Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 52475 times)


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"OH MY GOD. YOUR WORSE THAN RYU!" she yelled.  "At least he is too stupid to lie."

Even in this state, she was far too happy to be THAT mad.  However, it did make sense, so it saved her a lot of headache.  There was no way he fought that woman and came back so early without a single scratch, especially since he sent Mason back.

She took out a cigarette pack from her bra and popped a cigarette butt from the front.  After sticking it in her mouth, she flicked her thumb like she was using a lighter.  A small flame appeared on her thumb.  Then, she put the small flame under the tip of the cigarette, lighting it up.

"Who am I kidding!" she said, standing up.  Her breasts and clothes bounced a bit with the sudden ascension.  "Your just as dumb, and just as sweet.  Don't worry, I have another mission."


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"I'M NOT STUPID!!! Hmph!" He crossed his arms and pouted, totally annoyed at that remark. That was way too harsh, there was no way you could compare his genius intellect on the same level as that blonde blockhead with a totally lame style that was nowhere near as cool as his.

He gave a brief glance behind him, but was still definitely pouting.

"What is it?"


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"So the source of your vampirism lies in your soul? The other piece of your soul shouldn't be then vampirized until it rejoins the original soul. I guess now it all makes sense." This sounded really interesting. Who took her part of her soul and why they were just content with such an half-assed solution? "Do you know why they stripped you of part of your soul? Considering that you function so well even with a partial soul loss, your soul must be potent. It's just a wild guess, but for example if they also got hold on your DNA and cloned you, they could maybe put there your missing soul to get Medaka nr 2. Or use it as a source of power for something."


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Oh shit! he thought, his eyes wide with surprise.  That girl can lift more than me!

OF course, he also noticed the girl flying through the air, but he decided the car flying at him was the bigger issue.  He pointed a finger at the car and shouted, "DRAGON OF THE DARKNESS FLAME!"

A blinding orange aura formed a ball of energy at the tip of his finger.  Then, just as the car was inches from his finger, it shot forward, blowing up the car.  A cloud of smoke from the resulting explosion enveloped his body.  He stared at the sexy purple haired girl with that same stoic stare.

Yeah that was cool.

Just as he finished that thought, he felt several stinging sensations in his back.  "Ow!  Ow!  Stop! Stooooop!"


"Can you do any better than that?" Sakura yelled out at Rin as she charged in towards Ryu, using his distraction from Rin's blasts chipping away at him to get in close.

"Hey, dumbass." Sakura addressed him casually. "I'm going to tell you all about science now. Are you ready?" She grabbed at him with her left arm, as if she was going to throw him again, but instead punched him as hard as she could with her right. "Kinetic energy equals one half mass times velocity squared!" She yelled out.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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She looked over the contract one more time before she was fully satisfied. " No I am most certainly not planning to willfully do such a thing." She gave her a look over, this was a human which meant she would have the needs that they do.

"Would you like to have something to drink?" She asked her generously. She must have been in an unusually good mood to care this much about the needs of an unrelated mortal, it wasn't exactly normal for her. On the other hand Medaka would be delighted if she solved this problem without a hassle in her absence, and she did take her minion's wallet.

Sakura Matou

"That would be lovely. Water would be great." Sakura's smile didn't look fake as she answered. "Would you mind if we retired to a place where I could sit down while we continue our talk? It's a bit hard for me to stand up for extended periods with my current condition, you see." She could of course just float and sit down on her shadows, but that was both rude and seemed to be quite off-putting to many prospective tenants, so she'd only do that if it became unbearable for her.

"As laid out in the contract, I'd like to be able to interview you just to make sure I'm not housing a criminal or other such person that could make me legally liable." Sakura sounded apologetic now, as if this was a burden she didn't want to impose on the blond. "When would be good for you, miss..." Sakura paused, realizing she didn't have her name.

"Pardon me, but could I ask you your name? Hahaha..."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The maid came again and again, her visage sinking into a complete mess as her mind blanked out from both the pain and pleasure she was experiencing. She was unable to do anything but lay there and take it and take it she did, to the best of her effort. Even if she wasn't fully aware of what she was doing anymore her body still moved on it's own, craving more and more release.


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Joe began pacing about the house, eventually just walking back and forth by a window.  "Well there was this one really tall guy and he had some strange probe things.  Plus a kid, who seemed to have a pet snake that could split in half?  It was all really weird."


He tapped his fingers besides the keyboard, quietly gnawing his teeth. "I understand you may be unnerved still, but something more specific would really be helpful," he said. There were a lot of literally huge troublemakers on record. He remembered all of the faces in the files he'd seen perfectly, but he needed more to go on if it was someone infamous.

A child as well though? That was less common.

"What did they want from you or your house in the end, did you get that out of them?"
« Last Edit: September 05, 2017, 07:59:30 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Honestly, the fact she didn't break was very impressive, and the way she was shaking her hips to accept him more was nothing short but commendable. He felt good, great even, and the fact he didn't need to hold himself back made it all even better.

Despite being stretched to its limit, her pussy was hugging his cock as tightly as it possibly could, he could feel his skin sliding in and out inside her while his thick head scraped her walls and pounded her womb like a ram. He added a twisting motion to his thrusts, churning her insides more and more as she drenched his cock in love juices.

"Aw, no clever quip? I was looking forward to that. You act all high and mighty, but you don't really amount anything in the end hot stuff."

His hands were glowing a strange pinkish purple while he kneaded her ass and spanked it again, even harder than before. The slaps hurt, not just because of the ridiculous force applied but because it burned. Her rear was quite literally being tenderized, and no matter how much she squirmed or squealed, there was nothing she could do to stop it.

"Well, you asked for it, so don't come crying and accept it properly."

And then, something incredible slipped out of her overflowing cunt, emptying her just as she was about to reach her even greater climax, leaving her unfulfilled just as she was about to reach her highest of peaks. He changed her position and turned her sideways, pinning her on the ground while he spread her legs and asscheeks. In a moment, the girl felt an incredibly hot rod pressing in between them, throbbing as it forced its way into her ass with a mighty thrust.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2017, 09:22:48 PM by francobull3 »


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"It would be a great honour to receive your patronage, my most generous Master. Mere words are inadequate to express my gratitude for the blissful joy that sweeps through my very being at the mere thought of this glorious expedition. Carried out under your noble lead and with you by my side even the plains of Elysium are but a minor inconvenience to be crossed when the times come."

The blonde servant had suddenly burst out with a dramatic monologue, fit more for any kind tragedy rather than real life itself.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2017, 11:17:29 PM by Thedoctor »


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"It would be a great honour to receive your patronage, my most generous Master. Mere words are inadequate to express my gratitude for the blissful joy that sweeps through my very being at the mere thought of this glorious expedition. Carried out under your noble lead and with you by my side even the plains of Elysium are but a minor inconvenience to be crossed when the times come."

The blonde servant had suddenly burst out with a dramatic monologue, fit more for any kind tragedy rather than real life itself.

Olga Marie of House Animusphere

"Um?" Olga quickly started before she caught herself, now she wasn't expecting that sort of over-dramatic response, it seemed her servant liked to hear herself speak. She guessed it made sense, she had been a politician in her previous life, after all.

"Why yes, of course I'd be happy to!" Olga exclaimed in an equally dramatic voice. "I would be quite the poor master if I allowed my servant to want for such basic nessecities as clothes!" Olga quickly cast a scrying spell and ascertained the location of a nice clothing store. "The closest one is this way, follow me!" Olga took her servants hand and began to lead the way. Maybe she'd get herself some spare clothes while they were there.

After a decent walk, the two arrived at a large chain store, still open even at this late hour. They went inside and quickly found their way to the women's clothing department. "So what kind of clothes do you like? From what I've read romans didn't really like pants, is that true?" Olga sounded like she was genuinely interested in her servant's previous life and wasn't just probing for information, althought that was definetely a part of it.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2017, 04:29:37 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Medaka chuckled at Mitsuba's soul splitting hypothesis.  However, once she began talking, she looked down again.  "Well, it is not entirely correct that it was stolen.  I gave my soul away in exchange for a favor.  However, that favor was never fulfilled, so it is more accurate to say I was scammed out of my soul."

