Author Topic: Garo RP [OOC]  (Read 28834 times)


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Garo RP [OOC]
« on: March 13, 2015, 12:15:31 AM »

"Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns.

Yet by the blade of knights, mankind was given hope".

Since ancient times, the world has been assailed by the existence of Horrors. Beasts and demons, reflecting humanity's evils, lurk on the fringes of humanity as they feed off it. Capable of entering human reality, they possess humans and pose as them all the while consuming humans to sate their hunger. Perhaps this is how numerous pantheons of local gods came to be as living sacrifices of virgins are needed to appease their "wrath".

Humanity would not stand for this as the Makai Order stood up against the supernatural threat. The Makai Priests, with their martial arts and magical knowledge, have been on the forefront of resistance. Yet, Horrors have the might and cunning that they could not overcome alone. With craftsmanship and know-how, they crafted the magical armors and weapons with soul metal that soon made up the corps of Makai Knights. Soon outfitting these new members, these Knights exhibited martial prowess which soon evolved the priests into a supporting role. Yet, it worked and has worked for many years with the formation of the Makai Senate until this day.

Now this is the year of 2015. Reports of a surge of Horror activity worries the Order. Gale Knight Dorn and his priest partner find themselves outnumbered in their own domain. Watchdogs from Denver, Colorado call for Knights and Priests to help quell these monsters in order to claim the night for humanity. However, the question remains. Why is there an increase in Horrors lately? The answer may soon come to these agents of the Order. For now, they must assist their fellow Knight and Priest in the extermination of these demons.

Flashback to a couple years ago...

You are nearing the final days of your trainee period. You are reaching full maturity, nearly adults. To finally become a full-fledged member of the Order, a final test is required to complete. Take all you learned and apply it wisely, for many veteran Knights and Priests shall be looking upon your performance. And for some, a titled Knight may even pick one of you to carry on their legacy while giving you personal training and real-time experience or even a renown Priest may take you under his/her wing to share what knowledge he/she may possess. Good luck.

So, for the first arc you will all be RPing out your character's day on his final exam as his trainee. In this case, you will be making two templates. The normal template and the trainee version. The latter has fixed stats and disciplines and may lack specific equipment, so don't change it. Since after all, this is when you are younger and a complete novice at the time. So be sure to post the two templates. You all should be around 16 to 18 years old in this section.

Garo Character Races:

Makai Priests: Read this shit. They can make all sorts of spells. Despite what it states about the Tao, Carved Seals of Flames seems to dispute that. So just make whatever spells you want, within reason. Priests can fight as competent as Knights, but not as well as they are in their armors. Unless they've given into the Horrors or such influences. Can be taken.

Makai Knights: Read this shit. Generally Makai Knights are direct fighters that use Soul Metal weaponry capable of cutting through rock like butter and being as light as a feather. Their trump card is the suit of Makai Armor that can be used up to 99.9 seconds.

Knights can use spells, but not as well as Priests generally. Unless said knight is a genius in either discipline to be competent enough for either role. This is rare. Unfortunately, women cannot become Knights due to having more Yin than men who have Yang. Titled Knights are given more respect and generally are more competent knights. Can be taken.

Watchdogs: Read this shit. The regional administration that oversees the actions of Makai Knights and Makai Priests in the area. They delegate missions, serve as means of performing the Forced Expatriation ritual, and judge criminal members of the Order. Every one of these Watchdogs are magical beings that are not human, but generally take on a human form. Though some of them may have been human once, they stopped being so. Not available.

Horrors: Read this shit. Though no Mado Horrors. Needless to say, Makai Knights/Priests can become Horrors and would be tougher than your usual Horror. Not available.

Known Knight Titles that can be taken. GARO and the other Dark Knights maybe opened up later on.

ZERO the Silver Fanged Knight: Read this shit.

DAN the Midnight Sun Knight: Read this shit. Also check this shit to see what it looks like. Probably better picture what the armor looks like.

Storm Knight BADO: Read this shit.

Thunder Knight BARON: Read this shit.

Flash Knight LORD: Read this shit.

Sky Bow Knight GAI: Read this shit.

Flame Sword Knight ZEN: Read this shit.

Evil Bones Knight GIRU: Read this shit.

Stronghold Knight GAIA: Read this shit. Check this shit out.

Beast Body Knight GIGA: Read this shit.

Phantom Knight CROW: Check this shit.

Character Creation

Makai Knight Disciplines

Madou Fire: The manipulation and harnessing of Madou Fire. Makai Knights are capable of summoning fire or even using a madou lighter for it. These magical flames can be used to light oneself or their own weapon in order to add additional damage to Horrors. Each point in Madou Fire will add "conditional" points into Soul Metal Weapons and Makai Armor since they are used to light them up. A point here will mean an additional and temporary point onto Soul Metal Weapon ranks and Makai Armor Resistance buff stat when using it to light it up. A Makai Knight is capable of making long range wave-motion attacks with their flames. Or even make multiple cuts that hang flames in the air in arcs before launching them as projectiles.

