Author Topic: In Character Game Thread (Depricated)  (Read 207706 times)


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #4245 on: February 03, 2019, 04:47:34 AM »

"Thanks. I worked real hard on it." He grinned and relaxed, as if he dodged a bullet there.

But hey, at least she liked it!

"So, mind if I ask? And I don't mean to be rude or pry, but... what's with the ears? They look cute, but I've never seen someone with ears that pointy. Is it just you?"


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #4246 on: February 03, 2019, 05:02:12 AM »

"Did I not tell you? My feelings are irrelevant, destroying creatures of the dark is my duty. Unlike you, I do not have the free will to stop a direct order." The archangel smiled, albeit he did not seem like he was enjoying himself. It was regret, sadness, pity. He knew full well he was incomplete. He knew full well his memory was fragmented. And he knew full well how weak and pathetic he were. But he was still an archangel.

"...I was forced into a war I wanted nothing to do with, had to watch countless of my comrades die. We are forced into an eternal cycle of life and death, and even then we cannot be free. It is your fault, if only you creatures never existed.... then I...."

He would not fall. The only one who could make him fall was the morningstar. His brother, his passion, his sin. He clenched his hand on his face , his eyes felt like they'd pop. SHut up, shut up, shut up. Say no more you impertinent worm. DO not dare, do not dare-

ALERT: Personality parameters destabilized. Requesting permission for event termination.

No, no, no. He could not, must not, this creature could not exist in this world.

ALERT: Lynchpins destabilizing, memory anomalies growing to unassertable levels. Risk of self-destruction = 35%

He was Asmael. Brother of the Morningstar. He was no mere pigeon. Ridiculous, laughable!

ALERT: Appropriate inhibitions subdued, requesting seal strengthening.

A tear streamed down his left eye. Why did he cry? Why did the seagulls cry? The cicadas? The ciconia? The humans, the angels, the devils? Why was he crying? This must be joy.


He did not wish to kill.

He did not wish to dissappoint his father.

He did not wish for this war, this painful conflict that tore everything apart.

ALERT: Asmael don-

"Begone. You are not my enemy." He looked behind him and smiled at the dark angel. The demon.

He clapped his six wings, the winds roared, and the shock wave destroyed everything. When the dust cleared, the wake of the boom was nothing short of the destruction of the entire house. Now, the view was clear.

"Submit to justice, submit to God, submit to me!!!" "No. I don't want to hurt this creature. I don't want to hurt my friend." "Shut up, shut up! You impertinent buffoon! You third rate weakling! You dare share the letters of my name, but you cannot kill a single demon!? Drown in your sinfulness and die!" "" "Sinners! Begone!" "Aruna...sorry..." "Hah! Demons are fodder to Justice!" ""

Nowhere to run, when the wings didn't send hurling slashes of pressurized wind, the launched compressed feathers, and when they didn't the holy shards of energy rained down like razors.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #4247 on: February 03, 2019, 02:55:45 PM »

"Thanks. I worked real hard on it." He grinned and relaxed, as if he dodged a bullet there.

But hey, at least she liked it!

"So, mind if I ask? And I don't mean to be rude or pry, but... what's with the ears? They look cute, but I've never seen someone with ears that pointy. Is it just you?"


"I will not permanently destroy you for failure," she said to reassure it after a moment observing that relief. "Only treason."

Serana had standards after all. It was more useful to retain a loyal servant who had failed despite their best effort than to remove them from the field. It was a failure on her part for assigning them to a task they were not suited to, rather than their's. Unless they were lazy about it.

The lich brushed her hair back over her shoulder for a moment with a flick of her hand, as if to show one of her ears off some more. "Although I am quite close to it if you are going to ask questions such as that. To think I have ended up in a world so disgusting it doesn't even know elves."


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #4248 on: February 03, 2019, 04:59:47 PM »

"Ugh. Immune to magic. What is she, made of nullstone?" Eru's ears twitched in disgust at such an abhorrent thought. The vampire sounded rather interesting, though. Maybe I should pay her a visit sometime... ah, but that's for another time.

Her brow furrowed up in annoyance, she bit her lip.

"They sound powerful, but hardly unique. Although, I used to be a lot stronger..."

Eru sighed. Building up her tower again was going to be a lot of work.

"This Nexus place is strange." She finally admitted with a sigh, her ears drooping. "You humans have a penchant for destroying nature, but here you've taken it to an extreme." She dug her toes into the wet earth. "Places like this are like a refuge to wood elves like me. Ah, sorry, I was rambling..." she looked at Amanda apologetically. "I'm not usually scatterbrained like this, it just kind of came out."

