Author Topic: In Character Game Thread (Depricated)  (Read 185105 times)


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1140 on: July 02, 2018, 07:05:23 AM »

The rush of fresh blood flowed through her, invogorating her, as well as masking her body with the flush of life, mimicking the properties of living bodies, if only for a while. The taste was raw and primal like earth, but also sweet like the sweetest nectar. It was a wonderful taste, new and exquisite and she whished for the opportunity to sample more of this in the future.

It did not mean she didn't notice the stiffening of his movements, or the straining grip on her shoulder, it was to be expected. The first time was very intense, it wasn't something that could be properly described or prepared for, it had to be experienced in the flesh to truly understand it.

Valerie pulled back for now, seperating herself from the liquid she so craved, for a reason she could not ignore. Her lithe hands reached for his, grasping them with the gentlest of grips. "It is difficult for you Yusho, I know." She chose to forgo the use of titles, it did not have a place here. "The first time is a very intense experience but is important that you relax." The Vampire King just as gently moved his hands from her shoulders and down to her hips.

"If you relax it will feel much better, I promise you." With that her sharp fangs sunk into his neck once more.

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1141 on: July 02, 2018, 04:22:10 PM »

Well, that had one problem. Stone broke up and clung to Ananta's form, and with its power a single hit practically made the a soldier explode, his shard shattering his allies as well. Sheer, overwhelming force blasted through their ranks with every strike she made, and she had more than enough to give.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1142 on: July 02, 2018, 04:56:48 PM »

The demon grinned in anticipation, awaiting the thrill of a good battle. However, in an instant, his foe all but vanished. "Huh!?" Before he could even tell what had happened, the feline knight had closed the distance and tackled him. His eyes widened, he didn't even see her move.What ridiculous speed! But that wasn't the only reason they had widened.

In his surprise and elation, he had lowered his guard and taken a step back, inching closer to the edge of his circle. Upon that realization, he laughed!

"Hahah! Pretty nimble for a kitty!"

But whatever she planned next could not come to fruition. He would not budge even a millimeter more than his position. Her speed could be even more monstrous than his body, but it could not topple his monstrous strength in one go. His strength simply wouldn't allow her to move him any further.

"Are you done yet?"


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1143 on: July 02, 2018, 05:04:36 PM »

As the man appeared next to her, Suerte couldn't help but smile.  "Cover me wi-" Before she finished, two muscular arms wrapped around her body, pulling their chests close together.  This was the first time she had felt someone so...big but she could see why girls liked to hype up the muscular guys.  He was so hard and felt so strong.

"Are you going to carry me like this the whole way?" she asked, moving her hand along his chest.  She ran her still dirty fingers along his dark clothing, moving from his chest to his shoulders.  "You know, your chest is almost as big as mine."


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1144 on: July 02, 2018, 05:15:48 PM »

"Eh? Is that a bad thing?" He looked surprised by the comment, if not sorta embarrassed. Was his body somehow unsightly? His expression looked away in flustered shyness, surprisingly so. He-

"Kh!" He suddenly grabbed his head in pain, as if afflicted by a migraine.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1145 on: July 02, 2018, 05:23:41 PM »

Suerte frowned as the hands that were once holding her so tightly were now pressed against the owner's own head.  Realizing she might have went too far, she ran up to the big guy and rested a hand on his forearm.  "No, no its nice.  Its..."

Suerte paused, suddently remembering all the blabbing from the fight.  He mentioned something about the corproreal world.  "Hey, are you alright?" she asked, her voice almost breaking with concern.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2018, 05:25:50 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1146 on: July 02, 2018, 05:44:51 PM »

Sweat began to show on his forehead, but he managed to smile and recompose himself. What... was that? "Yeah, I'm alright. My body's pretty nice, normally it wouldn't be able to reform so easily." He got up, wiped his forehead and flexed with a confident grin. He should've been stronger. She was already giving him her time, putting all this worry on her back was something he hoped to avoid. "It's just a light headache. Happens all the time."


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1147 on: July 02, 2018, 05:53:25 PM »

Suerte wrapped her arms around his body from behind, pressing her wet top and hard nipples against his back.  "Well your not wrong, but your not entirely human right?  How about you tell me what you are so I can help?" she asked, feeling up his abs as she talked.  He felt really nice to touch.

"You don't have to act all tough around me.  I just want to help."


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1148 on: July 02, 2018, 06:05:51 PM »

"Eh? What's with that all of a sudden? I'm me, isn't that good enough?" He cocked an eyebrow. "You seem to be enjoying yourself anyhow." His grin turned teasing all of a sudden.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1149 on: July 02, 2018, 06:12:29 PM »

"Well, I guess I like healthy you more than injured you," she said, ignoring his little jab.  "Fighting a strong man can really get me going.  Now, c'mon.  I'll need a new hat too you know."


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1150 on: July 02, 2018, 06:16:13 PM »

"Well, if you insist." He looked up at the sky with his empty soulless eyes and a small smile. Dark wings erupted from his back , and with the girl buckled up and grabbing onto him he took flight. He could be going much faster, but he felt like it would ruin the mood. Still, the air pressure was great enough that she'd have to hold on tight if she didn't want to fall. On the other hand, the city sure looked beautiful from above.

Flying like this felt... liberating. Heheheh...

"Are you sure my chest is as big as yours?" He asked her in a tone that could be either falsely self conscious or teasing.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1151 on: July 02, 2018, 06:28:37 PM »


This was the first time she had seen it from above.  Large buildings colored by the bright lights emanating from the windows.  It almost looked like the tall apartment buildings were giant lamps, filling the skyline with warm tones.  The ground was cold and dirty, but hundreds of people walked the streets, focused and resolute, if not a bit hardened by their day to day routines.  Suerte had lived in the dessert all of her life.  There was so much... energy here, so many different things going on at once.

She glanced up at the moon.  At least that is still the same, she thought with a smile.

"Are you sure my chest is as big as yours?" She heard Zeke say.

She moved one of her hands from his well defined abs to his big old chest and grinned at him.  "Its almost as big," she said," squeezing the bulky muscle.  "No one has a chest as big as mine."

She paused for a moment, then asked, "So should I go first, or are you going to spill it for me?"


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1152 on: July 02, 2018, 06:31:49 PM »

“I’ll let you know when I’m done.”

Power swelled into Gingalain’s body, but not just any power; it was Jalut’s full strength, perfectly matched at an identical level. She lifted upwards, getting Jalut’s feet off of the ground, and jumped again, this time aiming for a distant section of the church’s ceiling this time instead of the wall, not intending on letting him stay in with something as simple as digging in his heels.
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:58 PM
I kid you not
I type "tumblr the ancient magus bride" on google
click the first result
And the second image on the page
Is the image you were looking for
YOLF - Today at 7:59 PM
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:59 PM
That is
The hardest oof
I have ever witnessed

FAITH - Today at 6:05 PM
fucking haru
can't quit haru
haruing all around

EmbreFrosste- Today at 5:35 PM
It’s a damn shame that I closed all those tabs I had of rule 63 Bakugo


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1153 on: July 02, 2018, 06:53:35 PM »

The Fallen Angel snickered in glee at the rushed actions of the Feline Knight. Her speed did surprise her at first but she had seen such movements before, although rare. The fact she had showed up here right at this time was no mere coincidence, no there was something else at play here.

The kitty really needed to work on her attention to detail, then she would realize her folly. She glanced at Jalut, the giant demon most likely was unaware of it as well, the double edged nature of his ability. Giggling like crazy she moved back to give the two of them some room.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1154 on: July 03, 2018, 12:49:49 AM »

"Gotta admit, I've never been much for heels," the blonde noted, honing in on the criteria Dahlia listed out, "But it looks like this place is pretty neatly organized."

With that, the gunslinger indicated a section of the store stocked with just the sorts of boots the black-haired beauty was looking for with a quick nod.

"Should find something decent over there." she said, leading the other woman over.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses