Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 54425 times)


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Rosa seemingly ignored Sakura and continued leisurely eating her bread, watching Sakura run over there with a bemused smile. However, when Sakura had gotten almost 3/4 of the way there, Rosa suddenly appeared crouching over Marcus, poking him with her finger. "Oi, Bloody man. You awake?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"It's not like we can solve the mystery from here so thinking too hard about it won't actually be of any benefit to us right now. Just enjoy the food for now is what I'm getting at." Saber told her master while getting another glass of wine. The sortiment they had here was simply put superb. Making Olga work to find this place had been worth it.

Olga Marie

"Well that's true." Olga said from her awkward position looking at the ceiling. She finally looked back down at Saber and smiled. "Thanks for listening to my problems. I've been holding this in for what feels like forever." The waitress came and dropped off the appetizers for them to eat, leaving quickly to wait on other tables. Olga began picking at the food halfheartedly, and slowly began to get more and more into it, trying to eat as much as possible while simultaniously trying to look like a proper lady. It was really quite funny.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The hunter followed in his wake, keeping herself a respectful half step behind him at every time. Say what you will about her but her manners were impeccable. Most of the time... sometimes.

"So what you desire is a return to the flesh, am I right?" She asked him while he guided her to wherever they were going. He wanted perfection. "You want the imperfect machine of flesh rather than the perfect mechanical one, no you want it to be perfect despite the contradiction." It was only a hunch but one she believed to be true.


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"Ah..." The pirate hit his palm with his fist, as if he understood. Indeed, everything now had crystal clear clarity, but his meekness didn't last long. His hollow eyes quickly averted to the smug Lucy, and with a tick of his flames he disappeared from where he stood and appeared right before her with a violent whack.

The poor Antichrist now laid on the floor, knocked cold with a giant lump on her head and battered in a pool of her own blood. The blow was devastating and annihilated her to the point two X's replaced her eyes. It seemed Lorenzo truly wasn't kidding, so much for peaceful resolutions.

How dare she look so smug anyways, hmph. He wouldn't take this bullying from her of all people.

"Unforgivable. To think she would make a mockery of your feelings. Scum." He crossed his arms and looked down on the knocked out girl in disgust. Even his false body of flames had dispelled, though despite that his flames turned kinder as he turned to Nep. "I'm glad your friend is okay though. Precious things should be held close."

Cherry Lover

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Entirely unsurprised by the girl's apparent lack of concern for the man, Sakura continued to head towards him. However, before she could reach him, to her immense surprise, the other girl appeared next to him, poking him and asking if he was OK. However, despite her surprise at the girl acting like she might actually care about anyone but herself, Sakura went to work. Her work as a hero alongside Shirou had meant that she'd taught herself first aid and some basic healing magic, and she knew she could do more to help than the other girl could.

Reaching the man, she knelt down next to him and reached for his neck, taking his pulse and listening for breathing. Relieved that his heart still seemed to be beating and that he was still breathing, she set to work on dealing with the problem. Judging from the hole in his hand and the blood that was everywhere, he'd obviously lost a lot of blood, and she knew she needed to stop the bleeding before it got any worse. Whilst she could fix the hole in his hand, her magic wasn't good enough to ensure the wound would not become infected. So, before she did so, it needed to be cleaned-out.

"Is there a first-aid box in here?" she called out. "His wound needs to be cleaned."

Then, she wrapped a shadow tendril tight around his wrist to act as a tourniquet, before reaching down and putting her hand on his, before beginning to chant.

"Diese Wunde wird gerinnen", she said, her face screwed up in concentration as small, black tendrils flowed from her hand and into the wound. "Das Blut fließt nicht."

She continued to concentrate for a few more moments before pulling away, her magic having stopped the flow of the blood. Even after she released the shadow tendril wrapped tight around his wrist, there was still no more blood flowing from the large hole.

Umbra of Chaos

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So soft... She was undoubtedly going to be spoiling this pokemon with all the attention she was giving him. "Nah, I think I'm better off just watching for now. Maybe later? Once I get a bit longer to acclimate I bet I'll be fine."


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E . W

So soft... She was undoubtedly going to be spoiling this pokemon with all the attention she was giving him. "Nah, I think I'm better off just watching for now. Maybe later? Once I get a bit longer to acclimate I bet I'll be fine."


"No no no no no, that won't do!" Oka pulled out a small pokeball containing a low leveled zigzagoon and put it into Rebecca's hands. "You never know what's going to happen! Always be prepared to defend yourself up in these mountains." Oka scolded her friend as she gave her a free pokemon. It was super easy to find it so no loss.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Suit yourself" She told the so called angel before turning her attention back to her unruly minion. Fine, she could heed the girl's wishes this time if that made her so happy. "It would please me greatly Medaka if you did it." There there she said it. She swallowed her pride and asked for help directly.


