Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 157648 times)


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Olga Marie

Slam! Crash! Bang! Whoosh! Olga repeatedly slammed into Nero's car, knocking the empress towards the wall where she could bully her incessantly. "Take that! Will Rome be able to handle this!?" She asked with a laugh, too excited to feel embarrased about saying such a foolish thing. Crash! "What will you do now!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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This wasn't going to lead anywhere. The Kitsune had already written off this costumer the moment she laid eyes on her. The pureness of her soul must be some kind of cosmic fluke cause everything about her screamed incompetent. Even so she was oath bound to listen to all of her customers. No, not really but it made it easier to...... Set them on the right path so to say.

"That depends entirely up to you. Could it be some lucky charm you're after or perhaps an item that will guide you out of places you don't belong? Tell me what it is you seek and I will see to it being found." Her tails swished behind her as she spoke, she kept a healthy distance though as this girl didn't appear completely safe.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2018, 12:50:09 AM by Sinib »


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"Humumumumm! How insolent!"

With her back to the wall, Nero starkly swung around the steering wheel, faking out the tall girl right as she was about to ram into her vehicle again.

"Ha! An opening!"

With a loud screeshing sound, the bumper car slid along the plastic ground in a half-circle, avoiding the mage's car as it crashed into the wall coming to a halt paralell to the other driver.

"You should do well not to underestimate Rome, lass!"

And with that, she once again moved at full throttle, readying herself to crash into anyone and everything in her way!


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Munchmunchmunchmunchmunchmunchmunch. For a moment there was nothing more than the sound of Cara scarfing down as many cookies as she possibly good. They tasted... it was hard to describe. Cara knew it was delicious, delicious and possibly a bit evil. If evil had a flavor. The crisp crunch with every bite, not soft but not too hard either, these were the greatest cookies in all the world. Soon her hand was just pawing at the empty plate, as if waiting for more.

Umbra of Chaos

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"Servant? What're you talking about?" Yep. The girl had completely forgotten about the explanation that Jeanne had given her back when they first met. It's not like any of that was important or anything, who would bother remembering it?


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Noel Vermillion

"Ahem..." Noel, knowing how foolish and creepy she was looking, restrained herself. Her poise straightened and she suddenly looked almost dignified. Her blue eyes practically sparkled as they followed the hypnotic movements of Yukari's not one, not two, but five tails!

She just couldn't help herself, despite her best efforts to do so!

The short blond smiled at the kitsune. "Ah, well, I wanted to know more about what you're selling here. Barely legal goods is an interesting name. So what sort of um, good luck charms, do you have?" Her gaze still fixed upon the swishing of the tails. Swish swish swish.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2018, 12:58:26 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Humumumumm! How insolent!"

With her back to the wall, Nero starkly swung around the steering wheel, faking out the tall girl right as she was about to ram into her vehicle again.

"Ha! An opening!"

With a loud screeshing sound, the bumper car slid along the plastic ground in a half-circle, avoiding the mage's car as it crashed into the wall coming to a halt paralell to the other driver.

"You should do well not to underestimate Rome, lass!"

And with that, she once again moved at full throttle, readying herself to crash into anyone and everything in her way!

Olga Marie

Olga's eyes almost popped as they bugged out of their sockets! She'd forgotten Sabers had the riding skill, the damn cheater! How was she expected to keep up with maneuvers like that?!? She crashed headlong into the wall as Nero gracefully maneuvered out of the way, and received a truly devastating blow to her car!

This just wasn't right!

Olga began casting spells rapidly, reinforcing her car, making it faster, better, stronger. Making it so the wind helped her along. Making it so her car glided upon the ground like an ice skater.  So just as Saber was going to mercilessly ram her again, Olga's car practically slid to the side out of the way, seemingly ignoring the laws of physics. She coasted to the side and then slammed towards Nero's car yet again in an attempt to send her spinning out of control.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Servant? What're you talking about?" Yep. The girl had completely forgotten about the explanation that Jeanne had given her back when they first met. It's not like any of that was important or anything, who would bother remembering it?


You better not be playing dumb. Sakura looked at her with a stony faced expression. "Your magical familiar that you're maintaining. Saber, Lancer, Rider, Ruler, whatever they call themselves. I can sense you're a fellow Master, Sakura."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Noire shook her head. She didn't understand why people needed to resort to violence so easily. "That sounds rather rough." She sipped at her drink and made a face. It was way way too sour.

"Well, I'm glad we were able to get you out of there. It seemed like you were in a rough spot."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Nero suddenly felt an urge of mana spread from the side, as Olga's chariot race toward her at speeds unprecedented.

"Humpf! Two can play at that game!"

Facing the incoming behemoth head on, her car took on speed, the air crackled and sweltered, and her lips formed the words-

"Aestus Carrus!"

Immediately, the car was hardly recognizable, wreathed in flames, armored with what looked like crimson and golden painted wood of strongest oak, as the burst of flames concentrated on the underside, making the bumper car hover above the sweltering air and plastic, a manic grin formed on her face as the two "chariots" were about to meet!


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"Any kind really. I could go into detail on my entire collection but then we would be standing here all day and then some. Now I don't know about you but I certainly do not have that kind of free time." Her tails shook from side to side, reinforcing her point about the free time.

"So it would really be appreciated if you could make up your mind, is there something in particular you're searching for?" This client was so dumb and the way she was staring was just creepy. Maybe she should just turn up the heat a bit, no one would know.....


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Nero suddenly felt an urge of mana spread from the side, as Olga's chariot race toward her at speeds unprecedented.

"Humpf! Two can play at that game!"

Facing the incoming behemoth head on, her car took on speed, the air crackled and sweltered, and her lips formed the words-

"Aestus Carrus!"

Immediately, the car was hardly recognizable, wreathed in flames, armored with what looked like crimson and golden painted wood of strongest oak, as the burst of flames concentrated on the underside, making the bumper car hover above the sweltering air and plastic, a manic grin formed on her face as the two "chariots" were about to meet!

Olga Marie

"Cheater!" Olga cried out in dismay. Quickly throwing out a few runes, Olga averted a terrible fate. Instead of crashing into her car, Nero simply crashed into a powerful shimmering barrier. The other cars had tactfully driven away from them, many stopping movement to simply watch the epic battle. Some people began cheering for Nero when her car caught on fire.

Olga's car dodged once more, slamming into the side of Nero's again. Surely this would spell her defeat!!!

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Any kind really. I could go into detail on my entire collection but then we would be standing here all day and then some. Now I don't know about you but I certainly do not have that kind of free time." Her tails shook from side to side, reinforcing her point about the free time.

"So it would really be appreciated if you could make up your mind, is there something in particular you're searching for?" This client was so dumb and the way she was staring was just creepy. Maybe she should just turn up the heat a bit, no one would know.....


"Ah, sorry." Noel said apologetically, finally tearing her eyes away from the tails. She was getting kinda rude. Regretfully so, but still. "Well, what does this do?" Noel asked, picking up a strange looking skull off the shelf. It had weird tribal markings and looked kind of creepy. Noel didn't like it that much but she couldn't just get straight into the cute stuff.

"Sorry for staring by the way. It's ah-a bad habit of mine that I've picked up. I'm Noel."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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"Why not. But first, you'll have to help me pack my things, Mr. Suleiman." She gestured towards the big briefcase behind her stand and the dozens of vials still around. It would take a good amount of time to get it all packed up.


"Mhm mhm, they sound like a bunch of violent thugs. You probably should have stabbed the guy in the face with a sword instead of throwing some chair at him. Probably would have done a lot more. Usually, killing people solves a lot of problems." Lucy reached out and took a sip of Noire's drink.

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The seas were vast. Ocean as far as the eye could see! Beautiful, glorious, a sight that one could fall in love with again and again. It was the perfect place for Rachel to get her beauty sleep as she kept at her long and deep sleep in her private cabin. There was definitely some rough tumbling going one at some point but well, that's just normal! Ship probably speared another kraken or smashed through some sort of barricade. Nothing important.

However, 5 hours into her 10 hour sleep cycle something important happened. The ship had stopped swaying! How was she supposed to fall asleep if the damn ship didn't sway? It didn't matter if she had to get mermaids to do it at cannon point this ship was going to move! So Rachel made her way up to the deck to see a pretty giant city. Well, a giant city and the buildings that the Liberator had crushed into fine powder with its weight. "Goddamn. Land ho, huh? Well..." Rachel stroked her chin a bit, thinking over the whole situation with great wisdom. "I have a nap to get back to."

So Rachel descended back into the depths of the ship. Rocking was guaranteed on the sea, but with things as it is she could drop it for now.