Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98702 times)


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Joe nodded with Jeanne in agreement.  "Yeah most people only buy that many games if there is a sale," he said.  "Buying that many games in at full price with a big smile is a good way to get robbed."

Not that it matters.  She's rich and has a superstrong bodyguard...  Even so, street smarts were imperative in this city.  No matter what happens, its best not to draw too much attention to yourself or else you could get into real trouble.  At least, that is what he was always told growing up.

Umbra of Chaos

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"Sure, sure. Just send me a couple contracts and I'll work through them. You'll just need to get them signed again, but that shouldn't be real hard for you, right?" Leaning back into her seat a bit as she kept a steady gaze on the taller guy.

Umbra of Chaos

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Really this girl was unbelievable. So much so that it nearly made Grigori laugh at the ridiculousness of it. She held out her hand, blades of ice forming from thin air before she gestured and sent them flying off after the dragon with monstrous force. "You really are someone who's larger than life, huh?"


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The hound was carried away like a spoiled bride about to be ravished at her honeymoon by none other than Orianna. Searching for the puppet, it took little to no time before they found the kiddo. Moving up to Orianna's shoulder, she perked her head down and sniffed. Yep, it was him.

"Youch! Someone looks in bad shape. You've been here all this time?" She asked him casually like he was an old friend.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 02:52:00 PM by francobull3 »


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Trivek did some magical shaping thing there with a being that was simply beyond her comprehension. Saber had never been one to pursue magic after all. She did walk around the finished product though to assess how good his work had been. "It appears adaquate." She told him, not sounding very impressed. To be fair she'd seen a lot of masterful sculptures take form in her day and this did not really catch her interest.


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“I wonder why I’m here?” The girl idly wondered aloud as she daintily stepped down some stairs into the shadowy underbelly of the slums. It looked dark and scummy, like a place that no self respecting person would ever wander down into. Some men yelled at her to stop, charging her with spiked bats. With a wave of her hand, they both lost their balance and went tumbling down the stairs, a nasty cracking noise coming from one of them. “Oops, sorry.” She apologized cheerfully, stepping over his corpse while utterly ignoring ignoring the other one who was laying on the ground groaning in pain, her tail waving gently behind her.

It didn’t take the voluptuous woman long at all to utterly subdue the thugs who’d taken up residence here. She sat down on their makeshift throne they’d made for their former leader, well, it was adequate, at least. She’d need to spruce this place up a great deal. It felt a bit too gloomy for her tastes.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka paused, stopping completely in her tracks with a sudden euphoria.  She flashed back to her childhood, all those attempts to help others only lead to loneliness and the only ease from her suffering was the idea that she was born to help strangers.  However, would she have been lonely if she embraced selfishness?

"You have never been that lonely?" she asked, her eyes wide with disbelief.  "Never?  I find that hard to believe."

Umbra of Chaos

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"Once, a long time ago I was lonely. But that was wrong. It's more like I was convinced I was lonely. It's a real cruel trick, y'know?" Her hands petting Medaka's head. "Everything is trying to trap you. They try to make you dependent on them, to love them more than yourself, and from birth you're taught that submitting to that is the right thing to do."

"I can never be lonely. Because I love me, and depend only on me, and even if everything vanished I would still have myself. Can you imagine it, Medaka? Imagine being satisfied with yourself. You don't need other people, you don't need other things, you're free from everything. You can be happy just being yourself, just living and loving forever."


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It seemed like an unexpected development had taken place just a short while ago. The presence announced itself like an irritating signal beacon at the edge of his senses. He'd have those send... No he'll have to do this himself. The presence had appeared from seemingly nowhere but how? Had it just appeared? Or had it always been here? Watching over from the shadows, if the second option was true then... No, no need to think ahead like that. He'd just have to do this as quickly as possible, but why now of all times?

Having followed the irritating lead, the mage found himself making his way through some shabby looking place in the slums. Signs of a one-sided battle met him as he made his approach. A few broken bodies littered the halls, his experienced eyes told him they hadn't provided much in the way of resistance.

As he got further in there was more people spread out on the floor, they weren't dead however merely knocked out or mostly so. He didn't really look closer cause his attention was drawn by something else.

"I suppose I shouldn't expect much else from a demon."

A short but voluptuous girl with mesmerizing pink hair was sitting on some makeshift cheap throne. But that wasn't the most notable thing about her appearance, it was her bat like wings and her tail, clearly giving away her non human nature.


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It seemed like an unexpected development had taken place just a short while ago. The presence announced itself like an irritating signal beacon at the edge of his senses. He'd have those send... No he'll have to do this himself. The presence had appeared from seemingly nowhere but how? Had it just appeared? Or had it always been here? Watching over from the shadows, if the second option was true then... No, no need to think ahead like that. He'd just have to do this as quickly as possible, but why now of all times?

Having followed the irritating lead, the mage found himself making his way through some shabby looking place in the slums. Signs of a one-sided battle met him as he made his approach. A few broken bodies littered the halls, his experienced eyes told him they hadn't provided much in the way of resistance.

As he got further in there was more people spread out on the floor, they weren't dead however merely knocked out or mostly so. He didn't really look closer cause his attention was drawn by something else.

"I suppose I shouldn't expect much else from a demon."

A short but voluptuous girl with mesmerizing pink hair was sitting on some makeshift cheap throne. But that wasn't the most notable thing about her appearance, it was her bat like wings and her tail, clearly giving away her non human nature.


"Oh, an interesting little child has come to pay his respects? Very well then, I shall grant you an audience." The girl's tone was light and bemused, but she looked down upon him haughtily, her heart-shaped tail idly flicking around as she gazed upon him. She could feel it, he was quite an impressive mage, in his own right. That was for certain. That would be the reason he'd appeared so quickly. A moth couldn't help being attracted to a light, after all.

"Heh, so what bussiness do you have with the almighty Elizabeth?" She assumed he didn't know of her. It'd been so long, and she was pretty sure she was in a completely new world. She gazed down upon him with interest, waiting eagerly for her answer.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2017, 01:45:44 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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For a brief moment, he got what he wanted, a glare that promised a chance at escape.  Of course it didn't last long.  The moment she had flipped him, his grin faded, along with his chance at escape.

But not his chance at losing his virginity.

"Would you believe me if I said I enjoy the foreplay more?" he quipped, glancing at a nearby fork.  He could try stabbing her with it, but she might like that too.

Throughout all of this, his cock stood firm, alone and craving for attention.  God damn it, was the only thing he could think to himself at this mixed feeling.


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Almighty? Pfft... As if. The fact she was residing in what amounted to a rundown shack in the middle of nowhere made it clear she was anything but almigthy. Her demeanor did reveal one thing though, the fact she couldn't have been here very long, either that or this was a highly complex scheme but he doubted that.

He moved closer to her with a slow but confident stride his gaze locked on her face, it wouldn't do to be distracted by her lack of decent garments at such a critical juncture. "You must be new here. If you were truly what you claimed to be you would know this isn't a place someone of importance would rule from." He showed not the slightest hesitation in her presence, he couldn't afford to do that.


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Medaka paused, genuinely considering it for a moment.  If this girl had come to her at that time, when she had reached the edge of loneliness, she would be a completely different person.  But there was one problem.  She was wrong.

"No," Medaka said simply.  "But talking in abstract terms is pointless.  May I tell you a bit about myself?"


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Almighty? Pfft... As if. The fact she was residing in what amounted to a rundown shack in the middle of nowhere made it clear she was anything but almigthy. Her demeanor did reveal one thing though, the fact she couldn't have been here very long, either that or this was a highly complex scheme but he doubted that.

He moved closer to her with a slow but confident stride his gaze locked on her face, it wouldn't do to be distracted by her lack of decent garments at such a critical juncture. "You must be new here. If you were truly what you claimed to be you would know this isn't a place someone of importance would rule from." He showed not the slightest hesitation in her presence, he couldn't afford to do that.


"Ahahaha, of course it's not. It's a run down shack in the slums! Not even the king of the sewers would want to reside here! That's why it's perfect, it's the blankest of slates! There's nothing better than the joy of creating something from nothing, wouldn't you agree? Or is such an idea too complicated for a man like you?" The girl sneered at him, the magic circles slowly spinning in her glistening red eyes as if to mock him.

"However, you're very astute to grasp that I'm new here, mage. I honestly have no idea what this place is, but it excites me so!" Elizabeth suddenly stood up from her throne and smiled with a modicum of respect. "I hope for your sake that you didn't come just to berate me, right? What's your real business here?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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Kids were so close minded these days. Sheesh, needed some imagination. But Set was a pretty magnanimous person so she cheerfully patted the teenager's head. "Sure! Tell me all about yourself!"