Author Topic: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page  (Read 460635 times)

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1290 on: November 21, 2013, 10:08:49 PM »
Magos, you do know that if Lawrence does anything to Kiyoshi then Sakura will make sure he pays dearly for it, regardless of how strong he is...?
Yeah, and she can bring it. There's certain things she can't stop after all, and Kiyoshi's made his own bed on this one if he keeps ignoring the fact that what he did was risky as hell, could have gotten someone killed  that wasn't a target (Which for a Sin-eater is a sin. Premeditated murder is justified, because all too often the people who create angry spirits are serial killers, and there are things that just need to die) and he's not realizing that there's no 'good guys and bad guys.' when it comes to killing. It doesn't matter after they're dead, but sometimes people need to be put down.

Fun fact - Lawrence knows he fucked up, but he's got a damn good reason as to why he's fucked up.

And mike - you're wrong, especially with a long gun, and how Lawrence was holding it. What that hit would have done was jostle the firearm - and wouldn't have knocked it more than maybe a few degrees off target. What DID knock it off target was the flinch from getting his arm cut open combined with the jolt of the impact on the tip of the gun - you want to shift it you aim for the center stupid - and he got lucky on that one.. the thing about shooting a gun out of someone's hand is bullshit, aside from specialized sniper teams who practice YEARS to pull that shit off, and it only works with pistols unless you aim for the hands. And even then has a chance of setting the gun off.

TLDR: Don't talk about shit you don't know Mike.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2013, 10:16:19 PM by Arch-Magos Winter »

Cherry Lover

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1291 on: November 21, 2013, 10:22:59 PM »
Yeah, sorry, but Lawrence's cynical attitude to people is not one that Kiyoshi is going to accept. By that logic Sakura should be dead. And, Kiyoshi is not "making his own bed", Lawrence is being an arrogant prick who can't accept that he might sometimes be wrong. If Lawrence wants to be thrown out of the house if not outright killed, then I guess he can go ahead, but I doubt anyone is going to look favourably on him treating a young child in that manner just because he can't accept his own mistakes.

And, I find it hard to believe that hitting the gun, especially a long gun on the end, would only knock it off a few degrees. It's basic physics. Also, at the distance he was shooting from you only need to knock it about 6 degrees off target for the shot to miss. That is definitely doable.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2013, 10:25:25 PM by Cherry Lover »

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1292 on: November 21, 2013, 10:25:10 PM »
Just remember everyone, the argument is IC. Don't carry it over here.

Whoever is arrogant or naive, that's in the RP.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1293 on: November 21, 2013, 10:26:41 PM »
Well, it's not entirely IC, since Arch seems to enjoy making ridiculously OP characters and then using them to fuck up the game for anyone he doesn't like, or at least to force them to follow his intentions.

I don't mind my characters having problems, but I do mind Arch acting like he has a right to demand they act in a certain way and punish them without consequence if they don't.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1294 on: November 21, 2013, 10:37:58 PM »
Yeah, sorry, but Lawrence's cynical attitude to people is not one that Kiyoshi is going to accept. By that logic Sakura should be dead. And, Kiyoshi is not "making his own bed", Lawrence is being an arrogant prick who can't accept that he might sometimes be wrong.

And, I find it hard to believe that hitting the gun, especially a long gun on the end, would only knock it off a few degrees. It's basic physics. Also, at the distance he was shooting from you only need to knock it about 6 degrees off target for the shot to miss. That is definitely doable.
Yeah, six degrees is doable, but hard. Just hitting the thing isn't usually enough, shoving it is better. You seem to forget people hold long guns with BOTH HANDS to keep it steady, and they're also pressed against the shoulder for extra support. Knocking someone off balance would be a more reliable method.

He's making his own bed by being an idiot about HF Shirou's logic which you seem to be aping him in. It's the same logic that in this case really doesn't apply well to the scenario. Lawrence, with his limited knowledge at the time, acted in the method that would be most likely to prevent a future disaster. He's not going to apologize about doing something that if he hadn't done, could have resulted in the entire city being destroyed.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1295 on: November 21, 2013, 10:38:44 PM »
Well, it's not entirely IC, since Arch seems to enjoy making ridiculously OP characters and then using them to fuck up the game for anyone he doesn't like, or at least to force them to follow his intentions.

