Alright, so, let's do a VN project together, because VNs are great and awesome and we should make our own.
So here's the rundown on things, and who's doing what. Once we designate someone (or multiple someones) for each role, their name(s) will appear next to the appropriate heading. Also, if we end up having multiple projects, instead of just putting the stats here, I'll just make this OP an index for all the currently running VN projects.
"Name of Project"
Basically, first off we need to decide on the nature of the project. Honestly, it sounds a bit odd, but I think an otome wouldn't be a bad idea. Bishojo-esque vns are a dime a dozen. We need something to separate us from the crowd, so to speak. Plus it's nice to have something that caters to the ladies for a change (I'm certainly not biased in any way in this regard. No sir.) Whether it's Type Moon based or not is also a matter for debate.
I may take the position of writer, though I'll leave that open for now too. I can also serve as an artist if we absolutely run out of options.
Other than that, take it away!