Soul Metal Manipulation: The art of channeling and manipulating one's own will in order to make use of Soul Metal. Because this material responds to one's will, it allows it to become a formidable weapon against Horrors as it can be sharp enough to cut through a boulder and even be light as a feather. The opposite of those can be true as well. Greater skill in this means better manipulation of one's own Soul Metal weapon and possibly greater advantages in one's own Makai Armor. Points in here will mean points into one's own Soul Metal Weapon and additional buff points to allocate in one's own Makai Armor.

Martial Arts: Skills on making use of the body or other weapons as means to combat enemies. Becoming more and more competent in this discipline may lead to being more independent from using sorcery. Skill in martial arts is generally seen as an important part of basics for both Knights and Priests, with a huger emphasis on the former. This may be used to help physical inferior Knights and Priests to cope with stronger and faster enemies.

Sorcery: Discipline of using magical forces that relies on the manipulation of one's own Inga. It is the realm of Makai Priests as it is their bread and butter. Makai Knights rarely rely on this, but some may have taken it up out of necessity. Yet, they generally excel more in their martial skill as expected of them.

Makai Knight Equipment: Mahoui, Soul Metal Weapon, Madougu, Madou Lighter, or Optional Extra Weapon. Check this page.

Makai Priest Disciplines:

Magical Tinkering: The discipline of manufacturing magical technology. Including the Gouryou as necessary familiars or even repairing a Makai Knight's equipment. Or even tinkering with magical mechanics upon barriers or other magical constructs. Points here will dictate the max number rank a Priest can make.

Offensive Spells: Magical discipline of casting weaponized spells for the sake of harming enemies, usually Horrors. This can range from manipulating elements as a weapon against Horrors. Or even using pure magical blasts. These are generally spells made to attack.

Defensive Spells: Discipline of incanting spells to protect oneself from harm. This may range from erecting barriers or even illusions for self-defense.

Tracking/Scrying Spells: Spells from the discipline of tracking down targets or even discerning the nature of a certain interest. Mirrors are generally used for this. Anything with a clear surface may be used for it. One may use a Gouryou or Madou Tool together with such spells for the best effect.

Purification Spells: The purifying discipline to eliminate the essence of jaki, "evil energy". Jaki may attach itself to humans through direct contact. This may range from meandering about in an area full of it or even when combating Horrors. High levels of Purifications spells can even purify Soul Metal weapons of Makai Knights to form Horror Blades from the Horrors that were killed.

Sealing Spells: The thaumaturgical skill of restraint. This may be used to complicate movement of enemies and even Horrors. It may also be used to put a limiter on magical constructs in order to prevent needless and harmful complications. Some Sealing Spells are used to seal away the most notable of Horrors.

Healing Spells: The restoration of health and of the mind and soul. This discipline rarely has any offensive capabilities. Most are used to heal the maladies of the flesh. While some of it can also be used to help mend bits of the soul and mind affected by the supernatural. It is by no means an instant affair, which requires extended periods of time for some to finish.

Martial Arts: Skills on making use of the body or other weapons as means to combat enemies. Becoming more and more competent in this discipline may lead to being more independent from using sorcery. Skill in martial arts is generally seen as an important part of basics for both Knights and Priests, with a huger emphasis on the former.

Makai Priest Equipment: Mahoui, Madou Brush, Optional Gouryou, and other optional additional equipment. Check this page.


Strength: The physical quality of being strong. A focus on this means being able to physically lay out more damage at enemies or being capable of grappling others without having to rely too much on martial skill.

Speed: The rate of someone/something is able to move or operate. The more a person is speedier, the more likely they can more quickly lash out attacks, avoid attacks, or faster run through areas.

Agility: The ability to manipulate one's own body more ably. This is a characteristic more used by parkour traceurs. Also the extent of one's reflexes. More calm and calculating combatants generally tend to have higher agility on top of having martial skill.

Endurance: The physical toughness of an individual. The more endurance, the more this person can take up damage or survive it. They may even last longer in more physical-exerting activities.

Willpower: The mental sturdiness to see through things despite all physical challenges. This also plays in a situation in which it affects their mind, this includes illusions and the like. One could say it is a mental-resistance characteristic. But also something that is required to manipulate Soul Metal for Makai Knights.

Inga: The darkness in one's self. It is what attracts Horrors, but the Priests and the Knights are capable of harnessing it to cast magical spells or use special abilities. In other words, this is the Mana stat which provides fuel for your spells. Your spell/technique point ranks are the cost of the spell/technique you wish to use. If your spell is one point rank, then it costs one point off your Inga stat. You may recover Inga overtime in the RP by not casting spells or become involved in magical intricacies by one point for each post that uses no magic.

