Author Topic: Cross Effects- The RP  (Read 283194 times)


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #75 on: August 05, 2013, 01:07:30 PM »
Well, things were going well until now.

Mille looked up grimly as she surveyed her current situation. Blocking her path entirely to the front was a group of rather large looking werewolves, who almost seemed giant compared to the small magus girl trying her best to stare them down. A couple of charred werewolf corpses lay past the main group. The girl was holding a pole she'd found in the alleyway defensively, runes scratched into the ground in front of her. The barrier they created would not last forever, and from the looks of the hulking beasts that menaced the girl, they weren't planning on leaving anytime soon.

Worse was that, while Mille had managed to take a few of them down, she hadn't entirely gotten away clean. Even if she could barely get away from the wolves using reinforcement, the scratch she'd taken to her left leg made it impossible to run now. She could heal it, but it would take away prana that she'd need both for the barrier and to get away.

Mille considered what to do. Things weren't looking too favorable as they were now. Maybe... maybe I can at least go out in one last blaze of glory. Take some more of these creeps with me before they tear me limb from limb. Mille fought back some tears as she looked back up at the werewolves. This wasn't how things should have gone. She was there to prove she was worth something to the Association, not get torn apart by werewolves! And now she was in over her head. Maybe she should have expected this, but not nearly this soon.

The red-headed magus prepared to lower the barrier, focusing all her energy into reading herself for one last-

"Hello~ ❤"

"Aaaah!" Mille jumped back, her eyes snapping back open at the sound of the overly pleasant voice. Mille's eyes widened as she looked at the speaker. The speaker was a.... magical girl rod?! "W-what the?! Listen, I don't know what buisness you have with me but..." She gestured towards the hulking werewolves. "Now isn't exactly the best time!"

"Oh, but I think it's the perfect time~"


The rod was oddly flexible and movable despite the fact that she was well... a stick with a circle on top. She bowed just a bit, before bouncing around as she introduced herself. "Nice to meet you!~ I'm a magical stick of love and justice, Magical Ruby-chan~~~ Do you want to be a Magical Girl? ❤"

Mille stood there, staring at the rod blankly. Even the werewolves seemed to be dumbfounded. The young magus felt like her head was throbbing. Is this... for real? "Look- Ruby was it? I don't know if you're even serious or not, but I'm going to have at least five werewolves breathing down my neck once this barrier goes down! Unless you're here to help me with my little wolf problem, don't bother me!"

Ruby sighed. Uuugh, she might be even worse than Rin. A B-lister at best. Still~ since this is the girl that the Association's looking for, there still may be some fun to be had here~ I'll just ditch her once I find a better master later~ Ruby's ruby eyes stared into Mille's own nearly black ones. "Then, let me put it this way~ ....Do you want to die?~"

"What kind of question is that?! Of course I don't wanna die!"

"Then make a contract with me~ I'll give you all the power you need to beat up these nasty werewolves~ ❤"

Mille groaned with exasperation. Still, something seemed fishy about this... "Then why didn't you just say that in the first place? Alright, I accept."

"Yay~ ❤ Now just take hold of me and we'll be good to go~"

Mille dropped the pole she'd used to scratch the runes into the concrete and warily reached out towards Ruby. Upon grabbing hold of her, those cold gemstone eyes seemed to gleam with an unholy light, and upon a flash of light-

Well, needless to say, after the rather elaborate and extensive transformation sequence that defied space and time itself, Mille found herself in an outfit that was... ...the most humiliating thing I've ever been forced to wear in my entire life. Even that dumb thing my parents made me wear that one Easter when I was five. Before she could express too much distaste at her new ensemble, however, Mille spotted her overmuscled and overly hairy antagonists rushing at her with zeal. Crap, when I was changing, the barrier went down! ...I really hope this thing lets me fly...   

Squeezing her eyes shut, the newly minted magical girl jumped backwards, hoping that she'd find herself aloft. She opened one eye just a crack... and saw a claw swipe at her, forcing her higher into the air.

"Wait a minute- I'm flying, I'm really flying!" She gasped as another werewolf attempted to get her and forced herself to go higher to avoid the creature's long, sharp canines.

"That's amazing!~ Most people take weeks or even months before they can learn to fly~ ❤"

Mille looked down at Ruby. "Wait, can't most magical girls fly anyway?"

"Eh heh... let's just leave it at that for now."

But any further talk was cut short as a werewolf tried to jump up and grab her, forcing Mille to dodge. She addressed her newfound weapon as she weaved and dodged through the air, as now many of the wolves had lost patience and were now coming at her more frequently. "Ok, great, I can fly- now how do I actually attack these things?"

"You could figure out how to fly that fast and yet you don't even know how to attack?"

"Look, I just grabbed onto you not that long ago, just because I know how to fly for some reason, doesn't mean I- aah!"

One of the wolves had made it's way onto a building and now had gotten dangerously close to actually hitting her. It plummeted to the ground, seeming to injure itself just a bit, but the other wolves seemed to take from their packmate's example and now were also trying to climb up onto the rooftops.

"So lacking in both intelligence and imagination- that's not good for a magical girl at all."

"What was that?!"

"It's easy!~ Just imagine the attack in your mind and go!~ ❤ You were able to imagine yourself flying pretty well, just do the same thing to attack~"

Mille breathed in. OK, so a bit like magecraft then- so if I imagine a barrage of blasts to hit all the werewolves...

"And make sure to announce your attacks~ A magical girl must have presence you know~"

Mille was about to take out her frustrations on the Ruby, but instead began to focus that energy mentally. Taking care to dodge anything that tried to come at her, she flew backwards at great speed, focusing her prana into Ruby.

"Magical barrage!" With that, a series of magical blasts the size of the young magus's head scattered and plummeted into the werewolves. Yowls filled the night air as each blast exploded on contact with its target. Mille took off with all the speed she could muster, not bothering to look behind her, soaring towards the smoggy sky.

As she looked down from her new vantage point, Mille couldn't help but feel a wave of dizziness overwhelm her- she was so high in the air now, it was incredible. The air was more difficult to breath, so she couldn't help but feel a bit light headed. Still, she felt a bit of smug satisfaction. They won't be feasting on my flesh tonight.

"And so you bravely ran away~ Some people might call you a coward, but you only did what you were capable of doing~"

The red-head's grip on Ruby tightened as she glared directly into the stick's cold gemstone eyes. "I-I'm not a coward! Those things nearly killed me, and I just started using these abilities! You can't expect me to just test this stuff out when my enemies are that tough!"

"Oh, it's because you're weak then~ Funny, I thought you'd be tougher than that, you took out two of those wolves without my help you know~ Even if she makes for a horrible magical girl, at least Rin was better at the whole fighting thing than you are~"

Mille's eyes widened. "Rin. As in Rin Tohsaka?!"

"That's the one~ The Magus Association sent her here to get you~"

Mille froze. They- they caught me. And they had so little faith in me that they sent Tohsaka after me? That figures. Everyone keeps talking about her, magical genius this, magical genius that. I've worked my butt off for years to get the type of respect she gets, and yet it's always Tohsaka this, Tohsaka that! I'm every bit the magus she is, and yet...

"Something tells me someone's jealous~"

"J-jealous?! I'm just sick of getting no respect because of how young my family line is! It doesn't matter how hard I work or how good or numerous my magic circuits are! It's always Tohsaka, or Edelfelt, or..." Mille paused for a second, looking down at Ruby in confusion. "Wait, didn't you say Tohsaka brought you with her?"


"Wait... then why are you running around loose then?"

Something ominous gleamed in those rubies. "Didn't you listen earlier, silly girl?~ I told you, powerful as she is, Rin-chan made a really horrible magical girl~ So I abandoned her~"

Mille blinked. "W-wait... that means that..."

"Yup~ I thought you'd make a better magical girl~"

Mille floated there in stunned silence. Ruby slipped from her grip, to float in the air before her. After floating there for a bit longer, the girl finally spoke. "I..." Mille  moved some of her hair behind her ear, her hands trembling just a bit. "IIIIIIIII'mm.... sorry. I'm shouldn'tve yelled at you earlier." Glancing off to the side, her voice became low and dry. "...Even if you are kind of annoying and insulting."

Ruby brightened at this. "Yay!~~~ I was right after all~~~ ❤ I heard that comment by the way. You need to work on that temper, and that attitude. Still, it's a start!~" She floated back into Mille's gloved hand. "So then, I take it you want me to teach you the ways of the magical girl?~"

"Yes! Please, teach me everything!" This is the first thing I've been able to beat Tohsaka at. If it's the only thing that can make the Association take me seriously... then I'll endure the stupid attack names and the ridiculous outfit and the insults, everything! Anything to finally bring glory to my family's name!

"Then let's go~ So then, where were you headed?"

Mille frowned as she searched around, until she located the still rising smoke. She pointed towards it. "Towards that explosion. I was going to investigate, but then I got jumped by those werewolves, and couldn't go any further."

"You think you're still up for it?~"

Mille nearly yelled at Ruby once more, but barely managed to calm her temper. "What do you mean by that exactly?"

"Now what did I just say about the temper?~ And I mean you seem pretty tired~ Even magical girls need sleep you know~"

Mille wanted to protest, but Ruby was right. Even if Ruby had managed to magically heal her leg, she still felt a bit tired, even with the power up. And my leg... wait, my leg!

She looked down and was surprised to see that not only the nasty gash on her leg didn't hurt anymore, but that there also seemed to be no trace of it.

"Tee hee, you didn't notice?~ Think of it as a welcoming gift of sorts~"

Still somewhat entranced by her healed leg, Mille said, "so then, what was that about rest?"

The stick nodded. "You need to sleep~ You've had a rough day you know~ So then, do you have any place to stay?"

The girl's cheeks reddened a bit. "W-well..." Her cheeks became even more flushed. "I-I didn't know where to go and find a job for sure, o-or the best apartment, s-so..." She lowered her head, her voice lowering into a murmur. "I-I've been sleeping in a tree. In the park."

There was a long silence. A silence that was then cut by the magical stick of love and justice's bell like laughter. Promise of glory or no, Mille almost threw the stick away from her then and there.

Ruby eventually stopped laughing, finally managing to speak again. "Y-you know, I spotted these nice apartments while I was scouting around town~ From what I can tell, they have vacancies and everything~ Seems like we may to negotiate being able to stay there too!~"

Mille's eyes widened. "You serious?"

"Yup, entirely~ Besides, do you really have that much choice?~ Unless you like sleeping in the tree of course~"

With a sigh, Mille shook her head. "No, no I don't...."

"Then let's go!~ I'll show you the way~ Just let me guide you~  ❤"

With that, the pair took off, headed towards the promise of a nice comfortable bed. As they went, Ruby began to think to herself. Well, I'll give Mille-chan credit, she has more potential than I though~ Still totally ditching her when we get to the apartments~ That girl- Hakuno, was it? She may be just what I'm looking for...❤ Ufufufufufu....

While Finn Garrison didn't consider himself much of a narcissist, he couldn't help but wonder if he struck a pretty cool image standing up top that building- his scarf and duster fluttering in the wind, his rifle sitting proudly on his shoulder, a hint of a smile on his lips and the promise of adventure lighting up his eyes as he looked over the sprawling metropolis. Made him feel like Angel, but with less brood and more gun. Properly, the young mercenary felt like he should be somewhat intimidated by what he saw, but really, he was feeling kinda excited. As weird of a turn as his most recent job had taken, things looked like they were about to get pretty interesting.

The young man made his way down to the balcony below. Feeling bold, he focused prana into his legs to reinforce them as he jumped off onto the pavement. A definite shock ran through his legs, but nothing was hurt or broken, and he'd probably looked pretty damn cool doing it, so eh, in his mind, it was entirely worth it.

