Author Topic: Halloween Town  (Read 28681 times)


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #105 on: May 04, 2020, 08:21:23 PM »

Except when he looked up the second the Angel wasn't staring at the horizon anymore, she was right in front him and those round mounds that should make her way heavier were now dangling in front of him, only held up by that flimsy black dress that didn't look like it could contain them.

"How about we kill some bad guy then and take their place?" She said it with such a casual smile it was almost chilling. Yet there was not an ounce of killing intent lacing her words, only the same calming presence washing over him as she got closer.


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #106 on: May 04, 2020, 08:55:01 PM »

A face full of breasts met him as he turned around.  It was a while since he last saw so much boob.  It wasn't unpleasant.  The demon's red eyes leveled with her own as he tilted his head upwards.  One would think that the calming presence would make a person feel at ease, and it did, but a voice in the back of his mind whispered.

This isn't right

But he couldn't deny it.  He was curious.  That thing that had always driven him forward pushed him to look her dead in the eyes and say, "I suppose I don't mind but we should do it discretely.  I hate attention.  Oh and one more thing, I want to be on the same page.  What is a 'bad' human to you?"


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #107 on: May 04, 2020, 09:09:06 PM »

"Someone terrible who do terrible things. Like exploit the weak, those who get off to murder and torture, and those who strip choice away. There is no greater sin. People were born free and so they shall remain." She delivered her speech while meeting his gaze with her blue eyes that contrasted his own. Demon and Angel, red and blue.

"And don't worry about the attention. Every shadow needs a light doesn't it? You can be my shadow and I can be your light hehe... Sounds pretty silly doesn't it but I mean it. We should work together to get out of this slump."


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #108 on: May 04, 2020, 09:49:09 PM »

The demon laughed.  This was way too rich.  It felt like a dream.  An angel with the same values?  An angel who did not try to murder him for existing?  An angel who wants to work with him?  It was like a human Nazi being best friends with a holocaust survivor.

"I suppose that has a nice ring to it," he said, smiling as he lost himself in her blue eyes.  "You know your the strangest creature I've ever met and I don't understand you at all but.... I like you.  Its equal parts refreshing and terrifying."


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #109 on: May 04, 2020, 10:04:39 PM »


She grabbed onto the back of his suddenly and pulled him in, right into her divinely soft hills. "Did I just make the big bad demon act all cutesy and swoon over me? That's so sweet hehe~"

Lulu didn't let him go tho instead she begun patting his head. "You'll have to do more than just sweet talk if you wanna get to know me and win my heart Aruna..."


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #110 on: May 04, 2020, 10:47:09 PM »

Aruna groaned as he felt a hand on his back and boobs in his face.  With her breasts enveloping his head, he could confirm it for sure.  These were absolutely the biggest breasts he had felt since coming to this city.  He pushed and shoved, but he could not break free.  Chains emerged from his back, sinking into the roof and pulling him out of her boobs.  Another set of chains emerged from his chest, wrapping around her torso and squeezing.  She would be able to feel the magic draining from her body and flowing into him.

LET GO, he demanded, hoping she was listening.  I said let go!

Even as he said that, her magic was... delicious.  Part of him did not want to let her go.  The sheer rush of holy power was... exhilarating.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2020, 11:15:09 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #111 on: May 04, 2020, 11:33:35 PM »

Lulu giggled as he struggled to break out of her loving embrace. She pulled on the chain making it wrap tighter against her torso as her heavenly essence poured into it. The divine flow continued unabated yet the blonde seemed completely unfazed by it. Because it didn't bother her, she could tell he enjoyed it and therefore she let him go on.

"You might want to stop or you could grow addicted to my juices." He would get addicted. The sweet succulent taste of it would undoubtedly be irresistible to someone like him, especially when he was pulling right from its source, her. It was even more concentrated than before when she'd been merely embracing her but that came with some side effects too, like the fact that her feeling were felt much more clearly this way. Her care for him was what Aruna would feel with no deception to veil it.

"I like your chains, they make me feel all tingly."


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #112 on: May 05, 2020, 02:17:54 AM »

It was irresistible.  It was said that if you could drain an angel of its energy, you would be granted untold power and ascend to their level.  It was true that he felt an stronger healthier but it was not anymore so than a regular creature.  In this moment, he realized where the legend may have started.  It felt so good.  That power causing through him but there was something more to it, warmth.  This whole time he wondered why she would care so much about him but this warmth.  It was much like the kind the gods of darkness gave off, even what humans describe the light of god feeling like, a sort of unconditional kindness.

I... don't want to stop...  But... if you let me drain all of your mana I'll drink your life-force too...  You have to let go before this gets worse!

Why?  Why did she have these feelings for him?  It didn't make any sense.  After all, if she had these feelings, did all the angels feel this way, even towards demons?  If thats the case, why did they kill so much?  Why did they horde all that power?  Why did they tell all of those lies to the humans?  Why was he where they pointed their swords?

Who the hell are you?!


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #113 on: May 05, 2020, 03:26:22 AM »

"You're a greedy boy aren't you Aruna? But don't underestimate my love like that, I'll be here no matter how much you try and take it. And what makes you think you aren't already nomming my essence hehe..."

She begun reeling in him in by his own chain like he was the prey, of course there was nothing sinister in her movements and it was more like she was trying to playfully punish him.

"I don't know what the Angels in your world are like. But in my home, we protect and guide all those who are in need, no matter the race. I am the Archangel Lulu and my domain is love. That makes you my charge, you who have known little of it..." And the blodne Angel delivered it all withou a hint of embarrassment.


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #114 on: May 05, 2020, 03:37:42 AM »

Aruna buried his face further into her breast, accepting all that came with this action.  This woman was a fantasy angel, a creature not of his world.  He wondered what it would be like to exist in a world like that, where angels did not harm demons and extended their love to all.  However, he did wonder then why she has killed humans and other angels.  Maybe a world like that wasn't a utopia after all.

Aruna's body trembled in her grip, faintly glowing as he drank more and more of her mana.  She was right.  He wasn't just drinking her mana.  The chains were converting her life-force into mana.  In other words, he was already drinking that.  The trembling did not stop, but for a brief moment, he opened himself up to the possibility of affection from an angel, from love.

The squirming stopped, but he began to shake.


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #115 on: May 05, 2020, 06:21:43 PM »

"Do you usually trust yourself upon the bosom of every girl who's kind to you?" The blonde angel's voice came out to tease him. This time it wasn't her who had forced it to happen, it was all on in the hands of the demon.

But enough of that. This poor soul has had enough hardships so she shouldn't tease him too much. Lulu gently patted down the back as she got a bit more serious.

"Aruna... Do you feel uncertainty or maybe disgust because you're attracted to me?


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #116 on: May 05, 2020, 07:15:36 PM »

It was a good question.  Disgust or uncertainty?  Uncertainty.  That was a good word to describe what he was feeling, yet it wasn't strong enough to capture the sheer turbulence of this encounter.  What would the people back home thing of him accepting love from an angel?  Anything other than sheer physical and emotional domination would be shunned.  But even that did not describe how he felt.

Annoyed, afraid of the future.  By accepting you into my life it feels like I am inviting my own end.

But deep in his mind, he knew this was the right thing to do.  He wasn't just a demon now.  Light resided in him just as it did her.  It may not be his light, but it was light all the same.  Just because he accepted that part of himself didn't mean he understood it.  He would need to learn what it meant to live in the light.

But I won't turn away from another strange angel reaching out to me.

The faint glow of Aruna's skin began to grow even brighter as he continued to drink Lulu's essence.  It really did taste amazing.  It was like an energy drink and a hearty meal, except he was never full.  The chains surrounding her body tightened, enough that it could fracture bones.

Tell me then, whats your ideal home?


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #117 on: May 05, 2020, 07:40:40 PM »

"Any place I can make homely for you and uhm..." She blushed and looked away as her other urges begun welling up. Having a buff man squeezed up so close to her was starting to ger her going. Flashes popped up in her mind of him taking her on the couch, pinning her down and unleashing all his demonic lust on her until he finally and utterly claimed her.

In her flustered state those thoughts were transmitted right over to him.


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #118 on: May 06, 2020, 11:40:56 PM »

Aruna's eyes lost all vision, turning to black as he retreated into his own mind.  Those red eyes of his met that face, her gaze unable to meet his own.  Two arms pinned her to the couch by her wrists and he could feel himself expanding inside of her.  In this moment, she was his toy, an object that loved to be used and that was strong enough to take a beating.  His head still buried in her breasts, he released his hold on her arms to chain them to the couch, crucifying her on the furniture.  However, as he violently pushed into her, the entire room shook.  Drool coated her breasts as the demon dug into her neck.

The demon licked his lips as that thought flashed through his mind, finally pulling away from her.  With his head finally free, he resolved to find a place with plenty of space and lots of comfortable furniture.  The demon cycled through past places he's lived.  In a lot of ways, he enjoyed lavish gothic mansions, but all those make him think of is his old conquests of humans.  A small place would likely not draw attention but would be less fun to play with his new angel companion.  The real question was would it accommodate his urges.

Then he noticed her expression.  Vulnerable, cute, vulnerable, flustered, vulnerable.  It was a face he knew they had, but not one he had seen often.  Sure, she wasn't one of his angels but she was an angel all the same.  To think he would ever see a creature of the light make an expression like that, let alone for him.  It was nice, empowering even.

Aruna retracted his chains, frowning as he went against his base urges to suck her dry until she collapsed.  It would be fun, gratifying even to kill an angel that way, but he couldn't let her die until he reached the end of this path.  And so, he looked to her and said,

"Can you fly?  We have humans to hunt."
« Last Edit: May 07, 2020, 02:31:37 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Halloween Town
« Reply #119 on: May 07, 2020, 02:51:56 AM »

The tug of the chains leaving her thin waist was what finally snapped her out of fantasy. Her attention turned back onto him, both visibly in the form of her gaze as well as a pressure on her mind. The vulnerability was still present in her eyes but she was annoyed now and he was about to find out why.

"Yes I can but first please put them back on. I really like the feeling of them uhm..... burning my extra essence....I'm soo full all the time, too full and it was like you lifted a weight off my shoulders. So Please wrap me up again and never remove them, I mean it." She bowed her head as she asked him to go along with her selfish request. The blonde wasn't sure about this even now, on one one hand she was imposing herself in him a bit much, but it felt really good and she wanted more of that.