Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43486 times)


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This didn't feel bad. Though honestly, she really should remind her to not treat her like a pet. Just in case. She moved away her tail when she deemed that it was enough. "You know, maybe I exaggarated. But I hope you don't wish to pet my tail too much, I'm not some sort of a domestic animal."


Sakura began to gently stroke Mord's tail, feeling the fine red scales glide under her fingers. "They feel niiice~" She said, before returning to the previous issue. "But don't be mean about my strength! I don't like it." She said authoritatively.


"Ehehe, what do you mean, pet?" She asked Mordred with a light chuckle. "People like getting massaged, right? This is just like that, so don't worry about it." With that said though, she did stop stroking it.

Then she turned to look at Breeze with a quizzical look. "Muscle?" She asked her. "I mean yeah, that's a part of it, but there's more to it than that. You probably wouldn't understand it."

Auspicious Breeze

Mordred is pretty silly. She needs to lighten up a bit! But right before Breeze could think of a way to do that something else happened. Sakura didn't have any way to know what she was doing, but in the moment that didn't really matter.

Is... is Sakura calling me dumb? The wind seemed to fall right out of the former gladiator's sails at that, her shoulders slumping down. "Ehh... probably. You're probably not wrong about that."


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Neptune let go of him and landed on her feet once more so she could accept the pudding grudgingly. It looked like she was struggling with something, apparenlty it was bi enough to keep her from eating the pudding.

"Well this is a real pickle. I can't decide whether I should hug you or hit you. You really know how to push my buttons Gaddy. Did ya find some Nep manual lying around here, If that's what's happening I need to burn it. Can't have people know how to get me flustered hehe..."


"When you have been around for as long as I have, one reaches a point where no manual is necessary. Most of the time." He had to concede the last part there. People still caught him by surprise; all he could determine with any true confidence was the generalities. "So fear not; I shan't share my apparent insight with others."

The angel chuckled despite himself.


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She was too angry to even notice what the other girl was talking about. Even if she got thrown back at full force. Fighting Oren was now her whole focus. As Oren propelled towards her, she shifted into her monkey form to take the opportunity to recover mid-air by grabbing a pole she passed by with her tail. Besides, she could save a bit more energy that way for some nasty surprise. What she planned to do was to blast Oren with a weaker, but invisible wave of energy, pushing her back and pushing herself towards a location where she could fight more effectively, releasing her tail when using the attack.


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No good. Oren disappeared all of a sudden so fast her eyes didn't even follow her. Instead, she staggered, understanding just what was about to happen. Damn, damn, why did this have to happen? She just wanted to have a normal friend, but now they were going to fight for some stupid reasons. Fighting was no good, she hated fighting. Her brain trembled at the mere thought of his friend doing such a thing.

The aching started to annoy her, like the buzzing of a drill digging in your skull. She hated that, and she hated this. She didn't want Oren to hurt others, nor did she want Oren to get hurt. If Oren couldn't even understand this, maybe she wasn't her friend after all.


A strange distortion shimmered above her for a split second, like claws made of thin air.


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She was hit by a explosion in the moement that she came out from the shadow. It appeared her plan was foiled by some fiery construct of Lorenzo's making. Just as she was about to recover she felt a sword cleave through her regenerating body, back and forth in a slashing manner. This was starting to get a bit annoying. Enough was enough, it was time to end this.

Tracking the motion of the arm swinging the blade, she struck like lightning and caught it during the next swing, making sure to reel him in with her full might.

"Guess what time it is?" she said as she greeted him with a deadly grin.

Then she struck him with his free hand, right in his gut, pulled back and struck him again, this time his jaw was the victim.


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Lorenzo Remei

Shinobu caught him with laughable ease, the hard pressed pirate did not even realize his position until the violent punch slammed on his spine like a sledgehammer. Then, another one, even harder, to the jaw.


A familiar burst of flame erupted from the pirate's body, this time from the from rather than the back. His arm detached from his body while he was propelled backwards with unbelievable speed, greatly increasing the distance while setting the girl on fire as well. Crap. He lost his arm, his sword, and had some pretty heavy damage.  Kneeling, he grunted before preparing more blast of fire to incinerate her until there was nothing left.

"Take this!! VULCAN SHOCK IGNITION!!" He roared, summoning a magic circle of flame and expending every bit of heat and fire at his disposal to send  a dozen of birds at her to blow her up for a more extended period of time.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2017, 08:05:28 PM by francobull3 »


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"Wait is that a throne!?"  Medaka yelled into the mic, her voice reverberating around the stadium.  The smoke from the explosion created a light haze dissipated after a breif moment.  To the audiance, Shinobu had teleported behind Lorenzo, only for him to counter in the nick of time.  The man in the blue T shirt bit his lips, anxiously anticipating the end of the exchange.

"Cmon!" He muttered under his breath.  "Do something!"

All of the sudden, the blunt sound of Shinobu's fist hitting the skelleton's body echoed through the stadium, causing the people to curl back in their seats.  "Ooooohhh"  A few people shouted in unison.

Even so, the pirate was not done.  The crowd stayed silent as the next exchange began.


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Auspicious Breeze

Mordred is pretty silly. She needs to lighten up a bit! But right before Breeze could think of a way to do that something else happened. Sakura didn't have any way to know what she was doing, but in the moment that didn't really matter.

Is... is Sakura calling me dumb? The wind seemed to fall right out of the former gladiator's sails at that, her shoulders slumping down. "Ehh... probably. You're probably not wrong about that."


As soon as she said those words, she knew she'd fucked up. "No, no, I mean, I barely get it myself, and you know, it's super complicated science stuff, I didn't mean it like that!"
« Last Edit: February 10, 2017, 10:45:19 PM by Umbra of Chaos »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The castle was within sight now, A tall magnificent building, easily dwarfing all in it's vicinity. Not that there were much but trees and some rocks here and there in the immediate vicinity of it. Passing through the gates they entered the beautiful courtyard. Or at least once beautiful courtyard. It had quite visibly become mismanaged in later times judging by the wilting flowers. "Lucy did you complete your assignment?"

"Oh come now Emily, no need to be so suspicous. I don't plan on doing anything drastic to you." He let go of her hand only to gently grasp her thin waist with both hands and turn her towards him. "About that sweetie, what it your limit if I may ask?" The dark mage was grining in anticipation, eagerly awaiting the redhead's response.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2017, 01:39:10 AM by Thedoctor »


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"Oh no don't think I'm not onto you mister! That is the deflectionary tactic of a big time villain. But I'm onto you now. Giving me your pizza and even buying me pudding, you want to steal my powers by stealing my body! I guess I'm just that irresistable, but that doesn't mean I'll give in without a fight." She snatched the pudding from him and began feasting on it with much gusto.

"After I... munch finish munch... this. You just wait."


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That damn pirate slipped out of her grasp once more by using his flame booster in the opposite way of how he'd been doing previously, engulfing her in flames once more.  Unfortunately for him he had to part with his arm again, which she quickly threw away to the edge of the arena. His next attack was a set of dozen birds, considering his current state this was probably his final attack.

She lept into the air and grew a pair of wings, counting on the birds to follow her through the air. She flew a lap around the arena, zigzagging back and forth before making a sharp turn and headed straight for Lorenzo at full speed. Pushing herself to the limit, she grabbed hold of his head just as she reached him and flipped over him, only to continue her flight as she passed him.


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The vampire vixen nimbly dodged the birds, zig zagging around them. In the blink of an eye, she closed the distance and flipped over him, not that he noticed until she was already flying past him. Quickly as ever, but with a delay, he turned around and fired a blast of scorching flame to where she once was, only to realize she was gone already.

The flames of his body started to flicker, and he grit his teeth harder than ever. He'd need to finish this, quickly, but how!?

The birds screeched and changed direction, following the blonde girl, but they knew better than to chase blindly. These were more than just familiars, they were living feeling creatures. They had a heart, a will, and a mind. Fire breathes, fire eats, fire lives, and by harnessing that life one could even do something like this.

They moved in unison, coordinating misdirection and flanks, circling their beloved master to protect him while approaching the vampire, communicating and shifting maneuvers in order to keep her on the guess. She might be fast enough to move past one bird, but those following and coordinating along would account for that.

Each. Single. One.

« Last Edit: February 11, 2017, 02:55:09 AM by francobull3 »


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He clenched his hands a bit, imagining them as paws and not being able to move as fast. Being weighed down by it all. It wasn't a comfortable thought. "I eat what I want anyway. And Anne isn't much of a pamper-er, if we're looking at my situation right now."

Sakura Matou

"I see. That's too bad, then." She said simply. "Being pampered is wonderful. I think it's a travesty she doesn't pamper you."


Ron glanced out the window of Sakura's car with a frown. He wasn't sure what to think of that. He'd never really been pampered before. There was never really a lot of room for pampering growing up working class in this city. "A travesty, huh? That's a pretty strong word for it."

Sakura Matou

"It is a strong word, and rightfully so! Pampering is important and wonderful! It's the greatest feeling, you know? Having someone just shower you with all the love in the world and cuddle you and all sorts of fun stuff!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"Taking calculated risks isn't a bad thing, and the boat ride was a good call.  Just we got unlucky; it happens," Rin said with a chuckle.

She blinked as he looked into her eyes, but she stared back into his eyes.  "I think I'm just ready to live for myself for once."


So, Anastasia wanted her to be bait.  The blond looked at the mage and said, "I don't have to worry about that Roman Bastard any longer.  He knows not to try to come after me again.  As to clothes that would fit you?  Not here.  At my home yeah, but I don't really keep spare sets of clothing here."


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After a final stomp, Gojira turned her head towards the voice. It's her again...

The monster woman plodded towards the hooded figure, her dress swinging heavily due to the water. Her drenched hair stuck to her hunched form, and the tail leaving a trail of water in her wake. The fish butchery was a few blocks away, which meant that the other woman was following her."What do you want?" Gojira all but growled.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2017, 05:07:18 AM by MissingMandible »