He straightened himself up with cheerful ease as he looked out into the city proper. Place seemed infested with all sorts of supernatural creepy crawlies, so he figured it wouldn't be too hard to find a place to hit the hay in exchange for making sure the place didn't get ripped apart. Moral gratification and free room and board all in one fell swoop- just how he liked it. Though he didn't mind doing the awesome hero stuff for free, just that he kinda needed to support himself too. Those were the breaks.

Still, before he found a place to crash, he wanted to take a better look around. See whoever was worth seeing, maybe rescue some people. Hell, maybe meet a pretty girl. Or all three, kill some birds with the same stone. And so with an enthusiastic gleam in his eye, Finn walked forward into the night, ready and able to face anything that passed his way.

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #76 on: August 05, 2013, 04:43:24 PM »
Things were just a bit awkward for the two who stood near the red clad magus. Hakuno was blushing faintly, an uncomfortable feeling forming at the pit of her stomach. Archer stood there not knowing whether to be amused, just a bit horrified, or even maybe a bit upset. Well, he certainly wasn't pleased in the slightest about that little "threesome" Rider mentioned. His Master wasn't ready for that. Not at all. And knowing her and her tendency towards helping people to the point of stupidity at times meant that she might well volunteer while having no clue what exactly she was getting into... No, he'd have to stop that from happening, no matter how much Hakuno insisted or... no no, that little imagining would stop right there, now wasn't the time for it. No time was. 

As for the magus herself.... her face was as red as her shirt, her fists trembling as she initially struggled for words. Vague choking sounds issued from her throat. All this in reaction to Rider's comments about her and their future sexual encounters, as well as Forest providing the details of Rider's fantasies. Rin finally managed to speak, but even then she had trouble forming the words. "I-I... I-I... L-l-look, e-even if future me is doing all... that with you, do you think that's really appropriate to discuss in public?! A-and besides, that's future me, right? I-it hasn't happened yet, s-s-so-"

Rin's ability to form words vanished again, so Archer piped up in her stead, with a bit of a sigh. "What I think she's trying to say is that she'd rather discuss the details elsewhere. What's all involved, who's willing to do what, etcetera." Even his face became a bit flushed at the thought. Regardless, he continued. "Probably not a bad idea really. Rin might pop a blood vessel at this rate." His face flushed just a bit yet again, as he remembered Forest's brief comment about his ensemble. "As for my current... outfit, it wasn't exactly my choice or my Master's really, but something that was forced on me. I'm not normally accustomed to showing this much skin."

Hakuno, momentarily distracted from feeling sorry for Rin, turned to look at her Servant quizzically. "Hmm? But after I told you it looked good on you, I thought you said you liked it. And that you thought about maybe even showing more skin. You even changed back into it a few times for some variety in what you wore for our Labyrinth runs. That's why you're wearing it now."

Archer's face became rather flushed. Rin, upon hearing this, was able to recover some from her own humiliation. In fact, it took her some effort to suppress a snicker. Archer, desperately trying to maintain some form of composure, cleared his throat before answering. "That's a bit... private, Master. Still, yes, I'll admit, I did say that. Honestly, it was really Hakuno's words that gave me the motivation to wear outfits like this. Still, as much as I appreciate my Master's opinion, it seems that it might be best if I have a change of wardrobe. For... various reasons. Once my Master and I find a place to stay, I'll change out of it."

Rin felt the pang again. Archer wasn't really the type to wear such clothing. And yet he'd taken Hakuno's praise seriously enough to not worry about the humiliation- even enough to want to show even more skin! Rin had never asked for such things, but... would he have done the same thing for her? Willingly?

Thankfully, Forest mentioned living accommodations, which seemed to prompt Lancer's reappearance, accompanied by the little familiar from before, the poor thing's arm still broken. As the Servant and his Landlady talked, Rider addressed Rin.

"Actually, that reminds me. Rin, would you like to meet your nephew?"

Rin was more surprised than she should have been, but quickly readjusted, grateful that Rider had brought something up regarding her that didn't involve sex.

"I'd be glad to. I'm going to get situated at the apartment first, but I'll meet him afterwards." Rin turned back to the Master/Servant duo. "What about you two, are you going to take up Forest's offer too?"

Hakuno nodded before her Servant could even reply. Archer looked a bit embarrassed, but answered anyway. "Well, it seems even if I was against it, my Master has decided for us. I can't help but be a bit wary, but still, the offer is a welcome one." 

"Mmhm." Rin was satisfied. Even if seeing the two together at times hurt, Rin was still glad that they'd be living in the same complex, especially Archer.

The group's attention was directed, however, at the voice of a young girl.

"Well, with things settling down, I really should go." Isa went around and said her goodbyes to everyone, one by one by one.

Hakuno was next after Rider, and she was surprised as the magus girl jumped into her arms, embracing her tightly. "Keep your spirit up. And never ever change." Hakuno smiled at that, her words warming her heart. She noticed Isa fidgeting in her arms as she continued. "Aww, I wish your were my other sister."

Hakuno beamed at that. Her voice full of warmth, Hakuno replied, "And I'd be more than happy to be your sister." Archer couldn't help but smile a little at this display, in spite of everything he was.

Next up was Rin, who was addressed with less love and more respect. "I wish we could discuss things thoroughly, about this place especially, but It will have to wait, Tohsaka-san."

The older magus nodded in reply. "Yeah, definitely. I hate imposing on Forest like this, but I'll be using that apartment complex as my base of operations. When you're ready, come visit me. We're going to have quite a bit to discuss, believe me."

Next was Archer. Considering how much Archer towered over her, even more so than the other two girls, it was perhaps a bit surprising that the girl didn't seem too intimidated by the Servant. She moved close to him, addressing him in somewhat of a whisper. "Thanks for not attacking. Must have been difficult. I'm glad you acknowledge value in people opinions."

Archer nodded. "No problem. What I feel about that kid and his opinions are less important than my Master and Rin's safety, and the safety of everyone else here, including you."

Their voices were low, so it was hard for Rin to hear, but... Did he.. mention me by name? ...Wait, why do I care so much if he did? H-he obviously has feelings for Hakuno now, a-nd it's not like I'm his Master or anything anymore, so why should I even...

