Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 92869 times)


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"You are more lost than you think young one, this is not the land you once thought you knew. Strange happenings permeate this place, a chance encounter in the night and then before you know it you are whisked away on an unwanted adventure. It is a place abound with wonders for those curious enough to seek it but it is not for the faint of heart."

The vampire spread her arms wide in an attempt to capture the grandiose setting of this play, but it was all for naught. Such fleeting things heeded the cal of no man nor monster, and especially not one as maligned as her.


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The druid gave it her best effort at playing along, if nothing else! She looked this way and that, careful to keep the strange woman in the corner of her view at all times, before settling back on those pretty eyes. "I am not sure I would call an adventure unwanted! That was the whole reason for trying to reach this place. And I don't think I count as young."

And if she happened to be more lost than she'd thought? Her children were more than ready to defend Sage's home in her stead. Then she lowered her arms and leaned in a bit more confidently. "Did you want to bring me somewhere...?"


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"Secret? There are no secrets on the seven seas! He's a beloved crewmate of mine and always will be on my glorious voyage into the unknown!" The goddess spoke louder and louder as if addressing a large crowd.

"So of course I object, like looking cute and all is my job here.." There was a pause and then she dropped her posturing. "How much bigger can you make them anyway?" She went on casually not really sure what to ask for specifically.


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Medaka tilted her head and said, "Does this mean you can leave this city?"  She never even thought about leaving before.  Imagine all the pain she could avoid if she could leave.


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The old man smiled at the girl and said,  "And mine is Sigurd.  I apologize, but there is a reason why I stay away from civilized life.  The memories are still so strong and still so dear to me."

He walked around the pile of bacon, re positioning himself so that he could continue to eat the bacon and still maintain eye contact with the girl while they talked.  He sat down on his knees, a gesture of respect to authority.  The old man began consuming the meat, keeping his lips shut to avoid startling the girl any more than he already had.  There was one thing he wanted to ask her, but he avoided speaking, instead silently consuming the eggs and bacon instead.


"Well if that's all, I'm going to leave now..." Fran said as she slowly began to sneak away. She didn't want to be around this weirdo any more than she had to.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The only sign the girl even acknowledged his presence was a slight turn of her head.  "What do you want?" she asked.  Her ghost stood beside her, scanning the room nervously.


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Mhhhh! That felt good. Really, really, really good. His eyes were wide at first, but they narrowed lovingly once he eased into it. He didn't even care what she tasted like, even knowing what that aftertaste felt like, he was far too happy to be able to taste something to begin with. He really couldn't care less.

"Geez. I didn't think that'd be the first thing I'd taste." He pouted. If he wasn't in such a great mood, and if she wasn't someone he was so indebted to or most likely miles stronger than him, he'd have probably whacked her for that! Not because he minded mind you, but it was rude to neglect hygiene!

Instead, he drew his sword and used it as a makeshift mirror.

"Hoho! Who is this handsome fella? Let's see..." He grinned widely, fully pleased by the sight. Well, he needed to think about this, so with a quick inspection he checked over his body again and found it pleasing alright. Not like he cared about being a girl or a guy, he was still himself. On the other hand, an inspection of what was under his pants brought him a most amazed expression.

"Hah! Hahahahahaha! Amazing, simply amazing! I never thought something so perverse was even possible! Not even in my dreams!" The lack of a manhood didn't seem to bother him. He lived and died as a man, but he never once knew what it felt like to live as a woman. This might just be an exciting experience! "It's perfection." He bowed at the succubus.

"In fact, its so good I might just do overtime just for that. I haven't had so much fun in too long.  There is nothing in the world more beautiful than the unknown, and you have given it to me! Even if I served as your lackey, it wouldn't nearly be enough! So? What do you want? Someone's life? The world? A palace of gold in your name?" He asked her with the widest of grins.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2018, 01:43:08 AM by francobull3 »


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Once again, Marcus scoffed and said, "Oh my god.  I didn't think i'd get all this ham just asking about your job.  Jesus, I could feed a village with your words alone.  I can't tell if your actually this green or if this just boasting."

He really couldn't get along with this type of person.


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Almost faster than Lorenzo could see, Elizabeth had re-positioned herself behind Neptune and forcefully grabbed her breasts. She squeezed them experimentally, looking pleased with the results. She also gave a mischievous glare to Lorenzo. "I can make them as big-" Neptune's breasts suddenly doubled in size, growing to truely obscene proportions. "-or as small-" Almost as fast though, her breasts shrunk down to nothing, leaving her as flat chested as a child. "-as I want." The goddess's breasts grew back to their normal size, no they weren't. They were bigger now. They were just a tad bigger than Lorenzo's now. Elizabeth leaned in and kissed Neptune on the cheek. The girl's body would be feeling quite hot now. She'd made her breasts quite a bit more sensitive. Even just being gently groped like this would feel absolutely incredible. "I like you, so I'll leave you with this gift, hehehe~"

She laughed at Lorenzo. "Take me on a tour! I want to see the sights of this grand city!"
« Last Edit: January 15, 2018, 03:11:42 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Joe nodded, opening his hands to receive the ball.  "Well we can't do a toss up, so I guess you can just go," he said, keeping his eyes on her belly.  It was one of those things they tell you in order to keep you from being tricked by any fancy movements.

Meanwhile, Dave instinctively took a few steps back.  "I don't know...  I feel like this is a little unfair," he said.


The old man let out a sigh, his soft breath gently grazing the bacon.  He reached out his hand and yelled, "Wait!  I have a question!"
« Last Edit: January 15, 2018, 02:06:47 AM by yinsukin »


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"Sweet holy cheese what is happening to meeeee!"

The demon Elizabeth had done something to her body, the body that was supposed to be unchanging. It had been for eons. She was.... She was beyond ecstatic at the new feeling, so consumed was she by the change that she completely blocked the other two out, they didn't matter. All that mattered was that she explore this new wonderful miracle that had been bestowed upon her.

She was so hot, both in the metaphorical sense but also in the literal one. It felt like her body was burning up. She tentatively touched her new boobs and....


She fell over unprepared for how how good that had felt, a jolt of lightning had shot through her. So she kept squeezing them with one hand while the other trailed down her sweaty body, down in between her legs to her honeypot. Her breathe grew more and more shallow until the tensions was released  all at once.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2018, 05:23:42 AM by Sinib »


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The pirate blinked and looked incredulously at both. To see a goddess in such a state, it was almost surreal. He really only had one thing to say to all of this.


Yeah... he really didn't have a witty response for that one. But hey, she seemed to be enjoying herself. Good for her! But this pretty much confirmed it, Satan is stronger than God! Good thing he picked the winning side.

"Do you do this kind of thing often?" He asked his new mistress nonchalantly while the poor Nep was ravishing herself.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2018, 04:49:10 AM by francobull3 »


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Medaka tilted her head and said, "Does this mean you can leave this city?"  She never even thought about leaving before.  Imagine all the pain she could avoid if she could leave.


Adrienne sighs. "Technically, yes. But I have no control over where I would end up, whatsoever. At least here the fact that I'm lost from my home dimension is something I can use to connect to people. Almost anywhere else I would be a complete anomaly." Adrienne looks off into the distance wistfully. "If I get truly desperate, that will be something I can do. But I hope it never comes to that."
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:58 PM
I kid you not
I type "tumblr the ancient magus bride" on google
click the first result
And the second image on the page
Is the image you were looking for
YOLF - Today at 7:59 PM
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:59 PM
That is
The hardest oof
I have ever witnessed

FAITH - Today at 6:05 PM
fucking haru
can't quit haru
haruing all around

EmbreFrosste- Today at 5:35 PM
It’s a damn shame that I closed all those tabs I had of rule 63 Bakugo


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"Nowhere you are not already going, your journey started long ago...."

But enough with riddles already, leading her along any further would not serve any other purpose than to pass the time. "What might your name be? Oh and I would not lean in any closer than that if you do not wish to get bitten." Her neck was being exposed in a very delightful way that was drawing her attention like a wonderful meal.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2018, 05:23:31 AM by Sinib »


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"I am not making you do anything. It is a suggestion, whether you find it interesting and take it is entirely up to you." His eyes followed her movement and  in about the same frame of time he  was right before her once more, his cold hand stroking her cheek suggestively. "But why not help me a little? You might have something to give, and in turn I will give you something that, perhaps, might just be what you are looking for. Isn't that what friendships are about, dear Rafalia?"