Author Topic: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters  (Read 34336 times)


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #30 on: November 20, 2013, 04:49:46 AM »
Rider, would you be willing have a three or foursome with a man ( Satoshi, Shirou, Archer etcetera) and alternate versions of yourself. Do you think your fellow Rider Drake is interesting sexually or otherwise?

Dark archer, so having plundered Rin's hidden treasure what's your next goal?

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #31 on: November 20, 2013, 06:03:58 AM »
Inferno Cop: Some whispers you might be retarded. What is your answer to these people?
Inferno Cop: Why did you join Axe Cop?
Ran: Your arrival in the Nexus is recent. Do you have any plan if you can't go back to your own, well... plan?

1: I have no idea, the concept of retardation doesn't exist where I'm from! I made sure of that the one time I was beating up a pregnant lady and I was god or something and rewrote the entire world, but I'm not entirely sure. About any of that. Or any of anything, really.

Actually, I think I might exist solely in Hellfire Boy's mind, as a pretend friend he made himself when he was being bullied as a kid and that he never really forgot, bringing me up only one time to his future arizonian girlfriend as a way of letting go of his past delusions, where I was last observed watching over him in an impossible manner, perhaps solidifying that I never existed!

But that's silly.

2:It just sort of happened? I don't remember the specifics. I think there were guns involved, though. And some fruit?

3: Not really, no. Though where I'm from, I was a kind of freelancer. I'm certain a bar with a wall full of requests must exist in this city too, where I can adequately spend my time. Though I'd really, really rather not.


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #32 on: November 20, 2013, 01:48:41 PM »
Dear Forest: What would need to happen or who would you need to meet to go all fangirlish on your tenants?

Forest: Well, if somehow Ash from the "Evil Dead" trilogy, Sam Axe from "Burn Notice", and any of the cast of "Buffy" and "Angel" somehow showed up.  Or I went to a convention where Bruce Campbell was a guest. Then, full on fangirl.

Dear Archer: If you had a chance to "accidentally" bump Rin and Hakuno in a way that would cause them to accidentally kiss, would you do it for the sake of teasing them?

D.Archer: Hakuno?  No.  That mousey little master is perfect for the unimproved version of myself.  Me, I like a woman with a bit more of an edge to them.  Rider or that blond vampire might be another story.  Only if Rin wants to.

(I'll answer the others later.)

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #33 on: November 21, 2013, 12:08:07 AM »
Kiyoshi: Erm, um....

OK, mum, dad, please stop giving me that look. You're both amazing chefs and I can't possibly choose between you.

*Whispers* OK, it honestly is a difficult question, and they are both really good, but I'm going to say mummy. Dad taught her to cook, but I think she has slightly surpassed him now. There's not much in it, though, and it does depend on just what they're cooking. Mummy is quite a bit better at western food, whereas dad is still perhaps a bit ahead with Japanese food. But, they both love cooking for us and each other, and you can really feel it when you eat anything cooked by either of them. Mealtimes at our house are always very much looked-forward-to, and even Aunty Rider rarely misses a meal.

Rider: My master will arrive as soon as she realises Kiyoshi has gone missing and they work out a way to transport her to the Nexus. In other words, as soon as Mike actually stops being lazy and writes the intro scene....

Oh, and I need to finish my sex scene first, too. They wouldn't want to deprive me of my excuse for having some real fun....

As for who would win a fight between me and Archer, well, it depends. With servant battles, the level of support that you get from your master makes all the difference.

In my current state? I think Archer would win. With Sakura around and supplying me with prana? I think I would win pretty easy. With the level of prana Sakura can provide me with I can basically use my Noble Phantasms as often as I like, and I don't think Archer could counter that.

If we had similar standard masters, though, I think it would be quite close. I think if we got into relatively close combat I would beat him eventually, but he's smart. He would probably try to snipe me before I even got close. I think I could probably dodge anything he threw at me, but you never know what sort of things that guy could come up with....

Rider: Is Satoshi putting you up to asking all this stuff or something?

The idea of having a threesome with myself seems rather weird, honestly, but I think I might be up for it if I liked the other partner enough.

As for my fellow Rider, yeah, she does seems pretty hot, honestly, I'd definitely do her. Although, she does seem a bit too friendly with Shinji for my liking....


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #34 on: November 21, 2013, 12:40:47 AM »
Satoshi: I'm interested in the answers but I'm not putting anyone up to anything. And to be fair that Shinji is just a little kid, kids can be obnoxious and stuff.

Rider, would you ever consider participation in mixed martial arts events? If given the opportunity would you punish Perseus for what he did? What is your opinion of your sisters? Would you ever consider doing massage sensual or otherwise as a line of work or recreation? Which do you prefer men or women? If introduced to a male version of your master Sakura what would happen?


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #35 on: November 21, 2013, 01:44:34 AM »
Dark Archer: How do you really feel about Sakura? What would you do if you met her again?

D.Archer: *Scowls* I resent her.  I loathe her, however I would not want to see her dead.  Rin - neither the one I am with now or the one I lost- would be crushed if Sakura died.  However, I cannot forgive what she did to Rin and Ilya.

If I were to meet her again?  I wouldn't give her my attention.

Forest: Aren't you afraid your actual guests might cause trouble in town? And how would Wynne and Gabriel react to them?

Forest: Well, I'm pretty sure most of them have already caused trouble of some sort already, but yeah, I'm afraid.  That's part of the reason of why I've invited them to stay with me.  Well, Lancer invited a lot of them too, without my permission I might add .  .  .

Lancer: Hey, I was doing the responsible thing!

Forest: As to Gabe and Wynn?  It's W-Y-N-N, there's no "e" at the end.  She gets pissed if people misspell it.  Wynn . . . well, she'd be trying to do some kinky stuff with Rider and probably look at a lot of the people here with disdain.  She might try to hook up with Lancer too, and Lawrence might pique her curiosity.  Also, I have a feeling she'd get along really well with Rin.  Probably much to Dark Archer's chagrin.

Gabriel on the other hand . . . He'd be ruffling as many feathers as possible and warning me to stay away from Shirou.

Lancer: How many werewolves did you kill up 'til now?

Lancer: A lot!  . . . I really don't keep track of it.  Not really keeping score, you know?  However, I bet I could kill more werewolves than that corrupted arsehole bowman.

D. Archer: Well, I'll let you continue with your pest control then, Lancer.

. . . This is actually fun!

I should ask some questions as well.

Seras- Do you miss Alucard and Integra?

Shuya: Were you trying to hook up Lancer and Forest when you were talking to him?

Millie: Anyone here you could see yourself being friends with?

Angrea: Who's feathers do you wanna ruffle next?

Redheaded Driver: You seemed excited to talk to Forest.  Do you not get to talk to other people often?

AxeCop: What happened to Bat Warthog Man?

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #36 on: November 21, 2013, 01:55:30 AM »
Redheaded Driver: You seemed excited to talk to Forest.  Do you not get to talk to other people often?
DRIVER: Never. The other Geists, Sin-Eaters and those who can look into the Twilight can see me, but we can't communicate except through our Sin-Eaters. Otherwise, I'm stuck with only being able to communicate with Lawrence. It isn't all bad though. The benefits of the bond far outweigh its detriments.


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #37 on: November 21, 2013, 02:13:59 AM »
Angra: Rider, Forest, Hakuno, Dark Archer and Sakura Matou whenever she gets here. Although I think just collecting a harem of girls would be more fun. Especially because Satoshi is basically my puppet and is building me a fortress, an army and if I put enough pressure on him he'll screw any girl I put in front of him and fight everyone else. Hahaha.


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #38 on: November 21, 2013, 07:08:49 AM »
Shuya: Like hell I wo-... Wait a sec, the heck you doing here?

Isa: Hm? I was just on my way for a glass of water. *Walks away without waiting*

Shuya: Seems like she didn't lie... Now, as I was about to say, I wasn't trying to hook up any-...

Nessa: Oh, pleeeeeaaaaaase.~ You're not fooling anyone here. Even Lancer was able to tell.

Shuya: Funny coincidence, I thought it was time to test my blade on somebody.

Nessa: Hahaha!! *Runs away to find someone else to bother*

Shuya: These damn brats are annoying. Whatever, you got your answer s-...

Ruu: ... *Stares*

Shuya: W-What do you want, midget?

Ruu: Ruu came to play.

Shuya: ...

Ruu: ...

Shuya: 'kay I'm outta here.

Ruu: *Follows* Wait!! Ruu wants to play too!!

Mordalfus Grea

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #39 on: November 21, 2013, 07:31:11 AM »
Just noticed the thread. (Won't post a long thing again, don't worry)

Better late then never

The Don: You must know a lot about the place. Where's the best place to have a good drink in the Nexus?
Mu: What are your immediate plans? (I mean, once you're no longer under Donny's influence)
Kusaragi: You're like a walking army with all your weapons. Don't you think you carry a bit too much?
Seras: Your reaction upon meeting with vampires like Forest?

Joe: Well there are three places I recomend, I own two of them and support the third. *Puffs Cigar*

Joe: First off is The Old Watering Hole; its this big old hall building that was converted into this massive Bar and the place has practically any type of drink they could get their hands on or brew up altogether, it even has a daily one-hour long bar brawl session they have at 4 PM every day. The Second place is The Drunk House; its this big old hole building that had its ground floor remodeled into a sprawling bar and nightclub where if you got too drunk to leave, they'd put you up in one of the refurbished rooms. The Third Place is my home away from home Mister Fixit's; Its a high class bar and bistro in the ritzy part of the city, if ya got the money to spend it the best place to get wasted and it has the only alcohol in the city capable of getting me tipsy.

Mu: My main plan is to defeat Downy and ensure that his goals are no realized but considering his abilities in comparison to my own, it would be quite hard to do so on my own.

Enthralled!Mu: That is if you are free from our glorious master's guidance.

Mu: Enslavement, you mean.

Enthralled!Mu: Enslavement is involuntary, I follow my master willingly and without question.

Mu: After he rewired my mind to obey his every command, you mean.

Enthralled!Mu: LIES! *Draws weapons on Mu*

Mu: I speak the truth! *Draws weapons on Enthralled!Mu*

((OOC: This is probably gonna get violent))

Kusagari: I carried much of my arsenal with me on my original journey through Caldera City and the surrounding region but they are also the only things I have reminding me of my clan, if I do have children I intend to pass on my clans teaching to them before passing on my arsenal to them as well.

Seras: Who's Forest? She's a vampire? I haven't met her yet.

. . . This is actually fun!

It's meant to be something fun to do while waiting for someone to post on the RP thread while allowing others to ask certain questions about the individual characters themselves

Seras- Do you miss Alucard and Integra?
Seras: Always. Master was like a second father to me, insane and bloodlusting, but still a father nonetheless. I loath to admit it but I think he may have rubbed off on me *gestures to multiple dead bodies with their internal organs decorating the walls, though not a drop of blood can be seen* but I still refuse to impale the poor bastards, that is masters thing not mine

Zorin: *Manifests from shadow arm* I suppose grinding me against a wall at high speeds, is your thing?

Seras: *blushes with embarrassment, pokes her index fingers together while blushing* Maybe....

Walter: *also manifests from Seras' shadow arm* Oi! Answer the second question!

Seras: Right! *snaps to attention* Sir Integra will always be something of an older sister to me and a surrogate mother of sorts, she brought order from the chaos that was Master. I will always remember them and I will do my best to live on as the last of the Hellsing Organization.

Dear Angra: What do you look like in your mortal-ish form? Have you ever thought of seducing and mounting your puppet yourself or are you a furry?

Dear Lancer: Are looking forwards to brawling with the weakest version of a being [HULK] capable of beating Thor the Norse God of Thunder and Hercules in a test of physical might? And is also wanting to challenge you, an Irish Demi-God, to a drinking contest?

Dear Shirou: Your Thoughts on the fact that Minigun was used to gun down The Don/Joe once and all it did was piss him off due to the gun fire ruining his clothing?

Dear Satoshi: Have you ever thought about teasing Angra or have you yet to find something you can tease her about?

Dear AxeCop, Inferno Cop and DoomRider: Your Thoughts of on InternCop aka GunCop aka Kusagari?

Dear Redheaded Driver: Can we shorten you name to something easier on the mind? Also if Imiganai, the being that caused Lawrence to freak out from the power she emitted, appeared before you and you were incontrol of Lawrence's body, how would you react?

Dear Ran: Did you know there are three skilled swordsmen and one skilled swordswoman roaming Nexus City? I hear on of them if working for a nearby recently reformed district police station, two of them are roaming around, and one of them is evil.

Dear Shuya: Can you give us a recap on the new listings for Team Asshole? Also your thoughts on the big grey skinned guy that met with Forest?