Number Ranks: A lot of equipment, stats, and disciplines are on the Number Rank scale. This will show the general level of what your Character is capable of in certain aspects. The numbers will go up from 1 to 10, normally. Of course, it is possible to go over 10 if Makai Armor is used or some form of thaumaturgy is being utilized. These numbers will be divided between 6 Letter Ranks (F to A). Yay, letter ranks like in Nasuverse). Just note that ICly Number Ranks or the Letter Ranks aren't generally mentioned even in canon. So just don't go like saying, "IT'S A B RANK SPELL!" Or some shit like that. But yeah, spells will generally take a number of posts to cast. Also no need to put Letter Ranks in your sheets. It's just to give you a clear scale of where you are.
  • A: 9-10 Takes four posts to cast.
  • B: 7-8 Takes three posts to cast.
  • C: 5-6 Takes two posts to cast.
  • D: 3-4 Takes one post to cast.
  • E: 1-2. Can cast immediately.

Character Creation Rules:
  • I will grade these sheets with other volunteers. I will try to work with what you want if possible. But I ask you try to set up your stuff to be within reason.
  • You may use left over points to spend into Equipment, Statistics, and Disciplines. You may spend them to make new Equipments and Disciplines, other than spending them in existing equipment, statistics, and disciplines. However, new equipment and disciplines will start from 0.
  • Makai Knights do not use firearms. Keep it to anachronistic weaponry. Bows and arrows are allowed. Though crossbows can also be used.
  • Makai Priests may use magi-tech. To some degree. Like how Rian uses a pistol. But still subject to scrutiny.
  • Knights can keep a bottle of Time Reverter potion that does not have to be list. However, they may only be used once per day/session.

  • Makai Armor use may last for 10 posts. After that is up, you must wait ten posts or or the end of the session to re-use it again.
  • Makai Knights that wish to use elemental abilities may need to invest in the Sorcery Discipline. In the case of Bado the Storm Knight.
  • The increase of the Resistant Stat of the Makai Armor applies to the Mahoui.
  • Remember, Special Abilities are optional for both Character Types.
  • In regards to the Trainee templates, you are stuck with these reduced stats as I put down for now. I mean this is when your knight/priest is still in training. So after this one arc, you will switch to the normal template for Knights and Priests.
  • Feel free to ask any questions.

Makai Knight Template:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Code: [Select]
[i][u]Basic Information[/u][/i]
[b]Image:[/b] (Optional)


[i][u]Statistics[/u][/i] (Total of 4 points to spend, 6 if titled, no more than 7 points in one statistic.)

[b]Strength:[/b] 4

[b]Speed:[/b] 4

[b]Agility:[/b] 4

[b]Endurance:[/b] 4

[b]Willpower:[/b] 4

[b]Inga:[/b] 7



[b]Soul Metal Weapon (Weapon Type):[/b]
[b]Number Rank:[/b] (No need to put points here, but it shall reflect how many points you have in [i]Soul Metal Manipulation[/i])

[b]Makai Armor (Titleless/<Insert Title>):[/b]
[b]Description:[/b] Suit of armor made of soul metal requiring a mastery in Soul Metal Discipline. While lasting at best 99.9 seconds, it gives the wearer an increase of physical output and even additional protection from magical assault. A titled knight may have specific abilities tied with the armor.

<Insert appearance description of the armor and what abilities it may have as a Knight>

[i]Stats Increased:[/i] (Titled Knights may allocate additional 6 more points on either of the increases. No more than 5 points on either increases. Be sure it reflects the title. You may have additional points to allocate if you put points past the base 2 points on the [i]Soul Metal Manipulation[/i] Discipline.)

[b]Strength:[/b] +3

[b]Speed:[/b] +3

[b]Agility:[/b]  +3

[b]Endurance:[/b] +3

[b]Resistance:[/b] +3

[b]Soul Metal Weapon:[/b] +3

[b]Madou Lighter (Color):[/b]
[b]Description:[/b] The Victorian-styled lighter that lights up with magical fire. At most has a minimal number of charges. Can be used to set Horrors on fire, set weapons and Makai Armor on fire for additional damage, to discern Horrors from humans by holding it near their eyes, and even used for healing with the [i]Time-Reverter Potion[/i].

[i]Charges:[/i] 3. (Left-over points can be put here if you wish to increase the charges.)

[b]Description:[/b] Magical cloth that has been weaved together into a long coat. The trademark of a Makai Knight along with their Soul Metal weaponry and armor. It may have a Crest on the back to show where the Knight belongs to. These coats provide some magical protection besides serving as uniforms.

[i]Resistance:[/i] 1. (Left-over points can be put here if you wish to increase the resistance.)

