Author Topic: Pine Garden  (Read 88960 times)


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #270 on: July 20, 2019, 07:26:24 PM »

His expression widened, the man was pinned like a butterfly in a storm, the force alone making his arm scream. He tried pulling away, but-

"Kuh!" Her fingers slammed into his ribs with a violent crack. The taste of blood filled his throat, and his body flinched down for a moment.

But his rage filled eyes promised retaliation. His free arm swept to her face, but it was his foot that struck like a viper, litterally like a blade to cut her one free leg off. At the same time, the fingers of his pinned hand moved to slice her arm, however shallow the cut.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2019, 07:27:11 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #271 on: July 22, 2019, 05:39:01 AM »

What Vega so rudely discovered was this: Mira was more durable than him. He could manage the most shallow of scrapes with his pinned hand, his well-maintained nails serving some purpose. She didn't notice it as the pain was swept away in adrenaline and energy, in the focus required for her to push his free hand aside and escape. She could have taken the hit to her leg and kept going... maybe.

Mira wasn't so arrogant as to take that risk, and so rather than be struck she sacrificed her grasp on her opponent and swiftly put distance between them. Just a meter, just enough for her to remove all openings from her stance.

Thus freed, she grinned in fierce excitement.

Vega noticed pain from his wrist.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #272 on: July 22, 2019, 01:41:27 PM »

Vega wasted no time pulling away as soon as the force released him, then grabbed his left wrist, if only to observe the damage. His bare chest was heaving, and his heart roared like a war drum. And yet, when he saw the marking of her hand on his body, he felt nothing. But this was bad, that woman nearly broke him. Nearly broke Vega.


The crimson paint on his finger was the one reassurance to his spirit. He had thought her a merely strong human, but he was wrong. What was before him was no different than the beast of a corrida. No, compared to the beast he fought earlier, this one was truly an unearthly storm of power. He had to acknowledge, respect it a little. It was no different than when he was a boy, still fresh and unrefined. His first bull was just like this, an impossible wall of speed, fierceness and power.  And just like back then, he had lost the first round.

Before her, he was just a boy, laid bare. And just like back then, his heart beat like the storm.

"Fear is something that must be crushed." He lifted his mask enough for her to see his lips, resolved in a confident smile. And with that change of expression, the music of his heart changed too. He smiled. That way, he would not forget her own mortality... or his own. When it dropped back, Vega took a different stance, and swept the shirt he worse before him, as if it were a wall between the girl and him.

"Come on darling~ Shall you lead this dance?"
« Last Edit: July 22, 2019, 04:04:18 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #273 on: July 23, 2019, 03:08:52 AM »

He frowned as he saw instead of a mismatched violet and aquamarine eye, two very familiar aquamarine eyes looking up at him.

His eyes widened and he almost let her fall to the ground, catching himself at the last moment.

"What do you think you were doing, telling her all that at once! It was too much for her to take in! You idiot!"

Emiya felt his normally fire-is-my-blood run cold.

The voice was wrong.  The face was wrong.  The hair was wrong.  The body was wrong.

The eyes, the words, and the body language were all too familiar.

Emiya the former Archer Class Servant found himself standing there like a goddamn potato staring at a girl from his past.  Or rather multiple girls from his past.  How . . . how is that even possible?

So, he stood there, a good couple of heart beats with his mouth set in a grim line and staring at . . . this amalgam young woman.  He shook his head and said in a slow voice, "Tohsaka?"

His cat chortled, walked over, and rubbed his cheek against Emiya's leg while purring in response.


"Hmmph. It's good to know you're faster on the uptake than a certain other Shirou, Archer."

She crossed her arms, but a wry smile came onto her face. It was mischievous, catlike.

"It's good to see you again, Emiya."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #274 on: July 23, 2019, 03:20:32 AM »

The cat that was the young woman's family namesake looked at Rin with narrowed green eyes and the bored disinterest that a cat could only muster.  He then proceeded to twirl around Emiya's legs while purring.  Almost absently, Emiya bent down to pick up the cat, feeling soothed almost instantly as the animal lightly rubbed his head against the former Servant's chin.

"I grew up, learned a lot of hard, painful lessons harder than I should have, but I was pretty dense," he replied as he stroked the cat's sleek, black fur.

He sighed and said, "It would be good to see you if you weren't in Sakura's body, Rin."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #275 on: July 23, 2019, 03:29:30 AM »

The cat that was the young woman's family namesake looked at Rin with narrowed green eyes and the bored disinterest that a cat could only muster.  He then proceeded to twirl around Emiya's legs while purring.  Almost absently, Emiya bent down to pick up the cat, feeling soothed almost instantly as the animal lightly rubbed his head against the former Servant's chin.

"I grew up, learned a lot of hard, painful lessons harder than I should have, but I was pretty dense," he replied as he stroked the cat's sleek, black fur.

He sighed and said, "It would be good to see you if you weren't in Sakura's body, Rin."


Her eyes suddenly turned red and she convulsed for a second, twitching. Sakura's shadow began creeping along her skin slowly. The tips of her purple hair turned a lighter color.

"Senpai!" Sakura exclaimed, grabbing him in a hug. He could feel her generous assets pressing up against him. The girl began to cry. "I thought-I thought I'd never see you again!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #276 on: July 23, 2019, 03:36:26 AM »

Tohsaka bristled and hissed as Rin/Sakura changed.  Emiya let his arms go slack for the cat to jump out of his arms.  As soon as the cat was free, Emiya took a stance, keeping his hands open to trace at any moment.

He had records of the woman before him.  A family friend who had lost themselves, been pushed to the breaking point because he'd been an idiot.  Then again, he had always been an idiot.

However, instead of saccharine threats or anger, he was suddenly hugged tight enough for the air to leave his lungs.

He gasped as Sakura held him with surprising strength, pressing her breasts against him.  He looked left, then right, and to the floor to see Tohsaka deciding that this was the moment he needed to bathe.  So the cat began to loudly lick himself as Emiya stood there, his hands at his sides as Sakura cuddled into him.

He lifted his hands to her shoulders and attempted to extract himself from her embrace.

"Could one of you explain what the hell is going on?" he asked in a strangled voice. 


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #277 on: July 23, 2019, 03:39:52 AM »

Tohsaka bristled and hissed as Rin/Sakura changed.  Emiya let his arms go slack for the cat to jump out of his arms.  As soon as the cat was free, Emiya took a stance, keeping his hands open to trace at any moment.

He had records of the woman before him.  A family friend who had lost themselves, been pushed to the breaking point because he'd been an idiot.  Then again, he had always been an idiot.

However, instead of saccharine threats or anger, he was suddenly hugged tight enough for the air to leave his lungs.

He gasped as Sakura held him with surprising strength, pressing her breasts against him.  He looked left, then right, and to the floor to see Tohsaka deciding that this was the moment he needed to bathe.  So the cat began to loudly lick himself as Emiya stood there, his hands at his sides as Sakura cuddled into him.

He lifted his hands to her shoulders and attempted to extract himself from her embrace.

"Could one of you explain what the hell is going on?" he asked in a strangled voice.


Sakura giggled nervously. "That's..."

She didn't really want to talk about why. She wanted to enjoy this moment for a bit more, this pure moment.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #278 on: July 23, 2019, 03:44:12 AM »

Emiya sighed as Sakura still held him close.

So he lightly stroked her hair and said, "But I'm not your Sempai.  I'm not the Emiya Shirou that . . ."

Tohsaka looked up at him with an expression that all but said, "Bro, you just better stop now."

So he sighed and stiffly returned the hug.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #279 on: July 23, 2019, 03:46:50 AM »

Emiya sighed as Sakura still held him close.

So he lightly stroked her hair and said, "But I'm not your Sempai.  I'm not the Emiya Shirou that . . ."

Tohsaka looked up at him with an expression that all but said, "Bro, you just better stop now."

So he sighed and stiffly returned the hug.


"I know that. You're Archer." She clutched him tighter. "But you're still one I can hold, and chat with, right?"


[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #280 on: July 23, 2019, 03:52:57 AM »

Goddamn it, Emiya thought towards Sakura's pleading words.

She had lost her Sempai.  The one person that had been the lifeline in the sea of insanity and cruelty she had been forced into.  The one person who should have seen something was wrong and done more than beat the shit out of his former best friend.

"Well, I generally go by Emiya of late, but Chaelda had multiple Servants all fighting for the same cause.  So there were a lot of Archers and since that Master refereed to me as Emiya everyone else did too," he replied.

Well, everyone except for the group of Servants who had been in Fuyuki, but those old habits died hard.  Even though everyone called Saber Artura, he and the other Fuyuki Servants (and Gilgamesh) called her Saber.  Which became pretty confusing to poor Artura because she had two different sets of Servants from the Fuyuki Grail Wars she was familiar with.

He shook his head and said, "But yes, you can talk to me, but eventually I will ask you to let me go."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #281 on: July 23, 2019, 03:56:17 AM »

Goddamn it, Emiya thought towards Sakura's pleading words.

She had lost her Sempai.  The one person that had been the lifeline in the sea of insanity and cruelty she had been forced into.  The one person who should have seen something was wrong and done more than beat the shit out of his former best friend.

"Well, I generally go by Emiya of late, but Chaelda had multiple Servants all fighting for the same cause.  So there were a lot of Archers and since that Master refereed to me as Emiya everyone else did too," he replied.

Well, everyone except for the group of Servants who had been in Fuyuki, but those old habits died hard.  Even though everyone called Saber Artura, he and the other Fuyuki Servants (and Gilgamesh) called her Saber.  Which became pretty confusing to poor Artura because she had two different sets of Servants from the Fuyuki Grail Wars she was familiar with.

He shook his head and said, "But yes, you can talk to me, but eventually I will ask you to let me go."


Sakura pushed him against the wall, burying her face into his chest. He felt her smell him. Then he felt the tears flowing from her as she held him.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #282 on: July 23, 2019, 04:01:01 AM »

Emiya gasped as Sakura backed him against the wall with surprising strength.  Heat filled his cheeks as he felt her sniff him.  Then he felt wetness soak through his shirt as she began to cry.

He sighed and wrapped his arms around her, stroking her hair.  "Hey, it's not fair to cry in front of me," he said in a soft voice as he traced a silk handkerchief in his hand.  He backed away enough so he could gingerly wipe her face clean.

"You're safe now, all of you," he said with a shake of his head.   


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #283 on: July 23, 2019, 06:46:10 AM »

Vega wasted no time pulling away as soon as the force released him, then grabbed his left wrist, if only to observe the damage. His bare chest was heaving, and his heart roared like a war drum. And yet, when he saw the marking of her hand on his body, he felt nothing. But this was bad, that woman nearly broke him. Nearly broke Vega.


The crimson paint on his finger was the one reassurance to his spirit. He had thought her a merely strong human, but he was wrong. What was before him was no different than the beast of a corrida. No, compared to the beast he fought earlier, this one was truly an unearthly storm of power. He had to acknowledge, respect it a little. It was no different than when he was a boy, still fresh and unrefined. His first bull was just like this, an impossible wall of speed, fierceness and power.  And just like back then, he had lost the first round.

Before her, he was just a boy, laid bare. And just like back then, his heart beat like the storm.

"Fear is something that must be crushed." He lifted his mask enough for her to see his lips, resolved in a confident smile. And with that change of expression, the music of his heart changed too. He smiled. That way, he would not forget her own mortality... or his own. When it dropped back, Vega took a different stance, and swept the shirt he worse before him, as if it were a wall between the girl and him.

"Come on darling~ Shall you lead this dance?"


Her vibrant eyes sharpened at the perceived insult. "You callin' me a bull, boy?" Mira's fists tightened, her muscles flexing across her entire body until her pants and shirt threatened to burst with the force of it. The sound of her body preparing for motion could be heard over the pounding rain coming down on them. Her hair clung to her.

And yet her grin just grew wider. "Then get a load of these horns!"

The air around her was pushed aside by an invisible force, and her body blurred into motion toward Vega. Yet this was not the mindless charge of a bull ready to be dodged. No, Vega would quickly see the avalanche of rapidly firing fists coming his way, filling his vision like a wall, were all targeted to do maximum damage to his precious body.


Every strike blasted the rain away. Not a one aimed for his face.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #284 on: July 23, 2019, 07:55:32 PM »

An avalanche of fists showered his silhouette. Her blur was too fast to be seen, even to his hawk-like eyes, the fists were invisible spears. It was only natural after all, her body was more potent than his own. So how does one avoid an invisible attack? How does one escape an unavoidable fate? And yet, his eyes betrayed a cold plan to overcome the mountain before him. "Useless useless useless useless!!!"

And the first fist brushed past his body. Another swerved by his shoulder. And then another, and another, and another... These attacks, stronger than him, faster than him, were like bullets. And yet, before they hit their mark, he managed to move out of their way. He managed to move out of the way of this avalanche. But it was not enough.

Once, then twice, and before long his body raged and screamed thirty times over. He could scarcely avoid destruction by a hair's breath, but he could not avoid her in her totality. The hits that would have normally shattered him with a single strike were avoided, and slammed into parts of his body that he could not protect, but failed to immediately incapacitate him, as if his slight movements were enough to lessen the impact, even by a fraction. Turning the blows away from their target, even if by a millimetre.

But his mind and body screamed and sharpened to their limit, and fought against the pain. A single misstep, and he would be crushed. But even so, he was slower, and weaker. Why did he not fall? The way he avoided these blows, it was almost as if he anticipated them. But how? Would she figure it out? And even if she did, would he manage to hold on before then?

This war of attrition screamed in the forest like a war field's cannon-fire. Even the rain was nothing to this. His eyes did not waver. Every second, he felt like his body was closer to being obliterated into hell.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2019, 08:14:23 PM by francobull3 »