I don't mind my characters having problems, but I do mind Arch acting like he has a right to demand they act in a certain way and punish them without consequence if they don't.
...You mean like Lantz does?


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1296 on: November 21, 2013, 10:41:02 PM »
It's magic is my explanation Arch.

side note Mike is right, Kiyoshi is a kid also I do find this Raul guy to be rather overpowered in particular but earlier blaming Connor because Lawrence can't tell the difference between an illusion and reality  was uncalled for. If I'm honest I believe my characters are being targeted.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1297 on: November 21, 2013, 10:47:00 PM »
But you created Connor after Lawrence, with a very specific trait that would, had you read Lawrence's sheet, make him target Connor as soon as detect him.

Of course a clash was going to happen. Even I saw it coming, and I'd barely skimmed the sheets.

And illusions being confused as reality is kind of their point. Makes for a bad illusion if everyone can immediately see through it.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2013, 10:48:39 PM by NamesAreHardToComeUpWith »

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1298 on: November 21, 2013, 10:53:42 PM »
It's magic is my explanation Arch.

side note Mike is right, Kiyoshi is a kid also I do find this Raul guy to be rather overpowered in particular but earlier blaming Connor because Lawrence can't tell the difference between an illusion and reality  was uncalled for. If I'm honest I believe my characters are being targeted.
...OK. Let me point this out to you, and I want you to think about this for five seconds - When in the ever loving hell would to people with extra dimensional perception, looking like a chthuloid abomination ever be a good idea? Walking around like that all the time is basically the stupidest thing I could ever imagine doing in a world like this because even though he might not be an entity from beyond the stars, people who don't know that and assume he is will act accordingly. Better to look normal all the time than appear to be something you're not. Lawrence is blaming Connor for being an idiot about this, nearly getting both of them killed, and then walking off without a scratch and claiming he's in the right.

For that matter, I find it hypocracy that you can bring Satoshi to the table, an invicible superhuman who's really 2000 years old and you won't ever let be defeated, and then turn around and call Raul OP. For that matter, Elf has said he's fine so fucking drop it.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1299 on: November 21, 2013, 11:11:21 PM »
I didn't create him after names, I posted his sheet after and I don't read other's sheets  looking for their weaknesses and traits to exploit them.

reality warping is overpowered.

Seriously in the future just leave my characters alone dude.

and fyi Connor isn't a resident of the nexus so he doesn't encounter extra dimensional creatures 99.9% of the time.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1300 on: November 21, 2013, 11:18:30 PM »
I didn't create him after names, I posted his sheet after and I don't read other's sheets  looking for their weaknesses and traits to exploit them.

reality warping is overpowered.

Seriously in the future just leave my characters alone dude.

and fyi Connor isn't a resident of the nexus so he doesn't encounter extra dimensional creatures 99.9% of the time.
You don't get to demand anything like that Lantz.

And while he doesn't, its' still not something smart to do at all.

Cherry Lover

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1301 on: November 21, 2013, 11:18:44 PM »
Yeah, six degrees is doable, but hard. Just hitting the thing isn't usually enough, shoving it is better. You seem to forget people hold long guns with BOTH HANDS to keep it steady, and they're also pressed against the shoulder for extra support. Knocking someone off balance would be a more reliable method.

Well, Kiyoshi hardly had much time to react. And, knocking him off-balance would have the same problem as hitting the gun would, at least given the position Kiyoshi was in and the fact that he's eleven.

He's making his own bed by being an idiot about HF Shirou's logic which you seem to be aping him in.

Gee, amazing how an eleven-year-old kid tends to listen to his father's beliefs, isn't it...?

It's the same logic that in this case really doesn't apply well to the scenario.