[b]Madou Jewelry (Name):[/b]
[b]Description:[/b] Magical and sentient jewelry that serve as mystical advisers of Makai lore, Horrors, and other important knowledge. They are mostly used as Horror-sensing devices for the Makai Knights. Or even divine the nature of some mystical construct. They all have their own shapes and forms as jewelry and also a personality to go along with it.

<Insert description of what the piece of jewelry looks like and the personality>


[i][u]Disciplines:[/u][/i] (Total of 3 points to spend, 5 if titled, no more than 3 points in one discipline)

[i]Madou Fire:[/i]
[i]Number Rank:[/i] 2
[i]Description:[/i] [i]See the OP[/i]

[i]Soul Metal Manipulation:[/i]
[i]Number Rank:[/i] 2
[i]Description:[/i] [i]See the OP[/i]

[i]Martial Arts:[/i]
[i]Number Rank:[/i] 3 (Start with 4 if Titled)
[i]Description:[/i] [i]See the OP[/i]

[i]Number Rank:[/i] 0
[i]Description:[/i] [i]See the OP[/i]

[i]Special Ability (<Insert Name Here>):[/i]
[i]Number Rank:[/i] 0
[i]Description:[/i] [i]Describe your Special Ability.[/i]

[i][u]Spells:[/u][/i] (Section is optional and maximum number of each spell type equals points in said discipline. This also includes Special Abilities as well. Spells for sorcery. Techniques for Special Abilities.)

[b]Number Rank:[/b] (Reflects Points from related Disciplines)

Makai Priest Template:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Code: [Select]
[i][u]Basic Information[/u][/i]
[b]Image:[/b] (Optional)


[i][u]Statistics[/u][/i] (Total of 4 points to spend, no more than 5 points in one statistic.)

[b]Strength:[/b] 2

[b]Speed:[/b] 2

[b]Agility:[/b] 2

[b]Endurance:[/b] 2

[b]Willpower:[/b] 2

[b]Inga:[/b] 15



[b]Madou Brush:[/b]
[b]Description:[/b] The basic spell-casting tool for Makai Priests. Basically their Swiss-Army Knife as it can also be used to interact with magical constructs and the like. To be able to interact such things with the brushes requires Inga points to be spent depending on the situation. While also serving as that, the brush tip can also be used to damage targets through physical contact so as long as Inga points are spent on it. There is no limit for it.

[b]Description:[/b] Magical cloth that has been weaved together into clothing. These garbs provide some magical protection besides serving as uniforms.

[i]Resistance:[/i] 2.  (Left-over points can be put here if you wish to increase the resistance.)

[b]Gouryou:[/b] (Optional)
[b]Description:[/b] (What does it look like and what is its purpose?)
[b]Usefulness:[/b] (No need to allocate points here. It will reflect the [i]Magical Tinkering[/i] discipline, the number of points here is the number of points overall for its physical stats.)


[i][u]Disciplines:[/u][/i] (Total of 7 points to spend,  no more than 3 points in one discipline)

[i]Magical Tinkering:[/i]
[i]Number Rank:[/i] 1
[i]Description:[/i] [i]See the OP[/i]

[i]Offensive Spells:[/i]
[i]Number Rank:[/i] 1
[i]Description:[/i] [i]See the OP[/i]

[i]Defensive Spells:[/i]
[i]Number Rank:[/i] 1
[i]Description:[/i] [i]See the OP[/i]

[i]Tracking/Scrying Spells:[/i]
[i]Number Rank:[/i] 1
[i]Description:[/i] [i]See the OP[/i]

[i]Sealing Spells:[/i]
[i]Number Rank:[/i] 1
[i]Description:[/i] [i]See the OP[/i]

[i]Purification Spells:[/i]
[i]Number Rank:[/i] 1
[i]Description:[/i] [i]See the OP[/i]

[i]Healing Spells:[/i]
[i]Number Rank:[/i] 1
[i]Description:[/i] [i]See the OP[/i]

[i]Martial Arts:[/i]
[i]Number Rank:[/i] 2
[i]Description:[/i] [i]See the OP[/i]

[i]Special Ability (<Insert Name Here>):[/i]
[i]Number Rank:[/i] 0
[i]Description:[/i] [i]Describe your Special Ability.[/i]


[i][u]Spells/Techniques:[/u][/i] (Maximum number of each spell type equals points in said discipline. This also includes Special Abilities as well. Spells for sorceries and techniques for special abilities.)

[b]Number Rank:[/b] (Reflects Points from related Disciplines)

Makai Knight PC List

Makai Priest PC List

A note on location: Other than killing Horrors or finding stuff on the supernatural, I'm allowing the characters to roam around the city a bit to their own liking to allow some form of character development if you wish. Just be sure to state where you are at the top of your post like as in this example below.


