Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - November 16, 2014—April 13, 2015  (Read 595761 times)


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2265 on: April 03, 2015, 11:41:19 PM »
Vanguard nodded to Roxas and spoke up, intending to explain himself.

"An animal that cannot heed to a simple call and who attacks rabidly ought be put down, hence I annhiallated the vermin while it resided in my body. As for the man I was referring to, let's just say it is an acquintance who bit more than it could chew. That almost took what one could call my life."

Walking around Roxas, Vanguard carried on his explanation, all while pointing to the glowing orb that resided in his helmet.

"My body is not of flesh, and as long as one can reform it, it is practically immortal. If my soul is not compromised, I will not die from a battle or from old age no matter what. But that fiend I called out earlier dared to attack me and attacked my very soul. Had I not slain him, I would have died there for sure." said the knight.

"But you see, my soul had been damaged for that brief moment, and no magic can heal it. The only option I had was to do this, else I'd perish."

Looking down, the warrior appeared saddened. It was clear that he did not like what he had done, but at the same time, his heart remained untroubled. Just as he was the one who killed his people due to his weakness, Caster almost killed him due to his incompetence. He would let that magician know that he was not to be taken lightly in such a manner.

"It is regrettable, but if one is to refuse to stain his hands in blood, he can accomplish nothing. I may be cursed in this abominale vessel, but I cannot allow myself to die. If I do, my one purpouse will never be fulfilled. I will not allow that, no matter what. Still, there is no meaning to regreth this, it was the only choice I had. I will state with a clear conscience that these lives were not taken in vain, and if I have to tear all forests down in order to cease all bloodshed, then so be it."

Cherry Lover

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2266 on: April 04, 2015, 12:01:30 AM »
Sakura frowned.

"I can't imagine there is more than one, and there certainly is not in Fuyuki. He was very old, though. I don't know how old, exactly, but he was around for the creation of the Grail, and I don't think he was young even then. He may have been a good man once, but he became obsessed with immortality, and would do absolutely anything to obtain it. I was simply a tool to him, something to help him achieve his goal and, then, to be discarded", she said, clearly distressed at discussing her likely eventual fate had Shirou and her sister not been able to save her.

And, the Sakura from her world is going to be put through that, too..., she thought, sadly.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2267 on: April 04, 2015, 12:36:34 AM »
After Vanguard gave his explanation, Roxas began to understand.  He finally understood the warrior whom he now respected and trusted.  He was right.  Vanguard lived in an immortal body, living only to make the world a better place.  Thinking back, he understood why Vanguard asked him the questions earlier, why during their fight his own personality seemed as strong as his strikes.  Yes, he was glad he accepted his offer earlier to learn from him the ways of battle.  Still, someone had attacked him and almost killed him.  This person had to be stopped.

"Who did this to you?   Do you know their name, why they attacked you?" Roxas asked, concerned and a bit hostile towards the would be killer.

Cherry Lover

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2268 on: April 04, 2015, 12:44:40 AM »
Unfortunately, Sakura seemed to take little notice of Rider's words, and instead continued trying to get through to the other Shirou. He began to explain why his skin was as it was, leading to an odd outburst from Sakura who had, apparently, suddenly come to the realisation that Archer had, in fact, been an alternate version of Shirou. Their discussion was interupted, however, by Sakura's Shirou reaching out for her and speaking up, telling her that he would always be there for her and protect her. Rider could see that Sakura was confused, unsure of which Shirou to listen to and pay attention to, until her lover approached her, leading her to begin making a response to him.

To Rider's horror, though, that Shirou collapsed to his knees, clearly in need of prana. Sakura ran towards him and grabbed him, mortified that her desire to find and protect additional Senpais had brought harm to the one who had devoted himself to her. Rider winced as Sakura pulled out a knife and cut her hand, but she made no effort to stop her. A cut to the hand could heal, whereas if Shirou were to die, Sakura would never forgive herself. She knew Sakura was in pain, but it was nothing compared to the pain she would feel if Shirou did not recover.

Fortunately, the prana in the blood was enough to bring Shirou back to his senses, and he called out to her. Rider smiled in relief as Sakura hugged him tightly, crying tears of joy. The two talked for a bit, each pinning the blame for what had happened firmly on theirself.

Typical. They're the only couple I've ever seen argue to try to blame theirselves for the problem....

Sakura held Shirou tight, begging Shirou not to disappear, self-flagellating about how this was all her fault. Still, though, she was not willing to let go of the other Shirou, still worrying that he might bring harm to himself through his actions, and begging him to be safe. Her Shirou tried to persuade her to allow his alternate self to follow the path he'd chosen, perhaps because he understood the allure behind that path far better than she did, but it had no effect.

Worse, the other Shirou then turned to leave, responding in a manner that made it clear he would not be prioritising his own safety. Not that Rider had expected anything different, of course, Shirou was mentally incapable of prioritising his own well-being.

“Nonono, you have to be safe! At least try! Please!” Sakura pleaded, but he took no notice, leading Sakura to shout about him being ignored.

"Senpai... You need to listen... You're in danger”, she continued.

Rider sighed. She knew Shirou was not interested in his own wellbeing. And, unfortunately, this Shirou seemed to be not overly-bothered about Sakura's, either. Which left Sakura with very little leeway to persuade him of anything.

Still, for him to just walk away like this was pretty grating. Did Sakura really mean so little to him? Rider was confused, the concept of a Shirou who didn't see Sakura as at very least like a surrogate family member was utterly uncomprehensible to her.

"Shirou, I understand if you have something to do, but can you not at least leave Sakura some contact details? She is like family to you, you shouldn't just walk away from her like this", she said.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2015, 12:46:02 AM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2269 on: April 04, 2015, 12:51:34 AM »

"Oh, my attacker is no more. But his master happens to be my comrade in arms, or rather should be. We serve the same lord you see?" said Vanguard, who walked towards the boy before patting him on the shoulder.

Then, he looked up to the skies and sighed, the dim rays of sunlight shining upon his armor.

"I know not of his background, and neither does it concern me. His whelp tried to kill me despite my warnings. An owner who lets his rabid hounds rampage wherever they please is no better than a vermin, and my world has no need of vermin."

"Do not concern yoursel, I shall settle this matter myself. For now, there are more pressing matters. For one, you do not have a shelter, correct?" asked the knight.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2270 on: April 04, 2015, 12:57:54 AM »
Roxas didn't even think about shelter after all of that chaos.  Actually, after their duel he did say he wanted a job but he was talking more for his own purpose rather than for the ability to afford shelter.  He had some munny but that might be worthless here.

"No I don't have anywhere to stay.  Honestly, I don't even have any money." Roxas said, feeling a bit helpless.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2271 on: April 04, 2015, 01:04:44 AM »

Irisviel stared long and hard at Sakura, trying to figure out she was trying to trick her. She didn’t look like she was lying, and moreover, Irisviel wasn’t sure how Sakura could be lying about this anyway, she seemed so sure of herself and she knew too much. After the long and uncomfortable stare from Irisviel, she shook her head. “We can’t be speaking of the same person, it just doesn’t make an ounce of sense! This must be some sort of freak coincidence.” Irisviel said to herself.

“Anyway, I’m very sorry to tell you, but I’ve never met the Zouken you describe, nor had I ever heard of you-wait, maybe? I vaguely recall something about Tokiomi Tohsaka having two daughters... And maybe? No, I’m sorry, it’s been over a decade since then. I really can’t remember anything else.”

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Cherry Lover

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2272 on: April 04, 2015, 01:26:04 AM »
Sakura frowned as Iri stared at her, before finally responding.

“We can’t be speaking of the same person, it just doesn’t make an ounce of sense! This must be some sort of freak coincidence", she said.

I very much doubt it, that would just be too much of a co-incidence, Sakura thought, sourly.

“Anyway, I’m very sorry to tell you, but I’ve never met the Zouken you describe, nor had I ever heard of you-wait, maybe? I vaguely recall something about Tokiomi Tohsaka having two daughters... And maybe? No, I’m sorry, it’s been over a decade since then. I really can’t remember anything else", the woman continued.

On hearing the mention of her father and his two daughters, Sakura's interest peaked. She looked at Iri sadly, her words confirming what she had expected.

"Yes, Tokiomi Tohsaka was my father. I am the younger of his two daughters. My elder sister, Rin, was given the role as the heir of the Tohsaka family, I was simply discarded as surplus to requirements, torn from my mother and sister and handed to a monster who tortured me for eleven years", she said, bitterly.

Whilst Sakura had long ago forgiven her sister and her mother for their part in her suffering, her father was someone she could not forgive. He had simply thrown her away like trash, giving her up to a man who treated her as nothing more than a tool, and denying her the love of her mother and sister for eleven long years.

"As for Zouken, was the one you know involved in setting up the command spell system? If so, then it's the same guy, for certain. I don't know how he was back then, but he turned himself into a collection of worms to evade death, stealing the bodies of others to keep himself alive. The Zouken I knew was nothing more than a monster", she added, once again clearly disturbed at having to recall her past abuse. "And, from what you are saying, it sounds like the version of myself in your world is also stuck with him...."

Sakura looked down at the ground once more, clearly upset by her alternate self's fate.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2015, 03:06:42 AM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2273 on: April 04, 2015, 01:44:34 AM »
Abigail and Forest

"I know a few ways to seal a contract like this," Archer said, taking himself out of his cocky little lean and instead standing tall, ignoring the distraction of the two newcomers. "A certain way to get this sealed would be tantric rites."

Lawrence looked confused. Sighing, Archer continued. "Sexual activities."

Forest raised an eyebrow and smirked and said, "Well, now this is getting interesting."

Abigail felt her cheeks heat up.  She wasn't a complete innocent and knew that sex could take the place of ritual, and in some rituals sex was actually apart of it.  She narrowed her eyes and said, "Oh no you don't!"

It wasn't helping that Forest was now chuckling out right, her indigo eyes bright with mirth.  Abigail dimly heard mention of blood rituals, which was disconcerting as well.  Which Law as all for.  She remembered Forest's little comment about how something in Law's mind scared the vampire.  The Changeling knew that there was someone else sharing Law's mind, body, and soul with him, but it didn't trouble her as much as Archer did.

"Oi, lad. Ya sure ya wanna hook up with him?" The blue-haired Irishman with the very bright Hawaiian shirt said, "I wouldn't trust him. Believe me, I've seen what he's done."

Thank the Lord and Lady, someone with sense!

She turned towards him and said, "I don't trust him as far as I can throw him.  And what has he done?"

Forest folded her arms around her chest, lifted one eyebrow, grinned and said, "I want to hear what Captain Bondagepants did too."


"I just am concerned about your well being, old friend," Saber said as they walked up the steps together, "And I have a feeling that this is not going to be something we can just do with ease."
« Last Edit: April 04, 2015, 02:50:18 AM by Elf »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2274 on: April 04, 2015, 01:55:37 AM »
Shirou (HF)

Sakura holds on to me tightly as she tells the other me to stay safe and to listen to her. She is really concerned for our safety, but she needs to have more faith in us.

"Sakura... I know how much you care for us. But you have to let that Shirou go. He's chosen his own path. You should know better than anyone that once Emiya Shirou makes up his mind he sticks to it."

I say these words with a smile, reflecting on the time I choose to protect Sakura above all else. This other me has something he needs to protect as well, so who is anyone to try and stop him.
Even I have something I must protect.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2275 on: April 04, 2015, 02:12:37 AM »
"Oho, well then, I hope you find what you are looking for, young one." said Vanguard with a short laugh.

"We can meet here tomorrow, but not before noon. I have a duel to settle, unless the fool's little intellect turns so feeble she forgets about it. If you wish to spectate, I have no issue with that."


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2276 on: April 04, 2015, 03:04:27 AM »

Noel ran down the streets at breakneck speed, dodging the passerbyes as she rushed to the station. She finally arrived at the station, pushing herself past a short blond woman and a large armored man with dark purple hair.

“I’M SORRY!” She yelled without stopping to look back. She looked at the clock, crestfallen when it read that she was over an hour late.

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2277 on: April 04, 2015, 03:13:36 AM »

“Nonono, he can’t be the same man! We’re from different universes, right? So maybe he was different in yours!” She continued to try to weakly justify her idea, seemingly unwilling on accepting this. After a while she sighed. “I’m sorry Sakura, I’m being terribly rude. It’s just-It’s just he is a really nice man in my memories, I don’t know what happened in the couple hundred years in between, but it’s a real shame. If I’d known what was happening to you, I’d have-” Irisviel saw a short blond woman with her hair tied back into a ponytail wearing a leather jacket walking with a tall armored man.

“Saber!” Irisviel yelled, running as fast as she could to her lover, attempting to grab her in a hug from behind as soon as she caught up.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2278 on: April 04, 2015, 03:16:16 AM »
Abigail and Forest

"I know a few ways to seal a contract like this," Archer said, taking himself out of his cocky little lean and instead standing tall, ignoring the distraction of the two newcomers. "A certain way to get this sealed would be tantric rites."

Lawrence looked confused. Sighing, Archer continued. "Sexual activities."

Forest raised an eyebrow and smirked and said, "Well, now this is getting interesting."

Abigail felt her cheeks heat up.  She wasn't a complete innocent and knew that sex could take the place of ritual, and in some rituals sex was actually apart of it.  She narrowed her eyes and said, "Oh no you don't!"

It wasn't helping that Forest was now chuckling out right, her indigo eyes bright with mirth.  Abigail dimly heard mention of blood rituals, which was disconcerting as well.  Which Law as all for.  She remembered Forest's little comment about how something in Law's mind scared the vampire.  The Changeling knew that there was someone else sharing Law's mind, body, and soul with him, but it didn't trouble her as much as Archer did.

"Oi, lad. Ya sure ya wanna hook up with him?" The blue-haired Irishman with the very bright Hawaiian shirt said, "I wouldn't trust him. Believe me, I've seen what he's done."

Thank the Lord and Lady, someone with sense!

She turned towards him and said, "I don't trust him as far as I can throw him.  And what has he done?"

Forest folded her arms around her chest, lifted one eyebrow, grinned and said, "I want to hear what Captain Bondagepants did too."


"I just am concerned about your well being, old friend," Saber said as they walked up the steps together, "And I have a feeling that this is not going to be something we can just do with ease."

"Fine fine, I'll listen... geez, half the fun of this is not knowing what happens." Law crossed his arms, waiting for Cu's response. "I've pulled this in the past and it turned out alright..."

Archer's face grew grim. He might end up losing his best chance at a Master, barring Rin falling from the heavens on him.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2279 on: April 04, 2015, 03:18:14 AM »

"Yeah thanks.  I appreciate that. Ill meet you here tomorrow.  Good luck with your duel." Roxas said.

He would like to hang out with Vanguard a bit more but he's right, he needs to find shelter.  The first step to that of course would be to find a job.  He was a bit worried because he did almost die but Vanguard is more than strong enough to take care of himself.  Besides, he has to worry about himself first.  He began walking away, looking for work.