Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone  (Read 94742 times)

Ivan The Mouse

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2014, 11:23:13 AM »
Name: Jan Neo Langraad

Race: Human

Age: 126, looks like 20

Height: 6' 1"

Weight: 160 lbs.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Neo's yellow blonde hair is at shoulder length, although there are strikingly noticeable strands of hair that are light brown in coloration and/or of irregular length, as a result of his frequent change of appearance from the past decades. He usually wears a t-shirt, usually tie-dyed, plain or has a political statement or a band logo written on it, denim pants and brown sandals, although he will wear a leather jacket according to the weather or situation. He could be occasionally wearing a green-tinted Lennon-style pair of glasses to his whims and, less often, a shot shell bandolier during mission runs, ordered by Rattus or otherwise. He also wears a ball chain necklace with four pairs of dog tags, two from the World Wars made with monel and steel respectively, one from Vietnam wrapped with rubber silencers and one with his real name written on it, with the words 'FCKYOUFGT" replacing the religious preference field.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Human

Constitution: Exceptional

Magical Ability: Low

Other Abilities:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Rattus notes that "Neo does very little killing with his alchemy although he is capable of doing so. He refers to be lethal in a very physical way." Given his background, he proves to be very fond of physical combat, in which he employs non-alchemical means of disabling or taking down the enemy. He also outright stated that his fighting style is "all about fucking with the enemy", which means that he has no specific fighting style and his focus is sapping his opponent's will to fight, as psychological warfare seems to be his staple of his whole combat doctrine. However, he will not hesitate eschewing this kind of strategy and could resort to focus on killing his opponent swiftly, although he usually does this under Rattus' commands.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Neo concealed-carries either a butterfly knife, a M1911 Colt pistol or both when going out in public during times when the Order is at its peaceful state. When accompanying his fellows, however, he replaces the M1911 with a Winchester M12 shotgun, with its stock and barrel sawed-off, making it easy to conceal inside his leather jacket.

Aside from the after mentioned weapons, he also carries with him an assortment of medical and combat potions, usually two or three flasks, mainly when undertaking larger, offense-oriented missions. The most commonly used potions by Neo are the orange-colored "Exploding Potions", which is somewhat similar to a Molotov cocktail; "Space Bombs", which are actually potion flasks containing vaporized cannaboids and mainly used for disabling enemies who have never taken any type of illicit drugs and the green-colored and aptly-named "Healing Elixir", which generally speeds up regeneration of wounds and restores lost energy.

He had also used all sorts of improvised weapons, especially in areas where proper weaponry is either scarce or heavily regulated, some of them with a psychological impact, such as a pencil or a crucifix. In addition to this, he is also very fond of using his environment for his advantage, which translates to utilizing any potentially combustible or explosive material he finds as booby traps, as an example.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Neo's childhood home is an abandoned medieval castle located somewhere near the Franco-Belgian border, where he once lived alongside Klaaus Langraad, a Danish-born English magus and alchemist who adopted him after he found him as an infant in the docks of Kristiansand, Norway. Unbeknownst to both him and his father, he is the love child of Niels Ullmann and Eila Linkola, an alchemist couple wanted by the Mages' Association for their radical and outspoken beliefs against the maintained secrecy of magecraft, as well as for bombing the workshops of prominent Association members all over Scandinavia. They apparently left him in the docks while trying to go out of Norway, due to their fears that their child will unnecessarily get caught in their situation. Neo started his magecraft and alchemical training under Klaaus at the age of six, and witnessed his first human experimentation at the age of seven, then did his own human experimentation at the age of eight. He did not go outside the castle grounds until 1897, when they visited a local fair and carnival in Dunkirk.

It was in 1901 that Neo discovered his being an adopted son, five years before Klaaus dies of heart attack at the age of 59. Neo was 18 during his adoptive father's death, and continued training himself and experimenting after Klaaus' untimely demise. On 1908, he met an alchemical accident during one of his costliest and most time-consuming experiments, rendering him immortal. He also ran dry of funding during those days, so he decided to immigrate to North America to find a steady source of income, as well as a venture to the outside world.

Upon arrival at New York, he first took residence in an apartment in Brooklyn and worked various odd jobs, such as store caretaker or chimney sweeper. After a month later, he decided to move out of his apartment room and deliberately become a vagabond, to reduce living expenses. Boredom from working and wanting an outlet for aggressive simulation, he resorted to robbery-homicide, with a local neighborhood man has his first victim. On 1911, he moved to the State of New Jersey and acquired a Colt M1892 revolver, his first firearm, through one of his victims, an off-duty police officer, and then another victim before leaving the state near the end of the year.

In 1912, he claimed the lives of three more people in the states of West Virginia and Kentucky, before being heavily wounded in a failed residential break-in in Tennesee. He then decided to recuperate from his wounds in Mississippi and trade his revolver with a Colt 1911 from an underground arms dealer. He also met in this state a group of armed robbers calling themselves as The Mississippi Merrymen, comprised namingly of John Henry Stone, their leader; Jane Donahue, Neo's future first girlfriend and the brothers William "Bill" and Christopher "Chris" Roberts. He decided to join the group and move to Louisiana with them, in which they started robbing stores and amassing money for themselves. On August 22, Neo was arrested by the authorities of New Orleans for his involvement with the activities of the Merrymen, and is sent to Louisiana State Penitentiary. He was prison raped by his cellmate upon arrival, which prompted him to do the same thing against his attacker. For the course of 5 months, he and the Merrymen discreetly planned his escape from the facility, culminating on Christmas Eve, which involved Neo successfully feigning his own death.

For the first 4 months of 1913, the Merrymen stopped all overt actions in the state of Texas until May 1, when they successfully robbed a bank in Corpus Christi, which started their streaks of successful bank robberies. However, on July 17, an encounter with the police in Fort Worth leads to a fire fight, killing John Henry in the process. Upon his death, Jane takes her place as his successor and continued their operations with greater caution. On September 11, Neo's birthday, Bill and Chris were killed in a botched bank robbery on Dallas, which prompted both Jane and Neo, the last two remaining Merrymen, to move toward Ouchita Mountains in Oklahoma two days later. They stayed there for the rest of the year and hunted and farmed for sustenance.

On July 16, 1914, almost a year after they stopped all illicit activity, they successfully robbed a major bank in Tulsa, only for Jane to get killed by the police in a shootout a day later. After 8 days, Neo launched an undetected but massive attack using an alchemized poison in order to take revenge for Jane's death, killing 32 officers, including the Chief of Police. After the attack, Neo assumed the name Henry Wilson Smith, and moved to Kansas on July 28, where he claims 10 more lives during the course of his stay due to robbery-homicide.

By the start of 1915, Neo moved to the town of Pueblo, Colorado and found work there as a pharmacist, as well as meeting Hannah Meier, a first generation German immigrant and Neo's future second girlfriend, who frequently visited the drugstore where he used to work. The United States entered the First World War by the latter half of 1917, which meant that Neo, still under the name Henry Wilson Smith, was drafted to join the American Expeditionary Forces and was eventually sent to Europe. He returned home in November 1918, when armistice was signed, only to discover that Hannah died from contracting the Spanish flu, which was an epidemic during and after the war.

Neo then moved to Utah the following year and made a living selling alchemized "patent medicines", under the name Dante de Medici. Aside from the growing cynicism from consumers and larger rivaling brands of medicines, he did not extensively advertise his products, which might be the reason why he was not able to sell well, although they did work as promised.

The Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution took effect on January 17, 1920, marking the start of the Prohibition Era. Neo, not meeting the expected success in Utah, moved to Las Vegas, Nevada three days after start of Prohibition. Three more days later, he meets Vincent Montagna, a caporegime from the Della Valle crime family's local faction, through an encounter where Neo assisted Vincent's men in a gang firefight. This course of action marked the start of his association with the family, as Vincent first referred to Neo as such on February 19, introducing him as "a friend of ours" to Giuseppe Montagna, Vincent's older brother and the boss of the Las Vegas faction. Neo furthermore cemented his status within the family when he killed a police informant to prevent a bootlegging operation from being uncovered.

In 1925, Neo was incarcerated when he was charged with aggravated assault with a motor vehicle for allegedly trying to run a pedestrian over due to a disagreement, in which Vincent monetarily bailed him out jail. He also met Maria Angela Romano, Vincent's confidante first cousin and Neo's third girlfriend, during this time. In 1931, the Della Valle family opened its books for new made men and Neo was recommended to be a Soldier, sponsored by Vincent and Angela. After he successfully assassinated a suspected turncoat by the orders of Giuseppe, Neo finally took the oath on March 19, making him a Soldato of the Della Valle family under Vincent's crew.

In March 14, 1933, Vincent was wrongfully accused and was found guilty of murdering a well-known card shark and was held at Nevada State Prison. Wanting to reciprocate the help given to him when he was jailed in 1925, Neo decided to be the temporary capo of the crew, in order to break him out of jail. His first attempt was on March 18, when he sent out five of his fellow crewmen to retrieve Vincent from the State Prison. The result was unsuccessful, with all five of them dying during a fire fight with the police underway. This frustrated attempt forced Neo to resort on using alchemy again and after two days, he sent another five men to attempt another jailbreak. The result was successful, but Vincent was disappointed with Neo's decision to border on breaking the Omerta by helping him escape out of jail, as well as his failed first attempt where five of his crewmen died and the notoriety gained by the family as a whole for the successful second attempt. Neo was also almost kicked out of the family for his unwarranted and unauthorized actions, but was kept in anyway because it showed his potential to be a capo, in addition to his decent reputation in the family. By the end of year, the Twenty-first Amendment took effect, which legally ended the Prohibition. In the following year of 1934, Don Montagna foresaw the potential loss of profits from the effects of alcohol re-legalization, so he allowed the family to venture into dealing marijuana and do labor union rackets. In 1935, Neo was found by Angela to be cheating with another woman, which prompted her to end their 10-year relationship. According to Neo, he deliberately cheated and provoked Angela to break up with him in order to hide his immortality, although he also states that she was already frustrated from his lack of decision about marrying her and "was just grasping on straws", waiting for a reason to validly break-up with him.

Both Vincent and Neo were caught in a fire fight with the police while driving their way to Carson City to meet a family friend for a drug deal in 1937, which claimed the life of Vincent. Neo then drove their car towards the Carson River in order to detract their pursuers and use the opportunity to escape from the state and into California. Neo then hid in the town of Lincoln in Placer County, under the name of Fabro Metzger, and worked as a pharmacist.

In 1940, Neo decided to join the United States Marine Corps, still known as Fabro Metzger, and was placed at the 1st Battalion, under the command of the 1st Marine Division. He fought in the Guadalcanal campaign, the battle of Peleliu and Okinawa, and the latter which he boasted that he made his whole squad survive "under a Typhoon of Steel". He also hinted that he raped Japanese civilians after the battle of Okinawa, saying "that's the first time I liked the sound of Jap women crying like the spineless bitches that they are." In 1947, two years after the war has officially ended in the Pacific, Neo went back home to Lincoln, then moved to San Luis Obispo County, in the town of Harmony and assumed the new name of Joseph Nestor. He layed low in this town and worked as a waiter from 1948 to 1961, occasionally trill killing in neighboring towns and cities, which increased his number of victims by 20 people.

Neo got drafted to serve in the US Army for the second time in 1962, during the rising stages of the Vietnam War. During his tour of duty, he noted that, aside from the fact that he had a hard time engaging Viet Cong forces due to their use of guerilla warfare, he also stated that he predicted at first that the US would eventually just withdraw from the war, citing logistic and tactical reasons, such as the frequent failures of new M16 rifles. Nevertheless, he continued serving during that time because he saw it as an opportunity to kill people with very little restraints. His service ended when he chose to leave in 1966, when the situation fully escalated, thinking that the US "might win after all", although he also decided to view the war as pointless, unnecessarily tiring and detrimental to his ego.

In 1967, Neo or "Joseph" decided to move to Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco, during the Summer of Love, where thousands of college students from their spring break came to the city to take part of the then-vibrant hippie counterculture. He was able to fit in because of his dislike of Vietnam War, which the other hippies mistook as an opposition to all war, although he deemed their confusion to his ideals as irrelevant because he also expressed opposition to working. While attending the Monterey Pop Festival in June, he met "The Rainbowheart Tribe", a group mostly composed of Romanian-descent people who are also drawn to the counterculture. One of them was Martha Enescu, also known as "Starlight", a self-proclaimed vampire and Neo's fourth girlfriend. Since most of the tribe adapted nicknames after confectioneries, such as "Captain Jelly Baby" and "Miss Liquorice", Neo opted to take the nickname "Captain Candy Floss", a name which he proudly refers to himself up to this day. After being inducted into the Rainbowheart, he then moved to an abandoned industrial block located half a mile from the outskirts of San Francisco and was refurbished by them as a commune, which they then named as "The Candy Factory". Neo continued training his alchemy in this commune, avoiding human experimentation, which he now saw as "boring and repetitive ", and focusing on regeneration and growth, mainly to help the tribe agriculturally and medically. Because of this, the whole tribe became aware of his skills as an alchemist, and he opted to give them basic lectures on it, including the philosophy behind alchemy. In the following months, the numbers of the tribe started to dwindle due to some of them wanting to pursue other interests, although Neo already thought them enough at this point. Since the tribe's leader, "The Great Chocolate Man", was tolerant and supportive of his tribe people, he allowed leaving the Factory in peace. In November of 1968, only five of the tribe was left, and they finally decided to desert the Factory at the end of the month, as Chocolate declared that the commune's purpose has already been achieved. Neo and Martha also decided to part ways in good faith, with a promise of meeting again someday to each other. After this, Neo moved southward to Los Angeles.

In June of 1969, Neo flew back to New York City, the first time he ever did so, to visit "Fruitcake", an old friend and tribesman working in the Stonewall Inn, due to the latter's plead to help him "battle this unknown disease", which alchemy could not seem to fight or heal. They talked and exchanged knowledge in alchemy for the whole day of June 27 until the early morning hours of the next day, in which a riot between the bar patrons, including the two of them, and police raiding the place erupted. Neo stayed with him to help in finding a cure, only to have Fruitcake die a month later, after being hit by a moving vehicle which he failed to see due to the retinitis associated with his sickness. Neo opted to stay in New York even after his death, due to his nostalgia with the city and his continued studies on Fruitcake's work, as well as circulating rumors of a concert that will take place upstate. On August 15, he attended the rumored concert, now known as the Woodstock Festival of 1969, and actually met many of his former tribesmen, including Starlight herself. A month later, Neo goes back to Los Angeles and takes Fruitcake's research material with him, which deviated to making a panacea and he still continues until today. In December of the same year, he attended the Altamont Free Concert in northern California, which turned out to be infamous of its disorganization, chaos and violence. This event convinced Neo that the idealism of the sixties were over, calling it as "the day Sixties ended and died".

