Name: Elizabeth
Race: Succubus
Age: She lost count over ten thousand years ago and gave up.
Height: variable, preferred form is 155 cm

Instead of pupils, her eyes have swirling pinkish magic circles of impossible detail spinning around gently. Occasionally, an equally complex pattern flashes across her entire body.
Other Forms:
Physical Attributes (With Buffs)
Strength: Incredible (Fantastic)
Agility: Incredible (Fantastic)
Constitution: Incredible (Fantastic)
Magic: Divine
Magic ResistanceMedium
General Magecraft KnowledgeElizabeth knows a fair amount about all types of magic, such as the domains of fire, water, air, and earth spells. She can cast many spells from these areas, but chooses not to, eschewing them as mundane, boring, useless, “for plebian fools who know nothing about the true depths of magecraft.” She also has a general knowledge of every field of magic imaginable, although her depth of knowledge is far inferior to that of her specialty.
Space ManipulationElizabeth is the unparalleled master of a forbidden school of magic long thought to have been lost forever, remembered only as a scant rumor known only to a few of the so called sages of her world. She possesses the power to warp reality and even spacetime itself seemingly at will. She can bend and fold it and with a great deal of effort and an immense expenditure of mana, even for her, tear through it. Space itself seems to tear for a moment beforehand, bending and stretching painfully before a hole rips out of it, whatever existing there previously being instantly destroyed. She cannot maintain other abilities while using this attack. However, she's found that the Nexus possesses an unbelievable resilience to such manipulations and as a result, has become greatly limited in the scale of the effects she can create(approximately the size of a room).
Years ago, longer than she can remember now, she carved an unbelievably complex magic circle upon her body and used herself as the centerpiece to a grand ritual, which imbibed her body with a thoroughly unique and hereafter unreplicated defense, one that is unparalleled in power and potency. Not even those with incredible magic resistance would be able to bypass its absolute defense. It’s also unreplicatable due to its complexity, even by an ability that copies someone’s powers. If someone were to attempt to interfere with it or destroy it, it’s even capable of purging the damaged portions of the ritual and recreate itself using Elizabeth’s mana. However, this takes time, and it would be completely offline during the entire period of repair.
While active, no attack is able to reach Elizabeth. No attack will ever hit her, even if it had an infinite amount of time to travel, unless the attack traveled faster than the speed of light. You may reach infinitesimal distances, however, that is not enough.
In order for her to use this awesome defensive power, she needs to keep it active. While it’s on, she can use no other abilities, although simply moving is still possible. When she fires off an attack, she must drop her armour in order to pick up her sword, as it were. This lapse in defense is her weak point, and if taken advantage of properly could prove to be fatal.
Barriers and FieldsElizabeth is an absolute master of creating magical fields with various esoteric effects. She could be considered among the best in her former world at it. She can create powerful defenses that can take a massive magical attack that could destroy a building or even a larger area, however, this takes time. No matter how skilled she is, she still needs to actually go and draw the glyphs and other parts of it, the more powerful taking more time because it’s more complicated. In fact, her speed at it can already be considered absolutely top notch, as a normal master might take a week or even months in what she takes mere days or weeks.
She could also make a stairway that goes on forever until you complete a certain task or break the spell through some other means. Of course, all of this is affected by magic resistance as well. Elizabeth has set up an immense magical field around her district, which allows her to function at her stated level of strength without issue. If she were outside it, or it was somehow disrupted, her ability to control her zombies and manipulate her magic would be greatly limited. This field enables her to use her higher end stuff, and to move while activating her barrier by reducing the strain upon her body to activate.
ContractsElizabeth can make magically enforced contracts that are unbreakable on a fundamental level. Neither she nor the person she signs it with are able to violate the terms under any circumstances. The terms can be anything the two parties agree to, so long as both parties can provide the service they're agreeing to. It must be informed consent, although she can twist the truth just a little bit and if she presents it in writing it’s the other party’s fault if they don’t read it carefully as long as she presents it in a language they actually know.
These contracts are at their most basic level an exchange of commodities and/or services for access to Elizabeth’s infernal power. This can be as simple as performing a task for her in exchange for a cure for your cancer, or as dramatic as pledging your soul to her in exchange for access to infernal power. Offering your soul to her is no small matter - she will own you, even after death, and opposing her becomes an impossible dream.
Beams and StuffOf course, she is able to learn other magics than those strictly within her field, but she eschews them as worthless and boring, trash that only untalented posers would want to research: with one exception. For whatever reason, she greatly enjoys converting magic into raw energy and firing it off as a beam of raw and violent energy. She says that it's beautiful in its simplicity, and that anyone can do it if they try, but hers can reach truly awe inspiring scales with enough preparation. A normal beam would hit at very high levels of damage, while her more powerful stuff would require charging, up to extremely high levels of damage after a significant chargeup.
Furthermore, she can do this same process to create a beam, but instead create an orb of crackling magic energy with the same destructive properties as the beam itself, the more destructive the larger and slower the ball is. It doesn’t really have any advantage over the beam but she thinks it looks cool.
ShapeshiftingElizabeth has always possessed an innate talent for shapeshifting. She never really worked hard on learning too much about it, however, and can only transform herself into beings roughly the same size and shape as her, such as that of a human, elf, orc, or halfling. Becoming an animal wouldn’t be possible unless something possessed her to actually try and learn something new, which would be nearly impossible. She can only change her own form(except as it relates to sex magic), and can manipulate her gender as she pleases.
