This is a list based Omake for Cross Effects
1) Should anyone encounter an elf-like woman who answers to the name Elf, do not engage in any form
1b) This does not mean you can arrest her AxeCop so put away the wanted posters of her, just because you are a police officer does not mean you can ignore these rules
2) Not Kaiju and/or giant robots
2b) Fitting Godzilla with gun arms, sunglasses and police badge does not exempt the Kaiju nor does hiring Autobot Prowl as a police officer work, do you understand AxeCop?
3) Saber Alter is never to be shown the works of Monty Python
4) No one is to inform AxeCop that all new arrivals and individuals not native to Nexus City, himself included are Illegal Immigrants.
5) Lawrence is hereby forbidden from being in close proxemity to any Magical Girls much less a Magical Girl Convention
6) Due to numerous complaints of accidental fires breaking out, Inferno Cop is to be tailed by a special group of firefighters at all times