he was sure he'd get closer to her. "Playing defensive is only going to get you killed. You see, I don't like letting my prey get away." His speeches does not stop his movements, and it was much akin to a dog barking and chasing something smaller than it for the sole sake of toying with it. If anything was launched at him from the distance, he'd take it and seek to deliver his own set of multiple punches in the blink of an eye.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2018, 04:13:15 PM by Link »


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And as she kept her eyes open to distractions, something has caught her senses. Something akin to fount of magical energy in that direction. Interesting. It's location fluctuated a bit, but it wasn't a completely unknown for a stationary leyline or source of magic to feel like that. This one source of magic was very condensed which meant one thing: the magic could have condensed into something portable and easy to exploit, like one of exceedingly rare crystallizations of mana. Naturally, it was her patriotic duty to seize one of these before any irresponsible person found them.

"It's not like Medaka will blow up anything if I take a little detour." Hopefully.

When she arrived at the location where approximately the source of magic was, she found two weirdly dressed people (for modern people standards, not hers. As far as she was concerned, she didn't find it any strange). Well, a stranger and Oka. Maybe. Or her slightly older relative. One of them must have gotten their hands on the crystallized magic, she could bet that. So again, it was her patriotic duty to ensure that those weren't in irresponsible hands.

So the girl in jeans and white sleeveless shirt approached the eccentrically dressed duo and made her own assumption. "Hello, I'm one of Oka's acquaintances. Have you came to visit?" She greeted the purple haired woman, completely buying into her own flawless logic.


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Olga Marie

Olga nodded. That made sense, but she was a bit disappointed. She’d hoped her teacher was able to take out such a monster without prep. Maybe she was just being modest. “Yes, subtlety is key.”

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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“I’m sorry, who are you? I don’t know any Oka.” Parvati replied with a polite smile. “My name is Parvati, and this is Aurelia. What’s your name?”

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Valerie von Vincke

"It is that dangerous a place? Truly?" She was at once excited at the prospect, and somewhat worried. "What manner of rulers hold court in this place? Elves? I could see elves allowing their cities to become so violent." After all, who thought that councils were a worthy form of governance? Elves, clearly, and they were all soot-coated and stank of oil. Disgusting.


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The green haired girl's attempt at posturing when she caught sight of her was quite adorable to observe, like a chicken trying to scare off a wolf. It didn't deter her in the slightest, she merely came even closer, the crowd still spliting in half like a sea when faced with a prophet. Even then there were some who weren't so quick on the uptake. A brave or more likely foolish young man tried to catch her attention but she dismissed with a deadly glare that sent him fleeing him away in tears.

"But did you merely got lost on your way here or are you lost in the greater way of life?" Ah yes her attention returned to the girl, whom she now prodded with a philosophical question, perhaps the gril's true nature would reveal itself if suddenly questioned.


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It appeared her attempts to intimidate this human (?) weren't working. And the other humans obviously didn't know how dangerous this female was, because one of them was even trying to court her. Silly humans. She raised her hands back behind her head some and leaned back a little more, hoping it kept things from getting worse.

Sage's face filled with a bit of heat. "It took a long time to figure out life, but I meant to come here! I just got lost once I, um, arrived. Is all."


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka suddenly perked her head up at his last comment.  "So then you are new here?" she asked, her eye growing wide with surprise.


"Basically, yes. I haven't been here too long since I finally figured out how to prevent crossing dimensions, but it's certainly possible that I may have stumbled into this one once or twice before then."
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:58 PM
I kid you not
I type "tumblr the ancient magus bride" on google
click the first result
And the second image on the page
Is the image you were looking for
YOLF - Today at 7:59 PM
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:59 PM
That is
The hardest oof
I have ever witnessed

FAITH - Today at 6:05 PM
fucking haru
can't quit haru
haruing all around

EmbreFrosste- Today at 5:35 PM
It’s a damn shame that I closed all those tabs I had of rule 63 Bakugo


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Joe's confident stride wavered, cracking an awkward laugh at Jeanne's teasing.  One of their teammates, a tall man with a lean build named John, scratched his cheek and said, "So uhh, where is her team?" he asked.

The weirdest part was Sakura's reaction.  She's weirdly gung ho about this.  She should know how hard this is going to be.  Well.... maybe shes not all that competitive, he thought, as he finally closed the distance between him and Jeanne.  By now, they were standing on opposite ends of the center circle, a large group of people surrounding a lone blond.

All things considered, it was not a great team, especially when considering their opponent.  As far as he knew, Jeanne possessed the strength of a body builder and inhuman reaction speeds capable of countering bullets.  Meanwhile, his team was composed of five players in total, including himself and Sakura. John was a tall man with a lean build, who came with his friend Dave from a tennis match. The third member was Steave, an insanely fit guy with the body of a greek statue on steroids.  He found him in the weight room deadlifting about 800 or so pounds.  His team was obviously in good shape, but had questionable skill.  Moreover, no amount of human strength could stand up to this woman.

"Are you ready?" he said, glancing at the Jeanne and Sakura, then back at his team.


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"Then we are cool," he said, crossing his legs and resting his head under his chin.  "Since you haven't bothered to do anything, I'm either not disturbing the peace, or your full of shit.  I take it your some kind of bounty hunter?"

No.  He had nothing to prove to him, but he was bored enough to chat.