Neo decided to go back to robbery-homicide on 1970, which lead him to get discovered by Rattus, who was selling weapons to the Mafia during that time, after he tried to rob and kill him. Neo stabbed him on the neck and got shot five times in his chest as a response, which lead to both men discovering that both of them were immortal. He then asked of his life story and skills and, after finding out of his skills in alchemy, offered him to be part of the "entourage". Neo declined the offer and just opted to be his informant around the city. However, after a month has passed, he offered him again, under promises of having a "steady but negotiable" pay, and Neo quickly accepted.

Weakness: Although immortal, his lack of regenerative abilities render him vulnerable.

Ivan The Mouse

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2014, 11:28:58 AM »
Name: Rattus von Engles

Race: Human

Age: 242, looks to be 27

Height: 5' 12"

Weight: 135 lbs.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Aside from his temple-length wavy hair, Rattus can be easily distinguished among his fellow Order members for his stereotypical corporate attire, consisting of a black suit, dress pants and a necktie, as well as a white dress shirt. He sometimes breaks the monotony of his clothing by changing the overall color of his outfit, albeit the colors employed still does not seem to deviate very far from the darker and conservative-looking hues. He also wears black suspenders underneath, or a waistcoat matching the color of his suit if he deems it appropriate for the situation. Another noticeable feature is his thick and rectangular glasses, which he wears because of his eyesight problems and mainly obscures the dark circles around his eyes, which come from his lack of sleep. When doing business involving arms dealing or other clandestine activities, he wears black leather gloves to eliminate any forensic fingerprints. He usually can be seen wearing black leather shoes, although he will ditch these for black steel-toed military style boots when taking direct action, as well as wear a leather double-breasted black trench coat in place of his suit.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: Exceptional

Other Abilities:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Due to his experiences as a soldier and current employment as an arms dealer and corporate stockholder, Rattus has a great understanding of strategy and logistics, both in business and military fields. He can provide advice and plan against his opponents, and could as well as acquire a huge variety of modern weaponry from the black and white market, and may also enlist his fellow Order members to manufacture weapons and modifications. He could also employ private military contractors, deception or a sometimes indirect legalistic and corporate strategy to severely hamper his opponent’s fighting doctrines.

Some of his principles in general strategy also carry over to his style of personal fighting, as he emphasizes speed and efficiency when taking down enemies, which means he generally finds ways to quickly end an encounter, even if it means employing some under-handed tactics. As a former Prussian Hussar officer, he is devastatingly deadly when on horseback; although he admits that his skills as a cavalryman are irrelevant nowadays due to its obsolescence in the modern battlefield. He also has an apparent skill in marksmanship which, combined with his handgun of choice, is another thing that contributes to his reputation as a former soldier.

His short-lived but substantial career of being a steelworker has lead to him having some knowledge on how to make some steel alloys, although Neo's skill as an alchemist and Yukina's smithing background contribute more to the application of this know-how.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Rattus' weapon of choice is the iconic German-made handgun, the Pistole Parabellum 1908, also known as the Luger, which was a keepsake from his time at the Defense of Somme in the First World War. According to him, the weapon is "built more like a sporting pistol than a proper sidearm", so he usually keeps it clean and well-oiled due to its susceptibility to dust or sand making its action jam, as well as its inability to cycle low-pressure rounds. He usually keeps the gun holstered inside his coat, along with a few magazines.

Aside from the pistol, he, in times of direct action, might carry either a Nahkampfmesser combat knife, a Seitengewehr 98 bayonet, in a situation he deems right, his Pattern 1811 Bluecher sabre, which is the Prussian copy of the British Pattern 1796 light cavalry sabre. While the application of the three weapons are practically the same in combat, he tends to favor the combat knife during covert operations, the bayonet when he expects encampment and the sabre for psychological and intimidation reasons. Neo summed up Rattus' intended use of the sabre with the remark "He carries that thing to battle to make the mooks see it and ask themselves 'Who the fuck carries a cavalry sabre into a fight nowadays?' “When bringing the sabre, Rattus holds it on his right hand, with the Luger on his left, obviously indicative of his background as a cavalryman.

In the context of his stay in Nexus City, he retains ownership of the Von Engles Manor, a huge house that serves both as a residence and base of operations for the Order. Aside from a storehouse, garage and living quarters, its basement contains a weapons laboratory, an arsenal, a reloading room, a tool storage, a chemical and medical laboratory, and a machine shop and metalworking facility.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Rattus was born on an agricultural estate just outside Berlin, which became his childhood residence. His father, Reinhard von Engels, was a Junker and a former Prussian cavalry officer, and his mother, Mariya Leonora Nemov, was an eccentric but intelligent Volga German noblewoman from Russia. Leonora's endless fascination with biology eventually leads to her naming her first-born son after the black rat's older scientific name, Mus rattus, which caused disappointment from Reinhard. Rattus is the eldest of seven children and, as per family tradition, he was trained by his father in the arts of war and combat as early as eight years old, to serve the Prussian Army in the future. He had finally enlisted in the Army on 1792 as a Hussar, during the outbreak of the War of the First Coalition, which was an effort of several European monarchies to contain Revolutionary France. A year later, Rattus fights his first battle at Primasens, which was a Prussian victory.

On 1795, however, France had peace talks with Prussia, which manifested in the First Treaty of Basel, making Prussia withdraw from the Coalition and remain in an armed neutral state, which meant that Rattus can go home and rest with his family. During this time, many developments happened in the von Engels household. Markus, the fifth youngest sibling, entered the seminary to become a Jesuit on 1796. Ruprecht, the third eldest, committed suicide a year later, because of his frustrations regarding his homosexuality. And another year later, Adelina, the fourth sibling in the family, eloped with Gerard Wulfenbach, a Dutch-German merchant, and their whereabouts remained unknown for a long time.

Wanting to cool his head from the incidents that had happened in the past few years, Rattus went on an excursion to the Electorate of Hanover in 1799 for a year, which was also a opportunity for him to train his capabilities as a cavalry soldier. During one of his horseback riding sessions, a young woman, who Rattus poetically described as "with skin and hair as white as snow and eyes red like blood or fire", approached him while he was resting on a tree stump, offering him a red liquid in a flask, which looked like red wine, while telling him that the drink will make him "taste eternity". Tired from the riding and seeing nothing wrong with the beverage, Rattus quickly received it and drank the concoction, conclusively making him immortal, although its effects were not immediately felt by him, even after he went home the following year.

On 1805, Rattus goes back to his Cavalry Regiment, midst rumors that the Kingdom of Prussia will go to war again. The War of the Fourth Coalition did happen the following year but the Prussian Army, still using tactics dating back from the late King Frederick the Great's reign, were decisively defeated at the Battle of Jena-Auerstedt by Napoleon's Army. It was during this battle that Rattus discovered his immortality, when he managed to wake up after being caught in the range of a cannon's canister shot hours after the fight itself. The city of Berlin and, by extension, the whole Kingdom was soon occupied by the French Empire, which forced the remnants of the Army to retreat at Koenigsberg. On November of 1806, the Prussians tried to fight against the French forces at the city of Halle, but were still utterly crushed and captured. Rattus took part in the battle and, when he saw that Army's resistance failed, promptly hid to the Harz Mountains, in order to start a individual guerrilla-style warfare against the French. During this time, he avoided wearing his standard Hussar uniform and, instead, sewn a uniform made out of sackcloth. While his strategy in dealing with the French remained Hussar-like, he modified it to be more efficient as an individual cavalryman, which involved luring small squads into forested areas and then attacking them. This method earned him scores of fatalities under his name and earned him a reputation among Prussians and French alike as "The Sackcloth Hussar", although Rattus himself remained unaware of this and, in turn, no one really had an idea on his exact identity.

However, through investigating, the Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbuettel found Rattus' location and promptly confronted him, inviting him to join his "personal army" to reclaim the invaded Duchy of Brunschweig. Rattus, although reluctant at first to fight for a state that he does not have an allegiance, was finally convinced to join "The Black Horde" after the Duke argued that it would be a fight for the "German Realm" itself, as well as a chance for revenge against the French Empire for the occupied Kingdom of Prussia. According to Rattus, this was the first incantation of his then-emerging German nationalism. On the same year, the Black Horde mobilized to capture Brunschweig from the French, which as a successful endeavor. This action earned the Duke's corps the nickname "The Black Brunswickers". However, the Brunswickers were quickly driven out of the city, but the Duke was able to escape to England to join his cousin and brother-in-law, the future King George IV, along with his troops. Rattus was not willing to leave Continental Europe along with the Black Horde, but was convinced by the Duke after making a wager that he would be dismissed from the corps after a year of service. Nevertheless, Rattus left the Black Brunswickers in 1811, two years after his recruitment into the corps, as he volunteered to serve for one more year, in order to train and learn from his fellow Brunswicker hussars.

On 1812, after a year of hiding and ceasing all fighting activity, Rattus resumes his Sackcloth Hussar persona, albeit he colored the uniform black and rode a black horse, as a tribute to his fellow Brunswickers and to terrify the French. On December of the same year, General Yorck of the Prussian Army, who are now supporting Napoleon's invasion of Russia, negotiated with Field Marshal Hans Karl von Diebitsch after being isolated by his superior. This led to the Convention of Tauroggen, which neutralized Prussia out of the invasion. This made the Prussians enthusiastic, and intensified Rattus' will to fight for the freedom of his Kingdom. And on the following year, February of 1813, The Treaty of Kalisz is signed between Prussian and the Russian Empire to make an alliance against Napoleon's France, leading to a declaration of war by the King Frederick William III of Prussia a month after. He then made a speech addressed not only to Prussians, but to all Germans, for a war of liberation, in a proclamation now known as "An Mein Volk". Rattus subsequently abandons his Sackcloth Hussar uniform and joins the newly reformed Prussian Army on April 11, his birthday, of the same year, as a gift to himself. He was then assigned to the 1st Life Hussar Regiment, known as Death's Head Hussars for their black uniform and silvered skull and crossbones badge. On August 23, the Battle of Grossbeeren, Rattus' first battle for the Prussian Army after 7 years of non-enlistment, was won by the Prussians. And on October, the Sixth Coalition, which included the Prussian Army, took part in the Leipzig Campaign, the largest and bloodiest battle of the Napoleonic Wars, and was decisively won by them against the French.

The Battle for Paris and its subsequent capture by the Coalition forces on March 31 of 1814 led to Napoleon's abdication on April 6, which was further cemented by his ratification of the Treaty of Fontainebleu on April 11, ensuring his exile to the island of Elba. On May 30, peace between the Sixth Coalition and the French Empire was established upon the Treaty of Paris, also known as the First Peace of Paris. By the end of the year, Rattus decided to retire from the Prussian Army to a family rest house in Brandenburg, which later becomes the Von Engels Manor. At the same time, the Congress of Vienna is ongoing and is making talks regarding the restoration of the borders of European nations.

On February of 1815, Napoleon escaped from the island and entered Paris on March 20, with the French people still backing him up, starting the now-called Hundred Days of Napoleon. The Great Powers of Europe then ratified the Treaty of Vienna on March 25, prompting Rattus to go back to the Prussian Army again. It was during this time that one provision of the Final Act of Congress of Vienna formed the German Confederation, lead by the Austrian Empire. On June 18, The Battle of Waterloo takes place, which marked Napoleon's final major defeat, making him leave the Imperial French throne once again four days later. Graf von Zieten's I Corps, the unit which Rattus belongs to, was the first Coalition unit to enter Paris after the war. After Louis the XVII is restored to the French throne on July 8 and Napoleon is exiled to the island of St. Helena on October 16, Rattus, after assuring himself that the Kingdom of Prussia's future is secured, resigns from its Army on November 20 and goes back to hiding in his rest house. On 1816, Rattus starts an agricultural estate in Frankfurt an der Oder as a business venture, marking the start of his first military dormancy.

In 1848, Rattus, while on his way to a business dealing in Berlin, witnessed King Frederick William IV, along with some ministers and generals, parading in the streets wearing black, red and gold, which were the revolutionary colors during that time. Rattus cites this event as his reason of fully supporting German unification, which was a liberal idea during that era. At the same time, the Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein wanted independence from the Kingdom of Denmark, which sparked the First Schleswig War, with Prussia backing the two duchies. The war, however, was won by Denmark as they regain their control. This eventually influenced Rattus' decision to return to the Army on 1860, wanting to compensate for his absence during this war. Otto von Bismarck became the Prime Minister of Prussia and Foreign Minister in 1862, and the situation regarding the two duchies escalated in 1863 when troops from the kingdoms of Saxony and Hanover occupied Holstein, which lead to the Second Schleswig War in 1864. This was won both by the Prussians and Austrians against the Danes, and Schleswig and Holstein was finally given the Confederation.

The Schleswig-Holstein Question, however, was not answered by the last war. In 1866, the Kingdom of Prussia and the Austrian Empire went to war over the disputed territories, now known as Austrio-Prussian War. Twenty days after the Prussians win the decisive Battle of Koeniggraetz, the Peace of Prague was signed, which not only ended the war, but also dissolved the German Confederation and transferred the administration of Schleswig and Holstein to Prussia, becoming a single province. Bismarck will then be appointed as the Chancellor of the North German Confederation, which was formed on 1867, along several smaller German states.

On the other hand, France, still feeling the effects of its defeat in the Napoleonic Wars as well as alarmed by its quick fall from its socio-political dominance, were one of the opponents against German unification. Bismarck knew that a war against them was necessary to facilitate the formation of a unified German nation, so he publicly published the Ems Telegram on July 13 of 1870, which was a transcript of a friendly conversation between King William I of Prussia and Count Vincent Benedetti, France's ambassador to the Kingdom. Bismarck edited the transcript to make it look like the two participants insulted each other. Six days later, France declared war against Prussia over this, which started the Franco-Prussian War. It, nevertheless, was won by the Kingdom of Prussia and was ended the Treaty of Frankfurt. William I was also proclaimed as the first Emperor of the newly founded German Empire, which was formed during the course of the war. On 1872, Rattus turns a hundred years old, and he decides to resign from the Army, which began his second military dormancy.

On 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir presumptive to the Austrian throne, was assassinated by Serbian nationalists. This caused Austria-Hungary to declare war against Serbia, which sparked a chain of alliances created by the previous decades to be mobilized. Approximately a month after his assassination, the First World War started, prompting Rattus to join the Imperial German Army and end his second military dormancy. After fighting unsuccessfully in the Somme Offensive and witnessing the different technologies that were developed and used in it, Rattus, in his own words, began to see the war as "something horrifying and too peculiar for him", making him to feel alienated, which caused him to swore off front line duty after the war ended. His experiences regarding the war was exacerbated during 1917, in which the lack of military rations drove Rattus and his men to resort to cannibalism, as well as a botched practical joke involving a trench mortar leading him to be sexually impotent for the rest of his life. On November 4, 1918, a rebellion broke out rooting from the port city of Kiel, beginning the so-called German November Revolution, which caused the Emperor to abdicate from his throne. Six days later, a German Republic has been announced by Philipp Scheidemann in Berlin, which became a separate Provisional Government from the communists' "Workers' Republic". And on November 9, representatives from the two sides of the war met at Compiege, France in a railway carriage to sign an armistice, which marked the end of the First World War.

In 1919, the infamous Treaty of Versailles was signed at June 28, which pinned the blame on Germany and its allies, substantially weakened their armed forces and forced them pay huge amounts of war reparations to Great Britain, United States and France. This, coupled with the signing of the new German Republic's constitution on August, which started the Weimar Republic, brought great anger to many Germans, especially Rattus himself, making him quit the Army. This started his third military dormancy. In 1921, hyperinflation caused by the payment of war reparations hit Germany, and he was reduced to poverty, and needed to work in a labor position for the Krupp steel manufacturers. He was hit with alcoholism during this time, while still ardently keeping up the demands of his job, which slowly deteriorated his mental health. His employer, noticing Rattus' fatigue, forced him to take a month-long vacation in October, and he headed out to Coburg to take a rest. On October 10, Rattus witnessed the first public rally of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, or the Nazi Party in the same town, and his first personal encounter with Adolf Hitler himself, who asked him for directions to the town square. The Nazi Party eventually left the town victorious against the Marxists who had hold on Coburg, which left Rattus impressed on Hitler's enthusiasm, but still skeptical enough of the Party's anti-Semitism.

More than a year after the incident at Coburg, the Nazi Party attempted an armed revolt in their base town, Munich, which came to be known as Beer Hall Putsch. It failed, however, with 16 Nazi party members dying in the armed struggle and eventual arrest of Hitler in 1923. In 1924, he was sentenced to five years of imprisonment for high treason and during this time, Rattus heard about the Nazi Party's failed coup and visited Hitler in Landsberg Prison, where he was held during that time. He confronted Hitler and asked him about his intentions, and this discussion lasted for a whole day, which finally revealed Hitler's philosophy. Rattus, while still isn't impressed by Hitler's extremist ideas, was left more impressed by Hitler's unbridled enthusiasm and optimism, as well as determination to take the Versailles Treaty down. Hitler was released from prison in the same year, when he was given pardon by the Bavarian Supreme Court.

On October 29, 1929, United States, which were handing out loans to Weimar Germany for the rebuilding of its economy, was hit with its most devastating collapse in its stock market, which started the now-called Great Depression. This made the US stop giving out loans to Germany altogether, which proved to be devastating to its economy. Many people during this time lost their jobs, and Rattus himself was laid off from being a steelworker a year later. This mainly became one of his reasons in joining the Nazi party, which was flourishing and popular during that time, and he joined the Schtuzstaffel mainly because, in his own words, he thought it was just a bodyguard duty. In 1932, the Nazi Party became the majority in the German parliament after the elections and by late January of 1933, President von Hindenburg was forced to appoint Hitler as the chancellor after two elections in the parliament.

On February 27 in the same year, an arson attack on Reichstag, the German parliament building in Berlin, was conducted by unknown assailants. The Nazis blamed this attack to the communists and on the next day, they passed the Law for the Protection of People and State, also known as Reichstag Fire Decree, which virtually took away many of the democratic liberties in the Weimar constitution from the German people. A month later, The Dachau concentration camp opens, and Rattus was assigned there to work as a warden, which initially was a prison for German political prisoners. On March 23, The Law to Remedy the Distress of the People and The Nation, also known as The Enabling Act of 1933, was passed, effectively allowing the Nazi-dominated cabinet to enact laws without any intervention from the parliament. Adolf Hitler declared the so-called "Nazi revolution" a success on July 6 in a meeting with higher-ranking officers, and then the Nazis ban all other political parties 9 days later.

The Nazis, now being the political majority, started a series of murders against the percieved enemies or traitors of the regime on June 30, 1934, also known as the Blood Purge or The Night of The Long Knives, and severely affected the Nazi paramilitary organization Strumabteilung, or SA, which previously helped Hitler in his rise to power. Then-president Paul von Hindenburg also died during that year, which made Hitler illegally combine his Chancellor position to von Hindenburg's now-empty post. On August 19, seventeen days after von Hindenburg's death, a referendum took place in order to get the German public's vote regarding this action taken. The results showed that 90% of the voters approved Hitler's fusion of the two posts, making it legalized. According to Rattus, who witnessed the following events, he regarded the year 1934 as "the year that the old Prussia he knew died", especially upon von Hindenburg's death, in which he abstained from drinking alcohol when he heard of his demise.

On 1935, a series of anti-Semitic laws, known as The Nuremberg Race Laws, were implemented to legally deprive the Jews of German citizenship and right to marriage. And on March 7 of the following year of 1936, nineteen German infantry battalions and a few planes occupied the industrially-essential region of Rhineland, which was against the terms stated in the Versailles Treaty. Rattus' unit during this era, The SS-Totenkopfverbaende or SS-Death's Head Group, was established on the same month, with the purpose of administering the concentration camps. Near the end of the year, Nazi Germany forms a military alliance with Fascist Italy and signed the Anti-Comintern Pact with Japan, in which Italy eventually joins after a year.

The German Army marched onto Austria and subsequently annexed it on March 1938 in defiance to the Treaty of Versailles, an event now known as Anschluss. On the same year they managed to annex many more territories that were lost after the dissolution of the German Empire, as well as new ones that were never a part of it, like the industrial Czechoslovakian region of Suetenland. But also on the same year, a coordinated attack, which was a response to the assassination of a German diplomat by a Jewish refugee in Paris, was executed by the Nazis against Jewish people and property and was well-disguised as a pogrom. It happened on November 9 to 10, now known as the Night of the Broken Glass. Thousands of Jews were beaten and sent to concentration camps during this period, although many of them were released in the course of three months. Rattus, upon the arrival of the Jews in Dachau, was discreetly trying to make their sentence in the camp more pleasant, although he was being held back by his fears of being labeled as a sympathizer, and thus his work was ineffective and ultimately futile.

On 1939, the German Army finally invaded Czechoslovakia on March 15 and Poland on September 1. The latter attack prompted Great Britain and France of declare war against Germany, therefore marking the end of the appeasement policy and starting the Second World War. On the first two months of 1940, there were talks of opening a new concentration camp in Oswiecim in Poland and on April 30, Rattus, along with Rudolf Hoess and four other SS officers, arrived in the newly-built Auschwitz concentration camp. It only, however, was rendered officially opened for service with the arrival of 30 German criminal prisoners on May 20. The first crematorium in Auschwitz began operation on August 15, and Rattus was assigned to lead the SS men guarding these facilities, as well as sign the papers authorizing their usage.

Heinrich Himmler, the head commander of the SS, visited Auschwitz on March 1 of 1941 and orders an expansion of the camp, which was why the construction of the second main subcamp, Birkenau, started on this year and consistently expanded throughout the course of the war. On September 3, Rattus witnessed the first gassings in Auschwitz against 600 Soviet prisoners of war and 250 ill and weak Polish prisoners, which unnerved him. It was then the first use of Zyklon B, as suggested by Karl Fritzsch, an SS Hauptstrumfuehrer who will be later known for his cruelty. The "Wall of Death" was used for the first time on November 11 to execute 151 Polish prisoners by firing squad.

Himmler ordered all Jews in the German concentration camps to be sent in the Polish concentration camp on October 5, 1942, in accordance to the plans laid out by Reinhard Heyrich in the Wannasee Conference regarding the "Final Solution" earlier in the year on January 20, just before his death on June 4 after being fatally wounded in the assassination attempt by Czech Underground agents. On December 10, the first transport of German Jews arrived in Auschwitz, and thus Rattus finally realized Hitler's true plan regarding them, which was outright killing the Jews, leading to his disillusion and disgust at the Nazi regime when he saw a few of the inmates at Auschwitz present their documents which proved that they saw service back in World War 1. However, he continued to carry out his duties at Auschwitz due to his cynicism combined with his sense of duty or "Pflichtbewusstsein", saying that as much as his Prussian values made him hate Nazism, it also was, paradoxically, the reason why he stayed working in the camp, thinking that "evil had won over us, and this is how it has to be now, so I thought I had no choice anymore but to carry out the duties given to me until this world ends itself", in his own words.

The Romani and Sinti people, better known as Gypsies, were also subjected to the same treatment by the Nazis on January of 1943 and on March 14, the Krakow Ghetto, one of the largest ghettos for the Jews, have been liquidated, with many of its inhabitants sent to concentration camps. Many more crematoriums have been rendered operational during this year, as well as it also marked the arrival of Josef Mengele, Auschwitz's infamous "Angel of Death", who Rattus described as having a "horrifying" personality. On 1944, when the war was turning in favor of the Allies, the advancing Soviet forces eventually liberated Majdanek on July 24, which as very close to Auschwitz. The Sonderkommandos, prisoners who were assigned to clean the gas bunkers and dispose the inmates' corpses into the crematoria, were notified by the camp resistance about plans of killing them. Thus, on October 7, they revolted, which resulted in the destruction of Crematoria IV, death of 3 SS personnel and eventual suppression of the revolt, in which around 450 of the Sonderkommando were killed or executed. Rattus almost gets his immortality discovered because of his ardent refusal to shoot back at the prisoners during this revolt, although he, after this event, realized that it "wouldn't have made any difference on his record" if he shot back at them. Nevertheless, he remained steadfastly against directly being violent to the prisoners, attracting some suspicions from his fellow SS-Death's Head. The last gassings in Auschwitz took place in October 30, and Himmler ordered the destruction of the camp crematoria on November 25, in order to hide any evidence of the Final Solution ever taking place, in which Rattus was reassigned to lead the men under his command on guarding the camp in general.

On January 17 of 1945, nearing the last days of the war, the SS troops start to evacuate 60,000 prisoners from the camp, leaving behind 7,500 prisoners, who were too ill or weak to walk, as well as a few SS members, Rattus and some of his men included. There were orders from the SS command to execute any remaining prisoners in the camp, but it was never carried out due to the increasingly confusing state of the war, especially for Germany. On January 19, the Soviet Army liberated Krakow and Warsaw as a part of the Vistula-Oder Offensive and are now heading towards the camp itself. Rattus, along a few of his men, then began their escape from Auschwitz on the next day, riding a car towards Berlin, under the guise of directly reporting the situation of the camp to Hitler himself, who had already retreated to the Fuehrerbunker on January 16. Auschwitz itself was finally captured by the advancing Soviet Army in January 27, liberating the remaining prisoners in the camp.

After Hitler gave his permission to the personnel of the bunker to leave, Rattus finally sought to confront him for the last time on April 23, on his private quarters, to directly state his ire about being assigned to the concentration camps, as well as to rebuke Hitler himself about the whole concept of the Final Solution. This confrontation lead to a short argument between the two of them, which Hitler revealed that he always viewed Rattus with suspicion and contempt, calling him as "a demonic presence" and accusing him of conservative royalism. Rattus, in turn, affirmed that he is indeed a conservative royalist, and only supported him in order to defy the Treaty of Versailles, as well as telling Hitler that he "ruined Germany". Hitler then accused Rattus of being weak, stating that "you really think I did ruin this country, yet you served me!" This effectively silenced Rattus, and instead just changed the topic to him requesting permission to leave the bunker. Hitler did give the permission, but not without stripping him of his rank and his membership from both the SS and the Nazi party, as well as giving him the last order of burning the contents of the three suitcases handed to him, the latter being an errant decision which Rattus attributed to the fact that Hitler "looked like he was using drugs" during their argument. The three suitcases are still in Rattus' possession, remaining unopened until today. After the midnight on April 29, Hitler married his long-time mistress Eva Braun and then dictated his last will and testament to his secretary. And on the afternoon of the next day, Hitler committed suicide. Despite being stripped of rank and membership from the SS, Rattus fought against the Soviets in the Battle in Berlin, the only military engagement he did during the Second World War, until General Helmuth Weidling surrendered the city on May 2, which prompted Rattus to retreat to the Von Engels manor, marking the start of his 13-year self-imposed social isolation.

On 1960, Rattus ends his isolation and starts his profession as an arms dealer, for undisclosed personal reasons rather than monetary gain.

Weakness: Although immortal, his lack of regenerative abilities render him vulnerable.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2014, 01:38:26 PM by Ivan The Mouse »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2014, 10:08:03 PM »
Name: Wanderer
Spoiler for Hiden:
War, Horseman of the Apocalypse

Race: ??

Age: ??

Height: ~5’ 11” (180cm)

Weight: Heavy - He’s got a fair bit of muscle.

Eyes: It varies

Hair: Dark Brown

Appearance: Wanderer looks like your typical cowboy - leather coat, cowboy hat, boots, some stubble, and so on. He has brown hair that comes down to his shoulders and a lean build. In his true form, he is cloaked in writhing shadows and flame - when he opens his eyes and mouth, they look like the inside of a furnace, and he gives off tremendous heat. He has six wings of incandescent fire, and from his brow shines a terrible light that makes those whom it falls upon tremble in fear, as it signals the End of Days is nigh.


Strength: Superhuman (Legendary)

Agility: Supernatural, medium (Legendary)

Constitution: Supernatural, low (Legendary)

Magical Ability: None ~ Low - He’s got his own skills, but he’s had a little practice with the very oldest forms of magecraft. Enough to maybe recognize a few of those spells, but not enough to actually use them. Any craft that steeps itself in religion, however, he can sense and understand.

Other Abilities:

Magic Resistance: Legendary, high. Only the very, very most powerful spells can really affect him (not counting religious rituals). Of course, spells with positive effects can't touch him either.

The Weapons of War: Wanderer can wield any weapon he desires with the skill of a master. He can call forth any weapon, from all the weapons that have been used in a war on Earth. However, while he could theoretically use, for example, Excalibur, abilities that are not passive [the Excali-blast and Strike Air] are much more difficult to use. Only one weapon at a time can be called forth when he is not in his true form (nowadays it's generally guns).
Ruin, The Red Horse of War: "Wanderer's" horse. He doesn't (and won't) ride it in his normal form, relying on other means of transportation. It takes the form of a dark red horse wearing a cloak of flame and shadows, with chains for the reins and a leather saddle. When called, it bursts forth from the ground. It can run faster than sound, and leaves flaming footprints on the ground as it moves. It has the ability to run on any surface, from land to clouds to water to the air itself. Ruin cannot die, but it can be destroyed by sufficiently powerful attacks, leaving it unable to be called until some time has passed (at least an hour). Can only be called forth when Wanderer assumes his true form.

The Fog of War: A passive ability. When not in his true form, it is very hard to realize who (or what) Wanderer really is. Sufficiently powerful spiritual beings might realize what he is, and he gives many other creatures a feeling of unease, though they most likely won't be able to guess Wanderer's true nature. This is the ability that allows him to assume a more human form at the cost of reduced capabilities.

The Face of War: The counterpart to his concealing ability, this is what lets Wanderer assume his true form. When he does so, his capabilities are restored to their full power, and he allows himself access to his horse and sword. The problem with this is that Wanderer will not take his true form for any longer than needed, since this is the form he will take at the end, and as such exposure of his true form to the world for too long will have negative side effects to the Earth; it might even begin the end if he does not resume his human form. This problem is shared between Wanderer and his brothers. He uses his true form rarely, and only when it really is truly needed (i.e. something at the level of the Apocalypse is imminent). When revealed it cracks the ground beneath him and burns the very air through which he walks.

The Mind of War: As something intricately tied to what he truly is, Wanderer knows the presence of war, wherever it has touched, whomever it has touched. Wanderer knows the names of those who have partaken in the most basic urge of battle, and what they would do with the power gifted to them. This is situational, and is less like mind-reading and closer to an inner awareness. Someone who had never felt the touch of war would be a blank slate to him, for example.

Eternal War: Due to his true nature, Wanderer is immortal. It is written that he will be there at the end of the world, so he cannot die before that time. His body may be destroyed, but he will eventually reform in a matter of days, weeks, or even years.

The Presence of War: Wanderer's presence incites conflict. It may not happen in the exact area he's in, but if Wanderer stays in one place long enough, war will break out, escalating in size and brutality the longer he stays. To avoid that, he wanders from place to place, seeing how the world turns. Now that he is within one city and cannot leave, his presence will soon be felt, try as he might to lessen it's effects.


- Double Barrel Shotgun (A gift from Lacie that never breaks or jams. Other than that, it's a normal shotgun, break-action, with a 19 inch [49 cm] barrel. He doesn't want to know how she got it.)

- The Sword of Judgement (A brilliant, jagged, flaming sword that is Wanderer's signature weapon in myth. It can cut through almost anything, and will harm any being it touches, regardless of their status. It is a conceptual weapon of the very highest caliber that contains within it the very nature of War itself. Its flames can be sown across the battlefield, and they will never go out unless Wanderer so desires it. Unbreakable and unwieldable by any other than the Red Rider. Can only be brought out in the most dire of situations, and even then very sparingly, as this is the weapon Wanderer will use at the end. He refuses to use this in his normal form.)

- Redemption (A strange, 12 shot revolver that was a gift from one of Wanderer's brothers. The bullets can penetrate through anything, but Wanderer uses it sparingly. He seeks to return it to his brother.)

Spoiler for Hiden:
One of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Wanderer (better known as 'War') walked the Earth along with his brothers, Famine and Death, awaiting the birth of Conquest, the Anti-Christ, who was supposed to signal the beginning of the Apocalypse and the ride of the Four Horsemen. He was born when the War of Heaven began, and is the second oldest of the Horsemen, with Death being the oldest.

The world that Wanderer comes from is full of varied climates and land types, with a large chunk of the world being very similar to the Wild West, which is where Wanderer spent most of his immortal life. Where he walks, conflict grows, so he spent his time wandering through the land and never staying in one place for very long, unless he felt a war needed to start.

As the years passed he eventually grew more attached to humanity after spending so much time with them in a form like theirs; he started to wander more, which led to wars decreasing in that area. Along the way, he picked up the simple name of "Wanderer", since he refused to give his true identity to those who asked. At one point in time, he came across an orphaned girl named Lacie, and ended up letting her follow him for a little while. She seemed to be immune to his presence, and they traveled together for some time.

Eventually, Lacie settled down in a town, and Wanderer infrequently came back to see her until her death. Since then, he began to distance himself from humanity a little, but began to show up in random places, walking across the land to do things he thinks Lacie would have liked until one day, as he wandered, he walked right into a portal to Nexus City.

As a person, Wanderer is actually rather calm, tempering his words with humor and sarcasm. Before humanity began to grow on him, he was almost as monotonous as his brother, Death, and much more violent. After Lacie's death, he ended up walking around for a while, doing... generally good things. He still holds some of his nature as a Horseman, however, and certain human concepts are unfathomable to him. He also does not believe he has free will, as that is a gift that only humans receive (or so he says, at any rate).

When he is in his true form as War, he is truly neutral, and will not stop for anything that crosses his path.

Weakness: He doesn’t have a lot, to be honest (at least in his true form). You’ll need some really, really strong spells to take him down if you want to go that route. Alternatively, religious (specifically Christian, though others work as well) rituals work well enough, but the person who uses them has to have true faith - and, again, they have to be top caliber. If you’re strong enough, or fast enough, beating him to death might work. You’d have to not pull any punches, though, and be ready for anything he might try to throw at you. He can also be summoned if you know the right way, so a summoning plus a binding is probably your best bet. While Wanderer may be immortal, he isn't invulnerable, so a sufficiently powerful attack that he can't see coming (long-range) is another good choice to take him down. In his human form, he's not at full strength, either.

Likes: Weaponry, Horses, Lacie, His Brothers

Dislikes: Using Magecraft/Magic, His Brothers
« Last Edit: November 15, 2014, 01:44:43 PM by Mooncake »
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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #18 on: November 10, 2014, 12:56:23 AM »
Name: Donkey Whacker (real name Donnel"Donny" Two-Ton)

Race: Pure human

Age: 20

Height: 6’0

Weight: 190

Appearance: African American, sweat pants, white shirt, hair contained in a bandanna, muscular, dreads

Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional (Is HUGE)

Agility: Human

Constitution: Exceptional (Apart from the liver, which is Human and going downwards)

Other Abilities: MMA skills, video games mastery, pretends to know how to rap, can drink absolutely ludicrous amounts and then bike home

Equipment: …a shirt? A bandanna? Some pants? He’s not a sketchy dude. Has a wallet too, call the cops.

Origin: He is called donkey whacker because he used to work at a farm, and slapped a donkey one day after getting really drunk. Was an ordinary city worker afterwards, until he got teleported to Nexus where he spends his time running away from things and practicing his favorite sport, MMA.

Thinks of Snake as his first true CQC instructor because he replayed 3&4 a total amount of nine times added together.

Weakness: Is allergic to peanuts. Also, terrible stream of consciousness will lead to blurting out certain things.

Likes: Pizza, rap, metal, video games, mixed martial arts

Dislikes: Mushrooms, olives, being called “ass” because of his name
« Last Edit: November 10, 2014, 03:51:07 AM by NamesAreHardToComeUpWith »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2014, 02:59:03 AM »
Name: Artura Pendragon, but you can call her “Saber”

Race: Human/Dragon Reactor/Former Servant

Age: Physically about seventeen, she “Died” in her late twenties-early thirties.

Height: 5’2

Weight: 115

Saber is a petite young woman who appears to be in her late teens with blond hair and brilliant, emerald green eyes.  Since she has been allowed to age, she has longer hair than previously seen in FSN.   She is radiantly beautiful, drawing the attention of almost all of those around her.  Despite being petite, she has a regal bearing that makes her seem taller than she actually is.

She has developed slightly from her FSN appearance, but she’s still a slim girl.  Working with Archer and Rin has also caused her to develop more muscle tone than previously seen in her CGs.   She prefers to wear jeans, T-shirts, peasant blouses, sturdy boots, practical sneakers, or shorter skirts that she can move in if she has to dress up.  She generally dresses in blues, whites, or earthen tones.  She’s also taken to wearing purple from time to time because a friend of her pointed out that she really has the coloring for it. 

Physical Attributes

Strength: Fantastic when Prana Burst is activated, Human when it’s not.

Agility: Fantastic when Prana Burst is activated, Human when it’s not.

Constitution: Even when Prana Burst is activated, Incredible.

Other Abilities: Magic Resistance- Saber still has her absurd magic resistance granted to her class.  She negates even high ranking spells.

Magical Power: (High power)

Prana Burst  Due to her Dragon Furnace, she produces absurd amounts of prana.  If she applied herself, she’d be an absurd magus, but she prefers to use her Magic Core to enhance her fighting abilities.

Invisible Air- A barrier that renders the blade hidden by entangling it with layers of wind, and altering the light refraction rate. It is closer to a sorcery than a Noble Phantasm. By using this barrier, Saber can attack without the opponent recognizing the sword’s reach and trajectory. Since concealing one’s Noble Phantasm also conceals one’s true identity, Invisible Air was highly effective at the early stages of the Holy Grail War. It also has other advantages such as increasing attack power and accuracy. Entangling the sword with wind and using the wind as the blade enhances the attack power, while having an “invisible weapon” provides an advantage in accuracy.) Since the advantage of Invisible Air lies in “invisibility”, the accuracy increase will not occur while engaging opponents who possess Eye of the Mind or do not depend on vision.

Regeneration- Saber currently doesn’t have Avalon with her because it’s in her point of origin.  However, there is still a faint connection and while she can’t summon it and it’s not stopping her aging, it does grant her regeneration.  It’s not instantaneous like Forest’s, but with sleep she can recover from most non fatal wounds.

Equipment: Excalibur- It is the strongest and most majestic holy sword that symbolises King Arthur. The pinnacle of holy swords. Excalibur was not forged by mankind, but crystallised within the Earth, using the wishes of mankind as the basis. It is one of the ultimate God-forged weapons, a Last Phantasm. Originally cared for by the Faeries of the Planet, it was passed into the hands of King Arthur through the Lady of the Lake.

Excalibur converts the mana of the wielder into light, and as the sword is swung, the light is released from the tip of the blade like a laser beam and destroys everything in its path. Of course, the mana consumption is extreme, thus it cannot be fired consecutively. In the Fourth Holy Grail War, the beastly giant sea monster summoned by Caster was completely incinerated by this Noble Phantasm. Excalibur is classified as an ‘Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm” due to its magnitude and destructive power.

Origin: Read the FSN and Zero for the background.

During the Fifth Holy Grail War, Saber was taken by Matou Sakura and darkened with the corruption of the Grail to fight for her new Master.  During the ending battle, she was defeated by the combined efforts of Emiya Shirou and Rider.  Shirou killed her, as Saber had wished, and Saber thought the story would end there.

Ilya had a different idea though.

Having Archer’s “Soul” inside of the Einzbern homunculus, Ilya gained a perspective that she hadn’t been able to before.  Shirou dying after a manly fistfight with Kotomine and Rin incapacitated from  having Sakura shiv her, Ilya made a gamble and approached Sakura while in the Dress of Heaven.  Sakura was still full of prana due to eating most of the War’s Servants while all Ilya had was Archer.

Archer’s soul inside of her would have been enough to keep Shirou’s soul from dying and going back to the Akashic root, but Ilya wanted more than that.

She wanted both Onii-chans to find “their happy ending” and told Sakura this.   Sacrificing herself, Ilya, backed up by Sakura, was able to bring both Shirou and Archer back to life, and as a “gift” to Archer, Ilya also brought back Archer’s first regret at not becoming a hero:  Saber.

Saber awoke, alive again and no longer a Servant, still dressed in the Alter armor.  Dazed and confused as the cavern began to crumble around them, she was going to stay to end her life again.  She did not believe she deserved a second chance, but Archer, reborn himself, pulled her to her feet and demanded that she come with him.

Confused and conflicted with her second chance, Saber became vastly depressed with her realizations of when she had been corrupted about her life.  She also understood that she could not change the past no matter how much she wanted to.  Both Rin and Archer told her about alternate realities and that changing something in the “past” would just create another reality.  It would not change the course of history that she desperately wanted to change.

She lived with the Emiya house with Shirou, Sakura, and Rider, sort of middling along and “existing”.  Archer, who’s Ilya’s parting words were him to save the first person he couldn’t decided that Saber needed help of a different sort.  Through the other, they were both able to repair themselves and become strong once again.

Their relationship wasn’t romantic (Archer somehow ended up with Rider, much to Saber’s chagrin, she thought Rin was a better match for him), but they were close.  Calling them friends wouldn’t be quite right, but the two of them had the partnership and relationship that they should have had in the beginning.    Saber worked for Archer in his shop as his assistant, learning to make her keep in this strange, modern world while helping guard Fuyuki in Rin’s absence while she studied in London.

She found herself in Nexus after fighting Gilgamesh after the King had proclaimed that both Saber and Archer were his.  One moment she was driving Gilgamesh back with Archer backing her up, and the next she found herself in an alley with a vampire driven mad by her scent.  She was about to defend herself with Excalibur when a tall blond vampire wielding an absurdly large gun took care of the issue for her.

After some disagreement, Saber and the vampire named Forest came to an agreement, and Saber realized she was going to need assistance in this new world.  An odd friendship was formed, with Forest acting as sort of a guide to the modern world.  (Saber’s ego makes her state that Forest is her “Advisor”, but Forest generally acts like the same care taker that Archer and Shirou did.  She keeps Saber fed and her apartment clean.)

Saber now works for the police department dealing with supernatural threats.

Weakness: Anti-Dragon weapons and beings.  A one hit kill (like being shot in the head, heart stopped, or beheaded etc).  Being hungry.

Likes: Archer, Rin, Emiya Shirou, Well prepared food (she will even admit she has gotten spoiled to Archer, Rin, Shirou, and Sakura’s cooking), the color blue, nicely tailored suits, stuffed animals, lions and other cats, video games (Taiga got her into WoW), Taiga, sparring, swordsmanship, chivalry, honor, Diramuid, Iri (she still thinks of her friend from time to time).  Gambling. Being able to admit that being a woman means she can still be strong.

Dislikes: Gilgamesh.  Rider (“That woman is a harlot and Archer can do much better than her.”). Dishonest tactics. People who are overly clever.  Dishonesty.  Dishonor.  People who cheat. People who underestimate her because of her gender. Badly prepared food. Being hungry.  Fussy dress clothing.  Having her hormones reawakened.  (“I did not miss my menses when I stopped having them.  I am not overjoyed at their return.”)
« Last Edit: October 01, 2015, 10:25:37 PM by YOLF »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #20 on: November 14, 2014, 01:18:47 AM »
Name: Old Man Henderson

Race: Human?

Age: 55

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 180 lbs


The combat boots have heelies, and he has a stuffed parrot on his shoulder called Rupert. He never takes the aviator shades off for any reason.

Strength: Human
Agility: Exceptional
Constitution: Human - Exceptional (Depending on how drunk he is)

Other Abilities:

Mental Resistance: Legendary (Called a Shoggoth "The UGLIEST fucking poodle EVER") Don't even try to screw with Henderson's mind. If you're lucky, you'll get high.

Ballistic skill(Shotgun): Supernatural (Proceeded to murder said Shoggoth, its summoner, and his companions without breaking a sweat)

Memorized the Anarchist's Cookbook. Stunt driver, ship builder, champion figure skater, hockey player, helicopter pilot, and golfer. Fluent in many languages. Luckiest man in history, bar none.

Equipment: Benelli M4 Semi-automatic Shotgun, as many shells as he needs, battered modified '92 Buick Century, extra pairs of aviators, a charred page of the Necronomicon (wrapped a blunt with it), and the occasional joint.

Acquired during his time in the Nexus:

  • Black Business Card (The Order): As repayment for saving two mortally wounded members of the Order from the wrath of Faust, Sakura Matou's Servant, Henderson and Mordred were given black business cards by the Order, unlike the usual white given to clients. While the white cards only have phone numbers, the black cards also have the address of the Order's Headquarters on them. In this way, the holder of one of these cards has the full resources of the Order at his disposal till the debt is paid.

Origin: The history of Old Man Henderson is lost in the sands of time, but he's got some facts concrete about him - he at some point in his life was a Thai prostitute and gangster, went to college for ship building, apparently competed at a national level in figure skating, hockey, and golf, is likely the father of/related to The Stig, at some point returned to the US on some man's junk, and at some point, acquired roughly 215 antique lawn gnomes as his retirement plan, estimated value of over 40K. He also blames all his life's problems on Vietnam, but was 12 in '74.  At some point though, his collection of Lawn Gnomes went missing (He sold them to a charity auction, got high, and forgot about it), and Henderson went on the warpath in search of them. The victims of said Warpath are as follows.

  • A Shoggoth, the cultist who summoned the Shoggoth, approximately ten more cultists, a professor who attempted to calm Henderson in the midst of his rampage, and the church this all took place in (burned to the ground). There was no evidence remaining that could be traced back to Old Man Henderson, as no one thought to take the plates of his Century in the ten minutes between him driving up to the church and him leaving said church.
  • An Avatar of Hastur that was in the process of binding himself to a Detective, the Detective, James Fink, a Tanker Truck (Which killed all three of the above directly, and everything below in the ensuing explosion, triggered by Henderson's parting gift of a 12 lb block of C4), another church, another group of cultists, and the gas station that the Tanker Truck had been refilling the holding tank of. No evidence, no witnesses.
  • A military helicopter (Got some damned good use out of it, though), an influential Cultist of Hastur who arrived on a Yacht to investigate the death of an Avatar of his god, the Yacht he came in on (By picking it up with said Heli and dropping it), a dinner party held by the local Cthulu Cult (By dropping said Yacht on the penthouse suite the party was in), and a bar in an unrelated incident. The heli was left hovering above the ruins of the dinner party while Henderson's party parachuted out.
  • Innumerable zombies/shoggoths during a minor apocalypse by use of explosive hockey pucks, culminating in summoning Hastur himself to the physical plane and taking advantage of the building having 'enough explosives wired to make Michal Bay blush' and the summoning sickness that Hastur was suffering from due to the summoning to permanently kill said Elder God.

Or maybe that last bit was a weed hallucination, he has no fucking idea. Maybe he's in a parallel reality or something, but honestly he doesn't know or care. He's probably forgotten whatever even brought him into the city. The trail of the missing gnomes has brought him into Nexus City, and no muckle damn cultist will stand between him and his wee men.

Weaknesses: General human weaknesses, excluding things that would drive normal men to insanity. Also weak to good weed, the munchies, high explosives, and has this itch to fly helicopters whenever he can. Tends to be forgetful while high.

Likes: Good weed, gnomes, Rupert, booze, his shotgun.

Dislikes: Cultists (gnome-stealing bastards), Hastur (The leader of a group of gnome-stealing bastards, and a buzzkill to boot), religion, cutlery, books.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2015, 09:51:57 AM by Kaze »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #21 on: November 14, 2014, 09:40:41 AM »
Name: Tohsaka Rin

Race: Human (Magus)

Age: 18

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 107 lbs

Appearance: She was idolized at Fuyuki's high school for a reason- a lovely young woman with striking aquamarine eyes and brownish-black hair kept up in a rather distinctive, iconic style. Her thigh highs are the stuff of legends. You will not easily forget her, whether it be for her striking looks or, should she allow her measured politeness to slip away a bit, her sharp tongue.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Spoiler for As Kaleido Ruby::

Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional (could be very low tier Supernatural with reinforcement)

Agility: Exceptional (could be very low tier Supernatural with reinforcement)

Constitution: Human, though could be Exceptional

Magic Ability: Medium, could go High with some of her gems.

Other Abilities:

Gandr: A Finnish curse originally from the Edelfelt line. Like a magical bullet, it can rip through flesh and cause a good deal of damage. Each burst is fired by concentrating prana into a finger and then releasing, somewhat similarly to firing a gun. Unlike most magecraft, there is no incantation needed to fire one, and she can fire many within quick succession of one another. 

Average One: Has aptitude with all elements, which means she could cast magecraft from any one of them with equal effectiveness.

Zelrech's Apprentice: Has some knowledge of the 2nd True Magic. However, she only knows so much, so she cannot effectively use it yet. However, she has the capability to come closer to that point while honing what she already knows.

Martial Arts Training: From a certain Fake Priest, no less. This means that Rin can defend herself rather well in hand to hand combat, even giving her an edge in some situations. Combine this with reinforcing her body using magecraft, and Rin can become a force to be reckoned with as far as ordinary humans are concerned.

Equipment: Her bag: It's just a large, sturdy, well made bag with supplies and some changes of clothing, along with some gems hidden away. It's had some magic applied to it to make it more resistant to damage, but otherwise it's not that special.

Assorted gems: For when Rin needs to cast high tier magic and fast. While she can replenish these, it's expensive and may require another means of aquisition. Any new gems need a bit of prep time in order to make them useable, as Rin needs to store prana in them before she can use them. Any gems she has with her from the start are already filled, and may pack more of a punch than any she gets a hold of later.

Mystic Code
Kaleido Stick Ruby:

A powerful wand created by Zelretch himself, which is able to empower the wielder with a nearly infinite amount of prana and power, as taken from other selves from other dimensions and timelines. ...However, because Ruby hates her creator, and has a tendency to take her frustrations out on her wielders, Ruby forces the one who wields her to become a magical girl, and their attacks to match. Since Ruby herself is sentient, this also means she tends to heap verbal abuse and is generally rude and rather blunt. And also somewhat perverted. She is also rebellious, and if her current master gets on her nerves enough, she will abandon said master, and go find someone else.

It should be noted that despite the infinite power and prana thing, there are limits. While still a significant upgrade, enough to reasonably upgrade the wielder's stats to at least mid-Servant tier, Ruby does need rest every once in awhile, and there's only so much power she can provide with one shot. This also assumes Ruby remains cooperative enough for her wielder to effectively use her.   

So this portal opened up. Not that most of the world noticed, but the Magus Association certainly did. Of course, they don't take such things so lightly. So they chose a young magus to investigate the matter, to scout the area and report back if she could find the source of the disruptions. Equipped with only some basic supplies and an annoying talking magical stick, the great aspiring mage Tohsaka Rin must navigate this new world and gather information to not only complete her mission and gain a greater amount of esteem with the Association, but also to return home at all. For you see, the portal seems to have vanished, and Rin promised certain people she cares about that she'd return home... something that she will do, come hell or high water. After all, she is the master of her own world- no matter what obstacles come her way, nothing's going to stop her from keeping her promise.

Weakness: Being human, she has human weaknesses. Cutting off her magic somehow would also leave her more vulnerable. She's also horrid with the most modern of technology and is rather accident prone.

Likes: Gems, magecraft, money, cats, her former Servant Archer, her sister and said sister's current boyfriend.

Dislikes: Ruby, losing control of a situation, modern technology
« Last Edit: September 23, 2016, 08:25:03 PM by Sinib »

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This is my mod voice. ...Most of the time anyway.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #22 on: November 15, 2014, 10:02:16 PM »
Name: Grenth

Race: Human (Necromancer)

Age: ??? (He literally does not count; your guess is as good as his)

Height: 6’1

Weight: 213

Wears black armor that is decorated with skill and images of death. Has a hood and the only part of his face that would be visible is covered by the bone mask of some kind of beast. Through the eyes green light can be seen. Underneath his mask he has a stubble beard of gray hear, and dark brown eyes. His gray hair is swept back but kept in a mostly orderly fashion. Despite being old he has little know signs of age except for his hair color. He generally wears suits when not in his armor.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Human


Other Abilities:
Knowledge of Anatomy: Highly knowledgeable about the structure of the bodies of living things. It can be used to preform medical processes or manipulate them with Flesh Sculpting.

Aura of Death: Gives off a feeling of death due to his constant practice of necromancy. Animals prefer to stay away from him and even normal people can find themselves uneasy around him. He forcibly negates this aura when he is not in his armor and mask, as it is counterproductive.

Magical Abilities:
Extremely High

Necromancy: The ability to manipulate the souls and bodies of the dead. At Grenth’s level the fact that one has moved on or passed away is simply an inconvenience. Capable of calling souls back from other realms should his have a proper connection, or animating corpses into powerful puppets or monstrosities. There is little that one can think of that he would not be capable of.

Spoiler for Necromantic Minions:
Flesh Golem: His Favored type of minion, made using at least three corpses as resources, however more can be added to make it larger. Their wounds stitch themselves together and they absorb corpses to make themselves more powerful. Incredibly weak to fire and vulnerable to cutting type attacks. Piercing attacks have no lasting effects, and blunt attack have little to no effect unless massively powerful.
   Physical Stats:
      Strength: Supernatural to Legendary (depends on amount of corpses used)
      Agility: Supernatural
      Constitution: Superhuman (Really high by itself, but can be considered higher due to healing)

Bone Horror: A common type of minion made from bones and limited amount of flesh. They have razor sharp claws that can cut stone with ease. Incredibly fragile but easy to make in mass.
   Physical Stats:
      Strength: Exceptional
      Agility: Exceptional
      Constitution: Human (on the lower end)

Bone Fiend: A type of minion which is formed by using bone and flesh shaped into something resembling a scorpion with two thin bone tails. It fires spikes from the tails made of bone which it can produce using the magic placed into it at its creation.
   Physical Stats:
      Strength: Exceptional
      Agility: Supernatural
      Constitution: Exceptional

Blood Horror: A type of minion while is a mass of organs and bone, the organs kept in a cage of ribs. It has a long bone tail, two claws that are like crab pincers, as well as what looks like intestines falling out of it. It needs flesh bodies to make. It leaches life from its pray and stores it within itself, it can then be consumed to increase Grenth’s magical energy.
Physical Stats:
      Strength: Human
      Agility: Human
      Constitution: Exceptional

Soul Horror: A deformed souls crafted into a shadow beast. It is capable of melding with shadows and cursing people from them. The most malicious and magical of his constructs, capable of using shadow magic, ice magic, and curse magic. They make good scouts.
   Physical Stats:
      Strength: Human
      Agility: Human
      Constitution: Human (but incorporeal)

Flesh Sculpting: The ability to sculpt flesh, bone, and sinew into different shapes and orientations. A highly prized skill when accompanied with necromancy. It can even be used for healing purposes, as was its original purpose.

Curse Magic: Capable of cursing others, however it is not a skill he likes to use and almost never use it unless absolutely necessary. His curses bind ones souls, create sickness in the body, and freeze the blood.

Summoning: While also being able to call his constructs to his side, as well as his armor. He is also capable of summoning souls and minds from beyond.

Ice Magic:
Skilled in the art of manipulating Ice and the magical elements of cold. From this he can pierce enemies with spears of ice, create a freezing mist, or contruct powerful armors. The limits are only what he can imagine.

Illusion Magic: Skilled not in the art of crafting illusions, but of shattering them. He has only learned to do such and find those that manipulate perception to be the most distasteful of existances.

Black Armor: His armor adorned with many images of death. It is highly powerful and acts as a powerful tool to cast his magic though. He can instantly exchange it with normal clothes and vice versa.

Staff Cane: A cane he holds when unarmored, intricate and incredibly beautiful. It serves as a casting tool.

Origin: A necromancer of tremendous age, using his understanding of the dead to stop his aging. His history is unknown and he is unlikely to share it with anyone. But he is without a doubt a powerful user of magic.

Having always been expected to become a magician, his choice of field was a shock to his family and friends.

But he didn’t care because the grave and death called out to him. And from there he grew. He mastered his magic, gaining the ire of many.

However he helped cure plagues, heal the wounded, and understand suffering. He was never an evil person, simply one that wanted to understand death and help others with that understanding. But perhaps that is too much of a contradiction to some.
So he isolated himself, and practiced his craft. And then one day woke up in the Nexus.

Weakness: Anti Magic, anti-undead tools (but not holy, must be specifically anti-undead), his constitution is from healing himself so 1 hit KOs are effective.

Likes: The cold, Order, Law, peace, relaxing

Dislikes: Chaos, needless death, idiots
« Last Edit: June 01, 2015, 10:29:21 PM by Knick »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #23 on: November 15, 2014, 10:49:15 PM »
"Don't worry, Lucia. I'll be back before you know it!"

Name: Akiholarme
Race: Imperial Dragonborn
Age: 24
Height: 165 cm (5’5)
Weight: 74 kg (164 lbs)

Spoiler for In armor (and as a vampire)::

Physical Attributes
Strength: Exceptional
Agility: Exceptional
Constitution: Exceptional

 Magical Power: Medium. Aki is capable of some healing and fire and lightning attacks, but her true magical talents lie in enchanting and her Thu’um.

The use of elemental spells to damage an opponent. Aki is skilled in the use of fire and lightning, however the use of her more powerful spells quickly drain her magical energy. Lightning spells move much faster that fire, striking almost instantly, and have the side effect of disrupting the target’s prana, but also cost more magical energy than fire.
Spoiler for Hiden:
Flames: A jet of flames shoots out from Aki’s palms.
Firebolt: An orb of flame that sets the target aflame upon impact.
Fire Rune: A small boundary field that violently detonates when a living being steps within its borders.
Fireball: A ball of fire much like the Firebolt, except that this version explodes in a 15 foot radius on contact.
Flame Cloak: Aki’s body is coated with magically produced flames, inflicting damage on anyone who comes within melee range.
Shock: A short range but continuous stream of electricity from the hands.
Lightning Bolt: Exactly what it sounds like, a bolt of lightning from the fingertips.
Shock Rune: A small boundary field that hits whatever living being that steps on it with a powerful surge of electricity.
Chain Lightning: A lightning bolt that will bounce from target to target, damaging up to four enemies at once if they are grouped together.
Lightning Cloak: Aki’s skin and armor become electrically charged, and will deliver a shock to anything that touches her for the duration of the spell.

