Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 92866 times)


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It looked like he was about to bite her but then the great werewolf passed out in her arms and returned to his human form. It didn't take him long long to snap out of it however which he did with a loud complain. Recognizing his discomfort, the blonde vampire quickly loosened her grip on him, unwilling to cause him any more harm than he had already gone through. It did little however to prevent the sharp glare of her golden eyes. She couldn't keep the act up for long however as they shifted over to a more worried state.

"That was very foolish of you, you could, no would have died if that had gone on." Despite the criticism there wasn't much bite to her words, her anger wasn't directed towards him.


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Medaka continued to walk down the street, turning to Mitsu as she talked.  "Perhaps, but it is something worth observing for ourselves," she said with a battle hungry smile.  "After all, you said you wanted to test me correct?"

Cherry Lover

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Rider's blush deepened at the man's question. She really hoped he didn't open the bag, she didn't want to have to explain the contents to him or his master.

"J..just some toys", she stammered.

"Anyway, it's none of your business", she added. "Your master told you to leave it alone, are you going to disobey her?"


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"Haha, iunno what you girls are going to do, but I've already found my dress. Maybe I should go get my hair done, though... And do other girl stuff?" She sounded a bit confused. She wasn't used to this sort of activity.

Auspicious Breeze

"Hmm..." That did make things complicated! Sakura already had something even though she was hiding things. She wasn't wrong. What could they do then? Breeze tapped her chin and pouted in thought. "Nnmm...."

Well last time she made decisions it went badly, so she looked to the others. "What do you think? I don't have a lot of hair." It came down to not even her shoulders, really. "And the things I saw them using on hair look pretty scary."


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Still blushing, Joe turned his head forward, facing the dimly illuminated darkness.  "Thank you Rin," he said with a smile.

While the anxiety never truly subsided, Rin being with him on the walk home gave him a lot of reassurance.  Whenever he thought she wasn't paying attention, he checked out the smooth confidence in her step, the way her body moved through the night.  Its like she's some anime character, he would think.

The two stopped walking. The couple stood at the doorway of a small apartment complex.  The more traditional architecture suggested that the building had been there for a while.  It wasn't a horrible apartment, but it was clear he was going for something on the cheaper side.

"We're here!" Joe announced with genuine enthusiasm, finally letting go of Rin's hand in the process.  He looked into her sapphire eyes with genuine curiosity, studying her face and body to figure out her impression.


"Ah," he moaned as he felt her teeth sinking into his veins.  Then his eyes widened as something came into his mind.  Oh shit, how did I forget abou-

Before he could even finish the thought, he felt himself harden and erupt, a river of semen pouring from his cock and making his underwear damp....again.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 01:31:43 AM by yinsukin »


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"Woah!" He cried out, genuinely impressed with her quick maneuver. She swung her massive improvised weapon at him, and in the blink of an eye he retaliated by drawing his blade.

While he was quick enough to block her massive strike, the difference in power was so immense he was launched straight into the ceiling with so much strength he could feel his bones grinding.

Even more surprising was the fact that in an unbelievable display of acrobatics, he back flipped and landed on the ceiling with his foot before sending a burst of fire to  propel himself back onto the ground, landing gracefully in less than a second. With a wave of his blade, the flames converged and danced all around the two, growing and intensivying into a 1000 degree conflagration that surrounded them, leaving no room for escape.

And yet, the flames did not move towards the woman any further, despite the incredibly disadvantageous terrain he did not seem to want to spoil this battle by taking the easy way out.

But was he seriously intending to settle this with a melee? Despite the harshness of the fire around them, his stance and skeletal smile seemed casual, friendly even. He shook his head as if to tell her to make her move.


As soon as he landed, Irene didn't miss a beat. His mind-boggling acrobatics were going to give her trouble, but she wasn't one to be disheartened because of distance between her and a foe in just one way. His strength was nothing she could call impressive - it befit his skeletal frame, which was surprising in its own right for lacking any unnatural potency. And if he wanted to fight her in a plain arena, leaving the flames to enshrine their clash as opposed to deciding it, then she'd take full advantage of it. Meet her in the ring, Sir Smokey.

As her burns sizzled and mended themselves, she took a quaking step forward, swinging her unwieldy weapon at Lorenzo like a gigantic club in a wide and deadly arc.

She didn't think his sword alone could deal much damage to her but yet... at the same time she began to ready herself, her hair growing out from her nape and weaving itself around her body, under her clothes.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2017, 02:35:10 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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He brought a hand to his forehead and held it there, covering one of eyes with his wrist in the process. It throbbed a little from trying to remember what she was talking about. What did he miss when he blacked out from this? His eyes hurt. "... got my ass kicked, huh?"

Ron's other eye looked at Shinobu, and he couldn't help but put on a wry little grin at the sight of her concern. "Thanks for talking me down. But um, what next?" He looked past her to the monster who didn't look any worse for wear at all.

Actually, wait, where was Anne? That's when he really tried to look past the vampire.


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"Hah, aren't you a flatterer! Not at all though, its pretty surprising actually." She grinned casually before slapping him on the back. "So what were you doing up there kiddo? Enjoying the view?"


She swung away with massive strength, but as soon as the weapon came for him, he threw his upper body back like as if her weapon was a limbo bar and spun aside with elegant movements befitting a dance. Her blow was strong, wide and impressive, but it only managed to graze his cheekbone before he went for a quick counter.

Shifting around her frame, slipping even faster over the fire under his feet, he whacked his blade on her Achilles heel with that same motion before dashing to her blind spot behind her with immense speed. Hehe, too shallow, but what he lacked in brute force he made up with his speed, agility and skill. Meet him at the local circus, Miss Unknown.

He readied another swing at her elbow, kneecap, neck, any soft and vulnerable body part. He was more than willing to unleash a flurry of sharp and quick blows behind her.

« Last Edit: July 03, 2017, 03:49:12 PM by francobull3 »


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The damnable car finally stopped at the end of the line, he barely had time to gather his bearings before being violently pulled out by girlfriend. She dragged him all the way to the restaurant, through the doors with unstoppable enthusiasm, maybe she was as hungry as him. He got shoved into a seat and then she took a seat on his lap. "What's a fajitas even?" Was the only thing he managed to blurt out after that.


"A fajita." Oka corrected him. "It's this big platter of rice and beans and veggies and meat and sour cream and whatnot that you can either just eat on its own or use these small tortillas they provide to make little tacos or burritos. They give you a lot of food with them and they taste really good. I'm probably going to order one." Oka's hand creeped down to his leg. She seemed to be really enjoying sitting on him.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The sudden forcefulness was a turn on, but her inexperience did shine through it all. The way she was moving her hips was still a bit awkward, it did feel good but there was a lot of room for improvement. He pushed back her tongue with his own, not letting her control fully. And since his mouth was busy he'd have to respond with other methods.

"Your determination is cute, but you could use some more experince. Slow down your movements and feel me inside you, then squeeze down more when you go up." His hands roamed over her body, cllaiming every part of her.


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Confusing, that was the only thing he could note on their trivial exchange. She was ancient, perhaps the closest thing to his own magnitude when it came to age, he could tell from the look of her soul. Powerful, that much he could no longer deny.

In this case why couldn’t she see it? She should know, just as he had come to know, there was no place in this world for sentimentality. Could she truly be such a fool that she’d forsake victory for such a petty reason? For a mongrel?!

His weapon cried to annihilate both, but he had no reason to close the distance. It simply waited for them to make their move, not bearing any blood-lust and yet desiring to bring down the final curtain upon his enemies. The realization made his smile crawl back into place, like a crescent moon befitting a foolish jester mocking them both, and most of all, himself.

“Nothing. His battle is over. The end of the line. You don’t need to trouble yourself, worries and anxieties are reserved for those who have a future. Please remain at ease, I intend you both no harm.”

His foot shifted to the side. There was a rolling sound, that of bones cracking and snapping, and the edge of his weapon prickled her skin before pulling something out.


The opaque shape produced a beautiful blue hue as it collected around his weapon's blade, ripped from her body and forming shape that resembled the beast’s lover so much. Were her last thoughts of home? Or her father? Or perhaps victory. Perhaps she did not think at all. Perhaps she could only think of him.

But even as she cried, even as the tears rolled down her cheeks and reached out for him, her spirit began to crumble as it was gradually digested. She struggled to reach them so desperately, with a body as thin as air. This was by no means something that devalued her, a common soul would have failed to remain conscious. And yet, even if her body was as light as air, she was crushed by an invisible force, unable to close the distance and escape.

They cannot even see you. A voice whispered in her ear, but there was no sound. It was as if she had been split from the world. After all, to the living belong the living, a world they could see was no place for someone like her.

Her mouth twisted into a pained cry, and after a second that stretched into eons, she crumbled away and ceased thinking. As a valorous warrior fallen in combat, she was allowed her eternal heaven as fuel to the infernal machine inside his soul. The final trace of her existence was a single tear that shattered as soon as it touched the ground.

Her death had already been set in stone, this was a fate that did not allowed for any divergence. He was simply the executioner that swung his deathly guillotine in the name of destiny.

Thus, he was her fate, as she was his. There was no wrong in what had just been committed, he did not even think upon it. It was better to allow a spirit to rest forever as part of his cells, to aid his fight against the tyranny of the divines that removed all possibility from the hands of his fellow men. But in the end, his action was no different than that of the gods who fuel themselves on the souls claimed into paradise.

In this case, he would become his own paradise. He needed no forgiveness, nor did he ask for salvation. He was fine with being damned for all eternity as an echo of failure. But with this power, with these souls, he would definitely save everyone! He wouldn't lose anything ever again.

“Poor thing. Dragged into a battle she had no business fighting.”  He said, his expression nonchalant, impassive and devoid of any feeling or emotion. He had stopped smiling, and yet it didn't look like he was looking any higher on the two.

"To think you two would push me this far. If this isn't a loss, I don't know what is. Still, the bitterness of defeat is nothing in compare to the shame, wouldn't you both agree?"
« Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 03:06:45 PM by francobull3 »


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Rin studied the apartment complex that Joe called home and tilted her head. 

It looked on the affordable side but not a slum or "low rent housing".  The building was in decent condition if a bit aged compared to some of the other places she'd seen in the Nexus.   "It looks sensible," Rin said with a nod and a smile. 


The shot of blood cleared her head, obliterated the fog from it.  Forest felt her mind return to normal and the memories she'd lost reform.  Her fangs retracted from Marcus's throat and she laved the bite wound closed.

"So married, hmm?" the blonde asked as she kissed his cheek and held him.  "You're moving awfully bloody fast, you know that. I'm just glad that fannybaw bag didn't hurt you permanently."

She then scowled and said, "I am so reporting her."

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She took a sip of the drink, delighted at the flavor. "You know, butler, if you had just opened with this you would have gotten the job right away." Suzuko settled into a casual and relaxed stance. "You know I have a son, right?"


Her eyes narrowed at the act, but she could see the slashes and the power pulsing from them. She dodged the first few, but at the speed the demon was swinging it was impossible to do such a thing endlessly as the golden arms burst into action. So letting go of her instead she swung Katase at one of the strikes, the blade's demonic energy clashing with the slash. Together they parted the attacks, destabilizing pieces of blue energy bursting into explosions behind them.

But there were the hands to deal with. They were fast and furious, but there was no true coordination between the martial artist and swordsman. A golden hand was lopped off, another cut at the joint. Slashes and strikes falling apart as explosions resounded.

Then she darted up and away, moving out of the range of the arms and their slow moving master as she hopped from ledge to ledge. She paid little heed to the destruction inflicted onto the nearby buildings.


As Erica spoke first, her voice reflecting her certainty in her own perfect memory. "I was following Noel in an attempt to garner her attention when some being lit up the sky with its power. I protected her from an attack after she had struck the entity and we had food with one of her friends after."


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Joe flashed Rin a polite but awkward smile.  "You don't have to be so polite," he said, rubbing the back of his hair.  "I know its a bit on the gaudy side.  Personally, I wish I was more sociable in college.  I might have found a nice roommate."

After taking out his keys, he slid them into the keyhole in the entrance.  With a quick turn, he unlocked the door, swinging the doorway open.  "Ladies first."


A sudden euphoria came over him after that bite.  It was an experience he was starting to enjoy.  However, her comment suddenly caught him off guard.  "Wait you remember now?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

Despite his sudden skeptisim, he found himself cupping her arms pressing them against his chest.  "Or did you remember how to read minds?"


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The lack of resistance to the blow forewarned her of his evasive manuevers before she felt the result of the followup, but her body protested at the strike to her tendons and muscles. Despite her attempt to make up for the difference between them, the outcome was natural. He was faster to begin with, perhaps faster than anything else she'd faced, and his weapon was far swifter than her improvised block of metal.

But his offensive power wasn't a threat so long as he didn't strike a weakpoint in her skull. Skin split and bones rattled where he struck her joints, but at her neck the sword was warded off by hardening hair which covered her skin.

Irene practically vaulted to her hands and spun from her hips, pushing him off with a sweeping kick reminiscent of capoeira. In the second immediately after, she rolled into a crouch facing the skeleton, pulling her platform to cover her. The blackened metal stood between them as a shield for only an instant before she threw it.

The broken down ventilation box flew at Lorenzo, daring him to avoid it. Would he rocket to the side, slide under, or vault over it straight at her? It was likely the latter, and equally likely that he knew she wanted just that.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts