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Messages - Elf

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Other / Re: Pacific Rim
« on: July 20, 2013, 06:59:24 AM »
This movie is fantastic.  I saw it last weekend and it's the best movie I've seen all year.  Yes, I enjoyed it more than "Star Trek".

It's a movie that you have a blast from start to finish, and plus Ron Perlman.


How does that work with regards to deadly actions? I mean, I don't want my characters to die, so what happens if they get stuck in a situation where the most likely thing to happen is their death?

Well you can have your character escape, just make it plausible.  I don't want any God Mode Cheating Asspulls.  I don't want any character deaths unless both players agree on it. 

Yeah I don't understand that either...Gae Bolg will really break things won't it?

Gae Bolg is still Gae Bolg, but Lancer is going to be responsible in using it.  Hell in the original myth there were only like two actual accounts where he used it, he enjoyed swords.  And remember, he has to get Gae Bolg ready to use, which gives the other player time to run the fuck away. 

When writing the scenarios, how do conversations work? I can't control other characters, so would conversations consist of a series of short posts between each character? How would combat work? If I said Shirou set a trap, I can't say that Archer for example just walked into it right?

For conversations it would be a series of short posts between each character. As for Combat, pretty much it should be, "Shirou set a trap for Archer" then Archer's player chooses if he falls for it or not.  However it has to be "realistic" or rather probable.  If its something Archer can't avoid, then he should fall for it.

Posted in the RP. If I broke something, tell me what I did wrong, and I'll try to fix it

Welcome told the Fold, and I think it was a very nice first post.

Hey Mike, once Rider stops sitting on her, I think Forest would be more inclined to call her Rider.  Right now she just wants people's attention.

Alice, long posts are fine, m'dear.

Now I'm just wondering who's going to notice our sniper Shirou, and what will happen between Archer and Lancer?  Will they get into a fight, or go off to rescue their prospective "Masters"?  Find out on the next exciting episode of "Cross Effects"!

Thanks Mike!

And I posted.  Rider now has a new nickname.

Cross Effects 1.0 Archive / Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« on: July 19, 2013, 05:25:47 AM »
A feral grin was etched across Lancer's features, and Gae Bolg was in his hands.  Looming before him were four hulking beasts, their forms some bastardization of wolf and man.  Still, a wolf is a wolf, and I am the Hound, the Celtic hero thought as he spun his cursed lance in a graceful arch above his head.  It was his weapon now, even though he would have been more comfortable with a blade due to all the pain Gae Bolg had given him in his life time.

Forest would have a fit if he let the battle out with all of the bystanders doing the boring things that bystanders did.  So with rapid movements he traced the series of runes into the concrete with his spear.  The glowed bright blue before pale blue energy materialized behind him.  The line was drawn, none of the combatants could pass that line; they would be stopped by the runes that held them there until he was dead or he dispersed them.

Growls filled the alley, some of them even Lancer's, as the demi-god rushed into the fray.

It was over quickly, too quickly in his opinion, and Lancer was soon standing alone with four bodies currently on fire due to his runes.  He would reduce the remains to ashes, leaving nothing in his wake.  Nothing that could be traced back to him or his lovely landlady either, and burning the cursed remains would grant them peace.  The Brigid would bless them and send them on their merry way to the next world.  The Morrigan would not be feasting on that dead this night.

"Pathetic," the blue haired man said with a snort before a swift kick swept the runes keeping the battle in place away.

Lancer, I could really use your help now . . . Please . . .

A wolfish grin crossed his features at the sound of that husky, lilting voice begging in his mind.  He wondered a time or two if she screamed when she found completion, or did she moan wantonly in that low voice of hers?  Her resistance was all the sweeter to him; part of the joy was the chase.  It wasn't fun if they came after him, and that was part of the reason he rejected the Morrigan despite the fact she had been the most beautiful woman he'd laid eyes on.

He willed Gae Bolg back into ether for the moment before whistling softly.  He got an impression of another alley and recognized the area.  Forest was suppressing something in her sending, which made him even more curious.  So he broke into a run to head to her and see what she needed.

As he nimbly weaved through the streets he caught sight of a broad back cloaked in red with a head of white hair resting above it rushing in the same direction he was.  "Tch."  He easily out sprinted the bowman and ended up in front of him.  Gae Bolg was pointed at the betrayer, the man who had left Rin to that punk's devices and had betrayed her to become Caster's Servant, and that was something Lancer couldn't stand.

"Oy, Archer, where the hell you're going in such a hurry, eh?  We've got unfinished business."  No more tricks this time, you cheating bastard.  We're going to do this like men, instead of you playing around like a little bitch.


Well bugger, she is a Servant then, they confirmed it. Of course she needs prana to survive, and apparently the girl is a Master too?  Now this has become lovely,  Forest thought, looking between Saber and Rider, then to the poor girl Rider was currently using as leverage and a cushion of sorts.

Sighing, the vampire took a step up and pointed at Saber, "Check the aggression for a moment here please.  I'd rather not have my city leveled by some battle of heroic spirits or former heroic spirits having a grudge match."

Then she pointed to Rider.   The Servant was apparently protecting a child, which means if something happened to Rider then the poor kid would be all defenseless. "Hey, Walking Sex Offense, if you let the girl go, I'll donate.  I might not be alive, but I have prana."  Lancer, you had better be right about that, and you had better be here soon.

Finally she looked at the girl, her voice and expression softening some what, "Poppet, when the Walking Sex Offense lets you go, get out of here and please have your Servant decide to not to come kill us all.  If you're going to rough house, do it in an abandoned part of town. Please."

Just a question, when you guys say alternate form of Shirou, does Mind of Steel Shirou count?

Indeed it would.  Which would be interesting because Mike is playing a very post HF Shirou and Sakura.

I've already went back and edited my post.

Hmm... darn, looking at the recent updates, I realized I screwed up a bit- I assumed Rider was wearing her battle costume, hence why I had Hakuno think of her as "scary." Are we allowed to go back and fix stuff like this that still doesn't change what all went down after the fact otherwise, or is it pretty much set in stone?

Well, there is an edit button on the post, so you can. XD

Lol, yeah. Although I'm not sure Rider is going to be exactly pleased about having to have sex with him, even if she knows she needs the prana.

And I doubt that Lancer's into BDSM either.

General Discussion / Re: New Fate/Stay Night Anime Announced!
« on: July 17, 2013, 04:16:06 AM »
I don't know about that, mixing UBW into HF could work, if done properly.

So far it sounds like they're going to be doing all three routes, which would be fantastic.  Fuck DEEN.

Cross Effects 1.0 Archive / Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« on: July 17, 2013, 04:08:21 AM »
And this, well girls, is what we call a "Mexican Standoff", Forest thought to herself as she barged in the alley, seeing two women who could rival the Fae in their beauty and a teenage girl.

The poor girl was caught between the lavender haired Walking Sex Offense and her Bondage Happy Time Chains and the tiny grim blond who did more than just embrace goth, but dive right into it.  There was something unsettling by the petite blond's oddly cold yellow eyes, like chips of yellow diamonds.  Not the warm, golden tones of most other yellow gemstones, but that unyielding, almost unnatural shade of yellow that diamonds could be and were just as hard and relentless.

Forest had heard a young female voice calling for someone named Archer, and Forest doubted that the girl was calling for Sterling Archer or any of the other members of ISIS.  The girl's desperate cry sounded more like she was calling a protector of some sort.  Then Walking Sex Offense got the girl trapped and Tiny Blond Goth was making some monologue as if the two women knew each other.

They feel like Lancer, she realized, and Tiny Goth Girl had called the Walking Sex Offense "Rider".  Lancer had told her of the Servant Classes in that War he'd been summoned into.  Archer and Rider were two of them.  "Oh come off of it!" Forest said with a groan as she realized that if she didn't do something soon there would be massive property damage when three freakishly powerful Servants decided to throw down.

The vampire skidded to a halt, holding up her hands and trying to look as non threatening as possible.  "Okay Ladies, why don't we just all back off here and go along our merry ways?"

Mentally, she called out through the city to her housemate, Lancer, I could really use your help now . . . Please

Pretty much so, but because they're NPCs they can be used by other characters if needed/wanted. 

True that Rider's in the best position.  And soon she'll need it.  Luckily there's an Irish Demi-God who's all to willing to share.

Hmm, Elf, what are the rules on NPCs here? I mean, if we want to have our characters be attacked, or have people we want to interact who aren't players, what do we do?

NPCs are fine if you want to start a conflict or what not.  Like Rider suddenly getting ambushed by a pack of jerk ass werewolves or what not.  Also, there will be some other NPCs that will make reoccurring appearances in the RP itself.  Stuff like you know, normal working folk.  Like the manager at Rider's hotel and stuff.

And who wants to place their bets on the first characters who get laid?

Cross Effects 1.0 Archive / Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« on: July 16, 2013, 03:31:27 AM »
The vampire known as Law Unto Herself, or Forest or Fore to those lucky enough to be in her acquaintance, was on Patrol.  This unusual, terrifying, and wonderful city had its fair share of horrors, and she took it upon herself to defend those who couldn't when she could.  She was fully aware she wasn't omnipotent, and with some of the beings she'd come across, her power level barely registered on the Scouter.   

Like my unusual "roommate", she thought with a rueful smile as she smoothly parallel parked her 1967 SS RS Camaro.  Strains of Dio were silenced when the engine was turned off and the key pulled out of the ignition.  The tall blond stepped out of the classic Pony Car, her black leather duster sweeping behind her.  She rested her hand on the handle of her gun before locking her car and beginning her sweep of the city.

She knew Lancer was out, possibly looking for that troublesome gang of werewolves that had been tearing through people in the Asian district of town.  The Celtic warrior could handle a pack of werewolves easier than she could, even with her .44 Magnum loaded with silver slugs.  His true identity was something he guarded, but he had told her that he'd been summoned back from the dead as part of some ritual and he should have died a second time.  Instead he had been delighted to find himself alive and not as some spirit who could go corporeal and living off mystical energy to fight for some "bastard priest" against "some cheating wanker" and managing to save "a feisty lass" before dying.

Combat and violence was in his blood.  Those crimson eyes of his weren't human; there was wildness in Lancer.  She could see it, smell it, and hear it in his mind.  On the flip side he was a nice, jovial sort who was loyal to a fault.  She knew he wouldn't try anything other than flirt excessively and he was the sort that one wanted on their side in a fight.

And they could speak their native tongue to each other, but he did seem a little leery when he found out that the Morrigan was her patron goddess.

She walked down the streets, the smells, sounds, and thoughts of the city almost overwhelming her.

As she walked past an alley she felt a sharp spike of power.  Sheer, unadulterated power that had an edge of playful hunger to it.  Then she also heard the confused thoughts of a young girl yearning for someone named "Archer" as well.  The smell of magic was thick in the air, and Forest got a gleaning of a dark, troubled presence as well, and it seemed all three were about to converge.

"Bugger it all," the blond said to herself before dashing in the alley with her vampirc speed to keep the body count as low as possible.

Fanfiction / Re: Crossover ideas thread
« on: July 07, 2013, 04:43:34 PM »
This sounds interesting. :) Angel and Archer bickering with each other would be fantastic. XD

...Also, I wonder how they handle life insurance over at W&H, especially given stuff happening in their firms like the Beast murderating pretty much the entire LA branch. ^_^"

And they would bicker, especially if Angel was made Archer's master and Archer gets to see all of those lovely Angelus memories.  Of course, Angel gets to see Archer being a dumb ass.

You know, I bet W&H does have a fantastic life insurance plan.

Fanfiction / Re: Crossover ideas thread
« on: July 07, 2013, 04:03:14 AM »
Now here's a crossover idea.

FSN/Angel: The Series and maybe Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

A client of Wolfram and Hart's wants a Servant of absolute power so they can do something. Maybe get vengeance or they just want to have a mystical Weapon of Mass destruction at their command. They're a MacGuffin.

Anyway, with Wolfram and Hart's resources they pull a Servant from another dimension. Just happens to be Gilgamesh.

Shit goes down really fast and Gil, well, Gil's pissed and he hates the world as he sees it now. I mean, look at L.A. it is kind of a pit, especially Angel's version of it. So he's going to wipe out all the useless people and start anew.

Of course Angel really doesn't want that happening. However, one doesn't stop Gilgamesh when he's in full, "Mongrels, women and children!" mode. In fact, the Angel Investigations team get their asses handed to them. Gil doesn't kill them though; he finds Angel fascinating because - we'll set this in early season three before Connor was born - Angel's unique. He's the only vampire with a soul, and that gets him a pass. (May almost get him captured because Gil might think he's a "treasure".)

Wolfram and Hart is a mess because Gil went all "Mongrels, women and children!" on their L.A. offices. They know they have a problem. The Fang Gang knows that Gil is severely dangerous. So they sort of join forces to stop Gil.

The only way to do that is to summon something else on his power level. Angel doesn't trust Wolfram and Hart because he's pretty sure they'll stab him in the back as soon as Gil's stopped. He demands "control" of the Servant they summon.

The oracles at Wolfram and Hart know of someone who is capable of doing this, but the chances of him winning are slim because well, Gil. Angel shrugs, says something like, "Well, I always like to root for the underdog. Let's do this."

And EMIYA is now the newest member of the Fang Gang.

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