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"Hey hey hold up. What did you do that for? How am I gonna get Nowa back now???" She said with three whole question marks attached for an extra degree of bewilderment. The CPU of Planeptune frantically grabbed Lorenzo and shook him with the desperation almost equal to that of realizing that one was out of pudding. It was really bad, massive bad, worse than the apocalypse happening right now with fire and brimstone and clowns, especially clowns.

And then she shook hima a few more times for extra measures, but unlike before it was clearly playful. No. Maybe it all had been and she'd never been upset in the first place and had seen a chance to mess with the skeleton.

As if a benevolent goddess like her would do something so unbefitting of the heroine role.


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A groan erupted from the slumbering body on the floor.  His head slowly rose from the floor, his chest and hips slowly following.  "Yeah, im awake," he said, scratching his head.  He had no idea who that mysterious voice's were, but at the very least, it seemed like they weren't interested in killing him. 

Now sitting on his butt, he glanced at his head before turning his attention to the beautiful women examining him.  The blond was looking at him with a detached curiosity, while the other one seemed to be using some sort of magic on him.  She was more visibly worried.  "Huh, it looks less messed up than before I passed out," he said, his eyes lowered as if he was a bit disappointed, or perhaps suspicious.  "So who are you two?"

« Last Edit: October 23, 2017, 11:21:21 PM by yinsukin »


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Blackmore (at the stadium)

"Ho? Isn't it kinda early for throwing your hat in?" The giant tilted his head, his grin not fading for one second. It almost looked like he was eating them with his eyes, observing them thoroughly. "Well, we have standards for this event, not just anyone can join in. Well, if you can pass the bar exam, you should have no problem. So what do you say, want to give it a shot?"


He answered the question of their priorities with an indifferent grin and answered without a second thought. "I reckon it could be fun. No reason to not be early when I got nothing else do to."

That was only half-true, but Raikou certainly thought that to progress in an unfamiliar situation, you had to set a goal no matter how precarious and follow it. It was paramount to anchor yourself to progress when you were adrift, because even failure could teach you something new about where to go.

"Sure, let's have at your test."
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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In the last few days, the demon sword had been thinking. Something about a recent battle sat wrongly with him. He had lost, that was undeniable. He was fine with that..

But he didn't lose to his opponent. The one he lost to was none other than himself. He sat in his room and thought to himself, bothered by the events of that day. She had killed many people, he saw that much, but he didn't know what had happened before then. He let his assumptions get the best of him and judged a kindred blade. Did he, of all people, have that right? Now, he wasn't so sure.

He was kneeling with his eyes closed, but he opened them once and smiled sadly. "What would you have done?" He managed to ask, looking next to him like someone was at his side.

"Ah, right. I need to clean for tomorrow." He shook his head and rose up, walking back to fetch the broom.

"Hmph, all done!" The demon smiled and  put his arms to the side, admiring his work. The shop was immaculately clean, to the point the walls and floors sparkled. He pulled a clock out of his pocket and grinned. "And only four minutes. I'm on a roll! Hehehehe..."


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The facade of disapproval immediately dissipated in favor of a bright smile and ready hands.  With an unnatural swiftness, she pounced onto the blond's slender legs, grabbing onto them with motherly tentativeness.  She began pressing her fingers into the elder vampire's foot with the precision of a brain surgeon before breaking into a skillful motion that would make any masseuse quit their job out of inadequacy.  Eager to recover her worth as a suitable house wife in Shinobu's eyes, she looked up expectantly, awaiting her reaction.



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Costin's hand was knocked away by a brutal blow, despite it being hardened like steel her hand flew off. Her hand was pushed up, leaving her body open. Despite that, her laugh couldn't be more joyous, she was the sort who'd roar into laughter even at the brink of defeat. Such was the thrill of battle to an intoxicated demon of the night.

Interesting, it was like her hand was some goddamn weapon! This was already more of a blast than that blonde cunt a while back!!

She used her momentum to flip back and reposition herself, nimbly shifting back her stance as she landed on her feet. Her hand grew back to its immaculate shape before she even hit the ground, dashing to the side in order to flank her opponent with a literal axe kick, decorated with a leg coated with a blood axe able to cleave a metal pole in half.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2017, 11:57:45 PM by francobull3 »


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Wow, she can do a lot! he thought, even as his lip retracted in slight gesture of horror.  The idea of having someone suddenly die during an interaction was somewhat terrifying, not only because of the possibility of seeing someone drop dead before his eyes, but the responsibility that came with it.

"I could see why she might not want to bug me," he said, his mind still lingering on the possibilities.  "Yo- Do you do that to your husband when he goes out?"