Author Topic: Pine Garden  (Read 88672 times)


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1470 on: July 13, 2021, 10:33:14 PM »

"It only feels good when it's stroked and gently squeezed, pulling is very bad..."Lily finally managed to get up into a sitting position and fr there up on her legs.

Shuddered at the thought of that though... "Ice cream is cold and terrible, if you wanna bribe me you should go for the hot and spicy stuff, something with a real bite that would kill a weakling.. hmpfff and headpats are cheating, I'm not gonna like you anymore just cause you do that you hear? I'm too old for that trick!" But it did feel really good.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1471 on: July 15, 2021, 04:57:55 AM »

The elf had already finished bawling her eyes out and almost breaking his bones in her youthful tantrum in front of the crowd of spectators. Whatever good impressions they had of her strength and power had been marred by her youthful enthusiasm and childish peaks of emotion.

By now, she was nuzzled up against him, ears flickering against his back in a rather seductive manner—and her soft curves were wrapped tightly around him, with her snake pressed eight up against him as a result of the ride.

Further, he could feel her inhuman body—beyond the obvious, her musculature was hard like steel, and her heart was as hot as a force, heat emenating throughout her core as if she had a miniature sun encased inside of her. Her soft breasts shielded him from the worst of the heat, but it was still like sunbathing on a hot summer's day.

She didn't respond, not until he got up, at which point she hopped up onto the top of a nearby lampost and looked around at his house from her perch, balanced precariously upon the tips of her toes.

"Fascinating, the sorts of buildings humans live in..."



Aie, did I really just say that?

Mark blinked and looked at the door... sadly for a moment. Not that Lu could see that anyways, so he wiped off the frown off his mug as quick as it appeared and scratched his head awkwardly. "Oh well,It's too bad Lu! I wanted to show you off to my associate, but it looks like my home-cooking will have to do." He cheered before turning to glance at the newcomer.

That's when he stopped.

He staaaaared at the elf for a moment.

"Did you just jump on that lamp post?"



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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1472 on: July 15, 2021, 09:53:53 PM »

"It only feels good when it's stroked and gently squeezed, pulling is very bad..."Lily finally managed to get up into a sitting position and fr there up on her legs.

Shuddered at the thought of that though... "Ice cream is cold and terrible, if you wanna bribe me you should go for the hot and spicy stuff, something with a real bite that would kill a weakling.. hmpfff and headpats are cheating, I'm not gonna like you anymore just cause you do that you hear? I'm too old for that trick!" But it did feel really good.


Vega stopped, aye... but not because she asked him or anything, oh no. He put his finger on his chin and seemed deep in thought.

"So you're admitting you're old. How curious."

And with that, he snapped his fingers dramatically - the sound as loud as the crack of a whip. "And that won't do at all, head patting privileges are non-negotiable. And your hair is really nice too, I must ask, do you use some special shampoo?" He puffed up his own locks playfully as he said that, but his question was anything but a jest. Taking extreme care of one's grooming was a sign of pedigree, and he wanted to keep up with the best ways to take care of himself impeccably - at all times.

"Ah, don't worry. We'll have plenty of time to discuss that, and worry not - your request has not fallen on deaf years. In fact, I know a really nice place. Follow me."

And with that, he hurried off, grabbing something with a firm grip, something even more scandalous than her tail. Without hesitation, he was firmly holding her hand.

"Pwahhh~! This is the place."

It didn't take very long, no time at all. Or perhaps commoners do have some merit, the expression always holds true: time flies when you're having fun. But where could he have taken her? The streets weren't nearly as clean and orderly as the ones in the hill, though it was no pigsty. A noble frequenting the backstreets was simply unheard of - scandalous, even. Some rumors said it was enough to bring ruin to lesser families, and yet Vega of all people didn't seem to mind. He walked these streets as if he knew them by the back of his hand, and brought her 'there'.

The sound of knives hurriedly chopping in the background, metal clanging against metal, impossibly hot oil sizzling filled the busy atmosphere. The scent wok hay soared in the whole shack with the thick, pleasant aroma of burning hot spices.

"Smells nice, right?"

It certainly did. It smelled pretty good. But of all places a spaniard noble would drag a princess to, a traditional chinese hot-pot place was the last you'd expect. He pretty much stuck out like a sore thumb, despite seemingly knowing all the folks as if he were a regular.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1473 on: July 16, 2021, 04:12:19 PM »


Aie, did I really just say that?

Mark blinked and looked at the door... sadly for a moment. Not that Lu could see that anyways, so he wiped off the frown off his mug as quick as it appeared and scratched his head awkwardly. "Oh well,It's too bad Lu! I wanted to show you off to my associate, but it looks like my home-cooking will have to do." He cheered before turning to glance at the newcomer.

That's when he stopped.

He staaaaared at the elf for a moment.

"Did you just jump on that lamp post?"



The view upwards he had of her was nothing to scoff at. Her chest trembled as she swayed atop the metal rod, beads of sweat gently running down her body only to be reabsorbed by her skin, and the steely musculature of her legs which hinted at her superhuman physicality.

She looked down at him and made an o with her mouth. "Am I not supposed to be up here? I'm sorry." She hopped back down next to him. "I didn't damage it, promise. You don't have to worry. I just thought I'd be able to get a better look from up there than down here."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1474 on: July 18, 2021, 01:42:20 AM »

Marc gulped in shock, shook and shooketh by the  reaction. "U-uh? No no, don't worry hun. It just made me feel pretty tiny having to look up so high." He booped her on the nose casually. "Mwaha! Wahaha! You see, I have plans for tonight. I will teach you all - about the ways of my people." He crossed his arms and nodded wisely, like the theatric old man he totally wasn't - he was in his golden prime and no one was going to tell him otherwise.

"But first, dinner! I'll let you know I make a mean stew - and don't you dare say no. You kicked my ass thoroughly, so It's only fair I kick your taste buds straight to flavortown."

With that, he took his fancy suit off with a straight motion, revealing a perfectly dandy white apron with "Le shef." written in snazzy pink. "After you, milady." He bowed like a gentleman and waved to the entrance of his abode.

"I'm invincibleeeeee!"

It was a war zone.

Ingredients were being swapped and mixed intensively, chopped with surgical precision before being mixed into his gigantic concoction. The smell in the air was outright kickass, there was no better way to describe it.

He let her with a collection of instruction guides and books in his living room - since he'd be done in a few minutes tops, he figured she might find some of the history books and novels interesting. Not like he was a huge reader, but... ah, well, it was a long boring story.

He dipped a finger in the boiling mixture and licked the tasty stew. "Mhhh. Nah, needs a bit more salt."




[To the player - what book tickled this kid's curious radar fancy? Choose: ]

Great forests and lakes - history of the riverways (Punchline edition).

Streetlights and offices, a guide to official fixers and bounty hunter organizations. (A fancy golden signature, handmade: Lake's Office)

Hustles and bustles - Top 10 ways to get rich quick! (There were a ton of bookmarks on that one)

Pine Garden Families - Famed mages and wizards - record encyclopedia (It looks pretty used and worn)



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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1475 on: July 18, 2021, 08:09:57 PM »

Vega stopped, aye... but not because she asked him or anything, oh no. He put his finger on his chin and seemed deep in thought.

"So you're admitting you're old. How curious."

And with that, he snapped his fingers dramatically - the sound as loud as the crack of a whip. "And that won't do at all, head patting privileges are non-negotiable. And your hair is really nice too, I must ask, do you use some special shampoo?" He puffed up his own locks playfully as he said that, but his question was anything but a jest. Taking extreme care of one's grooming was a sign of pedigree, and he wanted to keep up with the best ways to take care of himself impeccably - at all times.

"Ah, don't worry. We'll have plenty of time to discuss that, and worry not - your request has not fallen on deaf years. In fact, I know a really nice place. Follow me."

And with that, he hurried off, grabbing something with a firm grip, something even more scandalous than her tail. Without hesitation, he was firmly holding her hand.

"Pwahhh~! This is the place."

It didn't take very long, no time at all. Or perhaps commoners do have some merit, the expression always holds true: time flies when you're having fun. But where could he have taken her? The streets weren't nearly as clean and orderly as the ones in the hill, though it was no pigsty. A noble frequenting the backstreets was simply unheard of - scandalous, even. Some rumors said it was enough to bring ruin to lesser families, and yet Vega of all people didn't seem to mind. He walked these streets as if he knew them by the back of his hand, and brought her 'there'.

The sound of knives hurriedly chopping in the background, metal clanging against metal, impossibly hot oil sizzling filled the busy atmosphere. The scent wok hay soared in the whole shack with the thick, pleasant aroma of burning hot spices.

"Smells nice, right?"

It certainly did. It smelled pretty good. But of all places a spaniard noble would drag a princess to, a traditional chinese hot-pot place was the last you'd expect. He pretty much stuck out like a sore thumb, despite seemingly knowing all the folks as if he were a regular.


"I am old to the perspective of a human like you, but comparatively I'm more like a 16 to 17 year old in human years.... And don't think some delicious food will be enough to sway me hmpfff..." She tried to look away from him, but actually looking away from him would be rude and she could be rude to the master, leaving her doing some half asked in between thing.

But as much as he stood out, she arguably did so even more. The skin tight suit hidden only by a trench coat and more notably the long tail with the heart shaped tip that swished behind her, really did give away where she was from. Any reputation loss from visiting this place would be inconsequential next to the rumors that would arise from him being seen on a date with a succubus. Those services were quiye known to be exceedingly expensive and not something anyone who'd just gotten their hands on a modest fortune could ever enjoy. This was a luxury for the truly rich.

"Master just so we clear here, food can't really sustain me, it's just delicacy to me. I need other things for that.."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1476 on: July 18, 2021, 11:56:41 PM »

Marc gulped in shock, shook and shooketh by the  reaction. "U-uh? No no, don't worry hun. It just made me feel pretty tiny having to look up so high." He booped her on the nose casually. "Mwaha! Wahaha! You see, I have plans for tonight. I will teach you all - about the ways of my people." He crossed his arms and nodded wisely, like the theatric old man he totally wasn't - he was in his golden prime and no one was going to tell him otherwise.

"But first, dinner! I'll let you know I make a mean stew - and don't you dare say no. You kicked my ass thoroughly, so It's only fair I kick your taste buds straight to flavortown."

With that, he took his fancy suit off with a straight motion, revealing a perfectly dandy white apron with "Le shef." written in snazzy pink. "After you, milady." He bowed like a gentleman and waved to the entrance of his abode.

"I'm invincibleeeeee!"

It was a war zone.

Ingredients were being swapped and mixed intensively, chopped with surgical precision before being mixed into his gigantic concoction. The smell in the air was outright kickass, there was no better way to describe it.

He let her with a collection of instruction guides and books in his living room - since he'd be done in a few minutes tops, he figured she might find some of the history books and novels interesting. Not like he was a huge reader, but... ah, well, it was a long boring story.

He dipped a finger in the boiling mixture and licked the tasty stew. "Mhhh. Nah, needs a bit more salt."




[To the player - what book tickled this kid's curious radar fancy? Choose: ]

Great forests and lakes - history of the riverways (Punchline edition).

Streetlights and offices, a guide to official fixers and bounty hunter organizations. (A fancy golden signature, handmade: Lake's Office)

Hustles and bustles - Top 10 ways to get rich quick! (There were a ton of bookmarks on that one)

Pine Garden Families - Famed mages and wizards - record encyclopedia (It looks pretty used and worn)



Luthien's nose wiggled at the devious poking finger. She shook her head and fluttered her ears in discomfort. "If it's not a problem, why bring it up..." Luthien complained. "But please, I'd be um, honored, to know the ways of your people!"

So she followed him inside, utterly and completely unprepared for the warzone she would find inside. She could barely follow the movements, even with her enhanced senses, and she had absolutely no idea what he was doing or how he was doing it!

Luthien grabbed all four of the tomes with her shadow and opened them all up at the same time, scanning through each book individually at the same time.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1477 on: July 21, 2021, 04:14:37 AM »

"Ooh? And what could that be? Oh, don't tell me. I love surprises." He clasped his hands and leaned forward with a charming smile. "And how quaint, that makes us pre~tty close to the same age! I've turned 18 earlier this year myself, hohoho~!" He laughed cutely before  moving forth with grace and deftness, taking a gentle hold of Lily's hand.

"To the wonders of youth. Know this, a life without luxury... ah, the mere thought is chilling." His smile caught the glances of other patrons when his lips brushed on the warm skin princely. "Ah, but back on track, I do recommend  the Jiu gong ge - if you don't mind seafood that is. The spice levels are totally off the charts, most don't even last a minute. It's flavor is pretty great too." He slid the menu in front of them so they could read it together, close enough to be a legit couple. When the china-girl waitress came along, he tipped her like a regular - and she bowed.

"What will you have for today sir?" She asked with an earnest, honest tone that spoke of some experience.

"Oh! Well, we should start with the sake of course. Whet our appetites with the good stuff, I'll accept no less for my darling and I. I'm way too parched today." Probably because of the heat.  He looked at his contracted GF like a kid who just got caught in a cookie jar. "I normally don't drink in business transactions - today's a special day though. I feel this will help us be more honest with eachother. Soooo, what do you say? Drink's good for you too?"
« Last Edit: July 21, 2021, 04:15:48 AM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1478 on: July 22, 2021, 11:29:24 PM »

Lily inched closer to him as he put the menu in front of them, they were a couple as far as she was concerned and she wouldn't shy from displaying her affection for him. She  made of a point of finding the order he had recommended on the menu and decided on her course of action next. "I'll  have the Jiu gong ge, extra spicy. And I'd love some sake too, I'm gonna be really hot once I get start digging in, and I wouldn't want my passion to consume you."

"Let's not make this a drinking contest though, I'd hate to see you under the table already on our first date Master~" She was still clinging to him even though they had finished looking at the menu. Lily hadn't been on a date like this in a long long time and it was getting kinda exciting, enough for her to already consider to sweep his past actions under the rug.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1479 on: July 23, 2021, 04:59:28 AM »

Luthien's nose wiggled at the devious poking finger. She shook her head and fluttered her ears in discomfort. "If it's not a problem, why bring it up..." Luthien complained. "But please, I'd be um, honored, to know the ways of your people!"

So she followed him inside, utterly and completely unprepared for the warzone she would find inside. She could barely follow the movements, even with her enhanced senses, and she had absolutely no idea what he was doing or how he was doing it!

Luthien grabbed all four of the tomes with her shadow and opened them all up at the same time, scanning through each book individually at the same time.

The Great Riverways

The great divide was once a greater mass of water, cutting across the entire city with no hope of crossing it. Legends say that the former 'Devil of all Seas', Megicula, still lies dormant within the depths of the gash. With her curses, she caused men, women and children around nearby villages to swell-up like balloons and twist inside out, until beasts of water emerged to drown out the lands. Some even gained a mind of their own, and kept themselves hidden. Others bid their time and reemerged over the years as powerful sea beasts, causing disasters and mutations to those unfortunate enough to be touched by their poisonous waters. Even now, some claim to follow the fallen demon's will.

But that can't be so. Even one of the four would never reemerge once drawing out the true ire of the Chief of all Chiefs. The legendary battle was of such scale, it twisted and warped the great divide itself. Now, another scar runs across the Nexus. A line drawn from a single punch.

A punchline.

Noble Families

Since the Nobles are surrounded by such extravagant wealth in every concievable form, money itself has almost entirely lost value as a means of transaction between them. All that matters are the percieved prestige you posses and the exchange of favours. Favours can be almost anything from the smallest of things to lifedebts and most of them can be traded freely within this domain

Naturally down in the Valley things are a lot different. Regular old capitalism rules the day, although the gang activity is fairly high here. Some believe the gangs are merely pawns of the nobles above, that they influence them and pit them against each other for their amusement. Such thoughts however are better not spoken in public as the eyes and ears of the Nobility reach far and wide.

There are many different families, each ancient and prosperous in its own right.

Many portraits were circled over and marked. Whoever originally owned the book had done a hell of a lot of homework. Unfortunately, it made that book the hardest to parse.

Fixers and Offices

In essence, think of Fixer work as specialized, almost in the same vein as a spec ops group. The job of a Fixer is seen as an escape from a boring and dull lifestyle, since you get the chance to make a name for yourself and earn a large profit. Still, the life of a Fixer is filled with plenty of dangers. Not only do you run the risk of dying, but even large offices deal with syndicates and illicit organizations regularly, and strife between fixer offices isn't unheard of when dealing with interests of opposing parties.

Fixers are mostly a demand in the Backstreets, due to the high mortality rate and crime, but they appear in the Gardens and wealthier districts as well. Fixers often work as security for Corps, intel-gatherers, and hit men. The number of tasks and services providable are all-encompassing, but they mostly settle on similar hiring processes for consistency's sake.

Fixers work by signing contracts with their clients, this is proof of the deed done so that Associations or Offices can confirm that you did the work. Otherwise you won't get paid for it, completed contracts means more recognition for a Fixer's career, which will rise them through the ranks.

Due to the nature of Fixer work, social bonding isn't typically common. Seeing a dead colleague who was once your friend ends up messing up your focus and drags you through depression. As a result, veteran Fixers often focus on the task at hand, pushing away any sentimental thoughts. But while it's generally looked upon, it isn't unheard of for love to bloom on the battlefield. Who knows, if you join our office - you might just find the one! Bwahahaha!

...As a Fixer, you're bound to the Office or Association you work for, few if any have the chance to perform free-lance work, as every machination is tightly bound by contracts to offices and corporations, involving some that deal exclusively with forming said contracts - and the citadel, who uses its mysterious sorceries in order to tighten their grip in exchange for commissions with the higher grade offices.

To become a Fixer, one must obtain a "Fixer License" from the Association. To get the license, you'll have to meet the physical and mental requirements. After that, you should join one of the Offices. You can also strike out and take jobs on your own, but your very unlikely to make headway, as having the reputation of an Office boosts your chances for jobs considerably.

As Luthien flipped through the book's pages and scanned the intel diligently, something suddenly fell from one of the mercenary guide's pages. It was a photograph, however old, it didn't show its age at all. 12 people were crammed in one picture, some grinning and goofing around, others looked more stern, a few were panicking and trying to keep everything in order.

Surprisingly, Marc was something around the middle/right of the picture, kneeling while a tall blonde lady pinned him down in a painful-looking hammerlock, laughing while the poor man tried to keep it together. The picture was even signed with a buncha names and small notes. A large one scrawled over the photo too, witht he same golden ink the book was signed with.

Welcome to the club kiddo.

"Hm? Page turners, aren't they?" Marc's voice suddenly mused, riiiight behind Luthien.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1480 on: July 25, 2021, 02:19:39 PM »

Lily inched closer to him as he put the menu in front of them, they were a couple as far as she was concerned and she wouldn't shy from displaying her affection for him. She  made of a point of finding the order he had recommended on the menu and decided on her course of action next. "I'll  have the Jiu gong ge, extra spicy. And I'd love some sake too, I'm gonna be really hot once I get start digging in, and I wouldn't want my passion to consume you."

"Let's not make this a drinking contest though, I'd hate to see you under the table already on our first date Master~" She was still clinging to him even though they had finished looking at the menu. Lily hadn't been on a date like this in a long long time and it was getting kinda exciting, enough for her to already consider to sweep his past actions under the rug.

"All right, it will be here shortly." The waitress bowed and stepped off to the kitchens. Back to Vega, he was absolutely enjoying himself, and the close contact was just the cherry on the top. "Haha, not happening dear. I've yet to see someone who's kept up by the eighth bottle." He chortled with smug satisfaction, inviting the challenge boldly. No, more than arrogance it was confidence, and that kind of confidence was the drive for him to follow up his words with actions.

He followed up with a kiss, full of the brim with passion, not too long nor too short - enough to convey his feelings earnestly. When he broke off, his hand clasped with hers.

"I want more... so much more. This world is just too small for me. And yet, desire seeks eternity. Seeks deep, deep eternity..." His eyes narrowed, but his smile grew. "I've long grown tired of baubles, but you intrigue me. I want to learn more about you." His fingers locked with hers lovingly. "But I am no selfish man. Why not play a game to learn more about eachother? Hrm... yes, feel free to ask me any question you like, any at all. I will return with an answer, and a question of my own. And lying is strictly off the table, ufufu."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1481 on: July 28, 2021, 04:19:56 PM »

Lily blinked and touched her lips where he had so brazenly kissed her, that was unexpected. This man was just filled to the brim with passion, but that wasn't a bad thing. No on the contrary that was her favorite kind of man. "Have you ever thought about obtaining power thar actually matches that ego of yours?"

Seriously, claiming that the world was too small for him when he wasn't even top dog. It was admirable but also pitiful. This man was either a complete moron or someone worthy of her attention. But it all depended on his answer now. She grinned as she anticipated his response, both outcomes would be satisfying in their own way. Was he a fool? Or did he understand the true only thing that truly mattered? The redhead was eagerly awaiting his response, so much so that the restaurant around them faded away to nothingness in her mind.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1482 on: July 28, 2021, 04:38:34 PM »

If he ever genuinely looked surprised, this was about as close as it got. But even his wide eyes soon washed off to reveal a smooth smile. It wasn't just his lips curling up, but his whole expression. Perhaps, even his soul.

"I am." Not a thought, not a hope, not even a dream. Fleeting beauty like that will burn to nothing before decisive actions. An answer like this only needed the slightest pause for dramatic effect, he didn't even hesitate to state that fact.

Such was his nature after all. Nature, that meant he didn't even need to reflect on something like this. For a man like him, no matter how high, there was nothing but the climb that mattered. To gain, to grab, to grasp, with the unwillingness to let go of anything. Everything he did was for that goal.

There was nothing but the climb.

"Why do you think I came all this way?"


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1483 on: July 29, 2021, 03:32:31 AM »

The Great Riverways

The great divide was once a greater mass of water, cutting across the entire city with no hope of crossing it. Legends say that the former 'Devil of all Seas', Megicula, still lies dormant within the depths of the gash. With her curses, she caused men, women and children around nearby villages to swell-up like balloons and twist inside out, until beasts of water emerged to drown out the lands. Some even gained a mind of their own, and kept themselves hidden. Others bid their time and reemerged over the years as powerful sea beasts, causing disasters and mutations to those unfortunate enough to be touched by their poisonous waters. Even now, some claim to follow the fallen demon's will.

But that can't be so. Even one of the four would never reemerge once drawing out the true ire of the Chief of all Chiefs. The legendary battle was of such scale, it twisted and warped the great divide itself. Now, another scar runs across the Nexus. A line drawn from a single punch.

A punchline.

Noble Families

Since the Nobles are surrounded by such extravagant wealth in every concievable form, money itself has almost entirely lost value as a means of transaction between them. All that matters are the percieved prestige you posses and the exchange of favours. Favours can be almost anything from the smallest of things to lifedebts and most of them can be traded freely within this domain

Naturally down in the Valley things are a lot different. Regular old capitalism rules the day, although the gang activity is fairly high here. Some believe the gangs are merely pawns of the nobles above, that they influence them and pit them against each other for their amusement. Such thoughts however are better not spoken in public as the eyes and ears of the Nobility reach far and wide.

There are many different families, each ancient and prosperous in its own right.

Many portraits were circled over and marked. Whoever originally owned the book had done a hell of a lot of homework. Unfortunately, it made that book the hardest to parse.

Fixers and Offices

In essence, think of Fixer work as specialized, almost in the same vein as a spec ops group. The job of a Fixer is seen as an escape from a boring and dull lifestyle, since you get the chance to make a name for yourself and earn a large profit. Still, the life of a Fixer is filled with plenty of dangers. Not only do you run the risk of dying, but even large offices deal with syndicates and illicit organizations regularly, and strife between fixer offices isn't unheard of when dealing with interests of opposing parties.

Fixers are mostly a demand in the Backstreets, due to the high mortality rate and crime, but they appear in the Gardens and wealthier districts as well. Fixers often work as security for Corps, intel-gatherers, and hit men. The number of tasks and services providable are all-encompassing, but they mostly settle on similar hiring processes for consistency's sake.

Fixers work by signing contracts with their clients, this is proof of the deed done so that Associations or Offices can confirm that you did the work. Otherwise you won't get paid for it, completed contracts means more recognition for a Fixer's career, which will rise them through the ranks.

Due to the nature of Fixer work, social bonding isn't typically common. Seeing a dead colleague who was once your friend ends up messing up your focus and drags you through depression. As a result, veteran Fixers often focus on the task at hand, pushing away any sentimental thoughts. But while it's generally looked upon, it isn't unheard of for love to bloom on the battlefield. Who knows, if you join our office - you might just find the one! Bwahahaha!

...As a Fixer, you're bound to the Office or Association you work for, few if any have the chance to perform free-lance work, as every machination is tightly bound by contracts to offices and corporations, involving some that deal exclusively with forming said contracts - and the citadel, who uses its mysterious sorceries in order to tighten their grip in exchange for commissions with the higher grade offices.

To become a Fixer, one must obtain a "Fixer License" from the Association. To get the license, you'll have to meet the physical and mental requirements. After that, you should join one of the Offices. You can also strike out and take jobs on your own, but your very unlikely to make headway, as having the reputation of an Office boosts your chances for jobs considerably.

As Luthien flipped through the book's pages and scanned the intel diligently, something suddenly fell from one of the mercenary guide's pages. It was a photograph, however old, it didn't show its age at all. 12 people were crammed in one picture, some grinning and goofing around, others looked more stern, a few were panicking and trying to keep everything in order.

Surprisingly, Marc was something around the middle/right of the picture, kneeling while a tall blonde lady pinned him down in a painful-looking hammerlock, laughing while the poor man tried to keep it together. The picture was even signed with a buncha names and small notes. A large one scrawled over the photo too, witht he same golden ink the book was signed with.

Welcome to the club kiddo.

"Hm? Page turners, aren't they?" Marc's voice suddenly mused, riiiight behind Luthien.


The brown elf held the three books up in shadow tendrils, rapidly turning the pages faster than any human would be able to read. Her eyes darted back and forth between the three manuscripts with almost machine precision.

Lu shrugged. "Not really, but learning about the human world is part of the mission my mother gave me. The information in them is interesting enough, I suppose." She turned to look at him. Her ears fluttered as she engaged in eye contact with the tall human man. She had to crane her neck to look up at his face.

"Would it be rude to ask you about the picture? It looks like you were having a pretty good time."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1484 on: August 02, 2021, 04:46:39 PM »

If he ever genuinely looked surprised, this was about as close as it got. But even his wide eyes soon washed off to reveal a smooth smile. It wasn't just his lips curling up, but his whole expression. Perhaps, even his soul.

"I am." Not a thought, not a hope, not even a dream. Fleeting beauty like that will burn to nothing before decisive actions. An answer like this only needed the slightest pause for dramatic effect, he didn't even hesitate to state that fact.

Such was his nature after all. Nature, that meant he didn't even need to reflect on something like this. For a man like him, no matter how high, there was nothing but the climb that mattered. To gain, to grab, to grasp, with the unwillingness to let go of anything. Everything he did was for that goal.

There was nothing but the climb.

"Why do you think I came all this way?"


"Because you were dazzled by my radiance and now you want to charm me... few men would pay so much for a girl and then just take them out for dinner." The comforting heat spiked, she had liked his answer and it was further proven by the way her tail was happily swaying behind her.

"But you've barely made any advances either. Do you actually want to fuck me, or did you hire me for a different reason?" While her gaze was inquisitive, her tone was more accusatory. It was kind of strange, a few months ago she would have been relieved by this treatment, but now she felt somewhat offended by his lacking want for her.