Dear Forest: You do realize that Joe is gonna label you Girly from now on, right?
If you must address me as something, it is not MG! Please address me as Mord if you need to shorten my name

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #40 on: November 21, 2013, 07:39:40 AM »
Dear Redheaded Driver: Can we shorten you name to something easier on the mind? Also if Imiganai, the being that caused Lawrence to freak out from the power she emitted, appeared before you and you were incontrol of Lawrence's body, how would you react?
DRIVER: While that is my proper name, my embodiment of existence, 'Driver' will be an acceptable substitute for these purposes. As for the entity known as Imiganai... our clash would only end when either of us is forced screaming into the underworld or when she is devoured by myself.
LAWRENCE: Luckily I'm here to advert most of the trouble. I'd most likely treat her like how most geists treat an unknown and possibly dangerous spirit - figure out its wants, bans, banes, and other material that can be used in bargaining with it.


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #41 on: November 21, 2013, 07:51:56 AM »
Angra: he's a puppet, there's no seduce involved in the work.

Satoshi: teasing hallucinations is a waste of time.


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #42 on: November 21, 2013, 07:06:08 PM »

Shuya: Don't use "dear" when you ask me something. I'll fucking cut you down!!

Ruu: The Oni can't kill the players.

Shuya: *$!#ยจ... Correct. Just let's end this quickly then.

Ruu: *Points toward the first question*

Shuya: Oh that? It's simple. Asshole team is me, Lancer, Finn and Smug Face(Archer Alter). Twin-tails too. Shirou has the potential for sure but has yet to join officially. And f I am to believe Law, Connor could be a potential recruit. That's about it I guess.

Ruu: The Oni forgot Red Eagle.

Shuya: Red eagle? Who's that?

Ruu: *Draws what's supposed to be Archer.*

Shuya: Oh, him? I'm not sure yet. He's Smug Face's twin or something, no? Not sure that qualifies for a spot.

Ruu: Lancer called him Asshole.

Shuya: Lancer did? Okay then, you can add him to the list. Are we done, now?

Ruu: The Oni still needs to answer the other question.

Shuya: Right. I don't know yet. Guy has an impressive build and some charisma. Not sure I actually believe him being a Hulk, though. Meeting people you read about is a bit weird. Guess that would apply to Rider and Lancer too. I dunno. Guy reeks of high priced tobacco, so he must be loaded.

Seems like a worthy opponent anyway. Dunno if I have the means to kill him though.

Ruu: Ruu thinks the Oni can't win.

Shuya: Shut up!! I would still cut him down!!! Or burn the comics. Yeah, I could totally do that. Hahaha, that's evil for ya, grey faced jerk!! *Walks off*

Ruu: Ruu thinks it's petty behavior.

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #43 on: November 21, 2013, 10:59:39 PM »
Dear Ruu: In your own words, what is the meaning of life? Also why do you speak in the third person?
If you must address me as something, it is not MG! Please address me as Mord if you need to shorten my name

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #44 on: November 22, 2013, 01:47:07 AM »
Rider: Ohh, lots more questions to answer. Well, here goes....

Rider, would you ever consider participation in mixed martial arts events?

Hmm, well, MMA would be fun to fight in if I had a worthy opponent, I guess, but they're all just ordinary humans. If I fought them seriously I would kill every one of them without even trying. I don't see any point in just going along and beating up a couple of hapless guys. Professional wrestling, though, now that might be interesting if I wanted a bit of fun and some money. It's all fixed anyway, and I'm sure I could do a lot of stuff that most of them couldn't.

If given the opportunity would you punish Perseus for what he did?

Yeah, definitely. I'd love to make that arrogant prick scream. I'd like to see how strong he really is, without the gods to protect him and hand him everything on a silver platter. After a few minutes with me, he'd be begging Hades to take him to Tartarus for a bit of a respite....

What is your opinion of your sisters?

Despite how mean they could be at times, they're still my beloved sisters. I miss them dearly, and I truly regret their deaths. I would do almost anything to have them back.

Would you ever consider doing massage sensual or otherwise as a line of work or recreation?

I'd certainly give a sensual massage recreationally, if my partner desired it, but I have no interest in selling my body for money, even in a lighter way like that. As for normal massages, I would in principle, but I don't think I'd be very good at it, if I'm honest. Sakura is far better.

Which do you prefer men or women?

Women, definitely. I've had bad experiences with men in my life, and I prefer the female form in any case. But, I do still find some men attractive, especially men like Shirou....

If introduced to a male version of your master Sakura what would happen?

Hmm, I'm not sure. Much the same as with the female one, I guess. Even if they're male, they're still Sakura....