Name: Sakura Edelfeldt
Race: Human
Age: 25
Height: 5’7”
Weight: heavy for her size
Physical AttributesLegend: Magical girl (night) / reinforcement (night) / base (night)Strength: Fantastic (Fantastic) / Incredible (Fantastic) / Amazing (Incredible)
Agility: Incredible (Fantastic) / Incredible (Fantastic) / Amazing (Incredible)
Durability: Heroic (Heroic) / Incredible (Fantastic) / Amazing (Incredible)
Willpower: Zen
Magic: Extremely High
Sakura is the second in line to the headship of the rich and powerful Edelfeldt family. While powerful and respected in the clock tower, the Edelfeldts have a bit of a nasty reputation as a scavenging mercenary family. They have absolutely no shame about stealing other families secret knowledge in order to strengthen themselves. They are primarily users of jewel magic, but know a smattering of many different and unique styles of magecraft. Taught by her sister, Sakura has inherited many of these skills and is extremely good at reverse engineering spells given the chance to study them over an extended period of time.
Edelfeldt CrestFrom the Edelfeldt crest, Sakura has access to the accumulated history of the family’s mage-craft knowledge. In addition to their specialty of gem mage-craft and the transference of energy, Sakura has knowledge of a plethora of various mage-craft disciplines that her family has pilfered from those unfortunate enough to get in their way. She can cast basic spells from many different fields, as disparate as scrying the past and folk curses that can make her enemies ill. Many of her spells are focused on practical applications of magic that would aid them in doing their jobs as mercenaries well rather than their ultimate goal of reaching the root.
CursesShe is highly proficient with curse magic. Her body is enchanted with basic protections against them, negating curses of strength up to medium and returning them back at their sender. She has many curses of varying intensity up to high potency, but her most commonly used magic of this type would be the gandr, which is a common curse used on ones enemies to make them sick, the strength of the illness depending upon how much mana she puts into it. A small amount of magic would inflict a particularly nasty cold upon her enemy, while more magic could turn that into pneumonia or even worse viruses. At the level of skill she uses this spell at, it can be used to transcend its normal limits and hit as if it were a magical bullet, pulverizing concrete and inflicting her foes with grave illnesses, were they to survive the impact.
Close CombatShe has many spells that she uses to bolster her in close combat, which is her specialty. The first, and most direct of her options is reinforcement. When directly applied to her muscles, she simply ranks up in all physical stats. However, it can also be applied to her eyes, her hearing, or any other part of her body, strengthening their intended purpose. She could read perfectly from a mile away, clearly distinguish even the smallest of sounds, or taste even the faintest hints of poison. This can also be applied to other objects—a gun's bullets would be enhanced by a rank, a steel sword would become several times more durable and get sharper, etc. She also has other, less direct spells in her arsenal. Those are more varied, but less powerful than directly enhancing her body. For instance, she can throw up a magical shield on the fly of up to high rank, and can weaken the ground beneath her to create traps if need be.
Imaginary AbyssSakura’s elemental affinity is the
imaginary abyss. It is an exceedingly rare affinity that greatly limits her proficiency with standard mage-craft, but grants her access to the strange and terrifying realm of the Imaginary Abyss, a dark primordial sea where there is no light and which from which nothing can escape. It naturally sucks the life out of anything trapped inside of it, and is especially effective against spiritual entities. Furthermore, anything lost inside the abyss can be considered gone forever. Sakura can use this magic to bolster her strikes against anything with a predominantly spiritual nature, increasing the effectiveness of all her magic and attacks against them by up to one rank against beings with spiritual bodies, such as ghosts. Those with a physical form would be largely unaffected. When she is strengthening her fists with this magic, they glow with a faint black aura, as dark as the bottom of the ocean.
Sakura can manifest portals to the abyss using her shadow. It requires a few seconds for a portal to stabilize. Her shadow can manifest in any shape she imagines. They are inky black, physical objects with powerful anti-magical properties, absorbing any magical attack that they touch, absorbing stuff up to very high instantly, and even weakening extremely high magic. The tendrils have fantastic strength, move at fantastic agility, and have fantastic durability. She can form them into any shape she desires, given enough time to generate a big enough mass, and when created into familiars, they can move and fight in an autonomous manner. She can travel between them, and can control their appearances to appear as if they were clothing, or even people.
Furthermore, she can create a darkness aura that has the same properties as the shadow, but in an incorporeal mist form. It hungers for magical energy, and eats away at any incoming magical attack at a voracious pace. Spells ranking very high and below are nearly instantly destroyed, magical constructs lose their form and dissolve, while spells ranking extremely high can burst through it in a weakened state, ranked down at point blank range and weakened further unless the energy is sustained.
Ultimately, Sakura, nor anybody else, has even a fraction of an idea of what mysteries this place contains. It is an area of extreme interest, and untold knowledge might be found searching for the depths of the abyss. Right now, her knowledge of it is highly rudimentary. Time is stopped in the pocket dimensions she creates to store things, leaving them fresh and unchanged from when she put them inside, and the space within can be shrunk or grow according to her whims.
Magic Resistance: Extremely High
Sakura can resist mental compulsions, curses, and any spell that attempts to usurp control over her body up to her magic rank by flushing it out of her system with the flowing of her mana through her body, which her crest can do passively. Spells that inflict direct damage affect her as normal.
As Magical♡Sakura, Sapphire automatically projects a defensive field of A rank strength, protecting her from spells up to Very High passively, which deal no damage against her. Extremely High and above are reduced in damage, depending upon how much mana she is focusing into defense. At full defensive power, she can even block Extremely High Magic, at the cost of greatly reducing her output.
Other Abilities: WrestlerLike her sister Luvia, Sakura is trained in the England-original Lancashire-style of martial combat, which is considered to be a progenitor of modern professional wrestling. While she is not quite as good as her sister, she has trained hard for over a decade and can be considered a masterful combatant,
VampireAn immortal dark creature of the night, the light of day is their natural enemy and will inevitably vanquish one if they come in contact with it for too long. Merely being active during daytime is draining for them and they can’t operate at full power. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t any benefits to this state of being.
A vampire possesses enhanced senses allowing them to hear a pin be dropped in another room or even overhear conversations from across a town square. Unfortunately for those who may wish to exploit this sensitive hearing for their own benefit, it’s a selective thing, where annoying loud sounds and frequencies will be naturally filtered out for the benefit of the vampire. They can also see perfectly in the dark and at even further distances than a normal human can see during the day.
The most important aspect to them however is blood. Blood defines who and what they are as their entire lifestyle deals in the acquisition of this. Some vampires hold humans as livestock, feeding on them whenever they so desire and others abstain from the blood of sentients entirely, instead going after animals. They all however have one thing in common, their insatiable thirst for blood, the essence of life that sustains their unlife.
Blood is essential to them as without it that can’t sustain their own existence, however this does not mean a constant supply is required as some have been known to go for weeks without feeding. What it does entail is a gradual weakening of their bodies until they’re forced into a state of torpor, a preternatural state of sleep, one they can only be woken from by the sweet intake of the most prized essence. when bitten by a vampire, the victim will experience a euphoric sense of pleasure not dissimilar to sexual indulgences.
When in optimal shape a vampire possesses an unnatural healing factor, minor wounds closes in mere moments and even more major ones such as the loss of limbs can be recovered from in mere HOURS. At her young age, Sakura cannot survive a beheading for much longer than a few minutes without immediate assistance. Fresh intake of blood can speed this process up significantly giving the illusion of invincibility to them. When feasting on the blood of another, their most recent memories will be revealed to the vampire, as well as their current mood and thoughts. When gifted to another being willingly, it can temporarily grant them the healing properties that a vampire normally enjoys.
Sakura has an emotional connection to Valerie, and is subconsciously aware of where she is at all times as well as having an impulse to obey her commands. She can resist it, but doing so makes her feel rather guilty and depressed.