Perhaps that was not entirely true.  Lorenzo was (sort of) alive.  She never got a proper explanation for that, so maybe the favor was fulfilled after all?

The young vampire's eyes bounced back to the assassin's.  "Regardless, I am going to get it back."


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Her naivety knew no bounds. If she met Mitsuba in different circumstances than maybe the demon could get her into a soul pact as well. But the one who stole her soul wasn't very thorough. The person who scammed her didn't even return a favor to lull her into a false sense of security! They had it coming for their lack of professionality. "I can see where you're coming from. Have you made any preparations to get it back?"
« Last Edit: September 06, 2017, 03:00:52 PM by Kat »

Cherry Lover

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Sakura and Shirou

Awakening early as usual, Shirou went to check on his wife and the girl sleeping next to her. Seeing that they were both fast asleep and aware that Sakura sometimes slept poorly when he was not there to comfort her, he decided to leave them be for now and returned to the living room. Recognising that Sakura had probably not slept well and that Red likely was not as early a riser as they were, Shirou held off from cooking breakfast for a while, sitting down with a book and reading it with Moko lying in his lap until he decided it was late enough to begin the delicious meal he intended to cook for the four of them.

Still not wanting to awaken them just yet, he began the preparations. Aware that Red might not want to eat Japanese food, he decided he would make a more western-style breakfast today. As he continued the preparations, Sakura began to stir and, smelling the familiar smell of food being cooked, she quickly got dressed and rushed out to join him.

"Senpai! You should have called me!" she said as she put on her apron and began to help.

Shirou knew by now that it was pointless to try to stop her from assisting him, so he made no effort to do so. He did, however, respond to her comment.

"You were asleep, I wanted to let you rest", he replied.

Sakura sighed before getting to work, the two of them working together with practiced ease to produce multiple delicious dishes. Then, when they were finished, Sakura began to set the table, before finally going to awaken Red whilst Shirou laid out the food.

"Red, wake up, it's time for breakfast", she said, kindly and softly.

Shirou, meanwhile, was struggling with another conundrum. Specifically, how to feed their new pet. Moko was an intelligent being who Shirou felt shouldn't have to eat on the floor like a dog might but, equally, his size meant that he wasn't able to reach the table if he sat on a chair.

Hmm, we'll need to get something so he can reach the table, Shirou thought, looking around before deciding that he could place some towels on the chair as a makeshift seat.

So, he did so, before placing the Pokemon on his new chair, in between Shirou and Sakura's places. On the other side, he laid a place for Red. Each seat had a plate, with multiple dishes on the table ready for consumption. His and Sakura's places had chopsticks, but for Red he had found a knife and fork, unsure if she would be able to use Japanese utensils. Moko's paws, of course, were unable to hold utensils, and Shirou knew he would have to simply eat the food directly. However, there was a knife near to him for cutting the food into easily-consumable pieces.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2017, 07:07:00 PM by Cherry Lover »


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Using two fingers, Hazel removed the cigarette from her mouth and nested it between her fingers. As she blew out a cloud of smoke that surrounded them, her entire body relaxed.  However, she still maintained her smile.  "You know, I don't know if I should give you a mission like this after you failed to kill a vampire girl, but there was someone else at the scene I want you to keep an eye on," she said, brushing off the soot from her clothes.  "This time, just make sure he doesn't do anything to tip off the authorities."

« Last Edit: September 07, 2017, 01:15:12 AM by yinsukin »


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Joe stopped walking, sighing as he recalled the experience.  He found himself furrowing his eyebrows as he said, "I... think they wanted to hang out?"  The way his voice suddenly rose at the end made it sound like he wasn't sure, because he wasn't.  There was one other thing however.

"I think they also wanted food, at least the tall one.  The kid seemed like he was ok eating his snake."

Saying that last part just felt weird.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2017, 01:19:53 AM by yinsukin »