Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74840 times)


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The demon was about to head back to check on his lovely little eggplant when he suddenly heard a knock. It didn't take him long to realize what was happening, and a huge smile grew on his face, innocent and childike in glee.

            toys          break             torment
More guests to entertain and accommodate! Oh, so wonderful, wonderful, wonderful~! He was sure they'd have so much FUN! But wait, in this case, he'd need his GUEST CLOTHES!! Made for the sole purpose of entertainment and accommodation. Yes, yes, yes yes yes yes yeeeess!!!

But he needed to respond first, and for that, a flashy entrance was necessary!! Oh, how terrible. What would he do!? Thinking hard, he checked on his notebook for any ideas, but all he found were little doodles of kittens, birdies and slaughtered meatbags. Oh, how wonderful. That thought suddenly made him hungry. Hopefully Irisviel wouldn't mind if he took a bite or two from guests. He'd make sure to share!

So he changed his appearance to a lively young man, an orange mane and jester clothes along with a colourful unmbrella. Or a joker! One of his hands happened to be a skeleton. Why? Why not!

Spoiler for Hiden:

Yes, he knew what to do. This would be perfect! All this thinking made him very tired and hungry, and he was still hurting, but it finally paid off~! So he vanished in a cloud of smoke and confetti-

And burst out of the ground in front of the two despite the fact they were right in front of the castle and there wasn't supposed to be any room for him to pop in. Perhaps the room didn't matter and he simply was there, but it didn't seem like that room was lacking any more.

So he appeared out of nowhere, or rather the ground, in an explosion of smoke, sparkles and confetti! Very nice, very colourful. Keep the applause for later. Smiling cheekily, he bowed in a magnificent, glamorous and fabulous greeting, shielded by a very big colourful umbrella.
"Welcome~☆ Is there anything I could help you with, strangers?"
« Last Edit: December 30, 2015, 02:08:23 PM by francobull3 »


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The cowgirl frowned at Darcy's response, the temptation to shoot him growing by the second.

Come on, it won't kill him and I can conceal it with In. Nobody will ever know. Nobody. It'll just sting...dammit.

Sighing, Annabeth turned to say something to Oren when the girl suddenly collapsed into a writhing ball of black liquid. Eyes widening, Annabeth took a step back, her Ren coming up just as a werewolf leaped from the cloud, jaws wide. Moving without thought, Anne leaped up, vaulting over the werewolf with one hand, Pete materializing in the other. Repeat appeared in her free hand, Annabeth landed far behind Oren's form, both guns leveled at the werewolf.

"Surrender," she called out after a moment's consideration, not entirely wanting to have to fire a shot. She was almost certain that it wouldn't be a mere pinch in this situation.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Irisviel finally arrived at the building she had been looking for. It was a tall, immense apartment complex. It was intimidating, but she wouldn't be detered! She grabbed all her things and walked straight up to the door, and hit the bell.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

The ground shook and Forest heard rumbling outside, like heavy construction.  She didn't ignore it, but she didn't let it distract her like Rikuyo did, taking both of Forest's punches.  The vampire watched as she recovered and charged again.

And she threw a punch and Forest was knocked on her ass.  There was no physical blow, not exactly.  She had felt something once, not too long ago, a man who could throw a punch and knock someone down without touching them.

Except this is Bruce on steroids, she thought to herself as she she rose to her feet.  She didn't have any flashy attacks like that, at least physical ones.  Attacking the girl mentally wasn't even on the menu.  Well, Round Two of this.

She didn't charge Riyuko directly, but moved to put her into a hold.


Saber heard the buzzer ding and walked over to the intercom.  She hit the button and said, "Greetings."


"I doubt fish is delicious as a piece of cherry pie with whipped cream on top," Gabriel said with a sigh and a shake of his head.  "No, it's not, as for arteries clogging . . . That's something I don't have to worry about."
« Last Edit: December 30, 2015, 04:36:15 AM by Elf »


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Cunts. He called us cunts. That man....

In a flash Shinobu surged forward blazing through the place right at the idiot who was casually strolling away with his back turned. Once she reached him she delivered a powerful kick sending him flying through the door taking it with him into the streets.

