Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 54488 times)


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"I admit I've not given much thought what kind of men I really like. I've been so far preoccupied with my career enough to not think too much about such things. Maybe I'll figure out it sooner or later, who knows." She mused as she listened to Emily.


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"I think the better question is, what messed up your head so much that you forgot about me," he retorted, raising his arms in a shrug.  He sat down on the front of a car behind him, taking in a fresh breath of air as a breeze dried the sweet on his bare torso.


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"I don't know, why don't you tell me that?" Forest replied.  Then she eyed his naked chest and sniffed at him.  "If you're my husband, why are you a virgin?"


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Stupid vampire senses... he thought to himself.

He rubbed the tape of his neck, tilting his head to the side as he said, "See if you hadn't forgotten everything id ask you the same thing.  You probably think its funny or something to keep me waiting.  Besides, we were only recently married."


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"Oh is that so? I'm sad that I don't have a ring though," Forest said with a little pout.

She moved closer to him and said, "Maybe a some blood will help me remember?"


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Once again, Marcus shrugged.  "Don't blame me," he said, walking over to her only to sit cross legged in front of her.  He tilted his head to the side to expose his neck.  "Its not my fault that woman broke it."


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Rin smiled and said, "Well, come on, lead the way and I'll protect us from monsters."

She gestured and was curious to see where Joe lived.


Forest blinked as the young man was so casual about donating blood.  So she went behind him, one arm going around his muscular chest while the other stroked his hair. With a quick lick of his throat, she felt her fangs grow and throb.

Then she burred them into his throat.

Cherry Lover

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Shirou and Sakura

Shirou smiled brightly at the girl's words, taking no notice of her stealing a spoonful of his ice-cream. He had always wanted to be a hero, hearing it acknowledged was always uplifting. Plus, the girl's enthusiasm and happiness made him feel good about himself.

Sakura, too, smiled, giggling slightly at the girl's display.

"Yes, we are heroes", she replied, softly. "Senpai has always wanted to be a hero."

"Unfortunately, though, we can't always help those who truly need us. Sometimes we need to take a job that pays us enough to survive, even if it means being unable to help those in real need", she said, sighing.

"Yeah", Shirou replied, his smile dropping. "I wish we didn't need to worry about whether someone could pay us."

"Well, hopefully Julius' idea will work. If he can find a benefactor then we will be able to help people without worry", Sakura replied, her smile brightning once more.


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The damnable car finally stopped at the end of the line, he barely had time to gather his bearings before being violently pulled out by girlfriend. She dragged him all the way to the restaurant, through the doors with unstoppable enthusiasm, maybe she was as hungry as him. He got shoved into a seat and then she took a seat on his lap. "What's a fajitas even?" Was the only thing he managed to blurt out after that.


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The redhead looked at the brunette disbelievingly before that bemused smirk showed up again.

"Oh come on, surely you've got at least some idea of what you'd want," the redhead protested, "Any ideas just off the top of your head?"
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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She could not believe what she was actually seeing, this was utterly bizzarre, there was not other word that could describe it. The tall warrior begun speaking to her calmly. Did he truly think she would have any interest in that after what he just did. While she held no sympathy for the girl, she was unrelated and what did was brutal and ruined the mood, but that wasn't the real issue. He went after the werewolf and that was unacceptable. So she completely ignored the warrior in favour of the more dire issue.

Ron had tried to push her aside and go for another try at the tall warrior, but she was not going to have any of that. She stood up and stopped him, grabbed hold of him and glared, her sharp golden eyes piercing straight through the madness clouding his. "Ron, please cease this nonsense right now and calm down or you will die." It was somewhere between an order and a plea, a truly unusual sight from the golden haired vampire to say the least.


His first instinct was to bite her. He couldn't quite see her properly yet, but the smell... if she was going to get in his way then he would tear her apart too! Before he could though his fury-filled vision cleared enough for her eyes to meet his. Her words penetrated the werewolf's thick skull, and brought back memories of pain.

Pain it had fought through. Pain that got it nowhere. The prey was unharmed.

... and Ron didn't want to hurt her for nothing.

He went limp in Shinobu's grasp, and began to shrink back into the form of a human. Exhausted. He passed out for a moment before the force of the vampire's grip snapped him awake again. "A-WAh?"


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With an annoyed groan, the purple haired goddess of Planeptune rolled to the side to avoid the incoming blow. She jumped to her feet in one fluid motion as the first man had been unable to react in time and unfortunately kissed the floor once more. She quickly looked around to get her bearings straight, but was immediately forced to duck under a swipe that filled up her vision.

While the first man had been far too dedicated to his attack, the second one had plenty of time to react, precious time he used wisely to follow the girl and strike her while she was still unbalanced. he hadn't counted on her reflexes being that good however which led to him hitting nigh but air.

Her muscles were protesting, pulling off that many quick moves in succession put it's toll on her body and it showed, her breathing got heavier as her lungs screamed for more air desperately. But now was not the time for that. The goddess clenched her teeth as she forced her legs to move the opposite direction of what they'd just been. fighting in this form was such a drag, it was totally exhausting, but using that against them would like be wrong.

And she rose up, bringing her fist to bear on the jaw of the second man, strking true and knocking him over. She breathed out as she finally got a few precious seconds to catch her breath "Hah.... That's.... what you get.... for underestimating me, Neptune!"


The fallen angel openly applauded Neptune's show of skill and agility, and the crowd was starting to cheer her on now too. It was clear she wasn't cheating in any way, she was just that capable. And the humans adored the sight.

How could they not? A beautiful young woman fighting valiantly against two men of greater renown than herself was truly a marvel. "Go Neptune!" "Kick their butts!" "You've got this!"

The first one hesitated before moving in to try again. His former opponent was struggling to get up.


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Olga Marie Animusphere

Olga made a high pitched noise that could only be described as a sort of insane squeak when Grigori pressed her against Bruta, sandwiching her in the middle of a group hug. For several seconds she just made chirping noises before she calmed down enough to speak like a human again. Her face was blood red and she could feel both of the girl's breasts pressing against her, smothering her with their wonderful scents.

"Mmm---mmmm...mmmm..." She bit her lip. This was so so so embarrasing! She felt like she was about to cry, even though this was totally the sort of situation she'd fantasized about. It was not great in real life, super dooper embarrassing!

"Ummmmm..." She was rock hard at this point, and she knew Brutae knew.

"So yeah, I have one! What of it!" She exclaimed indignantly, all of a sudden.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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With all the trap set up, Mason decided the next thing to do would be to gather the bodies of the sleeping people.  Given that he could already feel the heat from outside the building, it was probably best to make sure no one will get hurt.  After creating a magical box at the corner of the barrier, he began collecting bodies, slowly dragging them to the box.  It wouldn't take too long now for him to round everyone else up.


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The priest grabbed hold of the box with relative ease.  However, before he could open the box, he was halted by the scolding of his master.  "Master!  I assure you she is acting susp-" he said before stopping.  After looking at the helpless face of the purple haired woman, it became clear.  She really did have no intention of fighting.  After all, even if she didn't think she had a chance of fighting or couldn't fight, she would not let him take this suitcase if it was this important to her.  Even so, that didn't answer an important question.

Why is she blushing?

"What secrets do you hold within this bag?!" he demanded.  If this turned out to be harmless, he would owe her an apology.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2017, 10:56:35 PM by yinsukin »