Author Topic: In Character Game Thread (Depricated)  (Read 246941 times)


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2100 on: August 20, 2018, 03:57:04 AM »

A muffled sound escaped the Angel girl.

Her gloved hand came to cover her mouth as she stiffled a giggle, generous breasts heaving with every motion. Far past the point where they should have falled out of the dress, yet by some act of miracle they hadn't, no matter how much they bounced around.

With a final breath Lucy got herself together and presented Nana with a gentle smile. Then something touched the snake girl's head, it was the angel's gloved right hand, gently patting Nana.

"Sweetie, he needs you to play around with so he can get in gear for me. So get up there and give him the best ride you can."


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2101 on: August 20, 2018, 04:23:08 AM »

Nana looked down and realized how silly she was being.  They were both here for more or less the same reason.  Even if she was pretty sure the girl was laughing, especially with the way her dress bounced with her breath, her master was clearly enjoying himself, so it was worth it.

So she slowly peeled off her skirt, taking particular care to allow her tail through as well.  What popped out of her skirt was a modest ass that matched the size of her bust.  She was by no means flat.  No she had a special beauty all to her own in Noah's eyes.  However, standing next to Lulu, she just looked small.  In contrast to Lulu, her body was tight and strong, with plenty of little lines that seemed to be muscle.  She had a flat but muscular belly, complete with a toned back and respectable arms.

Something snapped in Noah's eyes.  Perhaps it was the fact that he had to wait for them to finish talking.  Perhaps it was that he had come out of his submission for a moment, but he couldn't take it anymore.  He stood up and grabbed her by the back of the head.  Bending her over, he forced himself inside her from the back, entering her warm pussy without waiting for any sort of debate.

She couldn't believe he was already hard.  But than again, he was always a greedy man.  He could feel all that girth inside of her, pushing her walls to the limit.  Her entire body began secreting a slime, making her skin glisten in the light.  She began moaning wildly, almost in tune with his thrusts.  At this moment, she was satisfied.

That reminds me, he sent to Lulu, all while still fucking her.  I want to make you more powerful but that means you'll have to trust me, perhaps even more so than before.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2102 on: August 20, 2018, 04:45:23 AM »

"Is that supposed to be a clever excuse for you to take my behind? I'm plenty powerful already, infact I could grant you eternal life if you so desired." She replied to him, officially revealing her not so secret telepathic abilities to him.

The sex infront of her didn't slow her down or distract her, infact she came floating by and landed on Nana's back, facing Noah as he fucked the snake girl. Maybe seeing her like that would distract him, or maybe it would spurr him on. She weighed just as much as before though, so not much at all.

"And since when were you under the impression I trusted you? She continued in his mind.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2103 on: August 20, 2018, 05:07:08 AM »

It absolutely spured him on, but it didn't distract him.  Telepathic communication was as natural to him as breathing.

Well I suppose that is a strong word but you signed the contract at the very least.  Something must have been kept you there after all that reluctance.  But do not worry.  At the very least, I can assure you I was telling the truth when I spoke about my intentions.  You see, I am a business man.  I spread my influence not with physical power, but connections.  Your power is my power and well... I am a greedy man.

Nana cried out as Noah slapped her rear, before sliding his hands to her breasts.  He began rubbing her bra covered breasts, appreciating the firm but full feeling in his hands, all while continuing to hammer her from the back.  Then, he returned his hands to Nana's hips, keeping one there to guide his hips and reaching out with the other to grab Lulu's bigger breasts.

No it is a little more than that.  I am still infuriated from yesterday.  Id rather not feel responsible for losing my angel twice like that.

Meanwhile, Nana found her legs trembling, not from Lulu's weight.  No, she was surprisingly light.  The ramming... it was getting too good.  She needed something to lean on orher knees would collapse in on themselves.  But more importantly, she had a realization.

Wait a minute! she thought, her entire mind flaring up in anger.  She wasn't consoling me, she was patronizing me!  How dare her!

« Last Edit: August 20, 2018, 05:19:32 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2104 on: August 20, 2018, 05:11:25 AM »

Finally, the girl named Rin smiled. "Thank you, Thea. She'll be back shortly.

As Thea left, the room disappeared back into her mind. She could faintly hear Rin softly talking to the crying girl, attempting to take care of her.


"She had better," she warned the Tohsaka girl even though she had crossed the threshold past which any minds in that place were paying attention. It assuaged her not-so-fragile ego.

And then she was groaning in discomfort, picking herself off the floor and fighting against dizziness. Thea had to close her eyes again for a moment against the pain of the light, and support herself on a nearby chair. The headache she felt from having to focus so long and go so deep, it left her pressing a gloved hand to her forehead and gritting her teeth.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2105 on: August 20, 2018, 05:15:08 AM »

As opposed to before, Tsumiko seemed to be sleeping on the floor relatively peacefully. There was blood on the floor leaking from her mouth, but a softly glowing green light on her arm seemed to be healing her self inflicted wounds on its own. The girl had a faint smile on her face despite her occasional panicked twitching; the same expression that Rin had had inside the mindscape.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2106 on: August 20, 2018, 05:35:20 AM »

While Nana's thoughts were quite amusing to listen in to at the moment she had more important things to deal with in this moment, she could save that fun for later.

She grabbed his hand before it reached her breast and pulled in another direction, towards her heart, where the heart would be on a human. She met his gaze with her azure eyes.

"Then will you take out your frustration out on your angel's pussy and pump her full of your seed until she carries your heir?"


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2107 on: August 20, 2018, 06:16:20 AM »

Noah met her cold gaze, smiling at her comment as if it were inherently amusing.  You say that like I wasn't going to do that before. he sent, retracting the hand that was on her heart and pulling his dick from Nana's wet pussy.

"It's your turn Lulu," he said, shoving Nana to the side.  The snake girl landed on the ground with a wet thud, her slime covered body sliding down the deck.  Normally, it was fine that he was like this, aggressive and ready to toss her aside when he was done.  But this time... it felt wrong.  She stood up and slowly approached Lulu, unsure of what she was going to do.  Was it ok to confront her while Noah was having his way with her?  If not, how would she stand up to her?

For Noah, none of these questions mattered.  He reached out and grabbed her breasts, finally letting them explore what had to be impossibly soft and bouncy breasts.  He had been waiting forever for this, and now he was going to feel his fingers sink into them.

So tell me, what was keeping you here?  And more importantly, do you really not crave power for yourself, nor vengeance?  I must know.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2108 on: August 20, 2018, 06:40:34 AM »

"Sooo demanding and greedy." She spoke out loud and in jest. Her breasts were just like he had imagined. Their shape and size and feel everything was laid bare to him, her hardened nipples brushed against his palms through the fabric of her dress. As if her being aroused would come as any surprise at this point.

You cannot give me the power I seek nor the vengeance I want, not as you are right you now. The only thing you can grant me is carnal pleasure but in time..."

"But have you thought about repercussions of doing that with me, an Angel?"


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2109 on: August 20, 2018, 06:53:58 AM »

I see.. he thought, satisfied with her answer.  He was curious to know exactly what she expected from him, but he figured it would be revealed in due time.

"No I haven't," he said.  His tone sounded hesitant, but his hands were still exploring her, undaunted by her words.  He liked watching her dress struggle against her massive mounds, but enough was enough.  He began taking off her dress.  Even if he decided against fucking her, he wanted at least the chance to lay eyes on the naked form of a celestial body.

"What are you..."

He pulled, but the dress would not come off.  He tried again, but it would not budge.  "No... You can't be serious..." That was perhaps the most devastated he ever sounded in his entire life.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2018, 05:09:27 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2110 on: August 20, 2018, 03:22:45 PM »


Eyes narrowed into a frown and he took a stance, jumping back to gain some distance. The split second she'd give him an opening, he'd steal them both and use his power to gain more distance. No, just waiting wouldn't do. He raised his hand and ripped the ground beneath the girl from her feet, flipping it with his magic enough to throw everyone off balance while shooting a kick at the purple pain in the ass's face.

« Last Edit: August 20, 2018, 03:23:30 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2111 on: August 20, 2018, 04:11:48 PM »

Victor stood in the corner of the room, his form frozen in place during the entire ordeal.  The girl had been twitching for a while, but what had gotten him really concerned was when she started bleeding from her mouth.  Moreover, he was pretty sure the glowing was healing, but he was not entirely sure.

"A-are you ok?" he asked, taking only a single step forward.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2112 on: August 20, 2018, 06:45:14 PM »

"I'm counting on that. See you later." He saw the mysterious stranger off with a cocky smile, but changed his expression to full awe when he gazed at the countless knights. His smile was no different than that of a child who had witnessed a rainbow for the first time. No, that was wrong. He had felt this before.

He backed off into a stance, clutching at his pain suddenly. So even now his vessel would oppose him? How pathetic, it was truly a pitiful act of resistance. Did he not pray for a new body? For a way to meet his comrades once more? Why, he seemed to have granted him his wish, just not the way he wanted. Humans truly were pathetic, greedy fools.

"Kuhahahahah... this pain... just like sixteen years ago..." Deja vu. Infuriating as it was exhilarating, and the fiery sensation in his heart, the same as so long ago. It was enough to drive a madman back to sanity and through insanity once more. "So this is how it's going to be. Amusing, how amusing."

Let the black winds howl.

Shadows wrapped around the hollow knights, filling them with black spells and forbidden magic. No, not just that, replacing and eroding them, twisting the grime and metal into something unrecognizable.

And with a beastly, inhuman cry unfitting of his humanoid form, he awakened the countless black knights. Ezekiel roared, covered himself with a black fog and recreated his attire with magic, before taking flight along with his hellish legion.

"Come, my knights of ruin, let us march to where the dream ends. Our journey to the new world begins here!"

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2113 on: August 20, 2018, 07:18:07 PM »

Shirou easily anticipated the punch and simply swayed his head sideways, dodging it with ease, his grip on the boy not wavering.

"Don't worry", he said as he slowly began to walk over towards his wife. "I won't hand you over to them without at least getting a full explanation."


Sakura was clearly not convinced by their explanation, and began to extend more tendrils, binding the two men more thoroughly.

"If you're his body guards, then why is he running away from you?" she asked, her distrust of them obvious.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2114 on: August 20, 2018, 07:27:01 PM »

The squirrel girl's ears swiveled back to catch the sounds of the kid struggling with Shirou, Nanako glancing back to see him manhandling the kid with ease. Shrugging, the squirrel girl turned and zipped off to over to Shirou, peering at the kid curiously, fluffy tail swishing this way and that.

"So who's the kid?" she asked, glancing between said kid, Shirou, and Sakura.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses