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Messages - Kotomine_Rin

Pages: 1 ... 170 171 [172] 173 174 ... 374
Blackmore (at the stadium)

"My my, how about no? I'm no good in fights, something like that sounds painful." He told the lady with a wide, condescending smile. Then, he rose from his seat, practically towering over both like a giant wall before waddling out of the reception station. "Follow me."

The room was littered with crackling orbs positioned in different ways, making the track very constricted. Some moved, others blocked paths but overall the track was very clear cut. Littered around were six balls which they had to collect while avoiding turret fire. The turrets weren't fast, but they followed the targets, making stopping in place a far from great idea.

Putting all three orbs in the console would unlock a dome in the center of the track, where an impact measurer was standing. All you had to do was hit it before your opponent in order to pass.

It was pretty simple, honestly.


While all her earlier ravings bore no genuine reaction out of him, Vanguard looked at Molly with puzzlement, as if she was genuinely insane.

"Why would I want something like that? My mortal body couldn't achieve my goal, aiming for what I once had will only repeat the same result senselessly. No. I need more."

He looked around, then averted his eyes to the clouds, narrowing them for a second as if trying to see something beyond. "It's no good to set your bars so low, Molly. How do you plan to surpass me with such a narrow way of thinking? Tell me, how high do you think you can manage?" He asked her, genuinely interested in what she had to answer.


The dead apostle didn't care about her taunt in the slightest, and why should she? She wasn't concerned with being strong or weak, she was the sort of beast solely concerned with indulging herself and hunting worthy prey pleased her the most of all her pastimes. No matter how you looked at it there was always going to be someone outclassing you somewhere, it wasn't even surprising to begin with.

But it didn't mean it wasn't thrilling. Her smile was enough to drive the crows off a battlefield, whatever damage was dealt to her reverted back like a cassette tape rewinding.  With a swift motion, she twisted her body and snapped her leg in order to reach her face with her claws and gouge her eyes out.


Costin's hand was knocked away by a brutal blow, despite it being hardened like steel her hand flew off. Her hand was pushed up, leaving her body open. Despite that, her laugh couldn't be more joyous, she was the sort who'd roar into laughter even at the brink of defeat. Such was the thrill of battle to an intoxicated demon of the night.

Interesting, it was like her hand was some goddamn weapon! This was already more of a blast than that blonde cunt a while back!!

She used her momentum to flip back and reposition herself, nimbly shifting back her stance as she landed on her feet. Her hand grew back to its immaculate shape before she even hit the ground, dashing to the side in order to flank her opponent with a literal axe kick, decorated with a leg coated with a blood axe able to cleave a metal pole in half.


In the last few days, the demon sword had been thinking. Something about a recent battle sat wrongly with him. He had lost, that was undeniable. He was fine with that..

But he didn't lose to his opponent. The one he lost to was none other than himself. He sat in his room and thought to himself, bothered by the events of that day. She had killed many people, he saw that much, but he didn't know what had happened before then. He let his assumptions get the best of him and judged a kindred blade. Did he, of all people, have that right? Now, he wasn't so sure.

He was kneeling with his eyes closed, but he opened them once and smiled sadly. "What would you have done?" He managed to ask, looking next to him like someone was at his side.

"Ah, right. I need to clean for tomorrow." He shook his head and rose up, walking back to fetch the broom.

"Hmph, all done!" The demon smiled and  put his arms to the side, admiring his work. The shop was immaculately clean, to the point the walls and floors sparkled. He pulled a clock out of his pocket and grinned. "And only four minutes. I'm on a roll! Hehehehe..."


"Ah..." The pirate hit his palm with his fist, as if he understood. Indeed, everything now had crystal clear clarity, but his meekness didn't last long. His hollow eyes quickly averted to the smug Lucy, and with a tick of his flames he disappeared from where he stood and appeared right before her with a violent whack.

The poor Antichrist now laid on the floor, knocked cold with a giant lump on her head and battered in a pool of her own blood. The blow was devastating and annihilated her to the point two X's replaced her eyes. It seemed Lorenzo truly wasn't kidding, so much for peaceful resolutions.

How dare she look so smug anyways, hmph. He wouldn't take this bullying from her of all people.

"Unforgivable. To think she would make a mockery of your feelings. Scum." He crossed his arms and looked down on the knocked out girl in disgust. Even his false body of flames had dispelled, though despite that his flames turned kinder as he turned to Nep. "I'm glad your friend is okay though. Precious things should be held close."


"Ah, how enviable. Your lust is beautiful and familiar. You seek to devour those above you and rise above the filth and muck. As do I." He smiled with understanding, the sort of expression closer to a man basking in divine bliss than a human.

Ah, but he might just have given it away as well, the loophole that tied them both together went both ways.

"Alas, my vessel is defective. A body of machinery cannot change or evolve. I am static, still, whatever strength I can add to myself is limited and clear cut. The gods are cruel, they made men like crayon boxes, meant to paint the world in an infinity of colors. Yet, they only grant each and every one of us one color. Isn't that laughable?"

Despite his words, his expression shifted back and didn't seem amused in the slightest. "A boy once suggested me the way of teaching. Perhaps I will be able to change something through that path. Enough talk, follow me." And with that, he took a confident stride outside, his gait and presence shifting and changing into something else.


The vampire couldn't believe what she just heard. This was just too rich. She knew they were strong, no doubt, their smelled like certain doom even for her. She clutched at her face, trying to contain herself, but something about that man's smell put her on edge, like she had already smelled that man before.

It was the same as him. The one who cursed her blood. This would be fun.

"Heh! Heheheheheeheh, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! You're a laugh riot, punk! Fine then! But I've got a request too. Go rip that stupid mask off your face and shove it up your eye-socket like the maggot you are!" She flipped him the bird with a canine grin, her pent up malice and hatred billowed like a rotting can only to explode, causing the sewers to shift coldly and the water to turn reddish for a split second. It was as if the underground was drenched in blood and gore for an instant before returning to normal.

Her stance changed to that of a beast about to strike, altough relaxed as ever there was no hidden hint of animosity in her pitch black eyes, crowned with crimson irises which could tear a man to shreds. Her limbs were coated with blood like steel, donned with claws that could tear a car apart.

"You reek, you dumb motherfucker, I just can't stand your fucking smell. I'll gut you, drain you, rip your lungs off your nose, tear you to pieces and smear you on the wall like shit! Entertain me you lowlife trash!" The beast howled with battle-hungry glee before leaping forth. She couldn't care less how strong they were, she hadn't done this in too long, and could hardly contain this itch any longer.


The vampire tilted her head to glance at the worm who spoke up behind her, smiling cheerfully with a tone as chipper as ever. Her crimson eyes seemed to be the only source of light in this den of waste, glowing pregnant with malice. "Eh? Sorry, were you talking to my ass? Cause I can't hear you with my ass. Don't worry, I'll hear you out later."

She stretched and cracked her knuckles and neck, grinning widely with teeth like a moon white canvas ready to be painted blood red. "You sure you wanna do this though? I'm in a good mood, so I might let you off with a warning if you scram. Maybe I'll just kill you tomorrow though, khahahahahaha!"

Blackmore (at the stadium)

"Ho? Isn't it kinda early for throwing your hat in?" The giant tilted his head, his grin not fading for one second. It almost looked like he was eating them with his eyes, observing them thoroughly. "Well, we have standards for this event, not just anyone can join in. Well, if you can pass the bar exam, you should have no problem. So what do you say, want to give it a shot?"


If he wasn't confused already, now the pirate was lost. Was everything fine? What was this all about? Or that earlier scene for the matter. The entire narrative built up in his head was shattered in one go, and he had absolutely no idea what was going on.

"Um..." He he tried to come up with something in a low voice, his look as puzzled as it got until she was done. "Hey, Nep. What just happened?" He tried whispering to her, like a schoolboy trying to ask a classmate for a test's answer while the teacher is looking away.


The ninja laughed curtly, though he was no less red than Alicia at this point. Despite that, he seemed to really enjoy her company. "Say, do you have other stories? Anything's fine, I'll listen." He asked her eagerly.


Blackmore chuckled before letting out a beastly yawn. "Come on, don't be a stick in the mud. Liven up a little, it'll do you some good." He stretched out of the ground, almost growing thrice his massive size.

He didn't even pay heed to the man who passed out in the middle of the place, or maybe he did. It wouldn't make him look any less amused at least.

"Speaking of which, I gotta take a piss." And with that, he rose out of the ground, drawing everyone's stares as he waddled awkwardly to the men's room.


"Victims such as me, I presume." He told her flatly, with cold eyes that looked like they could see through her. But despite the cold context, he smiled. "No matter. Your chances are greater than null, and that is good enough for me to accept. But answer me honestly, why? You're already fairly powerful. I doubt someone of your skill would have any difficulty indulging in her... passions."


The pirate looked confused, to say the least. First, Lucy pulled some strange box thing and started talking to herself, then the box started talking to her. Could the box be the friend Nep was talking about? Oh, no, perhaps it was just a magic communications device. Interesting, but confusing.

"Um, what's going on?" Je rubbed the back of his head, completely out of the loop.

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