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Messages - Kurogami

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Ok, so I am trying to decide just what the best way to remove Minato is, right now I am thinking "He was just a memory".

Also thinking about next character attempt, well I have been playing a lot of skyrim...

Nah, he misread, or my phrasing was bad, one of those I don't care which.

This is not the first RP I have ever BEEN in, but it is the first I have ever GOT into.

As in this is the first RP I have been in that I didn't start myself.

I tried to start an RP on BL even though I had no idea what I was doing, because I couldn't get into any of the others that interested me.

The result was exactly what one would have expected it to be...


Also sorry if it looked like I was trying to start a guilt trip, I was just expressing my own shame at not knowing when to let a bad thing die.

Having had the fundamental flaws in my sheet listed out like this has made me realize that I should not have held on this long.

I had originally intended to take the feedback from the inevitable rejection of this and use it to fix all the problems with it at once.

But it is just too much, even if I could fix all of it, it would take far too long for a character that is still in game.

Even if I did fix it all I am not sure I could bring myself to play him after having to rip out so much of my hard work.

I was too attached to it, my first character in the first RP I ever got into.

I request permission to make one last post with Minato to remove him from the game so that at least he will not hold anyone back anymore.


No really I am Fucking finished!

My Gods that was horrific, I hope I never have to go through this again.

I am working on the expanded background now, I plan to just summarize so I should be completely done today or tomorrow.

This has been far more difficult than I anticipated.

I may just cut out a persona or two entirely, for now I am just trying to get all the skills and history put up, then I will start removing things that I look at and don't think I will get use out of.

On which note Michael will be the first to go.


And gone, decided not to wait after I decided to take him out.

Yeah, I kinda just got back from not having any kind of reliable internet access for a week, sorry. That said neither of you have caught up with me on day two breakfast so I still have nothing to do yet. I have nothing to contribute where you two are now.

Profile wise I got stuck on Michael, everything about him is broken as fuck, so it gets kinda difficult to fabricate a skill related to him in any way that is not also broken. I am close to just giving up and puting in something generic but my pride is holding me back...

Wait I may have thought of something.

She did not, the front door to the dorm and the bedroom doors are not the same as the Doors from this ability.



Norn ability done, this took awhile because it was hard to come up with an ability for an amalgamation of three goddesses of fate that was not utterly broken. The result is an limited Eye of the mind ripoff that kills him if he overuses it.

Hmm, let me see if I can fix those problems...

--15 Minutes Later--

OK, I think I've got something;

"Use of the doors are a phenomena limited to humans, although use by former humans and part humans is possible as long as they retain humanity. Former humans who have lost their humanity and part humans who have ceased to be human at all will be unable to access the doors even if they were previously able to. Beings that are fully inhuman from the start are entirely incompatible with the doors."

and also;

"After arriving in the nexus, most of the doors that lead to places that are not part of the city became sealed, and have not opened since."

Will that make it work better?

Working on it right now, I had some problems earlier but I will try to have it done in the next couple of days.

I will be updating here on my progress at least twice daily from here on.

If nothing else happens to wreck my newly regained motivation, I should finish this weekend.

Though is there anything stopping you from going through things up till breakfast on day two?

I am fairly sure you are several posts away from that and that is where Minato is, even when I get back in (being optimistic) I won't be able to post anything till you both get to day two where Minato will be still.

Okay so update, if you are wondering why it took so long, that is because I suddenly caught myself picking things off my list I did not really want to use because I thought it would make people less angry at me than everything else. I very nearly quit the game when I realized this. Instead I took several days off and reevaluated. So here it is.

Surt gives a fire barrier that keeps shit out and burns it if it comes in anyway; As a trade off Minato can't fight or leave the barrier and once it goes down it starts it's three day recharge timer.

Skadi gives ice control that can't make new ice, gets weaker the closer he gets to the ocean, and is useless against anything more durable or better at dodging than the local canon fodder.

Odin gives Sleipnir Motorcycle. Because Fucking Sleipnir Motorcycle.

Oh yeah I was going to give a summary of why I am adding all this stuff to the personas.

It is a trade off I made with myself for using the base stats and move lists instead of my fully customized personas that I grinded up to max level and loaded up with incense cards.

It was also an excuse to use a bit of my immensely meager writing ability to come up with something interesting that fits with either the theme or the legend/myth/story that the persona comes from.

So there you go, have at it; rip out my throat, tear out my liver, cut out my heart; I have little hope left of mercy, well I have little hope left period.


Please ignore that last part, I have just gotten past the worst two weeks of my life and there is more to come. Please forgive my foolishness.

Whatever, nobody reply to that last post. I will be getting back to work now.

That is the worst of it I think, and I even went and took out something I had no plans to for the sake of peace.

That being said, once I have added the rest of the inherent attributes that will be it as far as Skill addons are concerned.

After that is dorm description and post arrival history up to the game start, then I'm done.

Ok so without actually reading any posts from after I got off, I have decided not to wait on the GM for this and take out Shadow Vassal.


Having gone back and looked through the posts now, there are only two other things I need to say.

First is to Alice, I think those stats you posted were Minato's base stats before Persona and equipment boosts; When all the bonuses were added all his stats were over 200 IIRC. Yeah I just checked my original copy, the persona stats were a passive bonus added to his base stats, plus his equipment provided rankups and multipliers; The end result was a lot of EX's. Which was the dumbest kind of mistake for me to make.

Second is about the once a day miracle. It is not as impressive as it sounds. But I think I will narrow his range of choices to "miracles attributed to the messiah" since it is an ability of Messiah. That was what I was intending to do anyway, I just did not get around to it last night.

I actually agree on Lorelei being as powerful as she is, if she does not make every other modern mage look like a complete joke, something is being done wrong.

If I can avoid having to remove it in some way I would like to, but I have no major issue with removing it if a GM orders it.

Not even a big retcon if I do, just make some other throwaway NPC to serve the guard dog role I was alluding to, and pretend the "chinking of chains" foreshadowing was a coincidence and had no deeper meaning.

Though I might add that it does fit with his Messiah theme somewhat, by making The Reaper his guard dog he has "Conquered Death" in a fairly literal sense.

Though given that Minato was first approved with EX servant everything and nothing to make him unique, I think this is a vast improvement over what I started with, no matter how it turns out.


Going to sleep, will resume editing in the morning.

Right now I am just putting everything in, if there is anything I am totally banned from using I will just tag it as sealed in the profile.

That said I think I will be just making a profile for it after I am done with this to turn it from an NPC to a PC and make it easier to work with, though if that and the ability gets rejected then I will have no choice but to retcon it.

I don't like it, but if that is what I have to do then that is what I will do.

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