Author Topic: Pine Garden  (Read 88801 times)


  • The God Tongue
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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1425 on: January 23, 2021, 12:55:14 AM »

Continued From Columbia

Marc and Val had a nice relaxing bike ride across the city, filled with turbulence and passionate breezes hitting them under the moonlight. And yes, he loved every second of it. 'Till he ended up in front of a nice villa by the top of the hillside. It was a cozy place, with a rustic but homely feel and a nice luxurious pool. The sort of place you don't just get in a day without hustling. Especially not cleanly.

And of course, the view was nice. He picked the spot so he'd wake up, mast up, and greet the breathtaking sights any time.  So yeah, a nice place.

But not as nice as the lady behind him, hehehe.

"Wooooow. La vache, c'est top!" He gawked at the place like it wasn't his, grinning from ear to ear as he fixed up his foulard (A scarf, but sexier and french. Kind of like him.)  and dismounted.

"Nice crib, eh?" He gave Val a cheery glance. It was honestly a bit embarassing, he didn't think he'd end up showing it to her of all people. But it was also kind of nice.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1426 on: January 25, 2021, 03:39:47 AM »


She didn't say anything more, but after a second or two had passed in silence she walked over to him and got up on her tip toes to meet him face to face. "Hmm... Is that French persona thing an act to hide your crushing loneliness?"

Then she kissed him on the cheek and pulled back. "You know there is no need to feel like that anymore, I do not intend to let you run off again this time, talent like yours in invaluable and I will nurture it until you reach your full potential... And until you decide to become my apprentice I will be staying right here, in your spectacular villa, it cannot really compare to my Castle though." The blonde vampire just knew that boasting about her own stuff would draw out more of his competitiveness.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1427 on: January 27, 2021, 06:36:41 PM »

"Oi, wit are ye talkin about mate, a've got naw idea wit ye're on about." Marc suddenly retorted with a downright perfect scottish accent, so well practiced you litterally couldn't tell if it was the real deal. Yeah, even so... he looked back at her in total genuine confusion, hands in the air - but too late to stop her smooch on his old cheek.

A french act? Rude. He had no idea how a king could be this rude, if it was even legal. But she was pretty...


Marc looked away and smiled perversely, blushing a little.

"Anyways, you don't need to point out obvious stuff. I'd feel pretty bad if my villa was fancier than your castle, milady, so bad I might actually cry." Thing is, he wasn't sure if he was blushing because he was into it (it was still kind of perverted, dick or not, she still felt like family) or because he was boozed up.

Probably into it.

"Unfooortunately, there's a little detail you're forgetting, ma chèrie. Your castle can't possibly be more spectacularly cute than my villa. Becauuuuse..." He booped her back on the nose. "We're here. Hehehe." And with that, he returned the smooch on the cheek. "But what's this about me being your apprentice? You've got some awful jokes you know?" He crossed his arms and pouted a little.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1428 on: January 28, 2021, 10:53:22 PM »

The Vampire King pouted back in turn, then launched herself at him. There was no way she'd ever let him think this was aere joke, so she'd prove it with her actions, in a way that would make it perfectly clear what she wanted. Her lips met his for a true kiss and she shoved her tongue in forcefully, it was all the passion she could muster in the moment.

And then the moment was over and she broke the kiss, however, she still kept him in her clutches. "My interest goes beyond just being ground pounded by you. You have some real potential that I want to discuss with you,  We can have that talk now or after I have drained your balls completely dry of your delicious cum, the choice is yours Maaaarc~"


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1429 on: January 29, 2021, 02:06:40 AM »

"Mhfhhh? Hmm, mhhh." He was surprised at first when her hands grabbed onto him, but the heat from Val's kiss sparked something inside him. It felt great, like electricity coursing through him. He liked to play rough, even holding onto her after a bit, but this was his weakness in a way. He was such a romantic, even when he eased into it, his small moans were getting adorable.

Their bodies touched, and for a moment that felt like an eternity, he pulled back. The only thing that separated them was a glistening trail of saliva.

"Ah... woah, slow down. I like you, not just your ass." He said that, but he returned the kiss immediately. His hand trailed on her golden locks, gently taking in the silken warmth while they embraced. This was probably the best french kiss Marc ever had.

So he wasn't treating her to anything less than the best kiss in hers.

The choice was obvious before she even asked. He was a man the same way she was a woman after all. Or maybe he learned more than just how to punch and kick from her.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2021, 02:07:13 AM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1430 on: February 03, 2021, 02:15:10 AM »

"Mhhhhmmhmhm I seee..." She enjoyed the warmth of the embrace the overflowing affection. He was totally smitten with her wasn't he? It was almost too easy, but that would just make the next part oh so much sweeter. To truly reel in your pray, you first have to dangle the bait in front of them and then you have to deny them it.

That's why she pulled away from the loving embrace.

"Yeah you are right.... But we should put business before pleasure, ruining you would be far too easy after I conquered you in bed. Now take a seat my apprentice, controlling your lusts will only be a small step on your journey." She motioned for him to sit down as the vampire wore an absolutely devious grin. Driving men crazy with desire was probably her favorite thing to do.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1431 on: February 03, 2021, 03:26:58 PM »

Eh? Aww, just when he was getting into it. Oh well. "Sure, sure. You know what they say, mi casa es tu casa." He had a cheeky smile on him, even when she pulled away, but he looked away and coughed a bit. He wasn't flustered, not at all.

"Can't talk for an ancient vampire, but life's too short not to indulge in it a little. That's my motto anyway." Arms behind his head, he hopped on one of the benches by the pool to relax.

"So, you want me back as your student that badly?"


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1432 on: February 07, 2021, 10:20:43 PM »

The answer he got was a good ole head chop delivered with much love and care. "Idiot... I do not wanna see you use idioms like that. It is unsightly. You know you will live far longer than any other human,so how dare you dangle their own mortality in front of them like that? You barely looks older than a teenager, and you are 38 now. Surely you must have noticed it by now?" Of course she was referring to the fact that he was aging far slower than everyone else around him.

"But more importantly..." She leaned down while patting his head, this position made her chest dangle right in front of him, only restrained by her thin shirt, was she even wearing a bra? From the way her nipples could be seen through the fabric, the answer to that was probably not.

"You're far too cute when trying to hide your embarrassment, and leaving that behind is out of the question. So yes I want you back."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1433 on: February 12, 2021, 12:41:20 AM »

Aie, one chop to the coconut later, he was squinting like a little kid. Grunting, Marc ruffled his messy red plot of hair, only for him to open one eye...

"Oh hush you grandma, that's because I eat my spinach every day." He blushed a bit and wrapped an arm around her back, holding her in an affectionate hug. "Of course I'm cute. And I don't blame you for missing me, I guess I missed you too. Hearing your voice this close feels sweet, you know?"

For a moment, he was happy to just be there. If only she didn't make such a troublesome request. If only..

"Buuut, I don't think I can just go back to the dojo." He looked at Val's red eyes seriously. "I'm grateful, and you've got a place in my heart. But I gotta make room in there for booze, money, and the boys I've got depending on me. It's not like I was ever smitten with the idea of punching bricks for life. Martial arts are just a tool for me. You can't have an easy lifestyle here if you can't protect it, it's just common sense."
« Last Edit: February 12, 2021, 12:42:32 AM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1434 on: February 12, 2021, 03:54:24 AM »

"If I really have a place in your heart then you could at least listen to what I am saying, instead of letting it go in one ear and out the other, you idiot..." Valerie sighed sadly, his stubbornnesswwas bringing even this old vampire granny to pout like a child who isn't getting her way. That was how she felt right, but he was the stupid one not her! Definitely not her, that she was sure off. The only comforting thing was the hug, which she fully enjoyed, she even pressed herself against fully to seek his heat. The warmth of another was a supreme lure for a vampire as old as her.

"I never said anything about taking you back to the dojo. I said apprenticeship, we can work this out without removing any of those things you care about, I am not just flexible in bed...You do still work out right? I could train you then, I.... I could stay here if that would inconvenience you less... And I will pay for my expenses, I could even cook for you... Just please do not just throw your potential away." Valerie started throwing out suggestion after suggestion. She did it because she didn't want to be a failure anymore, who only trained mediocre students. She'd failed so many in the past but she wouldn't allow herself to fail here.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1435 on: February 12, 2021, 03:57:47 AM »

He stared at Valerie in totally dumbfounded disbelief, as if everything she just said shook him to the core. No, he didn't even consider what she said as possible until now. To say he never thought of it was an understatement.

"Can royalty like you even cook?"

It was kind of surreal.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1436 on: February 12, 2021, 04:13:28 AM »

Hehehe... How cute of you, I love that look on your face." The blonde giggled a bit more as it was so easy to surprise with just mundane knowledge of her life. Did he really think all she did was meditate and look for people to fuck? It was quite an amusing thought, but right now she had an apprentice to set straight.

"I studied it since I was a little girl at the great court, even went to a top class culinary school. Of course I passed without trouble as was expected of royalty but I never truly excelled at it. And I really do prefer baking over cooking, there is just something fun in throwing together the wildest cakes and seeing your guests enjoy it. Oh and the sugar too, it is like alcohol to my Kind. Ooops, should not have said that, it is supposed to be a secret, so please do not tell anyone..."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1437 on: February 15, 2021, 01:01:44 AM »

"Wooooow! So let me get this straight, rum cakes are like getting plastered at the power of square, huh? That's just... pfffft!" He tried to contain a giggle, but laughed it off. He just imagined Valerie in some over the top chef apron, working on 100 dishes all over the place. It was just, just...

"Hehe, no wonder I'm getting drunk off you. You're too sweet for my own good." He pondered for a second... thinking on what she just said. No matter how you cut it, it wasn't a bad argument. She was convincing, yeah, with two pairs of well shaped arguments to boot...

"And I guess it wouldn't be too bad, I could use a maid at my place. Aren't you going to miss your castle though? You could always bring them over or something! We could have a slumber party with my boys too!" He grinned and kissed her on the cheek over and over. "Can we? Can we? Can weeeee?"

As cool as Marc played it, you could say he was still the same brat at heart. He looked at Valerie with two big puppy eyes.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1438 on: February 15, 2021, 08:48:11 PM »

"Okay okay stop, whatever it is you are imagining that is not how it is. And Emilia is mine, she will stay at the castle wnd away from your greedy hands. But more importantly..." She glared at him with her vampiric slitted eyes, or at least she tried to, but even to him it should be obvious that she wasn't actually mad.

"You dare tell a king to lower herself to being your mind, I will not debase myself so. If you wish to see that then how about you beat me in a fight first and then we can see if I feel like granting you your wish. You really should not be so demanding of your friends, I am not your servant buuut... If you would not be opposed to being your public girlfriend. If you made the stuck up nobles believe you were courting me that would certainly boost your standing." This was as far as she was willing to go,iif he didn't take this offer then he'd be a lost cause. She'd never actually lived together with a man before so this was a slightly exiting prospect. But even more exciting would be sticking it to the human aristocracy who'd tried to suck up to her for centuries.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1439 on: February 15, 2021, 09:17:15 PM »

Awwww. His puppy eyes blinked, and for a moment there they got as sharp as they were aloof. "Woah woah, haha. Is that so... my, what... panache." He looked up in embarrassment like a cute clueless kid. "You make it sound like that was my villainous plan all along. I really just want a cute blonde cosplay harem."

He looked away and scratched his fuzzy stubble a bit, before turning a sly smile at Valerie - and a poke to her nose.

Wow. Even the nose was cute and bouncy.

"Ahem, regardless... I suppose I'm not too bad of a deal. But are you really fine with that? Going out with a bad boy scoundrel like me?" Amber eyes fluttered, she was on top of him for a while now. He leaned closer and snuggled with her a bit. "If people see us like this, all sorts of rumors could pop up... you might just have to put Baddest Girl In Town to your new list of titles, right after Woman I Love the Most."