The blonde then calmy walked out through the empty door frame and looked at the miserable creature. Words would be a waste on something like that.


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

At the elder looking blond's kick, Corbin was aware he went though the door, taking it with him on his trip into the streets.  There was the cracking of things breaking within him as he skidded to a stop as the blond walked out of the empty door frame.  She looked down at him with cold eyes and he felt the familiar tingle as things snapped into place and reformed.

He brushed glass off of himself and shrugged off his jacket.  "So, the little strumpet wants a go of it?  Well, let's have at it," he said as he dropped his jacket to he ground.


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The blond vampire kept advancing at the same pace until she had covered about half the distance, then she took off at a relatively fast pace shooting straight at him. Right before she reached him she suddenly shot to the side at an unbelieveble pace, her previous movements but a shadow of what she was now doing. She quickly went around the man before trying to sweep his legs from behind. 
« Last Edit: December 30, 2015, 05:52:44 AM by Thedoctor »


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Darcy Hugh

The naked priest flinched for a moment at the girl's eerie display and became a feral beast and leapt at the girl. Jeez, why did all the cute girls turn out to want to kill his holy arse? Well, he wasn't paid for this, so he had no reason to stick around. SO he did what any sane man would've done, and ran away clutching at his cross and mumbling inaudible ramblings. Hopefully the girl would distract her enough for him to lose her tracks.

Sakagami Kenzo

Was Kenzo's mind in normal circumstances, he would have been awed by the girl's strength and applauded her. Was Kenzo like before, he would have enjoyed this battle to his heart's content. However... this was not how it had been.

His features were slowly growing more animalistic by the second. The land's shifting gave him obstacles, which he would normally have trouble avoiding. But if one thing was clear, it was that Kenzo was not normal. He did not think any longer, he simply acted instinctively, like a beast. The loss of speed was negligible, and he made up for it by dashing around unpredictably, using the rubble and fallen trees as cover.

Soon, he would become like a beast again. What would the girl answer when she saw the true him? Would this story end like all the others? Kenzo could barely think any longer, and yet he clung to it. His mind. That false humanity of his.

Light dance around the girl's fist. In response, the beast leapt, now standing behind her, blurred trough the obstacles like an animal and went for the girl's shoulder, to bite trough it it with its monstrous maw and shred her skin with its claws.

« Last Edit: December 30, 2015, 03:45:49 PM by francobull3 »


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Henry Barthow


By the time Henry yelled out she had already well taken off. Consternated, he turned towards the policewoman who was driving them around. "I hope not," he said, bunching up his shoulders in a pose of discomfort. "Take me back to my car. I'm good enough to drive, and it doesn't look like we can afford to act superfluent right now."

Her partner grimaced, perhaps at the prospect that Henry was telling them to deal with Noel and whatever else was cropping up at their place rather than the task of chauffeuring him, but a snapping motion from her hand drove off his petulance like a slap.

"Right, sir," he said. She nodded in concordance. "We'll take care of this here once you're up."

Henry could only offer a grunt in retort.

Henry ignored the tingling under his skin, stinging his mind and quantum gears like an accusation below the nolmacy of his affected human expression. The light of those small suns wasn't getting any weaker as he drove towards the site of the incident. And neither were the reactions out in the streets; he noticed people being awed as people were wont to, but as he drove he also saw more and more congregate to or from the direction he was going. He was too focused on the road to look at their faces, but the demon recognized the inclination of their movement, the equation guiding their movements like a herd: anxiety and doubt. The notion of security that they used like a shield, cracking.

It made Henry Barthow completely livid.

Fortunately for the burden of his own thoughts, it didn't take long for him to arrive at the ground zero. Even here, where thinning streams of smoke rose, people were gathering. Drawn by what the demon could only assume was fatalist curiosity, coming close but avoiding actual contact with the disaster, at least right now. The enforcers watching the area didn't need to push anyone away - already they were placing themselves at a detached distance, observers, but not participants.

Henry stopped his car brusquely, exited, and barreled past the safety markers with a flash of his badge, making crumbling sounds with his steps towards the center.

He turned his gaze over the line of bodybags he walked by, and a medic zipping up the last over the charred expression of a young recruit whose name he didn't know but whose face he recognized; then turned it away, forward. The detective stopped walking. He beheld a pit of molten slag and debris, work and dedication and altruism buried under cement and broken steel.

Henry's gears screeched inside his mind at the unfairness of it all, and his body emulated the sound with a threatening, booming yell from his lungs as he kicked a piece of litter next to him.

It went rolling with a metallic clang that sent a shock up Henry's spine, a second before he fell to his knees.

"GhraaAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" He cried, clenching his fists and eyes from dull pain burning in his foot, and sharp frustration scratching his throat.

In the moment it took his outburst to quiet, a medic was running up to him with worry that wavered when she looked at him. Though Henry's face was red, his expression had become so subdued it might as well have been of stone. Cold and hard was the look that he gave her as she hesitantly asked if he was alright.

"I'm fine. Where are the rest of the cops?" Henry asked flatly. She shrank back a little.

"The 12th precinct detective, but - wait!"

He ignored her protest and walked back the enforcers, ever slightly dragging his left foot (he had a feeling it might have broken somewhere) to the car.

Henry felt less incensed than earlier, but his face was still colored by a myriad of emotions (that the demon barely had to make an effort to keep up) as he approached the 12th precinct. It was visibly busy, and there were more cars parked around and near the building, older and taller, than he was used to seeing around the now defunct 13th.

He had the luck of catching a patrol car just heading out, and he screeched down the lane to fit his old car right in that place. Quickly leaving, he strode up the steps with a muted limp, and opened the doors without a sound. It was even busier inside, but not so busy that the people at the front desk didn't have time to recognize his badge. They probably wanted him to sign something or to explain the current situation to him, but he was already past them and walking deeper into the building. He could hear it from his colleagues, he thought as he opened the doors to the classically arranged office area.

The rythmn in the room quieted momentarily, heads turning when Henry entered, only a few of which he could identify. From the back, he saw Yamaguchi throw him a nod. He had a strip of bandages wrapped around his head, and he wasn't the only officer who looked worse for the wear. Berndheart was leaning over a stack of papers with her hawkish gaze, holding a pen like a knife, but similarly had a medical patch over her hand. She looked more roughed up than that visible medical effort would indicate.

"Detective Barthow!" Henry heard a voice call out, prompting him to roll his eyes sligthly.

The always helpful junior detective of the 13th, Rick Sulliman, all but hopped next to him. His suit was wrinkly and had smudges of ash on it, but the enthusiastic young man of lanky build and dark skin faced him with a relieved smile. Henry responded curtly, "Hi, Ricky."

"Whew, we are glad to see you! We were worried about your expedition, but well, I guess you and Detective Saber had it the easiest!"

He groaned, not for the last time that day, and ignored the other man's strange look. "About that. Details, Ricky? I only have a rough gist and what I saw down there to go on, and it's driving me nuts."

He immediately looked more crestfallen than the demon had ever seen him, but straightened his face and soon began to explain.

It was hard to believe. Even after he'd seen that devastation with his own eyes, hearing the details from someone was a harsh experience. But the distressed faces of his colleagues and others around them betrayed the exasperation that was felt in the precinct.

That was perhaps the reason why he noticed the volumptuous redhead seated in a corner, attended to by a junior policeman and bemoaning about something, clearly shaken by the events she was describing. It could be that no one else noticed, but there was a strange discrepancy in the mood surrounding her. She stood out, which accentuated yet distracted from the, almost offputting to the detective, edges of her performance.

"Who's she?" He asked the younger cop.

Ricky stretched his neck in front of him to get a better look, then drew his head back with a murmur of realization and answered him curtly.

"Witness. She was in the proximities when... you know, happened, and she came forward looking very frightened, saying she had seen the possible culprits."

"Hmm." That was a convenient turn to things, and a courageous action for someone who was almost bawling right now when she was in the (arguably dubious, but some was better than none) safety of a precinct reinforced by a state of alarm and even more cops.

Even as he thought that, she continued her tale. "There was this suspicious man in dark, grim armor over there, and-and this lady in black in the middle of it all - it was awful."

"It's - It's okay miss, please calm down," was the reply of the officer dealing with her, awkwardly doing his best in soothing gestures without touching her.

