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The Velvet Room

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--- Quote from: Ivan The Mouse on February 08, 2014, 07:28:55 AM ---"Get it yo'self, nigga, you have 'nother hand." Neo said while reclining on the couch. He then took another swig from the beer can.

--- End quote ---

"One hand isn't enough to beat a shaggy carpet, dumbass!"

*THE finger is given to the beer drinker. THE finger falls off. Shaggy carpet is shaggy.*

"OH SHIT. Damn you, Strohiem! Damn you and that Nazi science of yours!"

Ivan The Mouse:

--- Quote from: Bloble on February 08, 2014, 11:59:09 PM ---"One hand isn't enough to beat a shaggy carpet, dumbass!"

*THE finger is given to the beer drinker. THE finger falls off. Shaggy carpet is shaggy.*

"OH SHIT. Damn you, Strohiem! Damn you and that Nazi science of yours!"

--- End quote ---

"If you'd like keep blaming the fuckin' Krauts, I kno' someone who can help yo' ass." Neo throws back the finger at him. "But while he ain't here, don't disturb mah beer."


Ruu had been wondering for a long period of time which of these individuals would make a good sample for his observations. Eventually, he decided on a young human of male gender granted with red hair and green eyes. The familiar closed the distance and made sure to follow him until his own curiosity would be satiated.

The twins entered the place behind the delivery guy. The first one caught in an irrepressible laughter while the other blushed to a shade close to a tomato.

"Seems like an interesting place!!"

Her sister checked the room and caught sight of the Daemon Prince lost in his sniffling. "I'm not so sure about that," whispered Isabella.

"Don't sweat the small stuff."

"This way of thinking is the reason I can't let you roam freely. Why are we entering this place for, anyway? We should probably not intrude in someone's place..."

"It's open, so, what point is there to argue over it? It's like an invitation, come on. Besides, it's easy to tell this room is nesting all kind of people."

"Yes, people who might prefer not have to deal with a couple of lost girls."

"See, that's your problem, Isa. You're never willing to take any risk. This is the reason people find you boring and unattractive."

"I would take being boring over being in trouble, anytime."

"You're a lost cause, lil' sis of mine."

"I don't want to hear that from you," responded Isa as she made her way to one of the less threatening person around, a blonde woman who looked older than herself by half a decade. She didn't know what to say out of the blue, so, she simply gave a discreet wave. "Hi, mind if I take a seat over there?"

Meanwhile, Nessa decided to go bother someone else. A quick glance and she spotted who would the object of her attention. An old man with a mohawk sitting on a piano bench and interacting with a stuffed parrot. She took a peek over his shoulder and gave him a smile. "Sorry to interrupt your.... err conversation but, you think you could play something for me?"

 "Hi, mind if I take a seat over there?"

Forest looked up from her book and smiled at the speaker.  It was a young teenage girl, probably around fourteen or fifteen.  She nodded and said, "Of course."  Then with a smile, she went back to her book.

"You have all made a dedicated study of the many horrors lurking behind the fragile facade of daily life accepted by lesser institutions, and those of inferior educational background. Thus, it is imperative that you are forewarned of a great threat that could jeopardize the academic ideals you are held to. The very foundations of sanity and logic are at risk due to this. Behold! *shows anatomical chart* Grotesque accumulations of flesh affixed to the frontal torso. They are considered alluring by the weak or diseased of mind, and can be considered vile instruments of psychic domination. You laugh, but my studies provide substantial evidence that it is so.

They extend their malevolence into the senses of victims who witness them and warp their perceptions of reality. The curse appears to be hereditary, for I have no recollection of my own maternal progenitor possessing them at any scale worthy of note. In this matter I can consider myself fortunate; it is one of the many blessings in my life for which I can be grateful. While not all unfortunates who possess this trait are inherently wicked, they most certainly labor under a most unfair of predispositions due to the presence of such growths. Worse still are those who willingly affix such horrors to their otherwise pleasing forms, sacrificing virtue and aesthetics for a slatternly appeal to unnatural lusts.

It is my hope that by arming you with an understanding of the threat that you might see past the illusion of credibility and importance that they create, and retain your academic focus when engaging in further study on all of the many sciences here and abroad..."
-Notes from a Miskatonic University lecture titled 'On Aberrations Most Foul', by guest lecturer Chiyo Kiyoura.


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