Author Topic: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page  (Read 495819 times)


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #4995 on: February 08, 2014, 04:34:19 PM »
Tywin approved!

Cherry Lover

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #4996 on: February 08, 2014, 05:20:18 PM »
OK, Lantz, What the fuck? How could Satoshi tell the golems were outside, (Smelling them is bullshit honestly), the others were more than capable of handling it.

Well, he knows them quite well, so it's not entirely implasible that he'd detect their magical signature, although I am not entirely sure how he got out there before Rider, Lancer and Mille had finished off the lot, and honestly there's a good chance one of them would kill the warrior that Toshi sent back anyway, since he's not informed us what he is doing.

But, aside from that, so what if we are capable of handling it? Rider could probably kill the whole lot herself, but I'm not complaining about Lancer or Mille helping. Why is it such a problem if Toshi deals with a few of them?

For another thing, his note is going to get tossed in the trash, because who the fuck is going to believe the ravings of an obvious madman that was put in the letter? Really, this is why we don't enjoy RP'ing with you, you pull shit like this for no obvious reason.

Magos, you are not RPing Caster, so stop presuming how she's going to act.

Also, from one royal to another doesn't make sense as Satoshi is out of the line of succession through conquest to the actual throne of Great Britan. He can't claim Northern Ireland, England, or Scotland, just Wales, and that title is already taken. Really he's just posturing and his entire note makes no damn sense.

Well, if King Arthur were to suddenly reappear, I suspect a lot of people would at very least recognise him as a King, if not as the King of Britain. So, I think it is not unreasonable
« Last Edit: February 08, 2014, 05:21:14 PM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #4997 on: February 08, 2014, 05:38:25 PM »
I did exactly as I said I would a day or so ago. Frankly Arch you have no bearing on what I choose to do with my characters and given your active hostility I am not inclined to field your objections as valid.

that said he is on another side of the house and I pulled off the spell to send him back as I said I would


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #4998 on: February 08, 2014, 06:04:57 PM »
We rockin' with the power of the Horde now.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #4999 on: February 08, 2014, 06:56:05 PM »
Under spoiler tag for your convenience. (You don't have to read it if you're not lantz.)

Spoiler for Hiden:
You know, at first, I saw Satoshi's character sheet and pulled a grimace. I thought, "oh, well, probably just a  comedy character..." When it appeared that it wasn't the case, I naively hoped, "Whatever, he probably won't abuse it anyway." Then, when it was clear I was wrong, I just shrugged and went, "good thing he's not an antagonist." Eventually I just decide to not pay attention to the character anymore. I wanted to be nice and all so I kept silent on past stuff which irked me. But today, sadly, I can't.

Because enough is enough.

First, allow me to ask you something, Lantz. I would like to know what you think when you look at Satoshi, lantz. All I see there, and it is my right to think so, are, in essence, all the elements of a bad self-insert character. (Granted, Satoshi isn't named after you (I hope), but since you showed unable to make a distinction between your thought process and your character's on numerous instances in this very thread, I think it's fair to imply at least that much)

Your character's too perfect and thus, boring. He is, as Arch repeated enough times for even a monkey to understand the concept, a Mary Sue. His personality is alien to me. I don't even understand why he does/says half the stuff he does//says. He feels unnatural and conceited. And he's a clusterfuck of nonsense power-wise. Seriously. I am in absolute awe with the fact that you could create such an OC without laughing at how ridiculous he looks like on paper. He's better than everyone at almost everything. He's morally better than everyone too, and in the rare case when he's cornered about a mistake, he only apologizes for it while saying, I would do it again. His apologies are thus void of any meaning. The guy's not gonna take any advices as something of worth and won't ever improve upon feedback. Ever. Only gonna shrug it off, because well, he knows better than these low level scums. Kinda reminds me of someone, strangely. He's supposedly a wise man but have proved jack about it so far. Characterization IC is a far cry from his description.

Stop pulling stuff out of your arse. For your own good. STOP. This both looks stupid and convenient when he has (yet again) another ace up sleeve. Especially worse, when it's not the first time people told you to modify the content of your character sheet in order to avoid that kind of issue again. (Which you didn't touch, btw) HOW THE FREAKING FUCK CAN HE KNOW ABOUT CASTER?? He wasn't even born when she was around. Unless she survived the HGW (must have been hell of a boring event if all the Servants made it out alive btw), and in that case, you're at fault for not providing a proper background for Satoshi. Actually, you shoul edit your RP post about the fucking letter. Because if he damn knows about Caster, he should also know that she has the means to see through her familiars anyway. (without forgetting that spherical display for that matter) Also, the heck is that smelling ability of his?? Where does that come from? Why is he able to control a puppet already in Caster's control?? (Another couple of powers bestowed upon the 'Prince of Knights' randomly since they are not on your character sheet) Familiars aren't freaking post/mailmen either. Why the hell did you do that? And'Prince of Knights' sounds rather empty nowadays. Why does he even use it? It's enough if he mentions being of Pendragon's lineage.

Why does your character sheet says 'human' anyway? He's nothing like a human at all. 'Cause your dude is as strong as a Saber Servant, is nigh immortal, immunized to magecraft, charismatic to the point Gengis Khan would love one of his autograph, has keen senses and general awareness on par with Fujino's Clairvoyance, possesses a RM (probably has applications I would rather not want to know) which are supposed to take centuries to develop, mystic codes, is a master of numerous fighting styles, can transform into a Kamen Rider, and I'll stop there because it should be obvious were I'm going. Even anomalies, by Nasuverse standards, aren't that good. He's a ridiculous mutant, not a human.

Another thing. Stop feeling the need to have him everywhere. There was no point in him running outside. Two freaking Servants and a Magical Girl are largely overkill for a bunch of animated bones already. There's no reason for him to be everywhere. I also like how he missed what seemed like a wounded girl walking with difficulty in order to play skeleton fedex. Scream heroic dude all you want, that's not how one would act.

Also, your character sheets. EDIT THEM. NO, REWRITE THEM. At least Satoshi's if you're too lazy for the whole set. Not later, nor tomorrow. As soon as you're on. And do it properly. Since I'm in a rather good mood, I'll even tell you what needs to be done;

Present at least a detailed wall of text about what happened in your personal verse, lantz. (Including, the HGW events and results, what happened afterwards AND Satoshi's personal story, his full set of abilities and how come he came to obtain stuff like Clarent. Also I would really appreciate an explication as to why he does have more charisma than Arturia when she had enough to LEAD A COUNTRY. Same goes for the Herakles tier stats and stuff like Magic Resistance A, is there even a justification for them? And the Reality Marble? What is it? How does it work? Why does he even have one to begin with? Why didn't he get a Sealing Designation for it? Also, how can he use Avalon's healing abilities to that level when he's not Saber.(I'm not talking about how he's immortal but about the reason he can heal people with it)

Why didn't he age in that two thousands years plan?

 Why does he need so much artifacts and magic relics when he clearly can face basically the whole Nasuverse (save few things I could count on half a hand) by himself? (I should probably praise you for not using MEoDP but, you get a minus for having a character which can control other PCs. So, no deal.)

That kind of stuff should be addressed asap. And don't post it here. Edit your character sheet so that everyone will be able to find the information needed with ease. Feel free to complain about how I was mean to you, your family, pets and neighbors if you want. As long as it provides you any motivation in doing what people asked you to do for weeks, I'm satisfied.

Fix your mess. Or accept to be heavily criticized each time your lacking sheets (meaning your own laziness) get in the way of Satoshi saving the day like a shounen protagonist infatuated with his own arse.

tldr(as I'm sure you won't even bother reading through the whole thing);

Edit your character sheet, adding pertinent information regarding Satoshi's universe and a precise and full listing of his abilities and effects. Same thing for his weapons. Stop making up new abilities every three posts. Have him act in character. He's wise and shit, prove it instead of claiming it. You don't need him to interact with everyone who could be part of his universe. You don't need him everywhere and save/heal everyone. (Especially the dead or bad guys) Edit that damn character sheet.

Hopefully you will take at heart only what really matters.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #5000 on: February 08, 2014, 07:04:40 PM »
Under spoiler tag for your convenience. (You don't have to read it if you're not lantz.)

Spoiler for Hiden:
You know, at first, I saw Satoshi's character sheet and pulled a grimace. I thought, "oh, well, probably just a  comedy character..." When it appeared that it wasn't the case, I naively hoped, "Whatever, he probably won't abuse it anyway." Then, when it was clear I was wrong, I just shrugged and went, "good thing he's not an antagonist." Eventually I just decide to not pay attention to the character anymore. I wanted to be nice and all so I kept silent on past stuff which irked me. But today, sadly, I can't.

Because enough is enough.

