Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 52478 times)


  • Moon Cancer
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The pope stayed silent during the exchange.  It took all he had just to keep up with him.  It would be foolish to engage in pointless banter.  Even then, the man broke his assult, using a swift but unorthodox kick to break the flurry of counter strikes.  Now completly off balance, the man slammed his fists into the priest's stomach, causing all of the air to ffly out of his mouth.  His abdomen stung and his lunges felt like a black hole had suddenly occupied its space, ruthlessly sucking out the air.

Yet he would not falter.

The lightning danced around both of their bodies, illuminating his hardened stare.  In order to keep himself from being blown back, he dug his legs in even farther than before.  There was only one response, a right hook to the plexes, strong enough to crush steel.  The moment the attack connected, he would kick his legs upward, disrupting the ground beneith them, filling the air with bolders, rocks and dust.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 07:08:18 PM by yinsukin »


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Just when he was about to crack a smile, he was interrupted by a booming slam and an even more booming voice right in his face. Well, he cracked the smile anyways,. There was tenacious and then there was straight up obsessed. Did he want an autograph? He'd gladly sign it with that beast's blood.  More importantly, he really needed to rant less. Or maybe not. This was better for everyone involved honestly.

So immediately as soon as his good old aquatic friend got to that last word, Blackmore generated a beehive barrier surrounding the fish, pinning him and his arms right in the middle of the shield.

"Merciless Prison"
« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 07:08:29 PM by francobull3 »


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Getting showed into the wall likelihood this hurt, and he managed to get a real good grip her her too. She'd have to wiggle herself out here in one precise moment for it to work, just wait...

"Merciless Prison"

"Uwaaaa..." Her voice broke in genuine shock at what was happening.

As the magical prison took form, the maid found herself flung away from the wall and into the prison, getting trapped in place of the Fishman.

"How pathetic."


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Minion A

As the tedril's grabbed hold of his staff, the man used a second hand to maintain a hold on it.  However, this left him open to the shadows quickly surrounding him. They mercilessly beat his body, even as he transformed the staff into a spinning blade that cut the shadows binding the weapon.  For the moment, that was all he could manage.  He took a defensive stance, covering his face as the shadowy fists struck his body.  Unfortunately, that was not all.  One of the shadows grabbed hold of him, restraining him from behind.

Depending on her next move, he might have a chance to escape, but this was unlikely. 
« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 09:28:54 PM by yinsukin »


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Blackmore quickly realized what just happened, even if all he saw was the fish disappearing in a split second, and dispelled the barrier in a heartbeat. Good grief, he was too fast too hit and too tough to hurt. This was seriously annoying...

Specks of black matter emerged form his body like squares before bursting into a flash of blinding light. The moment the light would fade, Blackmore would be in two places at once. Aside the fish, barely in his field of vision, and his original location. Either way, if he could give in an opening, Molly should be able to pin him down.


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Joe stood completly still, still processing what had just happened.  However, the detective's voice interrupted him from his daze.  "N-no I don't think so," he said, looking down at his phone.  He should probably tell Sakura that the threat has passed.  Even if that was the right thing to do, he couldn't help but feel intimidated by the contact entry.  He had no idea if she would even bother to help.  If she was on her way, wouldn't she be mad there was no danger?

I don't want her to think i'm crying wolf, he thought, touching the name.  Well I probably should move anyway.

With that thought in mind, he looked at the detective and said, "Yes thats alright.  I think I should make a call as well."  With that, he touched the call button and put his phone up to his ear, hoping Sakura would pick up.


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The hook was shot flawlessly into Vanguard's plexus, but despite that he didn't stop or find his breath shortened in the first place. There was no breath to find in the first place. He took the opportunity to grab the man's arm with one hand to keep him still and fire a devastating palm strike at the man's face at the opposite side with his other, right where his foe's free arm couldn't reach.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 07:38:54 PM by francobull3 »


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Soon after the giant of a man emitted a flash of light, an earth shattering screech was heard, it echoed throughout the place a thousand times over and more. And then the real Blackmore was hit by a perfect backdrop.

"Foolish. My advanced eel physiology grant me... SONAR."

Molly came at him from behind only for the Sushimoto to sidestep which made her overshoot.

"You Surface Dwellers can never compete. I am the next step, the ultimate lifeform. I AM THE SEWER KING!"
« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 08:10:51 PM by Thedoctor »


  • Moon Cancer
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Leo I


The attack definitely hit, but there was no reflex, no contortion of the man's body.  Instead, he grabbed hold of the priest's arm and delivered a strike to the torso opposite to his free arm.  The shock of the failed attack prevented him from acting in that split second, causing him to get sent flying several feet, a gust of wind accompanying his flight.  However, he rolled backwards in midair, flipping onto his feet.

