Author Topic: Maverick Versus Hunter: A Mega man X Role play.  (Read 5125 times)


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Maverick Versus Hunter: A Mega man X Role play.
« on: June 04, 2014, 05:25:32 PM »
Maverick Versus Hunter: A Mega man X Role play.

The story. (up for debate)

Prior to Mega man X doctor Cain found X however X never awakened due to a hardware fault in the pod.

The Reploid research and advancement went as normal excepting the fact that X remains sealed.

Sigma is still Hunter leader and Zero is still rogue.

Character creation

The game is point based, after initial character creation it's about finding the parts and risking an upgrade.


Hydraulic systems

Reflex capacitors

Frame integrity

CPU processor

Memory storage

Expansion slots

Power generator

Hydraulic systems are a Reploid's strength effectively. How much you can lift, how much damage you do in melee combat and so forth.

Reflex capacitors are a reploid's speed, dodge and hit chance.

Frame integrity is the toughness of a reploid, it determines endurance and damage reduction.

CPU processors are a reploid's intelligence, the higher the smarter a character is.

Memory storage, a reploid's functional memory, it functions giving passive bonuses to many different situations, it's comparable to the concept of wisdom. In addition it determines skill and memory loss from death.

Expansion slots determine a reploid's number of active skills, Mega man X has fourteen, most reploid's have between two and four.

Power generator, a reploid's power generator is his stamina, the stronger the generator, the longer a reploid can remain active before recharging. In addition a generator can boost skills at the price of energy.

Characters get forty points to put into their stats, no starting stat may exceed 8 natural but may do so when adjusted for body size and type.

There are several body types.

Normal:the standard reploid configuration, it is based on Mega Man X. It is a humanoid body of average size.

Partial: a mostly humanoid body with animal or other features such as wings, horns etcetera.

Natural: a reploid form that is entirely animal or plant in design circumstantial stat bonuses based on form

Utility: a reploid form designed for a single purpose, command units, medics, construction workers circumstantial bonuses based on occupation.


Normal: Average humanoid size, no bonuses

Large: significantly bigger body type, +2 Hydraulic systems, Frame integrity. -2 Reflex capacitors

Huge: even bigger than the previous two. + 6 Hydraulic systems, Frame integrity and power  generator. - 8 Reflex capacitors


Maverick: aberrant reploids who have deified their basic programming. They generally do not care for humans or collateral damage.

Neutral: average everyday reploid citizens.

Hunters: the law men and peacekeepers. Protectors of humans and order.

Character sheet

Player: (Name of the player playing a character)

Name: (Character's name)

Faction: (Maverick, Hunter or Neutral)

Occupation: (Their job)

Body type (Normal, partial, natural or utility)

Size: (Normal, Large, Huge)

Appearance: ( how they look)

Background: (The character's background)

Weapons: (Normal gets one, partial and utility get two and naturals get three)

Stats ( you get 40 points to distribute into your stats. Minimum 1 point, maximum 8 on character creation  before modifiers) the absolute maximum value for a stat is 20.

Hydraulic systems:

Reflex capacitors:

Frame integrity:

CPU processor:

Memory storage:

Expansion slots:

Power generator:

Soldat der Trauer

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Re: Maverick Versus Hunter: A Mega man X Role play.
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2014, 10:56:09 PM »
The Reploid research and advancement went as normal excepting the fact that X remains sealed.

Bullshit, to be politely blunt. Reploids are called as such exactly because they are directly derived from X's design and neural architecture. No X, no Reploids, or at least certainly not the Reploids of canon who can act like human beings. And you can't say that some other Android from the Classic era could be substituted, b/c X was the special snowflake built for that express purpose of being able to develop artificial sentience.


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Re: Maverick Versus Hunter: A Mega man X Role play.
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2014, 11:06:39 PM »
I didn't say X was not the progenitor, he was simply not consciously activated. And again see the statements in brackets, it says the story is up for debate. There's no need to get mad. I put the story idea up there to retain the in universe conditions while replacing the heroes with the PC's.

and point of order, X was supposed to be activated much later, his activation was premature due to doctor Cain. So his lack of an exit from the pod is intended by doctor light.

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Re: Maverick Versus Hunter: A Mega man X Role play.
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2014, 11:26:55 PM »
I didn't say X was not the progenitor, he was simply not consciously activated. And again see the statements in brackets, it says the story is up for debate. There's no need to get mad. I put the story idea up there to retain the in universe conditions while replacing the heroes with the PC's.

and point of order, X was supposed to be activated much later, his activation was premature due to doctor Cain. So his lack of an exit from the pod is intended by doctor light.

1st, this isn't me getting mad, this is me taking the tack of initiating constructive debate by being bluntly upfront. As you said, the story for the campaign is still ultimately up in the air and not finalized at this point; should others seek to involve themselves, it would be in everyone's favor to start brainstorming w/ a correct (if not complete) set of canonical facts from the very beginning, wouldn't you say?

2nd, You are incorrect. X's testing of his ethical sub-routines and the Suffering Circuit was to take place w/i the span of 30 yrs, a period of time that Dr. Light knew he would die before it would be completed. Seeing as how he was still all but victorious against Wily as of the last Classic game, Light probably thought one of the others of his Androids (maybe Roll, if any were still alive at that point?) or someone from his chain of labs would carry out his will and activate X when the 30 yrs were up. We know something went amiss, such that instead 100 yrs had passed when Dr. Cain unearthed the hidden capsule and awakened X.

3rd, the Elf Wars is likely the most favorable time period to improvise in since on the tech issue alone you can see the phasing out of X-era and the introduction of Zero-era stuff. Each has its own unique feel and mechanics, yes, but overall still retain the same elements. Outright replacing the canon protagonists (up until X6, if you even include it) is tremendously risky in-universe, since no other Reploid Hunter was quite so much of an "ultimate fighting robot". xP


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Re: Maverick Versus Hunter: A Mega man X Role play.
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2014, 11:34:11 PM »
1st: canonically it never directly says that X needed to be active and awake for doc Cain to complete the creation of reploids.

2nd: fair enough although I've seen claims otherwise.

3rd: copy X and the new type C (sometimes referred to as bio-reploids) means a  massively different system of character creation. It's more dynamic and random.

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Re: Maverick Versus Hunter: A Mega man X Role play.
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2014, 12:21:01 AM »
1st: canonically it never directly says that X needed to be active and awake for doc Cain to complete the creation of reploids.

2nd: fair enough although I've seen claims otherwise.

3rd: copy X and the new type C (sometimes referred to as bio-reploids) means a  massively different system of character creation. It's more dynamic and random.

Point, though arguably moot even being brought up since in canon Cain was only able to understand X's physical construction, not the programming, anyway. But X remaining asleep ties into my previous 3rd point, since X was the only "Reploid" compatible w/ Dr. Light's leftover armor capsules. W/o those, you don't really have anyone (barring Zero) who could actually take the fight to Sigma's Mavericks.

And even then, you'd be assuming that Zero was still somehow inducted into the Hunters after his initial awakening when he passed the Virus to Sigma; considering their closeness and his temperament before X7 and "lol PACIFISM", X being the middleman to get Zero on their side against the Mavericks makes quite a bit of sense. So even Zero's involvement in a sleeping-X AU is not necessarily guaranteed.

As for the time differences affecting gameplay, the Zero series doesn't really see usage of Biometals; that's the ZX era's schtick. Pre-MMZ still would carry over a lot of X-series' setting and mechanics.


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Re: Maverick Versus Hunter: A Mega man X Role play.
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2014, 01:08:39 AM »
Actually I just got off the phone with a buddy of mine who I RP with irl, I reconfirmed stuff and the game play won't change save for two elements.

1) With copy X's existence the maverick hunter dynamic is reversed somewhat and further I want to alter the generals for the sake of originality

2) I want to introduce an original concept into character creation, adaptive program assimilation where in possessors of the ability steal and adapt tech into their bodies. It's non canon I know but makes an interesting character option due to a number of random elements and drawbacks.

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Re: Maverick Versus Hunter: A Mega man X Role play.
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2014, 02:20:05 AM »
Actually I just got off the phone with a buddy of mine who I RP with irl, I reconfirmed stuff and the game play won't change save for two elements.

1) With copy X's existence the maverick hunter dynamic is reversed somewhat and further I want to alter the generals for the sake of originality

2) I want to introduce an original concept into character creation, adaptive program assimilation where in possessors of the ability steal and adapt tech into their bodies. It's non canon I know but makes an interesting character option due to a number of random elements and drawbacks.

Wait, so you're gonna set this after the Elf Wars, but still before MMZ 1?


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Re: Maverick Versus Hunter: A Mega man X Role play.
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2014, 02:44:43 AM »
Well the problem is there has to be a conflict but I'd prefer to omit zero because he's a hero and I'd prefer the PC's be the important people.

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Re: Maverick Versus Hunter: A Mega man X Role play.
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2014, 02:48:06 AM »
Well the problem is there has to be a conflict but I'd prefer to omit zero because he's a hero and I'd prefer the PC's be the important people.

Why not during the Elf Wars proper, then? Canon only gives us a brief rundown of the most important events, and those all pertain directly to Weil himself. The chaos unleashed by the Dark Elf seems like something that'd span even worse than any single outbreak of the Maverick Virus barring maybe X5, and that means plenty of opportunities to focus on a different theater of operations set in the same time period.


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Re: Maverick Versus Hunter: A Mega man X Role play.
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2014, 02:54:59 AM »
Well I suppose, as long as we can ignore X and zero and the main players.

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Re: Maverick Versus Hunter: A Mega man X Role play.
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2014, 03:02:29 AM »
Well I suppose, as long as we can ignore X and zero and the main players.

Yeah, focus shouldn't be on them for the campaign. Maybe the actual PCs' plot intersects at points w/ one of the canon event points, but that's about it.

Although... I am tempted to suggest that, assuming you only use up to X5 or X6 before jumping to the Elf Wars, that you use this time period to introduce Axl under different circumstances than what X7 did. Hell, have Axl involved more w/ the PCs instead of meeting up w/ X and Zero.


...Or an entirely alternative premise is to make the campaign an AU X7? That way you avoid butchering X into "lol PACIFIST", and can generally fix up some of that game's silliness.


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Re: Maverick Versus Hunter: A Mega man X Role play.
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2014, 03:38:01 AM »
Can't we just have an alternate X7 without Axl? I'd love to continue the story past six without the stupid. Different mavericks too.

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Re: Maverick Versus Hunter: A Mega man X Role play.
« Reply #13 on: June 06, 2014, 10:57:51 PM »
Can't we just have an alternate X7 without Axl? I'd love to continue the story past six without the stupid. Different mavericks too.

That would depend on what the story post-X6 would even be. If it's gonna be something entirely original, then I don't know, b/c such an option seems mighty iffy. Also, remember, unless the PCs are gonna be X and Zero, then it shouldn't really matter since there's got to be events happening elsewhere anyway.

If it's too much hassle, then what about an AU X6? Inafune stopped being directly involved after X5. You could easily set the campaign post-X5's bad end where Zero is dead and X has forgotten him, and is now focusing on his dream of Elysium. Then take it from there w/ OPCs.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 11:03:05 PM by Soldat der Trauer »


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Re: Maverick Versus Hunter: A Mega man X Role play.
« Reply #14 on: June 06, 2014, 11:38:26 PM »
Adaptive of the events in X7-8 leading to the details of megaman zero actually. It would be half and half, original timeline stuff but the same overall result.