Random letters that make post. Blah Blah Blah Blah...

A note on Madougu: You may have your sentient jewelry talk as much as you want. But I may use your madougu to give the necessary information on specific topics. As in, I may rp your madougu for just that one reason and only in that time. That way it can serve as your advisor. I will not do other things except give out information through your madougu. If you still do not like that, I may PM you the necessary information so you can rp your madougu out saying it on your own post before you make your post.

A note on Madou Lighters and Madou Fire: Since it's hard to tell discern the series' ambiguity with it, I'll allow people to make Madou Fire on their own without lighter. Meaning the amount of points in Madou Fire equals more damage bonus and also how many posts it lasts. Which means if you use all your points up, it will have the damage bonus of that many points and will last as many posts as that many points used. You also have an option to not use all your points. So this scales up or down the damage bonus and how much it lasts. The limit as to how long and the damage bonus is the amount of Madou Fire you have. You may regen points for it in the RP session for every 5 posts you don't use it.

That said, you have the Madou Lighter. Madou Lighters allow you to have a freebie. The number of charges you have on it are the number of flame uses you can use for free and with full damage bonus from the amount of points you put in Madou Fire discipline. But it will only last for five posts no matter what. And the number of charges will not regen until after the rp session. That said, you must use your Madou Fire to discern the identity of Horrors. Not without it. This uses up a charge as well as lighting yourself and your Soul Metal Weapon up and using it as a flamethrower.

A note on Illusion Spells and Willpower: While illusions are allowed, they may only last as many posts as many points there are in their point ranks. That said, points in the target's willpower may decrease the post count length of the illusion spell. For example, 3 points in illusion vs 2 points in Willpower. This will mean the illusion will last for one post on the target. As simple as that.

A note on the Makai Order's View of Humanity: Because their role is to protect Humans, they generally take their devotion to it to the point that no one in the Order are allowed to kill any humans or even harm them well it seems like you can punch them like Takeru exhibited lol. Break this rule, and extremely harsh punishments await you. Due this role as the ones who protect, they believe the matters of humanity should not be meddled by them. In other words, they should not mess with the public world at all. At best they can report criminals to public authorities under an anonymous tip. This focus on protecting Humans is a reason why GARO is so revered. The one who holds the title is the epitome of what the Order should stand for, as a protector.

Makai Order's View of Immortality: There seems to be a belief that having children and passing down the traditions of the Order is a form of immortality to them, interestingly enough. So there seems to be some emphasis on securing things for the future generations to come. This is most seen in Garo Honoo No Kokuin: "These feelings we inherit are true eternal life!"

Makai Order: There seems to be two significant governing bodies: The Watchdogs and The Council. The Watchdogs are the regional executives that organize agents of the Order to eliminate Horrors, to direct them in missions, and even perform the Forced Expatriation ritual for the Horrors that the Makai Knights seal away. Above all, they also play the role of a judge of Knights and Priests who have broken laws or committed heinous crimes. The Council seems to be a more direct governing body over the Makai Knights and Makai Priests. It is not clear if they're above the Watchdogs or are of the same power. Though it is clear that the Council makes the executive decisions of sorts.

Senatorial Knights: The most elite and accomplished Knights that the Order has to offer. They answer directly to the Senatorial Watchdogs without the usual Orders Document.

Makai Armor Time Limit: It is possible to go past the time limit for the Makai Armors, 10 posts in this case. Going over that however, means you will reach your Lost Soul Beast form. This is when your Makai Armor goes berserk and takes over your consciousness. While providing an enormous amount of power, you will lack the ability to discern from enemy to ally. Over time, the Armor will consume the wearer's soul. However, this transformation can be undone by hitting the Crest of the armor. Even so, this is a difficult task as this new monstrosity will be extraordinarily dangerous to deal with. Some Lost Soul Beast forms are seen with GARO. Seen from here or from here. Going through the Time Limit is also one of the requirements to become a Dark Knight. See Dark Knights.

Dark Knights: A heretical Knight that have fallen to their Inga. They may have given into Horrors and become ever more stronger because of it. They serve as one of the most dangerous threats to the Makai Order and are looked upon with much revulsion as they have given up their role as the one who protects. Some Dark Knights may have surpassed their Makai Armor Time Limit. Instead of allowing the armor to consume their souls, their very willpower and drive allowed them to rule their very own Inga to their own whims. By doing so would pervert the armor into a twisted form while also eliminating the Makai Armor Time Limit.

I ask that no one make a Dark Knight of their own just yet. But I am willing to allow people to become one through RP later on.

Darkness Hunters: As Nasuverse fans you may be familiar with the Enforcers and the Executors. That's pretty much what they are. They're enforcers that attempt to minimize corruption within the Order. Basically the Inquisition in a sense. So they will hunt down possessed or fallen Priests and Knights as their main duty. It seems that they have an unique ability to sense a person's Inga to discern their nature if they have fallen or not. Within the Order, they're feared and no one respects them. Perhaps because they do not hunt down Horrors, that is why they are treated as pariahs. They are the Order's machines. They generally lack emotions and must stay objective in their cause. As such they lack familiar bonds with anyone and generally are friendless.

Needless to say, Darkness Hunters are capable of martial arts on the Knight level (whether either Priest or Knight) and have an enormous amount of magical capability to fulfill roles as a Priest as well. This is partly why they are feared, they have the strength to back up their roles. Each Hunter works alone and rarely works in groups. You may learn more here. Bikuu is an example of one.

I shall open this up later on. So be patient please.

Phantom Knights/Shadowfolk: Covert group of Makai Knights full of operatives with no identity or title. They may be orphans with no known heritage. These operatives are the Order's black operatives, the ones that operate in the shadows. Knights that are allowed to travel across territories as they lack their own territory as they take on specific difficult missions from the Watchdogs which may need a coordinated group. Phantom Knights do differ from the normal Knights in that they train in a group that stays together even after training is completed. This may foster a sense of solidarity and teamwork that makes them so necessary while forming a whole platoon on their own.

This platoon is headed by their master. While masters can be gone on their own, senior disciples can take up the reins temporarily until further notice. Some of the more trained and skilled members tend to be squad leaders while also being capable of taking solo missions on their own. You may learn more from here.

I shall open this up later on. So be patient please.

Notes On Soul Metal: It is made of material of a Madou Horror Plant seed originating from the Massacring General Horror, Zedom. While having the listed capabilities to become very sharp and feather-light weapons, the opposite can also be the same based on the wielder's willpower and the manipulation of their willpower. It's important to note that Soul Metal would cause women's and Horror's skin to burn on direct exposure because of the Yin-Yang theory, with Soul Metal being full of Yin to begin with.

Added something new for the Madou Brush: They're magical Swiss Army Knives in a sense. Check their description.

Actual discussions should take place here now.

Credit to Yolf for helping me out on finding FC's for some of the NPC's. And to Soldat for speaking with me on the RP and Garo on IRC.

Videos to watch

Makai Knight versus Horror: Here.

Makai Knight versus Makai Knight (Practically a Servant battle): Here.

Another Makai Knight versus Makai Knight Fight: Here.

Chief Phantom Makai Knight versus Horror: Here.

Horror Makai Knight versus Three Titled Makai Knights: Here.

Makai Priestess versus Makai Priest/Knight: Here.

Makai Priestess versus Horror: Here.

Another Good Fight: Here.

And the entirety of Garo Honoo No Kokuin. Then moving on to the original Garo series, Garo Makai Senki, Garo Yami Wo Terasu Mono, and Garo Makai No Hana. You may find some of them here and here.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2015, 06:45:56 PM by Puck-Chan »

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.


  • Spiritron
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Re: Garo RP [WIP]
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2015, 06:15:31 AM »
Is it okay if you make up your own title and armor?


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Re: Garo RP [WIP]
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2015, 06:22:30 AM »
Is it okay if you make up your own title and armor?

Yes. All armors are canonically to be wolf-themed.

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.


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Re: Garo RP [WIP]
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2015, 06:59:31 AM »
Then I'm placing in the Title of Tairou, the Great Wolf of the Sun.

-A makai knight title that originated from the west. Because of the golden armor, its bearer was once counted as a rival to Garo and subsequently led to a duel between the two for the title of greatest Makai Knight during the Judgement. Subsequently, Tairou lost and graciously acceded the title of strongest and only Golden Knight to Garo. That's why even if the Tairou armor is the color of gold, it is never referred to as such.

The users of Tairou have never been passed down by lineage. It is very rare that lineage plays a part of obtaining the title of Tairou because of its principles. Tairou is the heaviest of all Makai Knight armors, using the most Soul Metal to forge. Even the Tairou sword in its untransformed state is as large as the Garo ken in its transformed form. The users of Tairou are only those with great control of their Inga, resulting in overpowering control of soul metal. The original bearer of Tairou was said to have destroyed many a set of soul metal armor from being unable to handle his immense spirit during battles with Horrors. Legend has it that the current Tairou armor was forged from those many destroyed armors that he bore. Such strength of mind and spirit pre-requisite to the title is not something that can be inherited.


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Re: Garo RP [WIP]
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2015, 07:10:14 AM »
Then I'm placing in the Title of Tairou, the Great Wolf of the Sun.

-A makai knight title that originated from the west. Because of the golden armor, its bearer was once counted as a rival to Garo and subsequently led to a duel between the two for the title of greatest Makai Knight during the Judgement. Subsequently, Tairou lost and graciously acceded the title of strongest and only Golden Knight to Garo. That's why even if the Tairou armor is the color of gold, it is never referred to as such.

The users of Tairou have never been passed down by lineage. It is very rare that lineage plays a part of obtaining the title of Tairou because of its principles. Tairou is the heaviest of all Makai Knight armors, using the most Soul Metal to forge. Even the Tairou sword in its untransformed state is as large as the Garo ken in its transformed form. The users of Tairou are only those with great control of their Inga, resulting in overpowering control of soul metal. The original bearer of Tairou was said to have destroyed many a set of soul metal armor from being unable to handle his immense spirit during battles with Horrors. Legend has it that the current Tairou armor was forged from those many destroyed armors that he bore. Such strength of mind and spirit pre-requisite to the title is not something that can be inherited.

No. And, good night.

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.


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Re: Garo RP [WIP]
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2015, 07:23:18 AM »
It was worth a shot XD

Soldat der Trauer

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Re: Garo RP [WIP]
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2015, 05:46:15 AM »
>2 days ago...
>"Hey, Yolf? Lemme know if any new RPs pop up that might cure my grief spiraling, kay please?"
>now: stumble across GARO RP

Right, so, I am obviously bloody fucking interested. Silver Quill's video was surprisingly good for refresher reference (LIKE I NEED THAT FOR GARO, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, okay, I'll tone it down now). And the show's creator was involved in Onimusha? Bloody hell yes, loved those games.

Knights are infinitely easier to think up ideas for, sooooooo, either Bado or Gai (latter is likelier b/c I'd only make minor changes to not copy Aguri "Ishida" over there). Hell yeah, Bado; blade pauldrons worked when he first fought Barago/KIBA, and he's the only canon Knight to use electrical attacks. Priests and their nice convenient taser spells...

Though funny: you include Guri, but not THE LEGENDARY DARK KNIGHT KIBA??? Shaaaaaaaaaaaame.

Although, on a general aside, it's kinda weird how global the Makai Order makes itself sound (at times), and yet we're told women aren't allowed to don Soul Metal (unless you do like Yuma and pull an Araya Souren with a Knight's bones). Japan has its share of real women warriors, never mind the rest of the world (Vikings...), and even more poignant... There's supposedly some spin-off novel where Rei has to look after this one Knight who has a genderbending potion?

But then I'm reminded of the arbitrary "rules" enforced in mahou shoujo settings, so yolo, okay, whatever. Nevermind~
« Last Edit: March 15, 2015, 06:13:20 AM by Soldat der Trauer »


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Re: Garo RP [WIP]
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2015, 03:03:29 PM »
It actually makes perfect sense why women can't use soul metal if you combine the lore with actual information on yin and yang.


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Re: Garo RP [WIP]
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2015, 03:50:31 PM »
Though funny: you include Guri, but not THE LEGENDARY DARK KNIGHT KIBA??? Shaaaaaaaaaaaame.

I'll add that in later.

It actually makes perfect sense why women can't use soul metal if you combine the lore with actual information on yin and yang.

I've honestly forgot about this part. Most be because I kinda blanked out of it at times. I'll need a refresher on this.

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.


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Re: Garo RP [WIP]
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2015, 04:16:38 PM »
Actual lore a shown in the TV series:
- Makai Senki: The buffonish senator who claimed to have great mental strength to counter Inga.
- overall series: The use of the powers of Makai to empower spells implies they use Inga in a controlled manner.
- Makai Senki: All Makai Knights are trained to control their Inga.
- Yami wo Terasumono: Soul Metal is made from the crystallized *something* of a cardinal horror. You know the one they had chopped up and sealed in different places.
- Zero Black Blood: the makai priest girl actually had a piece of her father grafted into her so she can wield his sword.

Yin Yang information:
- Yin: Generally refers to the dark part of the personality balance. It also indicates the female side of the personality.
- Yang: This indicates the light part of the personality balance and indicates male side of the personality.


Females are generally better Makai Priests as they are inherently more attuned to having more Inga which can be used for higher powered spells. Men are more suited for Makai Knighthood because Soul Metal is basically crystallized Inga spit and they have the necessary controlled Yang after training to counterbalance and wield it.

Females + soul metal = Inga on Inga. In short, bad things will probably happen. It's not a case of sexism at all unless you count natural bodily functions as sexist. Like childbirth.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2015, 04:17:50 PM by demino_hellsin »


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Re: Garo RP [WIP]
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2015, 02:50:20 AM »
Actual lore a shown in the TV series:
- Makai Senki: The buffonish senator who claimed to have great mental strength to counter Inga.
- overall series: The use of the powers of Makai to empower spells implies they use Inga in a controlled manner.
- Makai Senki: All Makai Knights are trained to control their Inga.
- Yami wo Terasumono: Soul Metal is made from the crystallized *something* of a cardinal horror. You know the one they had chopped up and sealed in different places.
- Zero Black Blood: the makai priest girl actually had a piece of her father grafted into her so she can wield his sword.