Aki’s study of the Restoration school is specialized entirely for healing, and as such she cannot create wards or summon holy light against undead enemies. She is capable of Adept level healing, which allows her to rapidly heal gaping wounds and mend broken bones as long as her prana supply holds out. During the months she spent as a vampire, Aki has learned how to mend the flesh of the undead, although it is less efficient as healing the living. Beings that do not have a soul cannot be healed.

The art of bestowing magical empowerments on an inanimate object. Aki’s specialty is armor and weaponry, of which she is the best in Skyrim. She can enchant weapons with the properties of fire, ice, lightning, turn undead and even to absorb the vitality of the target. Armor can be bestowed with the ability to resist elemental or magical damage and enhance the wearer’s strength, vitality or supply of magical energy. Enchanting can only be done through the use of soul gems, of which Aki has a limited supply.

While even normal humans can learn to use the thu’um with years of study and hard work, as the last dragonborn Aki has the innate ability to comprehend and utilize the thu’um with ease. The power she can put into her shouts directly coincide with the number of words she knows for the shout. However the thu’um was not originally meant for mortals to weild, and using them too frequently will leave the user breathless and exhausted.
Spoiler for Hiden:
Aura Whisper “laas”: Briefly allows Aki to detect nearby lifelike activity, revealing to her the locations of even undead creatures.
Battle Fury “Mid Vur”: Grants a wind-based enchantment to the weapons of all nearby allies, allowing them to attack much faster than normal for a short time.
Fire Breath “Yol”: Aki exhales a huge ball of fire in the direction she’s facing.
Frost Breath “Fo Krah”: Aki breathes out a miniature blizzard.
Marked for Death “Krii”: Reduces the target’s resistance to physical and magical damage for a few seconds.
Unrelenting Force “Fus Ro Dah”: Aki’s very breath shoves aside anything in its path with the force of a freight train.
Whirlwind Sprint “Wuld”: Aki’s voice literally carries her forward a short distance at incredible speed.

Other Abilities:
Aki favors a sword-and-shield style in melee combat, making her very capable at minimizing physical damage received, but she cannot put her full strength into striking with her weapon.

One of the 13 sacred stones dotted across Skyrim, the blessing of the Steed Stone eases Aki’s burdens, leaving her unencumbered by her armor and heavy loads.

Aki has an easier time finding money lying around than most people. Where one person will find a penny, she'll find a nickel. Where a thief might find 400 dollars in a cash register, she will find 550. This phenomenal luck is part of why she considers "scavenging" a perfectly legitimate form of income.

Equipment: List and describe what weapons, armor, or other gadgets your character uses.

A dark sword claimed from one of the many draugr crypts, Aki has enchanted the weapon to shock anything that the blade comes into contact with.

A sword with innate supernatural properties, it has been enchanted at the highest level to sap the target’s own life essence and transfer it to the wielder. Kalara received this sword as a gift from General Tullius. Despite the blade’s great power, she rarely uses it, as it is a reminder of both her time as a vampire and the ruin she besieged on Windhelm.

The daedric shield of Peryite, able to generate a ward that negates magic.

A full set of heavy body armor, which Aki has enchanted to boost her vitality, magical energy pool, and the power of her melee attacks. Heavy armor normally slows down the wearer and increases the rate at which one becomes fatigued, but the blessing of the Steed Stone completely relieves Aki of this burden.

Origin: Akiholarme was crossing the border into Skyrim when she wandered straight into a war between the Stormcloaks and Imperials. After being captured and then summarily freed by a random dragon attack, she spent the next ten years of her life killing wild animals, necromancers, bandits, and eating dragon souls to power her Thu'ums. Aki was deposited in the Nexus when an ill-fated conjuration experiment at the College of Winterhold caused an entire wing to teleport out of existence.

Weakness: Aki is a human, and can be hurt and killed like any other. Her competitive nature and extreme confidence can get her too far in over her head, and she has no understanding of contemporary weapons and how to combat them.

Likes: Alto Wine, combat, challenges, looting, genuine compliments, romance, rabbits, people who have the courage to overcome their own weakness.
Dislikes: Mead, bandits, the Forsworn, flattery, talking when something could be getting done, people who don’t try to help themselves.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 04:01:22 PM by Kaze »
YOLF: "Do ghosts have aids"

YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #24 on: November 16, 2014, 02:42:44 AM »
Name: Caedia (The Arisen)

Race: Human

Age: 24

Height: 5’8’’

Weight: 165 lbs.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes
Strength: Exceptional
Agility: Exceptional
Constitution: Exceptional/Incredible(see Exceptional Willpower)

Magic Ability: High - As a magick archer Caedia knows an extensive amount of magick with her bow and she is skilled with the skills usually associated with sorcerers. After watching the Dragon use his abilities she was eventually learned how to cast without a staff by focusing on the spell with one hand and focusing her willpower, however she is unable to move once the spell is ready to be released unlike other sorcerers. It takes a few seconds to cast any spell on this list.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Magick Arrows: Magick Archers have fused magick into their very bows, allowing them to fire magickal arrows. The basic damage of the bow will affect Phantoms and their cousins.

Homing Shots: Magickal arrows can curve and follow the target that Caedia aims at.

Elemental Attacks: Magic bows skills are naturally infused with an element (Ice, Fire, etc) and allow for immediate access to an enemy's particular weakness. A regular shot from a magic bow is Ice enchanted, not physical like from normal bows.

Gicel - Conjures a twisting spike of ice that thrusts forward from the ground.


High Brontide: An advanced form of Brontide that calls forth a longer-lasting whip of lightning that drops more bolts when dismissed.

Explosive Rivet - An advanced form of Explosive Bolt that remains lodged in its target for a longer period of time and causes more damage when struck with a blow. It will explode on its own after 10 seconds have passed and it is enchanted with the element of fire.

Great Sacrifice - Summons forth the ultimate magickal bolt at the cost of one human life. To the user time seems to become sluggish as their perception of time is slowed so they can take the perfect shot. It is enchanted with the element of darkness and is especially potent against beings of light. Although usually used with Pawns a magickal circle can be transcribed onto a subject to allow the Great Sacrifice to use them as fuel for the spell.

Hunter Bolt - An advanced form of Seeker Bolt that fires a flurry of magickal arrows. Up to ten foes/places can be targeted at once. It is enchanted with holy energy and is especially effective against the undead, cursed beings, and creatures that are born from darkness.

Sixfold Bolt - An advanced form of Threefold Bolt that fires 6 arrows. It is enchanted with the element of ice.

Other Abilities:
Exceptional Willpower: Legendary -  The one trait that binds all Arisen is the fact that their willpower is incredible. It is through willpower that they use the Riftstones to pluck their Pawn servants from the Rift between worlds.  One of the greatest examples of this is the passive shaping of a Pawn due to the Arisen’s will. Pawns are naturally empty beings that can feel no emotion, however the will of the Arisen can passively shape they Pawns being and instill within them the will to live and the  ability to feel. This culminates in these empty beings taking the form of the Arisen they serve. However the Seneschal is undoubtedly the greatest example of an Arisen’s willpower at its finest. Those Arisen who have made it to the throne of god have a will that is beyond belief. Their will feeds the world’s desire to live and survive but they have also reached the point where they can enforce their willpower upon the world. It bends to their desires and shifts itself to accommodate them. The creation of life is nothing more than the Seneschal enforcing his will onto reality and it obliges. While Caedia has yet to reach this level her willpower is still phenomenal. With it she can fight longer(her Constitution effectively becomes Supernatural) and any ability that affects the mind is almost always cancelled out.

Spoiler for Hiden:
The Dragon’s Dogma - An exquisite blade worthy of its namesake. It harnesses great power from within the wielder's body.Paired with the Arisen’s great willpower the Dragon’s Dogma strikes with more force than simply swinging a blade should.

The Dragon’s Breath - "An exquisite bow worthy of its namesake. Infused with the magick of a dragon's own breath."

The Oblivion Armor - A truly rare item, even among the fabled Bitterblack armaments. Despite it’s appearance it is extremely a very protective set of armor and is resilient because of enchantments woven into the fabric and branded into the metal. It also grants Caedia additional stamina and heals her wounds over time(Most minor damage is healed in minutes and while it can’t completely heal grievous wounds it will staunch bleeding while Caedia is wearing it. The Oblivion Armor can also repair itself as long as there is enougg materials and it has time.

Godsbane - Upon its death the Dragon turned to dust and within this dust was the Dragon’s Dogma, the Dragon’s Breath, and the Godsbane. The Godsbane is a dagger capable of slaying anything. Even god is not safe from this blade’s fatal kiss. Despite being a powerful tool Caedia refuses to use it under any circumstances because of the purpose it would serve for her later.

Origin: When the Seneschal is no longer capable of fulfilling his duty he sends out a Dragon, the twisted form of an Arisen who failed to slay him, to seek out another to take his place. And so the Dragon encountered Caedia in a small village and he tore out and devoured her heart, but this did not kill her. She was marked as an Arisen. One of those who had their hearts stolen by the dragon, and to get it back they would need to fight it. So after many, many fetch quests and slaying a lot of monsters she slew the Dragon. Then she looted it and went questing in another dungeon on an isle and eventually killed a manifestation of hatred and loathing. Then she went back to the main city to find a giant hole in it. Caedia went in, killed a fuckload of monsters, looted a lot, and collected enough materials to fulfill the request of a Pawn. The materials formed a portal that she jumped into and she ended up in the Nexus.

Weakness: She has the normal weaknesses of a human and modern weaponry is just as effective against her as any other human.

Likes: Looting, Pawns, and people who don’t give up.
Dislikes: Griffins, petrification, water, and people who give up.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2015, 12:57:36 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #25 on: November 16, 2014, 05:50:26 PM »
GM Note: This thread is for any character that has been killed in game, or has left by other means. Rejected sheets will occupy a separate thread. Also, any living characters can only be brought back from here via special GM permission.

Name: Castus Grendel (Title: Living Saint) AKA Living Saint Inquisitor Adept Castus Grendel

Status: Alive

Race: Human

Age: 35

Height: 5' 8"

Weight: 200 lbs


The robe itself is a kill counter, with caricatures of the creatures he's killed carved into it with his knife.

Left Side (Daemons) :

Charnel Daemon Caricature
Three Bloodletter Caricatures
Juggernaut of Khorne Caricature
Unbound Daemonhost Caricature (eyes everywhere, claws for hands, snakes everywhere and had scales)
World-Eater Daemon-Prince Champion Caricature (Complete with the OM NOM NOM armor)
Bloodthirster Caricature

Right Side (Xenos) :

Beast of Solomon Caricature (mini dune worm with more scales and teeth)
Ork Nob Caricature
Ork Warboss Caricature (complete with Mega Armor)
Eldar Sword Master Caricature(Complete with a melta-bomb in his mouth.)

Strength: High Human (Fat as he may be, he's hiding a fair bit of muscle underneath that bulk)
[Superhuman] (Beheaded a Charnel Daemon in one swing of his knife fueled solely by his Righteous Fury, while he was still unskilled with his weapon of choice)

Agility: Exceptional (Jumped out of a window eight meters up, onto the shattered glass left from him shooting it out first, and came out unscathed, though this can also be attributed to his luck)
[Supernatural] (Rode a Juggernaut of Khorne like it was his bitch, capable of dodging the blades and fanged maws of a World-Eater Champion's sentient armor, and somehow dodging a Bloodthirster's strike while in mid-air)

Constitution: High Human (Leaning towards Exceptional)
[Supernatural] (Took a grazing hit from a Bloodletter without issue)

Other Abilities:

Luck: Legendary (Likely the sole reason he's able to pull off half the shit he does, that and his Righteous Fury. It has been thought that this luck is the result of the Emperor looking upon him favorably, and as such this ability will only take effect when fighting the enemies of the Imperium of Man.)

Weapon Skill (Knife): Exceptional [Legendary] (With his knife, Grendel's claw, he has killed a Charnel Daemon of Khorne, two Bloodletters, about a dozen of Orks, and delivered a fair amount of damage in addition to the finishing blows to a World Eater Daemon Prince and a Bloodthirster[Greater Daemon of Khorne])

Contempt(Daemons): With the aura of invincibility removed from Daemons in Grendel's mind, Grendel feels no fear from the sight or presence of any demonic creatures, and is able to flat ignore the force of their presence.

Fearless(Orks): Applies to any ork-like creatures, though Grendel is unlikely to encounter them here.

Living Saint: Having been canonized as a Living Saint and decorated as such, Grendel radiates a minor holy aura. This aura is strengthened in the presence of Xenos and mutants, forcing any such beings of insufficient strength of will to be unnerved in his presence and falter. If Grendel encounters a Daemonic entity on the field of battle the aura grows strong enough to just barely be visible, and he goes into a state of Righteous Fury, in which his stats are boosted to the levels shown in the square brackets.

Forbidden Lore (Daemons): After slaughtering so many, as the Adept of his Inquisitorial Retinue and as an Inquisitor himself, he has become learned in the matters of Daemons of all sorts, especially those of Gods of War such as Khorne, and is a quick study when it comes to new knowledge regarding these creatures.

Forbidden Lore (Warp): That said, he has knowledge of many other aspects of the Warp, and is also quick to learn about other such parallel and alternate universes/dimensions/planes when he's able to acquire knowledge relating to them.

Forbidden Lore (Cults): In addition, he is highly adept (pun not intended) in recognizing the work of cults, and is quick to pick up on signs of repeated activity by any specific cult he has knowledge of.

Equipment: Grendel's Claw(See below), a stub revolver, Mesh Robes, various odds and ends (a few frag grenades, ropes, a speed loader for the stub revolver) contained in they many pockets and pouches of said robes, a copy of Liber Beowulf (For the nostalgia), and a copy of Liber Daemonica.

Grendel's Claw: A perfectly balanced, armor-piercing knife with a mono-molecular edge. In the hands of Living Saint Grendel, it has holy properties, cannot be blocked by daemonic entities, ignores any armor tainted with magical (Warp) energies, ignores the natural armor of daemons, and also invokes fear in the worshippers of War, though those of strong will can withstand or ignore this effect.

Origin: Not much is known about Castus Grendel before his first great deed, only that he came from a Forge World and was recruited by the Inquisition after he read a forbidden tome concerning a battle between a Space Wolves Company and a Daemon. He was offered a choice, either have his mind wiped, or be recruited as an acolyte. On one of his first assignments as part of a cell of Acolytes, a trip to the Hive world Ambulon to investigate the recent movements of a cult, the first sign that Grendel wasn't all he seemed to be was made apparent. The cell found the cult in the midst of a Daemonic Summoning ritual, and quickly turned it into a bloodbath. Unfortunately, this was a ritual to Khorne, who was so pleased by the bloodshed that he sent a Charnel Daemon as opposed to some lesser Daemon.

Faced with a Daemon that warranted an Exterminatus, the cell chose to flee, with then Adept Grendel choosing to face the Charnel Daemon to buy his fellow acolytes some time to escape. Instead of dying honorably against the Daemon, Grendel found himself seized by some sort of righteous fury, as if the rage of the Emperor himself was flowing through his veins, directing him to bring the death of that Daemon however he could. And so, he took his knife and, by the Emperor's grace, struck the Daemon's head from its shoulders in a single mighty blow. So began the saga of Castus Grendel.

Through his career as an acolyte, Grendel would face impossible odds, again and again, only to not just survive, but come back victorious every time. Nevertheless, he doesn't attribute his skill to his own prowess, but the grace of the Emperor, choosing not to question the Righteous Fury that comes to him, time and time again, to slay his foes, leaving him humbled where others may have grown prideful at the Emperor choosing to work through them.

Even now, when an errant trip through the Warp has left him in this dark Hive of Corruption and Heresy, with his personal ship damaged beyond repair, what little crew he had dead, and all the servitors on board demolished, Grendel will continue his fight against that which threatens the Imperium. Even if he can't get back anytime soon, the light of the Emperor will continue to shine on him.

Weakness: Standard human weaknesses, surprise attacks, and non-Daemonic scary things (excluding Orks).

Likes: The Emperor, Sister Benedicta (Sister of Battle he met and has since fallen for), books, Space Wolves Brother-Captain Beowulf (Saved his bacon from the Inquisition by forwarding a report of the battle that finally earned Grendel the title of Living Saint and the position of Inquisitor directly to the Ecclesiarchy.), and explosions.

Dislikes: Daemons, Xenos, Chaos in general, Khorne and Tzeentch in particular, Heresy, and not having enough rope to get down from a high place safely and/or keep himself from falling to his death (Something that would have made life a lot easier more than once).
« Last Edit: February 27, 2015, 04:35:08 AM by Alice »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #26 on: November 17, 2014, 01:38:37 AM »
Name: Earleen Blaise

Race: Human

Age: 24

Height: 5'10” (About 178 centimeters.)

Weight: 145 pounds (About 66 Kilograms.)

Appearance: Earleen has wavy silver hair that cascades down to just past her shoulders and rose red eyes that seem to sparkle in the sunlight. At first glance, she appears to be frail, but a closer look reveals that she's actually pretty fit for a hobo. She wears a slightly tattered black and red stripped shirt, a pair of fairly worn men's jeans, black boots, and a patchwork cloak that stands out. Her skin, at least under the dirt, is fairly tan and smooth like silk, but her hands are fairly rough.

Magical Attributes: Low. (While she can use low wind magic to aid her movement, she's completely unaware of how to actually use it.)

Physical Attributes:

Strength: Human. (Basically strong enough to give a kitchen sink a single swing before having to abandon it as a weapon.)

Agility: Between human and exceptional. (As a result of fending off multiple ambushes when highway men mistook her for nobility.)

Constitution: Exceptional. (As a result of having been chased off with a beating for loitering countless times.)

Other Abilities:
Pocket magic. Literal pocket magic, meaning that she can pull out a variety of objects that are common in the world. These objects however can never be bigger than her pocket and are always completely random. (In once instance, a man was mugging her and she proceeded to bean him with a rubber duck and then walloped him with a frying pan from the cloak pocket.)

Random jackpot: Occasionally, Earleen will hit a random jackpot and get one exceptional item for the task at hand, a very rare item, or even a series of common items that are perfect for whatever she's doing. In addition, for a moment (90 seconds) after she hits the jackpot, she can be considered the luckiest being alive. (I'll roll a 100 sided die “daily” (either every rp day or every actual day) to determine if she hits it. If it's 100, then jackpot. In the case of combat, I'd like for an unbiased party to roll a die to determine if she hits it.)

Backpack: Her backpack normally carries comfort items such as a sleeping bag, pillow, a bottle of booze, and the odd plushie from time to time. In addition, there's a few snacks, a canteen, and a bit of money. Generally, these items come from her finding them or when she randomly pulls them out of her pocket and decides to keep them.

Cloak: Her cloak is a patchwork thing made from her old clothes that eventually fell apart. As a result, it's easy to spot in a crowd. Surprisingly, even though it's been stitched together, it's sturdy enough to not rip apart from a bit of pulling at it. The inside of it is lined with another layer that only goes up to the neck and leaves an open spot so the entire thing can function as a giant pocket. (One time, she even pulled out a kitchen sink and bashed a mugger with it.)

Origin: She was born into an aristocratic family and for the first 16 years of her life, lived with servants waiting on her hand and foot. As a result, she began to scorn the style of life she had. On her sixteenth birthday, shortly after finding out that she'd be forced into an arranged marriage, she decided to leave and live an adventurous life as a hobo. With that, she packed up a backpack and headed out, leaving behind her noble status once and for all. After a year, she was robbed of her backpack and everything in her pockets. At this time, she made a deal with her world. She'd take a curse in exchange for the ability to pull out random common objects from her pockets. The world accepted, though it gave her an ironic curse. The only things she can truly own, are those which she carries, meaning that if she puts down her backpack, it's fair game to steal.

Weakness: She dislikes the mundane and as a result, she has a tendency to get into trouble. She can also be tempted by being offered something she wants... such as booze.

Likes: As a result of her life as a hobo, any show of kindness is much appreciated. She enjoys living her life, adventure, and anything strange or intriguing. As for her tastes, she likes Celtic music, basically any food, and anywhere there seems to be something going on.

Dislikes: She's grown to hate places that are obviously large and entirely clean as that's generally a signal of aristocracy which she can stomach, but would really rather not. Also, the things that come with high society such as: arrogance, perfect posture, and to some degree elegance.

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #27 on: November 17, 2014, 02:36:24 AM »
Name: Anti-Fog Metahuman: Prototype Seven
Nickname: Aef (Pronounced A F), or Archive Hunter (prefers the latter)
Race: Metahuman/artificially created humanoid mutant
Age: 28
Height: 5’11
Weight: 175 pounds
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Grey

Appearance: A man wearing a duster, chaps, a worn-out pair of cowboy boots, a cowboy hat and a button-up vest, he is a man with a specific taste in clothing. He keeps himself shaved, and always cuts his hair once they go down into his eyes. As it stands, his hair isn’t far off from a cut.

Strength: Supernatural
Agility: Supernatural
Constitution: Supernatural

Equipment: Inferno Revolver: A large, metallic rectangle with a handle, and two demi-circle protrusions coming out of its sides near the grip. The top of the length of the rectangle is a barrel, and the bottom a cooling unit with a line-shaped heat indicator, turning blue to red. The demi-circle protrusions are where the chamber is held, sealed.

The Inferno Revolver is a gun with six shots that fires lava, or something so close to lava that the effects and look of it are the same. Naturally, this gun is immensely powerful. However, it takes about a full hour to properly reload, making it far from practical. It suits his goals, however, and he has grown emotionally attached to his own.

Other Abilities:Mental Immunity: Aef was made to counter the maddening effects of the world-consuming Fog, and the process that brought forth this success was heavily relying on the idea of “fighting fire with fire”. As such, he is immune to mental interference, contact and attacks.

Talking, attacking and befuddling his mind directly is akin to attempting to walk into a room that has been one-hundred percent filled with concrete.

Origin: In a future a couple hundred years from now, there was an elevated lab. Elevated high enough so that the Fog would not be able to climb up and interrupt them, this lab carried out a very important project: the AFM project, a project to artificially create a mutant who could resist the Fog, so that it could find the source of this oppressive substance that had taken over most of the world.

Aef was the seventh prototype, but saying he was the seventh try would be inaccurate. He was the seventh to survive the initial steps, before the scientists moved on the later stages of their anti-Fog alterations, and the second to survive the entire process. The first, and the room their vat was in, was ejected after a series of accidents believed to be the fault of the awakened prototype, due to an unstable state of mind. Aef awoke stable, confused but obedient. He was woken, passed through tests, and put under once again to start a direct brain download of data that would be important to his survival and success on his upcoming mission.

While the download was ongoing, the Fog did the unprecedented: It climbed the height of the research lab and flooded it, in the same way an army would make a preemptive strike against future threats. Aef was in his vat obtaining a data download, and remained blissfully unaware of all of its creators going mad on the outside.

Many years later he was pulled out of his sleep by a Himalayan-class mutant, an eight-or-higher foot tall mass of muscle, who were too wide and whose legs were too big to confuse for a normal humans. The dull witted mutant, resistant to the Fog’s effects to a certain extent, dragged the boy home to show the ‘smart humans’ who lived higher up the mountain. A human village, surviving the Fog’s effects through altitude, where the Fog was so thin it hardly affected them in a negative fashion anymore.

Aef lived there until adulthood, being a boon to the village folk and the mutants alike with his immunity to the Fog. Where mutants could survive being in the Fog for hours at a time, he was both rid of the time limit and overall smarter than the average mutant, who had their brains dulled over time through living further down the mountain, where the Fog wasn’t as thin as it would be higher.

Reaching both the age of twenty and a new, insatiable curiosity, he got the mutant who found him to lead him back to the lab so he could learn more about himself. Searching the high tech lab, he found maps designating other laboratory areas, among other things, with projects related to the Fog, and how to “solve” it, and he also found out the purpose for which he was actually created.

He went on an ADVENTURE to these other labs, figuring that he might as well leave home and see the world after all. Armed with a machete, an Inferno Revolver he found at his birthplace and a backpack, he set out into the dangers of the Fog.

After a few labs, a few libraries, a few settlements and a few years, he was fully equipped with a robot horse, a wagon(he lost those) and the knowledge he had a big sister, the other successful AFM protoype.

Then one day he’s dicking around some underground vault while his horse and wagon are in for repairs at the human village he was somewhat raised in, and poof, he's in nexus.

Weakness: long reload time (1 hour minimum)
Likes: Dumb people, reading, his gun
Dislikes: Loud noises, being interrupted, people messing with his shit, laws
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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #28 on: November 21, 2014, 12:48:54 AM »
Name: Deborah
Race: Vampire
Age: 69 (physically she's 29)
Height: 166 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Appearance: Pale woman seemingly in her late 20s, with dark straight har reaching her shoulders and brown eyes. She is dressed in sturdy travelling clothes.

Physical Attributes
Strength: Raw physical might. - Human
Agility: A combination of speed, reflexes and dexterity, general gymnastic talent. - Human (Supernatural with active use of Celerity)
Constitution: Overall physical condition. How much damage one can take and how long they can go before exhausting. Human

Magical Power: Low
Spoiler for Hiden:
Deborah is a practicioner of Thebean Sorcery, a sorcery unique to her Covenant that is believed to be miracles passed down to the Sanctified by angel called Amoniel. Unlike other sorceries of Kindred it does not require blood to work (some miracles may, but is not necessary for all miracles), but relies on the power of will of the practicioner and demands an offering to sacrifice. It takes on average half an hour to cast a ritual, but the casting time may vary depending on skill of the practicioner and other relevant circumstances, but it still cannot be instant.  New rituals are not invented by the Sanctified, but discovered, apparently in form of carvings and other messages left around the world to decipher. However, the practicioner can improvise to extent, altering incantations, sacrifices and formulae to achieve related but different effect, depending on Themes she mastered. Deborah knows following miracles as of now:

Blandishment of Sin (Destruction 1) – Sacrament: a scrap of paper with the victim’s name written on it. Effect: The ritualist names a victim, who must be within one mile of the ritual. It makes damage inflicted to the victim in a single attack more lethal, even if otherwise it would not deal potentially lethal injuries (a punch, for example).

Blood Scourge (Destruction 1, Transmutation 1) – Sacrament: Ritualist's own blood. Effect: The ritualist transforms a portion of her blood into a weapon. It is a close combat weapon. The effect is temporary and it crumbles after a while, at latest at sunrise.

Curse of Babel (Transmutation 2) – Sacrament:  An animal or human's tongue. Effect: The victim of this ritual, who must be within one mile of the ritual, is rendered unable to speak or write until the next sunrise.

Dust To Dust (Transmutation 2) – Sacrament: The ritualist sacrifices a few drops of myrrh-scented oil, marking the corpse on any wounds. Effect:  The Lancea Sanctum occasionally finds it politic to clean up the messes of other vampires. For instance, the childe of an important Kindred, confessing her first accidental kill to a Priest, will remember the church kindly if the covenant deals with the problem. And even among experienced vampires, there are always inconvenient bodies. This miracle allows a ritualist to transform an incriminating corpse into something more able to be transported without attracting attention. If the miracle is  successful, the corpse transforms into unremarkable refuse, composting plant matter or food waste that, although unpleasant, can be shoved into garbage bags and transported to a location where it can change back into body parts safely once the ritual wears off.

Tempter's Eye (Divination 1)  – Sacrament: a tarnished silver coin, into which the ritualist scratches the name of the subject with an iron nail. Effect: This basic miracle, taught to many Sanctified as they begin to learn Theban Sorcery, allows a ritualist to gain insight into a mortal subject’s baser nature. By using the results of the miracle, Sanctified determine how best to then drive subjects toward temptation, fulfilling their roles as God’s agents of damnation.

Vitae Reliquary (Transmutation 1) – Sacrament: Any smaller object. Effect: The ritualist infuses an object with her blood. The blood stored is mystically transferred from the ritualist’s body, and can be retrieved by any vampire, Strix, or ghoul who touches the object. It  still causes Vinculum and blood addiction in anyone drinking it. After one lunar month, the ritual ends and the object crumbles to dust.

Here is a description of Themes applicable to Deborah's sorcery, along with their scope:

Destruction 1: The Destruction Theme allows a ritualist to magically deal damage to a target, reduce the effectiveness of defenses, increase the effectiveness of attacks and corrode durability. Although the Theme isn’t favored by Lancea Et Sanctum, well-rounded blood sorcerers learn at least the first few levels. True specialists in Destruction are feared for their power to rend subjects apart without even having to physically face them, to lay traps for feeding vampires by turning the blood of mortals toxic, and to cause prized possessions to crumble to dust. Even then, compared to employing the physical Disciplines or growing claws with Protean and then confronting an enemy personally, Destruction rituals make for a long, slow way to kill someone. With her knowledge of Destruction, Deborah  may make attacks more potent, upgrading  damage which would not be normally lethal to one that can potentially inflict fatal wounds (this does not deal special damage to supernaturals). She may also produce poisons.

Divination 1: One of the favored Themes of Theban Sorcery, Divination allows a ritualist to magically uncover knowledge and to divine for the location or circumstances of a target. At medium levels of expertise, the Theme can be used to foretell the future in the form of omens or to reveal the history of objects, while seeing a location as it was or will be is reserved for the most powerful Diviners. The future as revealed by Divination is not set in stone; ritualists can prevent events they prophesize from coming to pass, and many uses of the Theme along these lines are designed to help in that course of action. If the ritualist has
already seen how he “should” fail at a task, he will avoid the steps that lead to failure. Past events uncovered by Divination are only reliable back to the point of the ritualist’s last torpor. Using a ritual to see the last meeting, centuries ago, of an elder and his sire would be clouded, but using another to douse for that sire’s long-torpored body would not. With the first dot in Divination, Deborah may glimpse details about a course of action she has decided to undertake or learn basic information pertaining to a target. Glimpsing the future reveals fragmented and confusing imagery around an intended action, which the ritualist must interpret.
Transmutation 2 - The Transmutation Theme allows practitioners to alter the physical, mental, and supernatural properties of a ritual subject. It is the most versatile Theme, but it still has limits that surprise novice sorcerers. Transmutation rituals work by extending the supernatural forces within the ritualist over the subject— the forces that animate a vampire, that transform death into a semblance of life, that he commands to boost his physical prowess and skills. The Theme is easier to use on subjects that those forces can grip, and in ways related to their nature. Blood sorcerers find it easy to store Vitae in objects, to animate the dead, or to inflict elements of the Curse on mortals, but the transmutation of one substance to another is much harder. By drawing on the life-mimicking power of the blood, practitioners may animate a Transmutation ritual’s target. If that target is a living being, this ritual manifests as a form of overt control, compelling thoughts or actions the subject did not intend. However, blood sorcery
exercised for that purpose is a blunt instrument when compared to the elegant mental Disciplines of Majesty and Dominate. The level of Transmutation Deborah mastered allows her to make a wide variety of changes to her subject. By forcing a target to share the Curse, she can store Vitae. She may disguise a living or vampiric subject as another being of the same general height and weight, and may completely transform dead matter, changing inconvenient corpses into decaying plants, for instance. The ritualist can also disrupt a thinking being’s volition enough to alter speech, but not to force physical actions. She may animate gases, liquids and plants.

Weaknesses of Theban Sorcery: Mortals and supernaturals have innate resistance against effects of Theban Sorcery at least to a degree. For miracles which effect is physical in nature, Constitution apply. For others the power of will of targets apply, unless the miracle is all or nothing in effect (detecting a lie, scrying for an enemy’s location, or transforming a victim into a ghoul from a distance) which means that supernatural defences against magic apply (such as Supernatural Tolerance or Magic Resistance).

Other Abilities: (OOC: Cribbing lot of that from Yolf's sheet)

Blush of Life: Normally, a vampire looks the part of a corpse. She’s pale. She
registers no pulse. She exists at slightly below room temperature. Food and drink taste terrible, and immediately cause violent, bloody vomiting. However, with a bit of Vitae, she can fake life temporarily. This makes her functionally human. She becomes warm to the touch, with a full, hearty pulse. She produces natural bodily fluids. She functions sexually in the way a human can, becoming physically aroused. She can keep food and drink down, ejecting it later in the night. She’ll pass medical inspection while the blush remains active.

Supernatural Tolerance: Exceptional (Deborah's thickness of blood is still relatively low for a young ancilla but it offers her a degree of resistance against all manners of supernatural powers).

Innate Durability: Kindred are inhumanly resilient. Most mundane weapons are no more effective against her than an unaided punch, and even then she can take a greater amount of punishment than any regular human.

Healing: So long as she has life force from human or vampire blood in him, there are few injuries that she cannot heal. With time and effort, it is possible to even regrow limbs.

Kindred Senses: Deborah can easily see in perfect darkness without even the slightest effort. Her sense of taste for blood is incredible. She can see even the smallest traces of blood anywhere within line of sight, and smell blood clearly at up to 10 yards away. She can hear heartbeats at up to 3 yards away without issue. While her sensitivity to blood can prove incredibly useful, it can also be very distracting when hungry.

Physical Intensity: By expending the life force of her cursed blood, Kindred can briefly achieve great bursts of physical prowess. Deborah can temporarily become sturdier, stronger or more agile, by empowering herself in this manner.

The Beast: As much a weakness as a strength, the Beast is the source of all vampiric power in Deborah's world, the personification of all bestial instinct and desire that lurks within each and every Kindred. It provides them with the drive to continue surviving from night to night, pushing them to feed, flee from their banes, and destroy perceived insults. It allows them to detect others like itself lurking within, making identification between vampires a simple matter barring certain powers, and can lash out to provoke people to wanton desire or primal fear. When allowed to be in the driver's seat it sends the body into a frenzy, its power pushing the vampire beyond its limitations in proportion to the thickness of their blood. The thicker the blood, the stronger the Beast.

The Kiss: Also known as 'orgasmic bite', if you're not using the popular slang. It's a hunting aid, and it does pretty much what you would expect.

The Blood: Vampire blood is addictive, and drinking it will bind your heart in love for the one who fed you. Drink three times and it will become almost unbreakable, deep and obsessive as it roots into your heart. It lasts a year without reinforcement. On the other hand, mortals who are fed like this can be gifted a portion of the power belonging to the vampire including a cessation of aging.

Auspex: Deborah can focus her Beast on danger and weakness, allowing her to  know if someone is about to attack her, or to pinpoint the weakest person in the
room. The Beast is sensitive to things that other people cannot normally perceive; using this Discipline can pierce Obfuscate. The use of the Discipline gets tiring with frequent use.

Celerity: Unholy speed achieved by channeling the power of the Beast, which gives Deborah some ability to dodge bullets through increased reflexes; and by expending life force, allows for bursts of speed faster than the eye can perceive.

Obfuscate: The vampire can turn her predatory aura inwards, walking through crowds of people who pay her no heed. As long as she doesn’t do anything to obviously draw attention to herself, nobody notices her. She’s just one more person on the street, part of the city’s nightlife. People don’t shy away from her because of what she’s wearing or what she looks like. She’s just as much a fixture of the city as the rats and the graffiti. People’s eyes just slide off the vampire. People can tell that someone’s there, but they don’t remember who she is or what she looks like; she’s just “some girl,” average height and build, average hair, average clothes. Unless the vampire’s doing something to draw people’s attention — pulling a gun, or screaming at people — or she’s in a place where someone doesn’t expect anyone else to be, everyone around her ignores her. They don’t care what she’s carrying; she could walk down the street with an assault rifle strapped across her back or a body slung over her shoulder, and as long as she doesn’t use it to draw attention, nobody particularly cares or remembers. If the vampire is violent towards someone — if she punches someone or starts feeding in a crowded subway station — her victim will automatically notice. The vampire’s predatory aura seemingly disappears, so that other vampires can’t sense it.

Devotions: Though the careful honing of their supernatural abilities, Kindred can manifest new powers of the Blood as specific tricks and techniques. Drawing from the speed of Celerity and the paranormal awareness of Auspex, Deborah can quicken her sight with an expense of life force, and for a brief moment see everything at a slow crawl with the ability to react accordingly.

Equipment: A knife, a revolver (with 6 bullets only, she has no money right now to refill it), clothes she has on herself. She's pretty much destitute at the start of CE 3.0.

Origin: As a human, Deborah sincerely wanted to believe in God, to the point she even studied theology at university to better know Him, even if picking such a major would not guarantee her prospect of a prosperous life. However, the fact she had no concrete proof that God exists weighed more and more on her inquisitive mind, faltering in her faith. Even if she lived in a world in which the supernatural actually existed, she had not brushed with it until that fateful night. Certain vampire noticed her curiosity and academical knowledge, and offered her an ultimatum after demonstrating what it was. Die as a mortal for humans are not meant to know about the existence of vampires or be reborn as a vampire and serve as God's agent in His divine plan. She realized that if something unnatural like vampires existed then God could exist as well, and there might have been truth to the stranger's words, so she accepted its offer. Commiting herself to study of Thebean Sorcery, she see it both as a proof validating her faith and means to carry out His will, punishing the wicked and pushing those who falter in their fight right into the embrace of God.

Weakness: Especially vulnerable to sunlight and fire. Cannot resist daysleep on Saturday. Cannot feed from  the righteous (those holding themselves to higher moral standards than people on average), attempting to do so causes damage to her.

Likes: Those mortals who are be truly righteous, secrets and knowledge to uncover
Dislikes: Scum that gone too far to deserve God's mercy in her eyes, vampires who are in denial about their true natures.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2015, 10:53:13 PM by Alice »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - Character Graveyard/Departure Zone
« Reply #29 on: November 21, 2014, 04:02:25 AM »
Name: Mia, Demon of Lost Children and the Rending Blade

Race: 3/4th Demon

Age: 12 (in truth much much older)


Appearance: Has pale blond that some can confuse for a gray and red eyes. Keeps her hair in a long ponytail, and is fond of trying on new clothes.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible
Agility: Fantastic
Constitution: Incredible

Other Abilities:

Demon Nature: As more demon then human Mia adopts a diluted form of demonic nature. In Mia’s world Demons are ‘lies’, as opposed to the truth the Saints enforce or the Nothings reject. They are stories, and so Mia is similar. Mia gives the presence of a dream, like other demons, which makes ones doubt they encountered her. Because of this she is difficult to mentally influence, and even reading her will more often than not hear parts of the stories that make her up, rather than her own thoughts. In addition she is able to at will alter her clothing, as what she wears is but demonic miasma that has manifested as such. Finally, she is also capable of restoring her form with time, so that massive damage can be recovered over time, such as the loss of an arm; it also seems that her ability to heal is augmented after killing someone, perhaps a relic of her mother's stories of murderers which is now hers.

Possibility to Change:
Mia, as 1/4th human has some ability to change. Lasting harm can be done to her, her mind can develop, and her personality can change. This also gives her the ability to grow and become stronger. Perhaps with time she can even learn more ways in which to develop her demonic nature and channel it in new ways... perhaps she can even learn to steal the nature of other demons as she did to her true parents, although that will not matter unless more demons or half demons from her world enter the Nexus.

Inconspicuous: Her nature is hidden to all but those with powerful supernatural detection or instincts. She appears as most as a normal girl outside of her 'dream' like nature.

Supreme Knowledge of Killing: Mia is a composite demon, meaning that rather than being one story she is made up of many. Her stories include stories of people vanishing in the woods, people dying to monstrous beasts, children becoming ghosts and monsters, hauntings, and also insane killers. She suits this nature, and is masterful at the art of murder and related fields to the stories that make her up simply by nature. However this also leads to her having a bizarre mindset.

Doll Curse:
A curse which is one of Mia’s activated supernatural abilities. This curse is a curse of ‘insanity and paranoia’ formed by stories of people being haunted by ghosts and cursed objects like dolls. It causes the person hear, feel, and see people at the edges of their senses that are not there, which will vanish once the person tries to focus on them. It ends when the doll Mia holds is destroyed or she wishes it to. To establish it requires someone coming into proximity with and seeing her rabbit doll.

Curse of Lost Children: Another curse which is one of Mia’s activated supernatural abilities. It is a curse that Mia causes when in the presence of the target and singing, humming, or rhyming. It causes the target to hallucinate the visions of ghost children, the children will sing, play games, asks the person to play with them, and come and go at random. It stops when Mia stops singing or when they get out of range of her voice. Requires vision of the target to establish but not maintain.

Silver, the Rending Flash: A demon blade owned by Mia’s mother, who’s existence was destroyed in Mia’s birth. It is a blade that changes it’s form to suit the user. In Mia’s hands it is a Katana. The sword’s only ability is that it is a supreme cutting edge.  The blade will cut anything that touches the blade-edge, no matter how tough and durable. The only things capable of resisting are magical artifacts of great power, or powers of ‘Truth’ or ‘Rejection’ that do not allow that things nature as a ‘lie’ or ‘story’ to exist. It will not allow a new wielder unless the old one dies or no longer exists. It can only be used by murderers or killers. The sword is part of her until she dies, and so she can hide it within herself as demonic miasma. As a Demon tool it was once a powerful demon, in its case the demon was a demon on stories which resolved in separation between things, which is focus and amplified by its form as a blade. It seems to has some will of its own even still, able to see the nature of demon like things, but it often does not share this with Mia.

Silver's Sheath: A red sheath that is bound to the Demon tool "Silver, the Rending Flash". It is a sheath that was made by Silver when it became a tool, and is the only sheath that can hold it. It materializes and dematerialized with the blade and other then being incredibly durable and that it can hold Silver it has no special properties. If destroyed or lost it can be reformed by Mia.

Curse Doll: A doll that Mia treasures more then anything, necessary for using her Doll Curse. She can reform it with time should it be destroyed, as it is actually part of her existence as a demon, and as an extension of her it is actually somewhat alive, capable of acting on its own, but it is still just a doll other then that.

Knives: She has a few knives on her person that she can use should she be disarmed from her blade. They are actually produced by her nature of a demon.

Origin: Mia is an abomination that should never exist. Born of a half demon and a demon, she was formed not only by her the stories that her mother’s demon side was based on, but also the stories of her father. Upon birth she absorbed her mother’s and father’s existence to fuel her own.

She was born to live out her stories, stories of lost children, stories of murderers, stories of hauntings and curses, stories of madness and more. An amalgamation of ‘lies’ that should not exist in the world.

She has always spent her eternal existence endlessly preforming those feet, tormenting people, acting the part of a lost child always looking for her parents, leading kids away to be lost forever while playing, and murdering people who are alone at night. She endlessly searches for someone to be her Mother and Father, however it has occurred in the past, only with the poor humans to suffer a gruesome end with time.

It was all she can do, for it is her nature. And then, one day she found herself in the Nexus.

Weakness: ‘Rite of Creation’, ‘Rejection’, ranged combat, things that can’t be killed with a blade, has no particular resistance to magic.

Likes: Dolls, “Playing”, Papa, Mama, other kids to play with.

“Bad” men, people that get in the way of her fun
« Last Edit: June 01, 2015, 10:30:05 PM by Knick »