First, allow me to ask you something, Lantz. I would like to know what you think when you look at Satoshi, lantz. All I see there, and it is my right to think so, are, in essence, all the elements of a bad self-insert character. (Granted, Satoshi isn't named after you (I hope), but since you showed unable to make a distinction between your thought process and your character's on numerous instances in this very thread, I think it's fair to imply at least that much)

Your character's too perfect and thus, boring. He is, as Arch repeated enough times for even a monkey to understand the concept, a Mary Sue. His personality is alien to me. I don't even understand why he does/says half the stuff he does//says. He feels unnatural and conceited. And he's a clusterfuck of nonsense power-wise. Seriously. I am in absolute awe with the fact that you could create such an OC without laughing at how ridiculous he looks like on paper. He's better than everyone at almost everything. He's morally better than everyone too, and in the rare case when he's cornered about a mistake, he only apologizes for it while saying, I would do it again. His apologies are thus void of any meaning. The guy's not gonna take any advices as something of worth and won't ever improve upon feedback. Ever. Only gonna shrug it off, because well, he knows better than these low level scums. Kinda reminds me of someone, strangely. He's supposedly a wise man but have proved jack about it so far. Characterization IC is a far cry from his description.

Stop pulling stuff out of your arse. For your own good. STOP. This both looks stupid and convenient when he has (yet again) another ace up sleeve. Especially worse, when it's not the first time people told you to modify the content of your character sheet in order to avoid that kind of issue again. (Which you didn't touch, btw) HOW THE FREAKING FUCK CAN HE KNOW ABOUT CASTER?? He wasn't even born when she was around. Unless she survived the HGW (must have been hell of a boring event if all the Servants made it out alive btw), and in that case, you're at fault for not providing a proper background for Satoshi. Actually, you shoul edit your RP post about the fucking letter. Because if he damn knows about Caster, he should also know that she has the means to see through her familiars anyway. (without forgetting that spherical display for that matter) Also, the heck is that smelling ability of his?? Where does that come from? Why is he able to control a puppet already in Caster's control?? (Another couple of powers bestowed upon the 'Prince of Knights' randomly since they are not on your character sheet) Familiars aren't freaking post/mailmen either. Why the hell did you do that? And'Prince of Knights' sounds rather empty nowadays. Why does he even use it? It's enough if he mentions being of Pendragon's lineage.

Why does your character sheet says 'human' anyway? He's nothing like a human at all. 'Cause your dude is as strong as a Saber Servant, is nigh immortal, immunized to magecraft, charismatic to the point Gengis Khan would love one of his autograph, has keen senses and general awareness on par with Fujino's Clairvoyance, possesses a RM (probably has applications I would rather not want to know) which are supposed to take centuries to develop, mystic codes, is a master of numerous fighting styles, can transform into a Kamen Rider, and I'll stop there because it should be obvious were I'm going. Even anomalies, by Nasuverse standards, aren't that good. He's a ridiculous mutant, not a human.

Another thing. Stop feeling the need to have him everywhere. There was no point in him running outside. Two freaking Servants and a Magical Girl are largely overkill for a bunch of animated bones already. There's no reason for him to be everywhere. I also like how he missed what seemed like a wounded girl walking with difficulty in order to play skeleton fedex. Scream heroic dude all you want, that's not how one would act.

Also, your character sheets. EDIT THEM. NO, REWRITE THEM. At least Satoshi's if you're too lazy for the whole set. Not later, nor tomorrow. As soon as you're on. And do it properly. Since I'm in a rather good mood, I'll even tell you what needs to be done;

Present at least a detailed wall of text about what happened in your personal verse, lantz. (Including, the HGW events and results, what happened afterwards AND Satoshi's personal story, his full set of abilities and how come he came to obtain stuff like Clarent. Also I would really appreciate an explication as to why he does have more charisma than Arturia when she had enough to LEAD A COUNTRY. Same goes for the Herakles tier stats and stuff like Magic Resistance A, is there even a justification for them? And the Reality Marble? What is it? How does it work? Why does he even have one to begin with? Why didn't he get a Sealing Designation for it? Also, how can he use Avalon's healing abilities to that level when he's not Saber.(I'm not talking about how he's immortal but about the reason he can heal people with it)

Why didn't he age in that two thousands years plan?

 Why does he need so much artifacts and magic relics when he clearly can face basically the whole Nasuverse (save few things I could count on half a hand) by himself? (I should probably praise you for not using MEoDP but, you get a minus for having a character which can control other PCs. So, no deal.)

That kind of stuff should be addressed asap. And don't post it here. Edit your character sheet so that everyone will be able to find the information needed with ease. Feel free to complain about how I was mean to you, your family, pets and neighbors if you want. As long as it provides you any motivation in doing what people asked you to do for weeks, I'm satisfied.

Fix your mess. Or accept to be heavily criticized each time your lacking sheets (meaning your own laziness) get in the way of Satoshi saving the day like a shounen protagonist infatuated with his own arse.

tldr(as I'm sure you won't even bother reading through the whole thing);

Edit your character sheet, adding pertinent information regarding Satoshi's universe and a precise and full listing of his abilities and effects. Same thing for his weapons. Stop making up new abilities every three posts. Have him act in character. He's wise and shit, prove it instead of claiming it. You don't need him to interact with everyone who could be part of his universe. You don't need him everywhere and save/heal everyone. (Especially the dead or bad guys) Edit that damn character sheet.

Hopefully you will take at heart only what really matters.
Damn Daiki. That's pretty much as on point as it could possibly be. Read it Lantz, for the love of god.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #5001 on: February 08, 2014, 07:23:07 PM »
Sorry but I have read it. Nice thought but I don't agree with many points and frankly I have been burned repeatedly trying to explain things so I won't be adding a massive ton to my sheet even if it would allow me to do so.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #5002 on: February 08, 2014, 07:26:40 PM »
But, adding more to your sheet would stop the 'burning'; that was what Daiki was saying.
Spoiler for Hiden:


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #5003 on: February 08, 2014, 07:43:30 PM »
Tech limits are something out of my control mooncake and when I tried to use the oc thread to get around that I was attacked. If people would listen and stop harassing me when I go to explain I would be willing to try yet again to explain. Sadly I am constantly attacked when I try, thus I am not inclined to think that trying to explain will be anything more than a waste of time.

Cherry Lover

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #5004 on: February 08, 2014, 07:46:41 PM »
Well, I'm not sure what the tech limits are, but if there is a real problem you can always send the edited sheet to me or any member of the moderation team and we can put it in place for you.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #5005 on: February 08, 2014, 07:49:24 PM »
Tech limits are something out of my control mooncake and when I tried to use the oc thread to get around that I was attacked. If people would listen and stop harassing me when I go to explain I would be willing to try yet again to explain. Sadly I am constantly attacked when I try, thus I am not inclined to think that trying to explain will be anything more than a waste of time.
We do listen, and criticism isn't harassment, despite your claims. So just get all that shit down so we can actually evaluate and know what he can and cannot do; otherwise I'd say Elf would be well within her rights to just bar you from the RP due to both her and the rest of us repeatedly telling you to work on your sheets.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #5006 on: February 08, 2014, 08:11:52 PM »
Revenant vitae too weak for Kindred, right?


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #5007 on: February 08, 2014, 08:32:42 PM »
Revenant vitae too weak for Kindred, right?

It's too weak to create more Kindred or create Ghouls, but you still have a functional Blood Potency of 1 if someone commits diablerie on you.

You still count as having proper Vitae, so if an elder wants to om nom you they can.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Rules for Revenants
Unless noted below, revenants function
identically to Kindred.
Blood Potency: Consider a revenant’s Blood
Potency 1, and it may not increase.
Vitae: Revenants can store a number of Vitae
equal to five plus their Stamina. Each night upon
waking, they lose all their stored Vitae, and awaken
starved. Often, the loss of Vitae takes the form of
sweating out their stolen blood as they sleep.
Clan: Revenants have no clan, so they have no
clan banes.
Disciplines: Revenants may only learn Disciplines
as out-of-clan, and cannot learn clan-specific
Disciplines without a teacher. They may never
learn Devotions, blood sorceries, or Coils or Scales
of the Dragon.
Humanity: A Revenant starts with Humanity 7.
The Embrace: Revenants can create neither
revenants nor Kindred.
Contamination: Revenant blood cannot sustain
ghouls or establish blood bonds.
Diablerie: While they do not gain the normal
benefits of diablerie, Amaranth will uplift a
revenant into a vampire of the victim’s clan.
Blood Sympathy: Revenants have a +5 die
bonus to all blood sympathy rolls to their sires,
instead of +3. Often, city officials use revenants as
bloodhounds to find their illegitimate sires.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #5008 on: February 08, 2014, 08:43:23 PM »
That's helpful, thanks Aiden.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #5009 on: February 08, 2014, 10:23:54 PM »
Alright since events are starting to sync up now I'm going to write up the Summoning Circle's failure.  Since it's a big event like I said most people who can recognize magic are going to be able to notice it going on regardless of what they are currently doing. Just letting you all know.