Isa continued on. "Keep your Master safe but don't look at her as only someone to protect. You're partners, right?" She winked at him as she walked on to the next person. Archer got the first part quite well, even agreed with it. But the second part didn't seem to quite process with him at first, even with the wink. Then Hakuno tugged at his sleeve and gave him a meaningful look. Archer quickly looked away from his Master, embarrassed to find himself slightly flushed once again. 

Isa went to Forest next, offering her something precious of hers, which Forest returned to her, and gave kind farewells to both Lancer and the little familiar. Next was Satoshi.

Then the most surprising of all. Isa approached Shirou. When she slapped him, while the assorted group felt it was deserved, they also were a bit worried. Archer in particular became tense, more than ready to take Shirou out if he so much as harmed the girl- both for Isa's sake and to punish that alternate self for his own hypocrisy. But thankfully, Shirou made no move to harm her. Her words were filled with kindness and compassion, filled with hope that this shell of a man could still find redemption, and the human warmth that he had lost.

Shirou's face was akin to that of a goldfish without water. Archer couldn't help but find some grim amusement in his alternate self's reaction. At last, he replied. "That naivety will put you in danger someday. But...when it does, I'll try to be there to help. People like you...are what I fight for."

A dark chuckle escaped from Archer's throat. He was about to say something, but Hakuno elbowed him in the ribs. He winced a bit at his Master's somewhat violent reaction. "I get why you'd want me to shut up, but what was that for?" He whispered.

"I find it a bit hypocritical too, but I don't want any more fights tonight," she whispered back. "Even if it means elbowing you in the ribs."

Shirou continued on, softly, somewhat speaking more to himself than anyone else.  "But you're wrong on that last point. Someone like me, who survived where others had not, who had sacrificed the lives of innocents, doesn't deserve happiness."

Archer couldn't help but thinking that this Shirou didn't deserve happiness for entirely different reasons, but his statement... was all too familiar. As much had been changed and warped, some things hadn't changed at all. Archer found it a bit peculiar, really- how that same survivor's guilt which defined them both could lead to such different paths in the end.

Shirou then walked over to Hakuno and Archer. The Servant, not exactly inclined to trust the young man, even now, moved so that she was behind him. With some irritation, Hakuno popped her head out from behind her Servant to look at the approaching figure. That last message Isa gave Archer? I may have to pound it into the dummy's head just a bit.

"Isabella is right though, I do owe you an apology. I'm...sorry for trying to kill you." He seemed to address her as if she was somewhat afraid. While she wasn't entirely fond of the young man just yet, Hakuno wasn't as frightened as he seemed to see her. "I misjudged the situation badly, and you came to further harm because of it. It probably doesn't matter much to you, but I'm...sorry."

Hakuno moved out from behind her Servant, clamping down on his arm so he didn't try and just move in front of her again. "While I don't really like your reasoning, or like it when someone tries to shoot me... I accept your apology. Just please don't do it again."

Archer smirked just a bit. "You should be grateful that my Master here has such a soft touch. She even has confidence that you won't pull this type of crap again." The Servant stared down at his counterpart. "I, however, don't have that same confidence. Remember that promise I made should you put my Master in harm's way again- I have every intention of keeping my word." 

With that, Shirou began moving away, turning his back, not saying any good byes. He missed the Look Hakuno gave her Servant, who just responded with a shrug. But before he could fully leave, Forest moved to stop him, grabbing the young man's shoulder.  "Okay, you made a rookie mistake.  Life's rough, Lad, but going like you are, you're going to end up burnt out, alone, and then in an oblong box.  Then who are you going to help dead?  Come with us, rest your head.  I have more than enough room."

Archer was rather displeased with this development, even if he suspected that Shirou would refuse, but Hakuno squeezed on his arm and shot him another glare before he could respond again.

Rin too looked warily upon the situation, knowing the conflicts that it could cause with the two Servants present. Still, she couldn't help but smile at the hard time Hakuno was giving Archer over his repeated attempts to snark something off to Shirou. Even if she was somewhat jealous of her, she was starting to really like the girl.

The group looked on in silence, awaiting Shirou's response. 
« Last Edit: August 07, 2013, 10:25:38 AM by Alice »

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #77 on: August 06, 2013, 08:22:56 AM »
Satoshi sighed, 'often mistaken for king Arthur, more often treated like Arthur curry' he thought as he turned on his heels leaving without a word. He wasn't sure of a lot at the moment  but he wasn't like he got called up for no reason and he highly doubted watching exchanges in alleyways was the why of being in the urban nightmare.

"my name is Taiga Pendragon" the small red head answered.

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #78 on: August 07, 2013, 03:12:05 AM »
Rider couldn't help but laugh as Rin's face turned bright red in response to her all-too-detailed statement of what she wanted them to do.

She's such fun to tease.

Rin's face them turned even redder as Forest replied to Rider's comment about reading her mind.

"You broadcast.  Like the Emergency Broadcast System.  The more intense your thought, the louder it is.  It's not like I like being privy to people's Bondage Fantasies or anything."

"Well, sorry, I'm not trying to 'broadcast', I'm just thinking", Rider replied, somewhat annoyed at the vampire's attempt to blame her for the fact that she couldn't control her own psychic powers properly.

Then Forest continued.

"And Lord and Lady, are all of you into the kink or what?  Rider has her dominatrix battle outfit and you're wearing . . . that . . ."

Rider chuckled once more at Forest's complete lack of tactfullness and, also, at Archer's outfit. Meanwhile, Rin finally managed to get her composure together enough to at least make an attempt at replying.

 "I-I... I-I... L-l-look, e-even if future me is doing all... that with you, do you think that's really appropriate to discuss in public?! A-and besides, that's future me, right? I-it hasn't happened yet, s-s-so-"

Rider laughed loudly. Rin was just so much fun to tease. Before she could reply, though, Archer spoke up.

 "What I think she's trying to say is that she'd rather discuss the details elsewhere. What's all involved, who's willing to do what, etcetera", he said, his face also becoming somewhat flushed. "Probably not a bad idea really. Rin might pop a blood vessel at this rate."

Rider laughed again at that last comment. However, whilst what he was saying made sense, Rin's response to the teasing was just too good for her to stop there. She could, however, see that Archer was less-than-impressed with her "suggestions", probably because of her blatant come-ons to the girl who he was at very least extremely close to, and, judging by their reaction towards each other, already in a relationship with.

Well, hey, if he wants to join in too, I can live with that....

After all, Archer was an alternative version of Shirou, and she knew that Rin was also attracted to him, as her jealous reaction to his closeness to Hakuno demonstrated. If sleeping with him was the price to pay for having sex with Hakuno and Rin as well, she'd gladly do so.

"You know, Archer, if you want to join in too, I'm sure the girls won't mind", she said, seductively.

However, her teasing of Rin and Archer was interrupted by Forest's next comment.

"But!  We should leave the alley and get people settled.  I'm sure that some of you were sucked here with no rhyme nor reason and little to your name but the clothing on your back.  I have plenty of rooms and supplies at my stronghold.  You can get something to eat - if Lancer remembered to go shopping . . ."

Rider considered the offer for a moment, waiting to see what everyone else would do. However, her inclination was to accept, particularly since Forest had offered her prana. The woman had, after all, proven herself to be trustworthy.

On the other side of the coin, though....

"Oy, it's not my fault that you're on a 'liquid and citrus' diet and the only thing I found in your gods damned fridge was oranges and orange juice."


The voice confirmed that the Lancer Forest had mentioned before was indeed the one that had fought her in the Grail War and, worse, had attempted to murder Shirou. Her apprehension only increased as he continued speaking, particularly when he turned to her.

"Now I wish I would have been here sooner.  I would happily donate all the prana the lass could want", he said.

Ugh, she thought as she looked at him with a scowl, clearly indicating her displeasure at the idea.

Sleeping with that smug idiot was not what she had in mind. As far as she was concerned, Lancer was only a small step above the guy she had previously been fighting and, frankly, he was somewhat less attractive.

However, her thought processes were interrupted when Rin responded to her previous comment about her nephew, a comment which seemed to have surprised her somewhat, despite the fact that she surely must know that her sister would one-day marry and have children with Shirou as well.

"I'd be glad to. I'm going to get situated at the apartment first, but I'll meet him afterwards."

Apparently, Rin had decided to accept Forest's offer, to Rider's relief. Then, Rin turned to Hakuno and Archer, and, answering on behalf of them both, Hakuno agreed also.

Hearing that, her mind was made up. She knew that Rin could be trusted to help protect Kiyoshi, particularly since she had acknowledged their relationship, and she also suspected that Hakuno and Forest would do so. Whilst she felt a bit bad about not following through on her promise to protect the hotel she had been staying in, ultimately Kiyoshi's well-being was far more important, and it wasn't like she was leaving him in any worse a position than he had been in prior to their arrival. Forest's house had food for Kiyoshi and plentiful (and very sexy) sources of prana for her, as well as the extra protection for Kiyoshi. It was no contest really.

Before she could respond, though, Isa piped up, unfortunately refusing the offer.

Shame, she's a sweet girl.

That thought was only enhanced when Rider suddenly felt the girl warmly embracing her. Rider was slightly shocked, but she had become accustomed to surprise hugs from years of babysitting Sakura's children, and responded by smiling and hugging the girl back.

"Take care of you and the little guy, okay?", Isa said, warmly. "I would like to meet your Master someday."

"Thank you for your help," Rider replied with equal warmth. "You might know my master, she's Rin's sister, Sakura. If not I'm sure she'd be more than happy to meet such a kind girl like you. She might be quite protective of you, though, she's like that with children."

After all, the girl had shown an awareness of Rin, so it was just possible she would know Sakura too. If not, she was sure her master would be happy to meet the girl.

Rider watched as the girl went around saying goodbye to everyone with equal warmth and kindness. However, Rider paid little attention to it, instead thinking of her next move, and her own response. In particular, she recalled how Shirou had once again avoided answering her question, instead giving her only a brief glance. It was abundantly clear to her now that he was hiding something, and most likely it wasn't good news for the Sakura of his timeline, or for anyone else within a 10 mile radius of the guy. She really hoped that he rejected Forest's offer.

However, her thoughts were somewhat interrupted by the sound of a hard slap. Looking in Shirou's direction, she could see that Isa had just hit him, a massive departure from the kindness she'd shown to everyone else.

"That's your punishment for your "mistake" earlier." She said calmly. "Did you feel my anger behind it? Are you getting angry yourself?" The girl took his hand in hers and smiled gently. "That's what humans feel, emotions aren't something thrown away so easily. You may have lost a lot to become like you are now. It may hurt a lot but you shouldn't throw away what makes you one of us." She raised his hand in order for him to touch her face. "See, that's what human warmth feels like. Do you remember? What you lost as a human being can be regained. You're not a machine. You may not redeem yourself but you can start by forgiving yourself. " She paused a second before surrounding him with her arms. "Each person is precious, there may have difficult choices to make but, you should think with your heart before logic." Isabella teared up for him. "The people you lost would want you to be happy as well, don't you think?"

Rider honestly felt sorry for the girl. She clearly wanted to help Shirou, but if she was right then he was simply too far gone to be saved, or to even deserve saving. Indeed, if she was right then she suspected that bringing back his emotions and making him understand the full horror what he'd done would be outright torture for him.

Still, she found herself agreeing whole-heartedly with the girl's words. And, ironically, she knew that the Shirou she knew would agree with her. This Shirou, however, was never going to accept her beliefs. The number of people he'd killed meant that he simply couldn't. She knew Shirou well enough to know that he would simply never be able to forgive himself for the sort of cold-blooded murder he'd attempted on Hakuno, no matter what justifications he might find. He had found it difficult enough to forgive himself for deaths he could do nothing about, like those in the Grail War.

Shirou turned and replied to Isa.

"That naivety will put you in danger someday. But...when it does, I'll try to be there to help. People like you...are what I fight for."

Yeah, right. You'd have put a bullet in her head in a second if she was in your way.

Judging from the way that Hakuno had elbowed Archer in the ribs, he evidentially felt much the same way, and understandably so. If someone had tried to put a bullet in the head of her master then even Sakura herself couldn't have stopped her giving him an excrutiatingly-painful death.

"But you're wrong on that last point. Someone like me, who survived where others had not, who had sacrificed the lives of innocents, doesn't deserve happiness."

As much as she was coming to detest the guy and his idiocy, she was in full agreement with him on that point. If he'd done what she suspected he'd done, even an eternity in Tartarus would not be a sufficient punishment. His statement also confirmed what she had suspected, that he was suppressing his own emotions to deal with all the horrible crimes he'd committed.

Still, she was somewhat shocked to see him actually take her advice and apologise to Hakuno, although the way he worded the apology made it pretty clear that the only thing he was sorry about was that he had attempted to kill her when doing so wouldn't actually have saved innocent lives, rather than the fact that he had attempted to kill her more generally.

Even so, the girl accepted his apology. Archer, however, clearly did not feel the same way. 

Then, to Rider's delight, Shirou turned around and started to walk away. The last possible obstacle out of the way, Rider turned to Forest and gave her answer.

"Forest, your house sounds much nicer and safer than the hotel I'm in, and we need to sort out the prana transfer anyway. I'd be happy to stay at yours. Obviously we'll need to stop off at the hotel first, though, to collect Kiyoshi."

Then, she looked in Rin's direction.

"When we get there, though, I look forward to giving you some lessons in the sort of things your future self got up to. Practical lessons", she said, smiling teasingly.

 However, the happy mood was somewhat spoiled when Forest turned and addressed the departing Shirou once more.

"Okay, you made a rookie mistake.  Life's rough, Lad, but going like you are, you're going to end up burnt out, alone, and then in an oblong box.  Then who are you going to help dead?  Come with us, rest your head.  I have more than enough room."


Whilst Forest was a very nice person, she was clearly hopelessly naive in some ways. What Shirou had done was not a "rookie mistake" but a calculated effort to murder an innocent girl in cold blood because it was the most "efficient" way of acting. She could tell that Archer was irritated by this development but, once again, his master stayed his hand.

Rider, however, had no such restrictions.

"Forest, I know you're trying to help the guy, but have you forgotten that he only five minutes ago was trying to put a bullet in Hakuno's head? And I'm pretty damn sure he'd do it again, too, the instant he thought doing so might save lives elsewhere. He simply cannot be trusted, he would sacrifice any one of us if he thought it would save a few people elsewhere. You might be OK with that, but what about the rest of us?"

Giving a quick glance in Shirou's direction, she continued.

"And, you know, he still hasn't answered how he ended up this way, why he's so different from the Shirou I know. Probably because he knows the answer will condemn him...."

Then, she addressed Shirou directly, once again trying to get a straight answer to her question, her emotions rising once more.

"Tell me, Shirou, do you have any friends or family? Or did they all end up with a bullet in the head? What about Sakura and Rin? What happened to them?"

Then, calming down somewhat, she addressed the rest of the group.

"Sorry, everyone, I really don't want a fight, I just think he has a few questions to answer before we can trust him to live with us. I know Archer feels the same, too."

Then, she turned to Satoshi, who she noticed had appeared to be leaving. His most recent statement had reassured her somewhat. Whilst his willingness to offer unconditional protection to Shirou was somewhat grating, it fitted somewhat with his apparent idealism.

"Satoshi, will you not join us too? I think you'd be welcome to stay.

And, sorry for my tone earlier, it seems like I was right the first time. You really are your father's son. Even if I would rather you not give unconditional protection to someone who might put a bullet in the head of any one of us at any time.

Also, I'm not sure what you mean about 'sea legs'. I know of parallel universes, of course, but I don't really think about it too much. Sakura is happy in our universe, I'd rather not think about all the ways that her life could have turned out much worse...", she said, her final comment accompanied with a meaningful glance in the direction of Shirou.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2013, 03:15:59 AM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #79 on: August 07, 2013, 09:43:39 AM »
"Okay, you made a rookie mistake.  Life's rough, Lad, but going like you are, you're going to end up burnt out, alone, and then in an oblong box.  Then who are you going to help dead?  Come with us, rest your head.  I have more than enough room."

Shirou was stopped in his tracks as Forest grabbed his shoulder, spinning him around in the process. The Magus Killer blinked dumbfoundedly at her, completely shocked by this random request, with the slight coughs around him indicating that the rest of the occupants felt exactly the same way. He was actually at a loss for words. Strange. That hadn't happened in a very long time, though that was more because he didn't talk to many people than his own general wit.

 Out of the corner of his eye, he monitored everyone's reactions. Hakuno shot a glare at Archer at his scoff, Satoshi...left, Tohsaka simply stared at the two, her face still a bit red from Rider's teasing, and Lancer and the boy not giving a crap whatsoever. In particular, Shirou payed attention to the enemy servant, and thus he did not miss the way Rider's eyes widened slightly in disbelief, before narrowing once more in annoyance, having been thwarted in some type of plan. Suddenly, the Servant spoke up:

"Forest, I know you're trying to help the guy, but have you forgotten that he only five minutes ago was trying to put a bullet in Hakuno's head? And I'm pretty damn sure he'd do it again, too, the instant he thought doing so might save lives elsewhere. He simply cannot be trusted, he would sacrifice any one of us if he thought it would save a few people elsewhere. You might be OK with that, but what about the rest of us?" the Gorgon sneaked a quick glance over to him, seemingly judging the effectiveness of her barb despite his lack of reaction, before continuing quickly, "And, you know, he still hasn't answered how he ended up this way, why he's so different from the Shirou I know. Probably because he knows the answer will condemn him...."

Shirou twitched slightly at her words, but once again outwardly did not react at all to her words. Even if her words wounded him, he would not let her know it. After Isa's admonishment, and Hakuno somehow forgiving him, he would not sully their attempts at peace by acting on his emotion, despite Isa's encouragement for it. The situation was on a knife's edge, and he would not be the one to tip it over again, even if Rider saw fit to try to enrage him at every opportunity.

Changing tact, the purple-haired Servant chose to attack Shirou directly, seemingly trying her very hardest to get a rise out of him, getting emotional herself in the process. Why was she doing this to him? What business did she have snooping about in his life?

"Tell me, Shirou, do you have any friends or family? Or did they all end up with a bullet in the head? What about Sakura and Rin? What happened to them?" the Servant said vindictively, cruelly. The square pupils of her eyes latched onto him through the protective glass of her spectacles (He would have to figure out who made those glasses at a later point, they could come in handy), as if trying to peer right into his soul so as to determine the very best way to make him hurt. Like a predator eyed her prey.

What the hell was she thinking? How was it any of her business at all, who his family was? Even if Satoshi was correct and Rider legitimately didn't know what happened, where on Earth did she get the nerve to constantly try to dig up painful pasts, or to insinuate that he had executed all his family in cold blood; especially if she could tell he didn't want to talk about and had obviously been negatively affected by it. Despite his best efforts, Shirou could feel his hands clenching, his fingernails digging painfully into his palms, almost breaking the skin; his temper rising rapidly once more at the clear barb. He scoffed as the Servant pretended to cover her motives to the crowd, everyone somehow swallowing the flimsy excuse without any comment.

Shirou opened his mouth to-NO

He turned away slightly, shaking his head slightly. This had to stop, this vicious cycle of her insulting him and him getting angry. It was time to fight back. If she was going to constantly rely on dirty tricks and her knowledge of his past like that to wound him, he wouldn't hold back. He wasn't an idiotic pushover like he had been as a teenager, constantly worried about honour and fairness in a world where neither existed. That had been stamped out of him a mere week into the War, as had his foolish belief that even the most irredeemable of villains should be saved from themselves. Fighting dirty was a necessity as the Magus Killer, and psychological warfare was an area he had been forced to become skilled at during his exploits. After all, Magi who were terrified out of their mind or Magi who were enraged were Magi who couldn't think properly, and thus were Magi who don't have the presence of mind to perform complicated feats of magic or Magi who were unable to see the whole picture; and ultimately Magi who he could eliminate when he was sent to stop their amoral, disgusting, pointless experiments.

"No Medusa, I don't have a family except for Fuji-nee all the way back in Fuyuki," Shirou began, his voice as cold as the Arctic wind, eyes like ice-cold iron, practically spitting out the words in disgust, "Kiritsugu died long before the War, killed by the Grail's curse, but he passed away peacefully, smiling. I didn't execute him as a 10 year old if that's what you're implying. Illyasviel von Einzbern, my half sister, was killed by True Assassin. He ripped her heart out before I, Tohsaka or Berserker could stop him, before she could even cry out for help. Him and Zouken needed her heart for the Grail, but we couldn't warn her in time. And no, I did not miraculously place a bullet between her eyes if that's what you're asking. Tohsaka Rin," he broke off for a bit, staring at the magus in question, contemplating how best to break the news of her death delicately, before deciding simply to tell a half-truth, "...her body was swallowed by the Grail mud whilst we were trying to destroy the Grail, at the very end of the war. And as for Sakura..."

Here Shirou completely steeled his feelings. He was well aware of how high a pedestal Rider held her former Master, idolising her almost more than he did. Perhaps she saw Sakura as a surrogate sister, to replace the ones she had killed slowly herself. Whilst he normally wouldn't have do something like this, to someone who wasn't a target he sought to eliminate, the Servant's constant digs at him and attempts to blow up the situation had caused him to lose all sympathy for the Servant, and possibly to feel a little vindictive.

"Well tell me. You caused her death after all."

And he wasn't even fully lying. That was the saddest part of it all. Her loyalty to Sakura and mere existence had ultimately caused Sakura's death. Had she not revealed Sakura as her Master, Rin would have held off for the most part on trying to kill Sakura, as Rin would have had no evidence. It was a very convoluted way of viewing it, but nonetheless valid, ignoring the fact that his actions also played a sizeable factor in Sakura's death.

He turned away from the Servant and back to Forest. She was a psychic vampire, and probably had picked up on his half truth, but nonetheless a part of him felt satisfied. He frowned at the thought: he should not be taking delight from this. Was he becoming like that damned priest? No, he wouldn't let that happen, he would rather die before something like that happened.

Clearing his thoughts, he addressed Forest.

"As for your offer...thanks but no thanks," he said, noting how the general mood seemed to lighten in response. The vampire meant well, but frankly, inviting him, whilst extremely nice, was suicidal. As much as he hate to say it, he was in agreement with everyone else in the alleyway: Emiya Shirou as the Second Magus Killer would only aggravate the situation if he stayed any longer.

"I know you mean well, but...let's be honest Forest. Your apartment would get destroyed in minutes if I stayed there, and seeing as Rider is coming along as well, I predict the building would not last 2 seconds. Not to mention everyone would be afraid to sleep for fear of a slit throat in their sleep, myself included. So I think it's probably best for everybody that I stay away. And besides, I'm pretty bad company," he smirked, the smile not quite reaching his eyes, shaking off fond memories of childhood meals, of Kiritsugu and Taiga smiling exuberantly as they tasted the food he had created after pain-staking memory, of mornings with Saber and Rin after a hard night of War. Of the bright smile Sakura made when he tasted her dishes for the first time, and he had been surprised at how great they were.

With those words, he turned once more to stroll out of the alley, the tails of his black trench-coat flickering slightly as he did so. He had heard a loud explosion on his way here, and he had definitely put off going long enough.

« Last Edit: August 07, 2013, 11:08:18 AM by OPOI »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #80 on: August 07, 2013, 12:44:56 PM »
I can set a broken arm, I just won't be none too gentle about it.


The familiar rubbed his temple once again. Maybe he should have let the blond woman do it, after all. Her expression had been strange when he distanced himself from her at first. Maybe he should apologize? A gift could do bu-...

However Lancer brought him back to reality.