Yin Yang information:
- Yin: Generally refers to the dark part of the personality balance. It also indicates the female side of the personality.
- Yang: This indicates the light part of the personality balance and indicates male side of the personality.


Females are generally better Makai Priests as they are inherently more attuned to having more Inga which can be used for higher powered spells. Men are more suited for Makai Knighthood because Soul Metal is basically crystallized Inga spit and they have the necessary controlled Yang after training to counterbalance and wield it.

Females + soul metal = Inga on Inga. In short, bad things will probably happen. It's not a case of sexism at all unless you count natural bodily functions as sexist. Like childbirth.

Aight, thanks bruh.

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.

Soldat der Trauer

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Re: Garo RP [WIP]
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2015, 04:39:32 AM »
Oi, sirrah Puck. Had an idea, since your OP said this whole project was still in in its most formative stages.

A while ago, a /tg/ quest runner did a three-part foray into GARO (dunno if you've already seen the archives), and he included a rather compact chargen that was parsed out among a few posts. One of these dealt with a kind of skill specialty (for Knights, since the Priest choice got waylaid) that was out of four possible: weapon focus, Madou Flame focus, Spell/Ritual focus, or Will focus (my personal headcanon for how the last should have worked out is enhanced affinity for manipulating Soul Metal, like how Kouga and Rei both could make their blades telekinetically fight independent of themselves, or else cause that shockwave attack that Taiga showcased in his episode).

I have no way of confirming, but generally speaking such roughly resembles the disposition of season 3's cast. Do you think something similar might be worth looking into adapting for here, too?


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Re: Garo RP [WIP]
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2015, 04:44:39 AM »
Oi, sirrah Puck. Had an idea, since your OP said this whole project was still in in its most formative stages.

A while ago, a /tg/ quest runner did a three-part foray into GARO (dunno if you've already seen the archives), and he included a rather compact chargen that was parsed out among a few posts. One of these dealt with a kind of skill specialty (for Knights, since the Priest choice got waylaid) that was out of four possible: weapon focus, Madou Flame focus, Spell/Ritual focus, or Will focus (my personal headcanon for how the last should have worked out is enhanced affinity for manipulating Soul Metal, like how Kouga and Rei both could make their blades telekinetically fight independent of themselves, or else cause that shockwave attack that Taiga showcased in his episode).

I have no way of confirming, but generally speaking such roughly resembles the disposition of season 3's cast. Do you think something similar might be worth looking into adapting for here, too?

I'd be cool with that. Sure. Though could you link me to that?
« Last Edit: March 16, 2015, 05:13:16 AM by Puck-Chan »

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.

Soldat der Trauer

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Re: Garo RP [WIP]
« Reply #13 on: March 17, 2015, 01:31:27 AM »

QR only expands on sorcery and Madou Flame, a few posts farther down. I have no idea what he had in mind for “iron will,” but like I said, if you took the four options as corresponding to the rough disposition from the season 3 cast (excepting Burai), then it'd fit w/ Takeru being able to morph his prosthetic; from there, it's not much of a stretch to guess at how seasons 1&2 showed that Knights could levitate their weapons, or make them project shockwaves.

Latter two threads on this page directly follow the 1st link once thread ends. Not as much to pick apart there for mechanics aside from some worldbuilding ideas, but ehh.


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Re: Garo RP [WIP]
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2015, 03:53:45 AM »

QR only expands on sorcery and Madou Flame, a few posts farther down. I have no idea what he had in mind for “iron will,” but like I said, if you took the four options as corresponding to the rough disposition from the season 3 cast (excepting Burai), then it'd fit w/ Takeru being able to morph his prosthetic; from there, it's not much of a stretch to guess at how seasons 1&2 showed that Knights could levitate their weapons, or make them project shockwaves.

Latter two threads on this page directly follow the 1st link once thread ends. Not as much to pick apart there for mechanics aside from some worldbuilding ideas, but ehh.

Yeah this is some good stuff. Read the March 2013 one so far. Pretty nice. Though my concerns about Iron Will is that the manipulation of Soul Metal seems to depend on willpower, IIRC. So wouldn't they overlap? Though this is just me not done reading the rest of these threads.

Edit: I also have some issues on Madou Fire as some kind of skill/discipline. I mean, from what I've seen, it just looks like all the flames are done through using the madou lighter. Not the person. So I feel like that may stay fixed since it's all dependent on the tool.

Edit 2: See if you guys can get more people to join on this. Maybe like two more, I guess?
« Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 06:57:47 AM by Puck-Chan »

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.