Equipment: Daylight RingA ring Sakura purchased that protects her from the damaging effects of daylight.
Azoth SwordsA standard tool that is common sense for any gem magus worth their salt. It is a Mystic Code used as a tool for performing magecraft, amplifying the user's magical energy to assist with spells and strengthen them. Filling it with magical energy allows for it to be utilized as a magic wand at any time to form magic circles and affect physical divine mysteries. Hers is made of high quality components, and can store many times her maximum capacity within it. She keeps a couple hidden within her pocket dimension.
GemsTaking full advantage of her unique abilities, Sakura carries a veritable armoury of gemstones within her shadow of all sorts, both ones charged with prana and currently unused ones as well. There are a variety of spells of all ranks and sorts, with even some extremely rare gems with very high rank spells held within them. Many of them were charged by Luvia, allowing her to cast magic that she usually would have trouble with.
Magical☆SapphireA sapient mystic code of the highest order lent to her by the Wizard Marshall Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg that uses the power of the second magic to draw upon the energy within the infinite parallel worlds, granting its contractor access to limitless magical power.
Sapphire’s combat functions allows her to manipulate the mana within the user and assist them by either acting as medium to fire energy blasts or reinforce Sakura’s physical parameters. The beams are extremely high when concentrated, or can be very high wide-range attacks. Sakura can condense mana onto the tip of the want to create an impossibly durable blade strong enough to clash with high class noble phantasms and allowing her to pierce heroic durability. Her defensive functions are also top notch, allowing Sakura to form a transparent physical barrier that shields her from damage, usually bringing her durability up to heroic, but she can reroute the power to increase it one rank further at the cost of her offensive functions ranking down, passively restoring her mana and stamina, as well as rapidly regenerating any not immediately fatal wounds within moments. She also allows Sakura to fly.
Sapphire also has a myriad of strange non combat abilities, such as to act as a cell phone, transfer and store data with a USB, a syringe to inject strange drugs into people, and other such strange abilities.
Her most powerful ability, and the reason she was loaned to Sakura on her mission in the first place is her ability to include and install class cards.
While Sapphire is a powerful tool, she can also a fickle one. She has a serious personality and tends to follow orders, and doesn’t tend to like fooling around. Were she to grow tired of Sakura’s behavior, she would be perfectly capable of forcibly canceling the contract and flying off to find a user she considered to be more suitable. Neither Sakura nor anybody else would be able to forcibly gain access to the amazing powers that she can grant a person.
Class CardsClass cards are mysterious creations of an unknown origin which contain the powers of heroic spirits within them. Sakura possesses only one card. She had more, but they were lost in transit to the Nexus.Including a card temporarily grants her usage of the servant’s noble phantasm by temporarily overwriting Sapphire with it, while installing is a more complete transformation, giving the user access to a degraded version of the installed servant’s stats, skills, and noble phantasm. These functions disable all Sapphire’s other ones, making it a double-edged sword.
BerserkerSir LancelotStrength: Heroic
Agility: Heroic
Durability: Heroic
Including the Lancelot card grants Sakura use of his sword, Arondight, which buffs her speed, strength, and durability. Sakura considers this inefficient as it tends to be far more efficient to simply bombard her opponents with beams from the sky than restrict her to melee. Installing the card has far more impressive effects. It strengthens her to all heroic, grants her unparalleled skills with all weaponry, and gains access to his noble phantasms, Knight of Owner.
Knight of Owner allows her to transmute any object that she touches into her noble phantasm, increasing its durability and damage far beyond its normal limits. The durability of any object is increased to Legendary, and the strength of any ammunition is increased to heroic, or one rank, whichever is higher. It is not limited to simple crude weaponry, either: if she were to pick up a machine gun, the bullets would be strengthened as well, as would any vehicle she touched, which would allow her to remote control it.
Furthermore, she may fight with any object as if she were an unparalelled master with it-this includes anything from a sword, to a fighter jet, to a fire hydrant. Even under any sort of mental influence, she would be able to display Lancelot's skill to its fullest extent, attacking as ferociously as a beast and as precisely as a neurosurgeon.
However, such a powerful tool has significant drawbacks. She can only keep it installed for about ten minutes before it starts permanently damaging her psyche.
Intimacies:Lesser Tie: Luviagelita Edeledfeldt(Incestuous Infatuation)
Lesser Tie: Edelgard(homie)
Lesser Tie: Valerie(Sire)
Lesser Principle: Bring Glory to the Edelfeldt name(I will not suffer an insult to my family's pride)
Lesser Principle: Be Elegant(I must always live up to her standards)
Lesser Principle: Take care of her friends(I must take care of those who take care of me)
Lesser Cause: Bring my sister to the Nexus
Lesser Cause: To reach the root
Lesser Cause: Gain strength in this brave new world
Weakness: Her magical resistance is extremely powerful, but is a shell around her. As a result, if you attack her with a magical attack from point blank range, Sapphire cannot defend her from such a magical attack. Furthermore, if Sapphire is somehow stolen from her, the support she provides ceases, utterly crippling her combat potential. Using a card has a severe cooldown period of several hours where it remains unusable after including it. If Sapphire is stolen, she will detransform automatically after 30 seconds or if she gets more than fifty meters away unless she manages to reunite with her.
Fire deals damage one rank higher to her than normal.
Origin: Elegant. Beautiful. Brimming with talent. Diligent. Aristocratic. Kind. Ladylike.
Many words have been used to describe us. They heap praise and laudations upon us, and we could be considered as candidates for most promising young magi in the Clocktower!
But that's only what they say about me to my face. Within earshot of me and my sister. They think that I don't know; that I don't hear what they say in the shadows, but I do.
Dredged up from the backwaters.
Maybe they do know. Maybe they just don't care. That's probably it. And they won't care, no matter how hard I try, no matter how many hours I work, and no matter what amazing new thing I manage to concoct, they'll never treat me with true respect. I'll never be accepted. I'll always be an outcast. An Asian.
A spare.
They're not entirely wrong, is the problem. My adoptive family has treated me well, don't get me wrong. They've taken me in as one of their own. Taught me. Fed me. Cared for all my needs. They even made me an heir and granted me the Edelfeldt crest.
I'm extremely grateful to them for everything they've done for me, to make me feel like an honoured guest.
But I know, in the end, I'm just a tool in their machinations to regain what they have lost. What the Tohsakas stole from them. That I am simply a pawn waiting silently for the oppurtune time to take the black queen.
I used to resent this. How could the world be so cruel? How could my father have possibly done this, just calmly cast me aside, like I was trash, shipped me halfway across the world to a country where I couldn't speak a single word. How could my mother have sat silently, abdiding by my father's obscene wishes. Why didn't my sister--why didn't Rin ever write me a letter, even once?
The Edelfeldts, they act nice, treat me like a precious doll, taking the utmost care to protect me and my womb.
I'm a tool. That's all I am.
I felt like this was my inescapable destiny for years, but I've learned to change my perspective, just a little bit.
Nothing's changed. Rin never wrote me, I saw her years later when she enrolled in the clocktower and she didn't even have the decency to say hello, and the Edelfeldt elders are still just as caught up in their despicable plans as they always are. They've decided that my job is to seduce Rin, my flesh and blood, and steal her crest the same way they stole ours.
It's gross, and everything's terrible.
But there's a light, one person who's always given me unconditional love, who has treated me as if she'd always been my big sis, and who's always there to stand up for me. Somebody who treats me as if I were her family. Her cute little sister.
So I'll do this. I'll seduce Rin or whatever I need to do to get the crest on this little assignment we're going on. I'll gain her trust, and betray her at the last minute, playing the part of a villian and ruining any chances of reconciling things with her, forever.
But I'm not doing it for them. I'm doing it for Luvia. And me. At some point, if a pawn survives long enough, she gets to become a queen. I’ll do it for her. I’ll do it for us.