Reserves: Even though she is unable to use her full potential, Elizabeth still has full access to her utterly vast, ocean like reserves of mana. Any given spell she can cast as of now wouldn’t tire her out at all, and even if she fired off her most powerful stuff day in and day out she wouldn’t get tired out.
Other Abilities:Fallen DivinityElizabeth used to be much more. Once, she usurped the mantles of love and ambition from a divine, and claimed it as her own. Once, she was a god who controlled most of the mortal realm, but no more. Her divine powers were stripped away from her through powerful rituals, and she was sealed away, forever.
Now, she is in the Nexus, and while her power has long since left her, her body remembers its former strength; her soul craves its return. If she gains a large, sizable following, their faith may spark a rebirth within her.
Mind of an Ancient MageElizabeth's mind is not something to be trifled with. Countless impossibly complex formulae and other forbidden knowledge whirls around in her mind, and this is tempered by the multiple millennia of years she spent sealed away, spending all of her time thinking and pondering. As a side effect of this, she has an unparalleled skill at creating mental walls and protecting her mind from interference, and anybody who attempted to utilize mind control on her would be in for a painful and punishing surprise. She is heavily resistant to even the most powerful mental manipulation and if a weaker person attempted it on her, the feedback from her mind could knock them unconscious or in the worst case, even potentially kill them.
Succubi LordDevilish Delights: Even without the explicit use of supernatural powers, all succubi are incredibly attractive. They can elicit responses of arousal from others regardless of their orientation. Only the most extreme of circumstances can undermine their basic beauty - being covered in blood splatter after a fight or getting covered in mud will not hinder them, but only enhance their appeal. On the other hand, getting covered in excrement would be a meaningful hindrance.
Elizabeth herself takes this to another level entirely-anybody who sees her, regardless of race or sexual preferences or gender, finds her innately desirable on an instinctual level. She is attractive to the point that the weaker-willed will simply fold to her desires, and even the stronger cannot help but want to fuck her. Only those with truly alien mindsets may be able to not see her as attractive.
Fiendish Charms: Succubi are in many ways selfish desire incarnate, and their dark powers allow them to share this desire with others whether they want it or not. An ordinary, average person stands little chance against the seductive wiles of such a devil, and so with a simple intimate touch they find themselves doing anything short of blatant suicide for the sake of hopefully receiving more of that attention. Stronger wills can resist this terrible allure, but even they are not entirely safe from it. Allowing a succubus to engage in intimate or prolonged contact will over time erode the subject’s resistance to the effects of that specific fiend’s powers. In time only the strongest of wills can resist becoming completely enamored with their wicked paramour.
Elizabeth’s charm, as a demonic overlord, is far more powerful than any of those in her service. If she truly desires someone, and focuses her charm on them, even someone with Zen willpower would be hard pressed to be able to resist her compulsions. For those with weaker wills, a few honeyed words can be enough to break down any mental defenses and enslave them to her will, giving them a lesser or greater intimacy for her, depending on their personal character and strength of will.
Shapeshifting: Succubi are capable of taking on the shape of any humanoid creature up to or down to the more extreme ends of the humanoid size scale. This takes several moments to do if they have a specific appearance in mind, and if they are killed they are forced to assume their natural appearance in their final moments. It is much simpler to assume partial features such as taking on different sexual characteristics, for obvious reasons.
Soul Eater: The natural desire of succubi is to consume their victims to their blackened hearts’ content. Through kissing and other explicitly intimate actions a succubus can begin to drain the life force of others, reducing their stamina and provoking them to increasingly debilitating levels of fatigue. While this is awkward and difficult to leverage in a fight against some opponents, such as armored ones, it means that succubi are dangerous to take on in a bare handed grapple and that if they don’t like you they make for lethal bed partners.
Telepathy: All succubi have an inherent ability with telepathic communication. They can freely project their thoughts to any intelligent creature within 60 feet, and be understood despite any language barriers that might exist between them. If a succubus places a creature under their fiendish charms the range restriction disappears as their besotted victim experiences the joy of being at their beck and call no matter where they are.
FlightShe has wings.
AssetsSee: The Pleasure Palace District. Also her faceclaim.
Origin: Elizabeth doesn’t really remember where she came from. She learned magic and went on to terrorize the entire world, becoming a bogeyman for the entire world in her prime! She looks back on those times with nostalgia, but thinks that she went a little bit overboard in retrospect. Ruling over people wasn’t actually that fun. As they always say, hindsight is 20:20! However, like all good things, her reign of supreme power came to an end. A brave group of adventurers fought their way through her lair and after a fierce battle, managed to seal her away with the help of some divine power. There she remained for untold centuries or millennia, she’s not sure, until the tales of her loss and even her existence in the first place became legend, until even those stories were forgotten. She suddenly found herself released one day, a stranger in a strange land. She doesn’t feel like going through all the trouble of conquering again though, and she’s gotten much weaker anyway. She’s decided that it makes more sense just to chill around and run her own little strip club and control a large area of the Nexus for the time being.
WeaknessesElizabeth has set up an immense magical field around her district, which allows her to function at her stated level of strength without issue. If she were outside it, or it was somehow disrupted, her magical potency drops drastically along with her ability to control her own mana stores.
IntimaciesGreater Tie: Her Family
Lesser Tie: The Pleasure Palace District
Lesser Tie: Herself (Pride)
Lesser Tie: Herself (Depression)
Lesser Principle: “The purpose of all things in life is pleasure.”
Lesser Cause: Regain my lost power