Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 54513 times)


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Medaka sighed.  She had thought of this before.  "You are not wrong," she said, suddenly puffing her chest out.  "However, I refuse to allow the idea of a threat compromise my way of being, selfish as it may be.  Besides, in most cases, me or Shinobu can sense hostility and can move if it comes to it."


A tired old hand reached down to pet the cute little cat like creature.  "I might seek out this person," he said, nodding at his master.  "However, I cannot see such an adorable creature being used for battle."

As he listened to Anastasia's question, he looked up at the broken ceiling.  With a regretful frown, he turned to Paladen.  "I am sorry," he said, his eyes moving back and forth between his master and this kind heathen.  "I did not intend to vandalize your home."
« Last Edit: June 18, 2017, 04:48:38 AM by yinsukin »


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The purple haired goddess didn't falter for a second under the pressure of the attention. No, she thrived in it, acting as if this was the norm and anything else was abnormal.

"Shush, you're just an unimportant side character who won't be mentioned again after this scene." Somehow her voice was carried across the room, clearer even that the announcer himself, overpowering his.

"But he kinda does have a point. Even I'd find it unfair to fight like this, so why don't both of you come at me?" She happily challenged the two fighters with seemingly no care in the world.


Well, this was going to end quite poorly for the young humans.

"O-Oi, don't just look down on us like that!" "You damned brat..!" They both circled around and then charged at the goddess, seeking to flank her while taking her down quickly. After all she did not look formidable at all.

Gadreel released a sigh, but watched carefully to see how she handled two unarmed individuals of questionable capacity for violence on her own level.


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She refused to answer what is was about, was she relly gonna play coy now of all times? He didn't have really time to retort as their ride came to pick them up. They got into the car that Oka had called for, he really felt hungry by now. Right on cue Oka begun diggin through her bag and pulled out two sandwiches, offering them to him.

"I'm not even gonna question why you had those." He said as he accepted the offering and dug in, This would really help him until they got to the restaurant. "Thanks." He blurted out mid bite, the man really was hungry, tearing his way through the poor sandwiches like a starving wolf.


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"If you're gonna be that insistent Lucy, you should show it with your actions. You want more isn't that right?" He sent to her mentally. His attention however never left the goddess. He gave her another kiss, even deeper this time as his hands move past her hips and gripped the soft flesh of her ass. His hardness could hardly hidden be from her at this point as it brushed past her wet core, only a few layers of clothing seperating them.


Noire moaned. She wanted to have him inside her. The fact she was thinking such obscene thoughts should have made her so embarrassed, but she was too horny to really care right now.

One thing she was certain of though, was that she did not want Lucy to get involved in this.

She brushed her slit against William's heat, bringing a hand down to begin playing with herself. She kissed him again, monopolizing him for herself.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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So Oren moved over to the changing stall and pressed up against it. "Hey, Sakura? Do you want to be alone? If you say so we can leave, but I'd feel really bad leaving someone as nice and pretty as you alone. You're really great, y'know?"


"Oh, very well. If you grant me permission it would be rude to do otherwise, Olga." She smiled at the other mage and rested the back of her hand on the table. Almost invitingly as she waited for Olga to respond/


Well, her work here was done. With a little whining Lucy drew back a bat and just watched for a moment. She even gave her master a wink!


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Sakura and Shirou

After Suzuko left, Sakura decided to see what Jeanne was up to. She led the unwitting Shirou down to Rin's little house, where Jeanne was still cleaning up. As soon as they entered, Sakura asked Shirou the most damning question of the century.

"So, Senpai, which one of us has the better ass? Jeanne said you were interested in finding out."

"Erm... um..." Shirou responded, caught completely off guard by her evil question.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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He'd felt himself dive deeper into the wolf as they went further into the forest. Away from the city, away from the people and the concrete and the loudness and stenches until he could finally hear for miles and take in the scent of grass and trees and moist earth. The smell of prey, the flickering motion of the birds as they passed. Rather than distract him the werewolf found it let him focus more.

Let him bring them to this place faster for Shinobu. She was blood and sugar and sorta smelled like that person he remembered with diabetes, but also not, and some of her smell was his and also Medaka. Anne smelled like sweat and gunpowder and beer.

This one smelled wrong.

It mocked him. It refused to give Medaka back what was her's. Ron felt his bones crack, and heard it, and he put on a couple hundred pounds of skin and muscle and bone in that time. He was a wolf the size of a horse, looking down on the prey that wanted to look down on him. The werewolf bared his teeth and growled, confident in the knowledge that this wasn't even his final form.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Blackmore grinned. "Well, to put it bluntly, I'm on a job." He reached for his pocket and handed the poor wizard a picture. It was a gangster, more importantly, it was a man who had the misfortune of crossing the wrong mage.

"Does this picture tell you anything?"

 The face did look familiar, though the expression in his mind that Trivek first associated with it was a bit more shocked than this picture showed. "It depends on what you're looking for, if you want the picture to tell me something."


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The giant man clad in bright pink looked at him with an enigmatic smile, as if it was the only expression plastered on his face. However, that proved to be wrong, because the crescent moon in his lips dropped and he seemed to frown. It wasn't a displeased frown, nor did it have any sort of ill will towards the wizard. It was more of a pitiful look than anything.

"This guy was in a gang. Honestly, I can't imagine what madness took him to mess with someone like you, nor do I particularly care about any politics that were... sparked with his little misconduct. Anyways, long story short, he is dead."

There was a solemn silence, one that stretched almost to an uncomfortably long degree, then he smiled even wider than before, like he had just gotten to a joke's punch line.

"Put two and two together yet, or do you need me to spell it out for you?"


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The girl shook her head and smiled before taking a mouthful of ice cream all at once. "I shaid i'mch fshine!" She cheered, doing her best to convince them. No, not really, she wasn't fooling anyone, the one she was trying to lie to was only herself.

She hated this, she should have just kept her mouth shut. She didn't mean to cause anyone trouble, but now all three looked sad because of her. This meant she needed to be three times as happy to make up for it.

"See?" She said, closing her eyes and tilting her head as cheerfully as she could.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2017, 12:06:05 AM by francobull3 »


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Muramasa Katase

The demon's puppet interposed itself to keep the monk from interfering. It would also serve as an early warning system in case he happened to be some form of exorcist whose holy powers would pose a threat to the Muramasa. So the puppet stood there clad in armor, looming menacingly.

As for Katase herself, she reveled in the glorious exchanging of blows. There was a purity in moments like this which were missing from others, approached only fractionally by agreeable activities such as tea drinking.

She pushed more power into Meti's limbs.


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Costin Andrei

The vampire gave chase, oblivious to the world surrounding her, basking in the cool night and bathing under the stars and the moonlight as she leapt over the cars and gave chase to her cute little cattle. Their smell sent euphoric bliss into her as she gave in fully to blood lust, a pair of unhinged scarlet eyes practically glowering over her target. She'd rip them and shred them and grind them to pieces, and the thought was so joyous she couldn't help but sing with the melodious tune of a bloodthirsty angel.

The itsy-bitsy spider
Climbed up the water spout
Down came the rain
And washed the spider out!

She leapt even higher than before, dancing around the cars with skill and acrobatic prowess that made her nimble naked form seem more like a cat's than a human's. Her torn coat fluttered behind her like wings, contrasting her beautiful bare skin as her two red eyes eclipsed the moon entirely behind the car. And her blood lust quite literally exploded, with such a sheer intensity it acted like a tangible aura that rained down on his prey like a heavy downpour of needles and killing intent.

Out came the sun
And dried up all the rain
And the itsy-bitsy spider

She opened up her arms and blood poured from her fingernails, turning into a set of ten incredibly sharp knives of blood as the final leap had her soar high up above, chasing behind the vehicle. Her features twisted as she kept leaping and twisting around, and in a final boom of mad laughter she swung down her deadly weapons in order to skewer the vehicle's wheels.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2017, 12:47:43 AM by francobull3 »

Arch-Magos Winter

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The giant man clad in bright pink looked at him with an enigmatic smile, as if it was the only expression plastered on his face. However, that proved to be wrong, because the crescent moon in his lips dropped and he seemed to frown. It wasn't a displeased frown, nor did it have any sort of ill will towards the wizard. It was more of a pitiful look than anything.

"This guy was in a gang. Honestly, I can't imagine what madness took him to mess with someone like you, nor do I particularly care about any politics that were... sparked with his little misconduct. Anyways, long story short, he is dead."

There was a solemn silence, one that stretched almost to an uncomfortably long degree, then he smiled even wider than before, like he had just gotten to a joke's punch line.

"Put two and two together yet, or do you need me to spell it out for you?"

"You're here to kill me for killing your man then." It was the only logical answer to that. Trivek started tapping into the mana sources he had available, feeling the rush of power at his fingers. The planeswalker wasn't a stranger to the occasional back alley brawl or wizards duel. How much electricity could he channel from the surrounding area into an elemental? How much mana could he channel in the next few seconds? The man was taller, stronger, but probably wasn't counting on Trivek's robes being able to absorb the sort of impacts they needed to as part of his general work with the guild.

Trivek stepped back. If he was going to survive, he had to react, not attack first. Too much risk otherwise.


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Rin shrugged and replied, "To make a more entertaining movie I guess.  Even though real life really doesn't work out that way . . ."

She absently reached up and played with the new sapphire pendant around her neck.  It was really an extravagant gift for a first meeting.  Joe was trying to keep up with the reality that was her life, but he probably wouldn't react favorably if she started channeling prana into it for a one use only spell.

She looked at the couple kissing and sighed.  Then snorted.  "Well, not real kissing.  Manufactured affection like this is meant to be attractive as possible."


Fucking jumped up fannybawbag, Forest thought as she heard the sounds of honking as she sped through traffic. 

She could sense Costin chasing them and she gritted her teeth.  Car and driver had a synchronicity that few could ever hope to accomplish.  Even though there were newer models with more power to them, this particular 1967 RS Z/28 Camaro and Forest had a bond.  Decades weren't anything to her time wise, but decades behind the wheel of this car gave her an insight to it that even the current accomplished race car drivers couldn't grasp.

Even though she was attuned to the machine in a way that bordered on supernatural, there was only so much she could do having to weave through traffic like this.

She was driving, so she couldn't call the cops about the rabid vampire chasing them.

There was a loud crash behind the car and right as she saw Costin go and throw blood knives at the tires, Forest switched the car into reverse and pressed her foot on the gas.

Well, this is going to make some mechanic's day . . .
« Last Edit: June 19, 2017, 02:31:14 AM by Elf »


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So Oren moved over to the changing stall and pressed up against it. "Hey, Sakura? Do you want to be alone? If you say so we can leave, but I'd feel really bad leaving someone as nice and pretty as you alone. You're really great, y'know?"


"Oh, very well. If you grant me permission it would be rude to do otherwise, Olga." She smiled at the other mage and rested the back of her hand on the table. Almost invitingly as she waited for Olga to respond/


Well, her work here was done. With a little whining Lucy drew back a bat and just watched for a moment. She even gave her master a wink!


Olga didn't miss a beat, and took Grigori's hand shamelessly. "Shall we go pay, then?" She said with a flourish.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end