The elf cleared her throat. "I could make a replica golem who looks feels and acts like an elven princess, maybe. If you have any spare bodies, I could even pretend to be you in the sale..."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #4249 on: February 03, 2019, 05:38:44 PM »

Suerte practically yelped, drawing the eyes of the men in the restaurant.  One girl even slapped her boyfriend for staring so hard.  "C'mon," she said with a wry little smile.  "I'm not that much of a sucker."

Even the cashier could feel it, the eyes locked on one spot in the entire room.  As the girl came into view, she froze, staring blankly at the girl.  "Can I tell you- can I take your order?"


"i mean sure.  Uhh do y-you want a drink?" the girl asked, completely stunned by the girl's unmatched beauty.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #4250 on: February 03, 2019, 05:50:47 PM »
Happy Maid Café


The two of them as well as the wand were greeted by a pink haired maid the moment they walked. She was holding the tip of her short skirt while curtsying to them more than what would be required to be merely polite. Her actions didn't go unnoticed to the male customers at the table behind her who were openly oogling her like the starved degenerates they were.

"We don't often see young ladies visiting us. Welcome to the Happy Maid Café~ Would you like to order a table Ojou-sama? If so I will be your personal maid for the rest of your stay and will attend your every need~"


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #4251 on: February 03, 2019, 07:01:57 PM »

"Well excuse me, I didn't have someone fill me in on the details. I'n sure if someone stuck you in an immaterial plane 50 000 feet underground you'd be a little curious about the different races that got to grow while you were out. But that's just me."

He was as casual and aloof even about his discontentment, if one didn't know better you could swear he was laughing that off too. "Nope, never heard of one. Maybe your race just wasn't noteworthy enough to reach my ears, or perhaps I ate them up and didn't even realize. Spare me the threats and just answer the damn question, I'm curious man."


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #4252 on: February 03, 2019, 07:18:05 PM »

"Well excuse me, I didn't have someone fill me in on the details. I'n sure if someone stuck you in an immaterial plane 50 000 feet underground you'd be a little curious about the different races that got to grow while you were out. But that's just me."

He was as casual and aloof even about his discontentment, if one didn't know better you could swear he was laughing that off too. "Nope, never heard of one. Maybe your race just wasn't noteworthy enough to reach my ears, or perhaps I ate them up and didn't even realize. Spare me the threats and just answer the damn question, I'm curious man."


You's reaction gave her some pause. How long had it been since Serana had dealt with a subordinate she lacked total control over? How did its... sense of humor work? "I will forgive you this temerity," Serana said slowly. "This time."

How to sum up elves to someone for whom it should not be immediately obvious? She tilted her head in thought. "Elves are the Firstborn, the immortal restorers of fallen worlds across the many realms. Age means nothing to us even in life, and our knowledge and precision are unsurpassed by the lesser races who once inherited our work." The lich sounded quite disgusted at the final part of that sentence. "I decided that wasn't enough for us."


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #4253 on: February 03, 2019, 08:11:11 PM »

Suerte practically yelped, drawing the eyes of the men in the restaurant.  One girl even slapped her boyfriend for staring so hard.  "C'mon," she said with a wry little smile.  "I'm not that much of a sucker."

Even the cashier could feel it, the eyes locked on one spot in the entire room.  As the girl came into view, she froze, staring blankly at the girl.  "Can I tell you- can I take your order?"


"i mean sure.  Uhh do y-you want a drink?" the girl asked, completely stunned by the girl's unmatched beauty.


"Yes, I think we would." Vanilla leaned forwards over the counter, her wings flapping lazily. It was a transfixing sight for the woman. The small batlike wings were close enough to touch, somehow holding up Vanilla's entire weight. She reached forwards and stroked the woman's cheek before pressing her index finger against her lips. "What's your name?" Her large breasts jiggled, barely contained by the shirt that seemed to have unzipped without her noticing, showing off their perfectly round shape, unencombered by such silly ideas as weight. They had an almost bewitching alure to them, begging to be fondled.

"You can touch them." Vanilla whispered in her ear, her red eyes shining, feasting on the arousal of every man in the store.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #4254 on: February 03, 2019, 09:08:19 PM »

While the phantoms and the shadows finished off the few conscious humans in the area, the darkness began to envelop the area. A space that didn't exist, this is what this ground zero would soon become. Outsiders would just see past it. He hoped he didn't have to keep this spell going forever though, exerting himself after getting whooped around was such a pain.

"So you took things into your own hands. That's pretty bold of you, I like that." He grinned and nodded, crossing his arms in approval. Flapping his wings, it wasn't hard to keep a low altitude and follow her along. "But I agree. Those without power or authority should know their place. Inferior breeds like cattle are only worth what you can harvest off them. And if you were able to teach them who's boss, that just proves how inferior and lacking they were all along. Translation note: don't mess with Serana."

So this ancient race held this much power. And I didn't even know about it. Fascinating, the world really has grown fascinating. Thanks, I think I'll get to see plenty more interesting things thanks to you.

"Well, they're pretty ears." He grinned wolfishly. "So, what about you? I got to ask a question about you, it's only fair I returned the favor. Don't be shy, I'll bite the bullet if it comes to that. Hehehe..."


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #4255 on: February 03, 2019, 10:05:09 PM »

Nanako's eyes went wide like their plates at the mention of shark-men landlords, her ears sticking up as she stopped tearing into her steak for a moment.

"Wait, you've got the loan sharks and their sort here too?" the squirrel girl looked concerned, "...Maybe we should just stick to the more normal ones, even if we'll still have to be careful about them."

With that, she went back to her meal, restraining a shudder as she thought back to previous encounters. Opting to distract herself from that, Nanako gave Justice another curious once over. It was a little surprising how much changed without his scarf and hat. As it was she almost reached out to poke his face before deciding not to interrupt his meal. Washing down her most recent mouthful with an apparently rather nutty beer, part of her marveling at the genius of whoever it was that thought to include nuts in the brew, she found herself looking between Justice and his horse a few times, looking uncharacteristically thoughtful.

"So," she started at last, "Got any plans for how we deal with the ones trying to cheat us?"
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #4256 on: February 03, 2019, 11:27:34 PM »

The redhaired woman fell to her knees, unable to even will herself to raise her arms.  They felt like anchors, pinned to the ground with a weight that could only be described as sadness.  The purple haired girl was at her mercy.  Valantine had won the battle.

No, that was wrong.

She lost.  She lost in every way.  The battle, the war, everything was lost because it barely had any meaning, to begin with.  It was inflamed self-importance, the call to action was one she made and distorted.

 "I am sorry."

The demons whispters became roars as he shouted, YOU FOOL!  THE TRAGEDY WILL BE REPEATED!  YOU WILL BE BETRAYED, USED!  HEAD MY WORDS!

Even so, the demon was finally being pushed out, emerging from her body and taking all the power it offered with it.  When it emerged, it was but an orb of shadows, helpless before the psychic and her power.  If she so chose, she could wipe it out with a mere thought.  It couldn't stop her.  After all, it was just a helpless soul, the remnants of a once powerful beast of a creature.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2019, 02:33:01 AM by Sinib »


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #4257 on: February 03, 2019, 11:33:34 PM »

The effort needed to push the demon out was more than she ever normally exerted. Not since her desperate middle age, heady with the power of life draining, had she expended her own life force willingly to empower her psychic abilities. Never had she truly needed to. As the demon took its new, helpless form Thea trembled, visibly aging decades with creases and thinness she'd previously lacked. "Forcing me to use that much power... fool on me for trying to suborn your's in the first place."

She spat at the ground, coughing up blood, and reached out to grasp the orb of shadow. "Now die."

What power she had left, she devoted to snuffing this out.


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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #4258 on: February 04, 2019, 12:00:29 AM »

"Wait what?  No!  I can't do that!" she said, even while staring at the gorgous orbs floating in front of her face.  Despite wearing modest clothes, they were spilling out, practically begging her to touch.  It was almost infuriating.

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: In Character Game Thread
« Reply #4259 on: February 04, 2019, 12:34:40 AM »

There was destruction of course. For Piece who had moved about solely by its own power, it was easy to slip away and watch the ensuing lightshow from a distance. "What a contradictory person. Crying and yelling about justice so much when he's already fallen. I couldn't find someone more of a living joke than that." From atop a far off building the shadowy creature cackled at the destructive thrashing the helpless movements of such a stupid and powerful creature.

"Does this please you, my master?" There was nothing in the area that would answer it. No fluctuation that could be detected in energy or matter. Yet its shoulders dipped as if scolded. "Of course, my master! I would not think to be a disappointment to you. Just a little time, I will be able to add something more to this show!"

The night scene of the Nexus could never be called particularly calm, but right now nothing in particular stood out to the piece. It tilted its head at a strange sound then. The airspace of the Nexus was usually rather open. The place was not so large as to need a dedicated airport. But tonight there seemed to be...

"Kyahahaha!" The pawn vanished into the night.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2019, 12:35:30 AM by Umbra of Chaos »