Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 54485 times)


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Antonia San Nicolas

"An entity?" Antonia's voice rose in excitement, or some might perceive it as jubilation. So, there were things in this world that were acceptable to hunt. She appreciated the fact that Erica had protected Noel; Antonia was in good company then.

She then recalled that Noel was part of the police force of the Nexus. Well, technically Antonia was part of the police force of her own world because the military was the police and it would channel her violent tendencies into something useful to society. As of yet, she didn't see any consequences of joining and so, she asked if she could.


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Muramasa Katase

The shell was not expecting the sudden attack, and was knocked aside. And now they were working together and that insolent creature was insulting them! "There is nothing insane about being who you are!" Katase said this through Meti's lips, because it was true. And because she felt it, felt that the person wielding the sword they clashed with was all too familiar.

He should understand. He should get it. He shouldn't mar this glorious battle with his moralizing when he was just the same.

why doesn't he get it?
« Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 03:45:25 PM by Aiden »


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The Enforcers

It did not take long at all for the Enforcers to realize that their targets were no longer inside the building. They quickly spread out, expanding their search zone while the cars drove around quickly, looking for them as well. It didn't take them long to find the two troublemakers, who were standing in a nearby alleyway, before they disappeared once again. The enforcers who found them quickly notified their comrades that they were dealing with one or two teleporters, and to be on alert. A helecopter flew overhead, arriving on the scene and flashing a floodlight on them. The cops from the helicopter began firing upon them.

The search continued.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 05:06:02 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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More waves came at the girl, but she nimbly slashed and dodged away. WHen they proved insufficient, his foot slammed on the ground and he dashed with impossible speed, crossing the distance in the blink of an eye, leaping from wall to wall until he was right above her in her face. His glare was harsh, intense, but even in his indignation there was an unshakable composure to his words.

"Of course it's insane. Nothing wrong with being what you are? Don't make me laugh..."

And with these words, the battle resumed with harsher swings, his blade glowing with a blue hue and releasing wild bursts of energy with each clash. His two hands gripped on his sword harder than ever, to the point his fingers looked like they melded with the weapon. As more slashes came, hundreds of sparks flew as steel clashed against steel, and when that wasn't enough he'd distance himself and sent more blasts away.

His teeth ground against one another while his feet gracefully pushed over the bricks and stones of the building's wall, spinning and dashing to the left, to the right, displaying immense prowess in his movements and his strikes like a dance of steel.

The two were clashing dozens of times in a single hair's breath, escalating as their movements scaled the surrounding buildings and carved walls and windows to shreds. His movements were nimble to the point he could practically walk over such buildings, his higher ground gave him an absolute advantage, and yet it still wasn't enough. But he didn't care, he fought with the grace of a true hero and the brutal abandon of an unbelievable beast, so something like an unsurpassed wall was nothing to him.

More importantly, he was angry. There was nothing pleasant or glorious about this battle to him, he hated the very idea of such senseless violence in the first place. But he couldn't stand his opponent in the slightest, he rejected her and everything she stood for, because strikes he clashed against with were all too familiar.

"You're nothing but an over glorified butcher's knife and a crazy lunatic. You might be two, ten or even a thousand in there, but you will always be alone."

Staring at an old mirror was too unpleasant for his steel to bear, he grabbed a ledge and flipped over in order to gain momentum over her and swung his blade with even greater strength, sending orange and blue sparks flying all over.

"So quit making excuses for yourself and GROW UP!!"


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"Haha, pretty much i guess... My "Mother" was quite the eccentric too, i suppose she rubbed off on me."


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Joe tilted his head and said,  "She would hate you just because you move away?  I mean, I can imagine she would get lonely but hate?  That seems pretty extreme."

Maybe shes just overprotective, he thought.  All the sudden, he visably perked up as the next thought came into his mind.  Wait if shes that over protective, will she sick that Rider person on me if I do something stupid with Rin?!  Wait, maybe I should get her ok before I have sex with her....


Marcus's eyes widened as he felt the warm touch of Forest's lips against his cheek.  "Right, I forgot you can read minds," he said with a sigh.  He rested his hand on her thigh, scooting closer to the vampire, his body inches from hers.

Then, he leaned in, staring at her with a raised eyebrow.  "That sounds cute and all, but how are you going to help me win?" 
« Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 11:11:38 PM by yinsukin »


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Rin sighed and said, "Not hate, but she would get very upset.  Which is why I haven't moved away with the money I've earned with the various stuff I've done as a magus for hire around here.  Trust me though, I've thought about it long and hard."

And the little stunt about both Sakura and Jeanne showing up when I was on a date didn't exactly help things either.


"Copying powers is fun and all, but you need skills to go with that too," Forest said with a raised eyebrow as his rested his hand on her thigh. "I have studied from masters down the ages, learned other countless skills.  Passed them on a few times too."

She leaned closer to him, almost touching.  "And it's something you should learn if you're going to keep petting my thigh like that."


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Joe folded his arms and tapped his foot before coming to a sudden realization.  "Oh!  I'm sorry," he said, taking her by the hand and guiding her to the couch.  "Come on, lets sit down if we are going to talk about this."

After inviting her to sit, he rested his butt on the soft cushion of the couch.


Marcus groaned and said,  "Its not like I haven't heard that before. I have a history of street fighting, but I guess thats not enough here."    Then, with a smile, he continued, "And I think we both know that I am at least good in the bedroom.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2017, 12:02:09 AM by yinsukin »


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Rin took Joe's hand as he led her to the couch.  "I mean, there's really not that much to tell."  She sat down on the couch though, sinking into it slightly.

It was actually pretty comfortable; possibly more comfortable than the couch in Sakura's living room.


"Well, you're not a complete novice.  You know a surprising amount for a virgin.  However, street fighting might be good against thugs, but additional training won't hurt," Forest said with a grin.


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Sakura Matou

Sakura carried Jeanne off to her room and placed her down onto the bed. She climbed on top of her as if she was going to fuck her, but then giggled and plopped herself down next to her, embracing her servant as they laid on the bed together. Sakura hummed to herself, simply chilling with her silently, which seemed to be suiting Jeanne just fine.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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She had to observe this.. farce. There was no words how to put it. She shook her in disbelief at the fact that she might have been more mature here than the old man. She flicked her finger, sighing, and a formation of ice materialized to knock back the suitcase back into the woman's hands. She didn't hear her explanation well, but behaving like this over something like this was just ridiculous.


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"Huh, whatever floats your boat. I'm skeptical about him, and I believe it could just be bullying on your part if he doesn't live up to his claims. Yeah, let's go to 'wreck his dojo'. Take the sign, even." Mitsu shrugged, with some sarcasm in her voice. She would see how that would unfold.


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"A guy taller than me. But that's like 99,99 % of the population. Not too picky choice, isn't it?" She quipped, saying that on purpose. "But real talk, anyone not athletic is out of question. If a guy doesn't at least keep good health, I'd flatly reject him. If they're nice, I will be polite about it, but nah. I'm a person who likes outdoors activities and I'm not interested in someone who wouldn't be willing to engage in similar stuff."


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The monk succeeded in knocking away the puppet, but the ephemeral arms he manifested got cut apart. This wasn't nothing more than nuisance as he was borrowing his ability from a high power. He was a mere vessel to enact a will of something more enlightened than him. Thus Feng could remanifest those arms. Unfortunately the swordswoman got out of his range and got away out of their range. Clever. But arms had fingers and potentially could grab things. They could also bend to some extent. While not as nearly effective, he could try to push some pressure from afar. One of hands grabbed a container and hurled it into the direction of Engetsu's enemy with great precision.

Umbra of Chaos

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She was doing... something? It felt like some clarity settled back into Liseth as she blinked at the TV a bit. The dark haired girl shook her groggy head awake and wow she was thirsty fuck naps.

Liseth pulled a glass of water out from under her blanket and sipped at it. Her throat was still dry. Bleh. She shut off the 100+ video playlist and felt around a bit for her phone with a whine of annoyance. Where was it?

After a moment of annoyance and tossed cushions she held her new phone. And after some more fiddling and indecision she decided to call... "Hey, Sakura? Are you doing anything?"


The mage laughed a bit at Olga's reaction. "What are you acting like that for? Do you not like it? I thought it was rather nice." The lightest splash of pink was in her face as she squeezed a bit. Pressing them all closer together.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2017, 04:59:27 AM by Umbra of Chaos »