Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 153345 times)


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A moan of satisfaction escaped her. She couldn't stop her body from it's reaction to the pleasure being given to her. Her wet pussy squeezed the invading finger, trying to draw it further and further in. So she could have the release she so desperately craved. But it didn't come. Instead he was content with rubbing her walls slowly, teasing her more and more and she didn't want to give in.

But her hips a will of their own and moved down, trying to push him in, deeper much much deeper. It didn't work too well as she couldn't really get any leverage.


Normally the vampire would be more patient about this. Well, normally the vampire wouldn't be literally having sex with her at all; the blood would have been enough. But there was so much life in his body right now he just well couldn't help himself. So after a good faith effort to restrain himself he just well couldn't.

His finger pressed on in, twisting around once it got there, and he got right to sliding it about.


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"You're welcome. I'll take care of the next dish when you're done, if you don't mind it." She told Waka. "If there's something Engetsu can do, don't hesitate to ask him."

If he just stood there without doing nothing, he would never learn. Passing ingredients to Waka could be a good start.


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The logical reaction would be to withdraw, but the nobleman also realized that Irene had been more capable of hurting the witch even if he drew the first blood in the fight. He could as well capitalize on her seeming obsession with her and act as a bait to let Irene counterattack. She also could have exposed her in one way or another when trying to attack him.


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"He didn't seem like he was about to ask. Well, if you will get hungry tonight again, go ahead and ask him, it doesn't seem I can help you much with that right now. Speaking of which, I could get some drink and food, I just got distracted by the conversation." Mitsu stood up and went to pick up the food that Medaka offered back then. "Ito is surely taking his sweet time outside there."

Umbra of Chaos

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The businesswoman had been quite busy lately. Not with her work but, well... Her driver watched, almost exasperated, as Suzuko chatted up an old woman and carried her groceries. It happened almost painfully often.

"No, no! You can't think like that. You absolutely have a chance! People can be so much more critical of themselves than they deserve, and it's never too late to find happiness." Then her driver honked his horn too. "Oh, but I really have to get going. Just let me put these into the truck."

Then she hurried over to the relatively large silver car. The burly man who drove her around audibly sighed as she got in. "Do you always have to do that? I don't mind what you do on your own time but you always manage to push us close to the deadline every time. We're going to take the side roads now and you know how much I hate the side roads." He grumbled some more.

Suzuko laughed at him. Cheery as she slipped off her gloves and put on her seat belt. "Come on, Thomas. You know that I have to. Like I say, there are forms of happiness where you don't lose anything. Kindness, service, and love! I'm not enough of a hypocrite to profess that and not act on it." Then they were off.

It took them a little while and a few close turns but they made it to the building just in time. A pretty large and rather lovely manor. As Suzuko got out she waved off her driver before slipping her gloves on and walking towards the building, a wave of pleasantness and openness in her wake as she shifted her presence. Then she simply knocked on the door.


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"He sure is." A sarcastic deadpan voice suddenly called behind the two girls, it only took someone to turn back to notice that the ninja was lying against the wall nonchalantly like he was bored. Had he been there all along? Impossible, but there was no sound of the doors or windows opening, just how did he get inside in the first place, and since when was he standing there in the first place?

"Hmph, the area is safe, I've finished scouting it already." He said with a serious frown, though it wasn't displeased, then he sniffed the air and raised a curious eyebrow. "Hm, it smells good. May I have some too?"


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Mitsu managed to completely avoid the question with her response.  But just as she was about to follow up with another, she snapped her head towards the presence returning to the apartment.  The moment the ninja spoke, the microwave stopped cooking.  She pressed a button on the appliance and a door swung open, allowing the full aroma to consume the room. 

"There is more on the counter," she said pointing to the open containers.  "Help yourselves."


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"Whoa!" The demon feigned shock as she pretended that she was completely caught off guard. She wasn't and in fact she likely noticed the ninja earlier than Medaka. Her mention back then was sort of call out on her part even if she pretended that she genuinely didn't suspect him to be here. Still, she wasn't completely sure when he entered the apartment, exactly. "How did you enter the apartment?"


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"Eh? W-wait!" She tried to follow chase, but she was running freakishly fast, and eventually she just lost interest altogether.

Well, this was a bummer. Was she seriously running away? That was actually a pretty dick move, she really thought they had something special. She just wanted to share the joy of torture, death and murder with her, it shouldn't be any different from sharing a hobby or something, she really didn't get what was the big deal. Seeing Jasey just run away from her like she was the plague actually kinda hurt.

Oh well.

The vampire felt the need to change her clothes after this whole ordeal, considering they were kinda pretty ruined and made her look even more of a crazy mess than she actually was. So she bought some new clothes and took the liberty of dressing herself with them. Jacket, miniskirt, new underwear and socks. Looked pretty good honestly, so she decided to just ditch her torn rags and take the clothes. A bit of begging and cute puppy eyes were enough to have a generous looking man pay for them in exchange for a kiss on the cheek, which was nice!

But now she didn't really have anywhere to go, so she decided to just look around the shop a bit. She sniffed a bit the air and noticed a strange smell, not unusual but definitely not something she'd expect here. She raised an eyebrow and walked towards the odd scent, but it didn't take her long to realize just what was going on and looking at the changing stall brought a devious grin on her face.

To do something like this right here in public, even she wasn't that depraved. Well, she was, but shaddup!

Pfft, wow. Can't they get a room? She chuckled and poked her head right under, grinning from ear to ear and staring right at their eyes with her own. It was the sort of thing you'd expect from a slasher flick, thank god she didn't bring the axe along.

"Yello!" She grinned.


The ninja scoffed. "Why, I never left in the first place. Did you seriously just notice?" He said with a slightly arrogant but calm smile. He walked calmly to the counter and picked one of the containers and a spoon. "Don't worry, I only paid attention to half of it." He added before sitting down in front of the two.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2017, 04:21:02 PM by francobull3 »


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Medaka chuckled and said,  "Well I do only know the basics."  She flashed her fangs.  "Does that mean you will allow me a drink?"


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"Wow, greedy. I guess I wasn't enough, then? At this rate you will have to look for a third or fourth person before the dawn." Mitsu frowned as the vampire already wished to drain Ito's bodily fluids.


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"No way." He answered with flat outrage and pouted before taking a spoonful of curry. It tasted good, quite savory as well with a tinge of sweetness. He smiled agreeably and took another spoonful, but just as the curry entered his mouth a strange noise came from his stomach, hidden beneath his cloak.


In a second, the ninja flushed nearly like a cherry tomato. Despite that, his look was as flat and deadpan as ever, there was no way he was embarassed. The food just happened to be really spicy (it wasn't).

"That was my stomach." He said in a calm monotone


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Medaka frowned at Mitsu's comment before allowing her fangs to be hidden away in her mouth at Ito's comment.  "No fun," she said, folding her arms over her chest.  Her tail, which had been moving back and forth, dropped down to the floor.

The noise caused her to perk up.  "So I take it you liked the food?" she asked.  She couldn't help but stretch her lips into the worlds most satisfied grin.


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Mitsu didn't have a problem with the food, though more effort could be put into it. "I think it's better to cook than microwave food just like that. It's a bit lazy and low effort. I happen to be not too shabby at cooking. If I have enough ingredients I can cook something. But probably not Mayaa No Ushiro" She commented in response to something meowing. Didn't plan to cook a cat. "Say, what your friend likes to eat? We should leave something for her too."
« Last Edit: May 11, 2017, 05:38:01 PM by Kat »


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"It is acceptable." He said with some hesitation. They knew, they most definitely knew, but with his back against a wall he couldn't just admit it. He couldn't just leave the poor kitten out there, it looked so cold and hurt! He noticed the poor animal while scouting, there was no way he would be able to just ignore it.

So with one hand, he took more spoonfuls and with the other he scratched the cute little thing behind the ears, causing it to purr much to his dismay, but he timed its purrs with his own bites which covered up the noise. As long as he remained calm, they wouldn't suspect a thing.

He'd need to leave some curry for Kuro, she must've been hungry.