"But, so many people are dead or injured and - I-I'm sorry, I came here to help and I'm just making myself a burden..."

"No, not at all... just take your time."

Very couragerous.

"The chief would probably like to hear from you!" Ricky said, pulling Henry out of his mullings.

He nodded. "She's swamped with paperwork I bet?"

"As heavy as an anvil on her effin' head, she said." He pointed to a door in the back. "She also had to clear everything with the Colonel here sooo."

Henry nodded, and left Ricky to walk up to the indicated office, ignoring his cry for good luck.

As he cracked open the door, the cop noticed she was currently occupied with cursing and yelling at someone through the phone. Wisely, he decided to wait for the storm to pass.

It took longer than he calculated, and wasn't ending.

"No, I don't know what it's about. Try asking your damn thralls, I'm too busy to be staring at the sky." And with that, she slammed the phone back on its stand, cutting off the call.

Henry chose this time to announce his presence. "Captain."

Captain Maria Rodriguez was an intimidating, stout, and generally no-nonsense superior of south-american descent, and generally not someone you wanted to interrupt. Luckily, she seemed to have too much on her mind to take umbrage at this time.

"Detective," she responded, looking up at him with unreadable scrutiny but plain weariness. "You look like you're in one piece."


She pushed a stack of papers slightly to the side and refocused her gaze on a new set with a frown. "You stink."

"Yeah, I was wading through literal shit."

She looked up at him again.

"I assumed you've been filled in?"


"Good." And as the word was out of her lips, she dropped a high stack of papers in front of Henry, at the edge of her desk. "Help out with this."

Tar really felt like vocalizing a creak of frustration then.

After a late night filling paperwork and helping out with the completely unorganized hierarchy and consequences of such, Henry finally crashed down on his couch. From the corner of his eye he read the time on his wall clock and only felt mental exhaustion creeping in faster.

He didn't know for what reason laboring to this unearthly hour of the morning after a shitty day was allowed in the universe. Maybe it was a sadistic whim of the Machine. The thought was almost funny. Maybe because it didn't make sense, but his mind was muddled from effort and stress.

Better judgement told him that sending Saber a message about the situation with the police was a rational idea, but.... he could do that tomorrow.

Letting go of his consciousness, Henry rolled over for a much-needed sleep.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2015, 03:31:43 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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"I doubt fish is delicious as a piece of cherry pie with whipped cream on top," Gabriel said with a sigh and a shake of his head.  "No, it's not, as for arteries clogging . . . That's something I don't have to worry about."


This man... To reject something so healthy and so delicious in favor for a mere fruit cake. "I see. That's why you are such a culinary ignoramus , you don't eat enough fish." Even a saint didn't have enough patience to suffer someone's presence with such disrespect for bounties of the seas. So she just wanted to leave his company. "Come with me, Lumen. If he doesn't appreciate the bounty of the sea, it's his problem." She urged her companion to go look for the harbor.


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The demon was about to head back to check on his lovely little eggplant when he suddenly heard a knock. It didn't take him long to realize what was happening, and a huge smile grew on his face, innocent and childike in glee.

            toys          break             torment
More guests to entertain and accommodate! Oh, so wonderful, wonderful, wonderful~! He was sure they'd have so much FUN! But wait, in this case, he'd need his GUEST CLOTHES!! Made for the sole purpose of entertainment and accommodation. Yes, yes, yes yes yes yes yeeeess!!!

But he needed to respond first, and for that, a flashy entrance was necessary!! Oh, how terrible. What would he do!? Thinking hard, he checked on his notebook for any ideas, but all he found were little doodles of kittens, birdies and slaughtered meatbags. Oh, how wonderful. That thought suddenly made him hungry. Hopefully Irisviel wouldn't mind if he took a bite or two from guests. He'd make sure to share!

So he changed his appearance to a lively young man, an orange mane and jester clothes along with a colourful unmbrella. Or a joker! One of his hands happened to be a skeleton. Why? Why not!

Spoiler for Hiden:

Yes, he knew what to do. This would be perfect! All this thinking made him very tired and hungry, and he was still hurting, but it finally paid off~! So he vanished in a cloud of smoke and confetti-

And burst out of the ground in front of the two despite the fact they were right in front of the castle and there wasn't supposed to be any room for him to pop in. Perhaps the room didn't matter and he simply was there, but it didn't seem like that room was lacking any more.

So he appeared out of nowhere, or rather the ground, in an explosion of smoke, sparkles and confetti! Very nice, very colourful. Keep the applause for later. Smiling cheekily, he bowed in a magnificent, glamorous and fabulous greeting, shielded by a very big colourful umbrella.
"Welcome~☆ Is there anything I could help you with, strangers?"


The appearance of this... -man- thing, almost caught Adella off guard, as she tilted her head curiously at the sudden entrance of the person. Had he materialized? Or perhaps teleported... he certainly could not have hidden anywhere, this place did not allow for such things. Perhaps he too had a nightmare and only reacted to the outside when somebody approached the castle? Oh... no silly, there were no others with the nightmare... hopefully. If there were... well she'd have to kill them. The dreams were not supposed to spread ever again.

"You could tell us your name if that is no problem?" she then simply replied with an uncertain, yet friendly voice the rebivrated within her mask, creating a vibrant choir of voices as her projection ran a little rampant. "Unless, you'd rather lead us around in the Castle... alas, my companions here seems a little more... approachable than you, so excuse me if I will not take you up on that offer even if it should be made." Snickering a little to herself she pulled Julius' arm closer to herself, so as to imply a certain closeness, overshadowing the small slight she'd made.


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It seemed his companion clinged on to him, being suspicious of someone who literally popped in. The man's hand might have looked like a decoration to some, but he wasn't fooled. He felt in his guts that this man had an exposed bone for his hand.

"You aren't the Master of this castle? If your lord or lady is here, please lead me. Otherwise, I don't think I should pay a neighborly visit if the owner is not around." He stated firmly to the jester like butler. He had no real business to be here if his neighbor wasn't around. He would come later unless their manservant gave him a reason.


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Emily turned to Mordred with a quizzical look, more than a tiny bit curious.

"Oh? With who?" Emily asked, curious, "And I had something in mind, but I suppose I could come along if you wish."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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"My newly met friend, Noel Vermillion, works with the cops. So I figured out I could find a similar job. That said, you won't make in, but I could ask around and get you something else if I have connections." Mordred replied. Yeah, Emily had no chance getting into Elites in Mordred's mind, but she could still work in some other capacity.


The ground shook and Forest heard rumbling outside, like heavy construction.  She didn't ignore it, but she didn't let it distract her like Rikuyo did, taking both of Forest's punches.  The vampire watched as she recovered and charged again.

And she threw a punch and Forest was knocked on her ass.  There was no physical blow, not exactly.  She had felt something once, not too long ago, a man who could throw a punch and knock someone down without touching them.

Except this is Bruce on steroids, she thought to herself as she she rose to her feet.  She didn't have any flashy attacks like that, at least physical ones.  Attacking the girl mentally wasn't even on the menu.  Well, Round Two of this.

She didn't charge Riyuko directly, but moved to put her into a hold.


As if she would let Forest get close any soon. By now she knew that Forest had superior fighting technique and that she held back too much by playing by rules to use her advantage in power. For a moment she wondered if becoming more "human" would break the rules. She could go on fighting for hours, conserving her energy, if she did that. That is, if a corpse like her could get tired. She dashed backwards to maintain distance from Forest, staying on defensive for now while she could think of a solution.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2015, 03:04:20 AM by Kat »


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Garou XIII

He had smelled him for quite some time, but had assumed he was fodder like all the others on the ground or running away. Seems he was wrong, although that surprise left a bad taste in his mouth. So he turned his scowl to the strange man and spoke with fitting disdain, almost mockingly.

"Hah, what is it with this place and circus freaks anyway?"

Toe Joker

The demon looked upset for the second and  covered his mouth with his fingertips stunned in shame. Then, he closed his eyes

"Forgive my rudeness. I am Joker, the caretaker of this house. You are indeed correct, the lady of this house has taken leave for... urgent matters. But please, do not be troubled. You have taken all this trouble to arrive here, it would be rude of me to not treat you to something at this time. Is that alright with you madam?"
« Last Edit: December 31, 2015, 03:11:42 AM by francobull3 »