It applies perfectly well to this case. Lawrence jumped in there too damn quickly. Further, you are completely ignoring Kiyoshi's side of this. Lawrence just jumped in there and started shooting randomly for no apparent reason. Kiyoshi had no reason whatsoever not to stop him.

Lawrence, with his limited knowledge at the time, acted in the method that would be most likely to prevent a future disaster. He's not going to apologize about doing something that if he hadn't done, could have resulted in the entire city being destroyed.

And Kiyoshi acted in the way that was most likely to save Connor's life. He's not about to apologise for that either.

Well, it's not entirely IC, since Arch seems to enjoy making ridiculously OP characters and then using them to fuck up the game for anyone he doesn't like, or at least to force them to follow his intentions.

I don't mind my characters having problems, but I do mind Arch acting like he has a right to demand they act in a certain way and punish them without consequence if they don't.
...You mean like Lantz does?

Regardless of whether or not Lantz does do that, it does not mean you should, especially not if you're doing it to prove a point or anything similar. Also, whilst Lantz's characters are quite powerful, he's not really using them to cause trouble for everyone else.

...OK. Let me point this out to you, and I want you to think about this for five seconds - When in the ever loving hell would to people with extra dimensional perception, looking like a chthuloid abomination ever be a good idea?

He doesn't look like a "cthuloid abomination", though, not to anyone in his universe.

Walking around like that all the time is basically the stupidest thing I could ever imagine doing in a world like this because even though he might not be an entity from beyond the stars, people who don't know that and assume he is will act accordingly.

That is only true if you are aware of Lawrence's abilities, though. Connor is not and had no reason to be.

Better to look normal all the time than appear to be something you're not.

In Lawrence's universe, yes, in Connor's universe, no. In the Nexus it probably depends on who you meet....

Lawrence is blaming Connor for being an idiot about this, nearly getting both of them killed, and then walking off without a scratch and claiming he's in the right.

And Lawrence is being a hypocritical idiot. He is the one who rushed in there brandishing a shotgun without asking questions first because he didn't consider the fact that this is not his world. Connor had far less reason to suspect something would go wrong from him having his ability active than Lawrence did to suspect that there might be alternate explanations.

For that matter, I find it hypocracy that you can bring Satoshi to the table, an invicible superhuman who's really 2000 years old and you won't ever let be defeated, and then turn around and call Raul OP. For that matter, Elf has said he's fine so fucking drop it.

At least Satoshi is sitting in a castle and only interacting with people who want to interact with him, rather than bullying everyone else.

Also, Lantz will let Toshi be defeated, he just won't let him be killed. Which is perfectly within the rules of the RP.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2013, 11:20:24 PM by Cherry Lover »

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1302 on: November 21, 2013, 11:24:49 PM »
And Lawrence is being a hypocritical idiot. He is the one who rushed in there brandishing a shotgun without asking questions first because he didn't consider the fact that this is not his world. Connor had far less reason to suspect something would go wrong from him having his ability active than Lawrence did to suspect that there might be alternate explanations.
Wow, you just used your own argument for why Connor isn't in the wrong for why Lawrence is. The point is that both of them are wrong, but Lawrence was acting on what he knew about things that looked like Connor, that they're reality eating monsters of doom that need to be destroyed.

And lantz, I DON'T go looking around character sheets for weaknesses, just for information. And practically NONE of your sheets aside from Satoshi's have anything more than two or three details. It's frusterating as hell to me.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1303 on: November 21, 2013, 11:30:04 PM »
Considering that you seem to be forcing a loss for my characters with your characters arch I'm not inclined to accommodate a win from them. They will never die as a result of your characters actions as I refuse to have characters die pointlessly. Sorry Arch but I do not believe you.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1304 on: November 21, 2013, 11:32:38 PM »
Considering that you seem to be forcing a loss for my characters with your characters arch I'm not inclined to accommodate a win from them. They will never die as a result of your characters actions as I refuse to have characters die pointlessly. Sorry Arch but I do not believe you.
And I don't believe you when you said 'I won't let my characters die pointlessly' because you stated earlier you simply will never let them die for any reason.