"I've never been much of a fighter," he said with a groan, brushing the dust off of his clothes.  "Or perhaps I have grown a bit too old."

That was the first time he had ever been knocked down like that before.  Even the mighty Atilita could not make this priest falter.  Then again, he had always had time to prepare to fight and his opponents were always within the realm of reality.  Could he really call a man who does not flinch when damaged human or bound by the rules of the real?  No, this "man" was nothing short of a demon, defending that devil inhabiting a young girl's body.

"Regardless of the reason, I won't falter again," he said.  His voice was so commanding that when he spoke, it sounded like he was commanding the earth to shatter.  And just as he did, the rocks and boulders between them fell to the ground, many shattering on impact.  As the priest took his stride forward, a gust of wind blew, ruffling his coat as he walked.  The stone cold face he projected only advertised a small percentage of his determination.

Yes. For a brief moment, he had lost faith in himself.  That would not happen again, not here.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 08:25:21 PM by yinsukin »


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Vanguard glared at the old man. SUch strength, wasted, and for what? It didn't matter. Right now, that man was an impediment to his dream, so he'd erase him. Lightning cracked around his body, screaming as it whipped the ground like merciless whips. He held his arm out and a brilliant light ripped out of the space around it, as blinding as the sun.

When it faded, it revealed a magnificent halberd held tightly by the warrior, a weapon unlike anything else.

"Your next strike will be the last."

Cherry Lover

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Sakura smiled as the shadow familiar grabbed him from behind, restraining him. Quickly, she ordered two others to grab hold of an arm each, whilst several more continued to punch the now-defenceless man, hitting his face and stomach. Sakura didn't much like the idea of pummelling someone who couldn't defend himself, but she knew she needed to keep him off guard until she could ensure he was completely out of the fight.

Meanwhile, whilst her familiars were restraining and beating the unfortunate thief, Sakura extended the tendrils that the blade had cut once more, reaching for the non-bladed part of the weapon in between the man's hands, aiming to wrap around it. At the same time, several others reached for his arms, intending to wrap around them. Then, if she succeeded, she would pull the weapon straight out of his hands, using the leverage of the tendrils and the shadow familiars holding him in place to overcome his grip.

Umbra of Chaos

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The battle was fierce and quick. It was a devastating display of martial prowess and physical ability. But it was nothing more than a sideshow, a mere distraction to the main event. Upon Lucy's head was a ten pointed crown, each end radiating terrible glory. Her hand clenched a beautiful bow and on her back was a quiver of twisted arrows. Her cute casual wear had morphed into a white robe with a hem dipped in fresh blood. "Lo and behold, a figure in white..."
« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 10:48:15 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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"Your body is pretty amazing. I never knew eels were this amazing." He groaned and wiped the blood off his smile after he realized he had been kicked in the first place. This time, he didn't even give him the satisfaction of falling, in fact he was just smiling for all sorts of different reasons. Sheesh, at this rate, his eardrum would give in first, not to say this all didn't hurt...

"Ever thought what it's like living up above?" He asked him while pointing upwards, managing to sound as dignified as his opponent despite the number of blows he had been dealt. Then again, the same could be said for his little aquatic friend.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2017, 04:23:37 AM by francobull3 »


  • Moon Cancer
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Minion A


A right hook to the face.


A straight punch to the abdomen.  The shadow creatures were ironically beating on him like petty thugs, all for the goal of extorting the money he took.  However, he would not lose the weapon so easily.  He kicked the creature in front of him, trying desperately to keep it away from him.  Unfortunately, his foot simply sunk into the creature's body.  The tedril's reattached to the blade, so he transformed it into a chain saw.  With the metal blade spinning, the tendril's would be shredded on contact but to no avail.  He may have avoided her stealing the weapon for the moment, but now he was completely immobilized, aside from his grip.

"Get lost!  The money is mine!" he yelled, frantically flipping about, even as the shadows continued to pummel him.

« Last Edit: September 19, 2017, 12:14:13 AM by yinsukin »

Cherry Lover

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Sakura sighed.

"No, it is mine. You stole it from me, and I am going to take it back. Then I am going to hand you over to the police", she replied to the now-helpless man.

Meanwhile, the shadow giant that he had attempted to kick simply flowed around his leg, trapping it in place. Sakura pondered the situation for a moment, irritated with his futile determination not to surrender his weapon, before deciding to have the tendrils binding his arms pull on them, threatening to pull his hands onto the blades of his weapon if he did not let go. If that didn't work, she would continue to pull until he released the weapon or was about to be torn apart. At the same time, the shadows continued to pummel him, keeping him distracted and causing him pain that she hoped would make him surrender.

"Just give up, drop the weapon and give me back my money", she said with a sigh. "You can't escape, all you're doing by resisting is causing yourself needless pain and injury."
« Last Edit: September 19, 2017, 01:48:33 AM by Cherry Lover »