Sure you want me to do it? It'll hurt like a bitch.

"What's a bi-...Uuuuarrrrrrgh!!!!" The yell escaped his lips with all the might he could muster. Ruu jumped repetitively in a comical manner when the Servant did what he was supposed to do. Definitely, he should have trusted the Landlady. Promising himself to never choose Lancer over her again, he closed his jaw on the Ex-Servant's own arm as repayment.


Isa walked away from the group who had already started to argue again. Her steps were slow and measured as if asking others to not notice her depart. It felt a little awkward to go like that after what had happened. She wanted to stay with them because they were people of all horizons. She had much to learn from them, she knew it. But as far as her will to go with them was strong, Vanessa took precedence here. It had always been like that and will always be.

With a chant only up to a whisper, she started converting od in prana, effictively concealing herself in a shadow of light. With seconds passing, she soon would disappear from eyesight, magical or not. Thoughts would be unable to reach her too. She closed her eyes, building another spell. Isabella projected a mental image of the boundaries surrounding the quarter and saw herself already moving across the maze of buildings. Focusing her mind on the trail of subtle prana emitted by different gematria icons she left on her way here, she broke them from where she stood, making them shining with intense darkness. Only few magus in Clock Tower could sense these as they were an archaic form of magecraft only the twins bothered to study in their whole department.

For Isabella's eyes, the world had became a blurry mix of shades and radiance. Sounds were distorted and she could barely understand what was being said by the group few meters away from her. The twin ignored the discussion, which she wouldn't understand anyway, and searched for an hint which could indicate Vanessa's exact position. Usually those were difficult to miss given how the older sibling liked to show off. And indeed it didn't take much time to spot her. The shining beam piercing the sky wasn't where Isabella had parted ways with Vanessa but it wasn't that far from their previous location. However, Isabella would have to run quite a bit before reaching this new location.

She grumbled, feeling her prana being drained at an alarming rate. The teenager fell on her knee as the bond with her sister sank in her mind. She knew it was only an illusion for herself, the bond the twins had, sharing Vanessa's own condition with Isabella. But as much as she knew it was not her who was tiring so fast, she still felt the effect as if things were happening to her. It was their curse and their blessing. Being able to share basically everything with someone that close had to be paid in some way. Unfortunately the sisters didn't have a the ability to exchange thoughts between each other. However, it would apply for basically everything else. Pain, illness, exhaustion, emotions too. And it would increase the closer they would be to each other, indicating Vanessa's prana level was in red. She had to be fast.

With a glance over her shoulder, the adolescent girl bit on her tongue.

Thank you for your help. You might know my master, she's Rin's sister, Sakura.
If not I'm sure she'd be more than happy to meet such a kind girl like you.
She might be quite protective of you, though, she's like that with children.


And I'd be more than happy to be your sister.


No problem.
What I feel about that kid and his opinions are less important than my Master and Rin's safety, and the safety of everyone else here, including you.


Yeah, definitely.
I hate imposing on Forest like this, but I'll be using that apartment complex as my base of operations.
When you're ready, come visit me.
We're going to have quite a bit to discuss, believe me.


I can't take this, it's too important to you. 
Thank you though. 
I've been fine this long, I'll continue to muddle through.
Besides, I have my own guardian on my side.


That naivety will put you in danger someday.
But...when it does, I'll try to be there to help.
People like you...are what I fight for.


She'll miss them. Each of these people had something special. Isabella wished to know them more and learn from their experiences. But she didn't have the choice.
And worse than that, things didn't seem to go so well.

Most of you are older than me, guys. Show some restraint.

Isabella shook her head. She had played her part and tried her best. All she had to do now would be to go help her sister. Yet, she didn't move. There was still something she could do. Looking at her hand she frowned for an instant. The silvery piece Forest refused. She had made a mistake in proposing it to the Vampire but she didn't regret her attempt, even after the blond brushed it aside. However, there was a person who may need it even more than her. Someone who would feel probably alone even, in presence of others. Especially in presence of others.

Her gaze fell on the guy and she knew what to do. She wrote another word and without a sound slipped both pendant and piece of paper in his trench-coat pocket, with the  purpose of him finding it at a moment when he would be alone. With a satisfied smile for herself, she then took off.


What's written on the note.
Spoiler for Hiden:
You're the only one who can forgive yourself. Whether you decide to do it or not, just know that I do forgive you. It might not be much considering I don't know of your past, but there's a reason to that. From what I saw, you have potential to do good things. You just happen to have lost your path, but that's okay!! People make mistakes all the time. Sometimes it's harmless. Sometimes it can break people apart. Things are rarely simple and being human is suffering. All you can do is, try your best and strengthen yourself for the next time.

Archer is proof enough that you're not a bad person at heart. All you need, is to orient your life in a more positive way. You can make amend for the suffering you spread in the past by admitting your mistakes. Honor the departed by showing you have learned something from them.

Can't do anything about the guilt though, one could argue it's your own burden to carry. That's what the pendant is for. For the times when you feel lonely or unable to overcome an hurdle, just remember that I'm rooting for you, no matter what others think.

Have great expectations of you, Emiya Shirou.
See you soon, Isa.

« Last Edit: August 07, 2013, 02:40:54 PM by Daiki »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #81 on: August 07, 2013, 06:35:27 PM »
Satoshi shook his head  "between you propositioning everyone here aside from lancer, shirou and myself which apart from being a bit disturbing in itself it means that going with you  will have me standing around where I can hear you have sex which is awkward. That aside I'm not particularly interested in meeting another alternate universe half sibling, especially if it's a young kid but mostly because I disagree with some of the things you've said, they quite frankly exude a lack of care for the weight of a life and I would be going against the basic nature of who I am if I let it slide." he replied

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #82 on: August 07, 2013, 09:32:54 PM »
Rider glared at Shirou as he turned back and finally answered her questions, confirming her very worst fears with his first sentence. Sakura was gone from his life, either dead or, worse, forgotten about. Rider's anger at Shirou and sadness at the fate of her beloved master's alternate self started to rise.

It only got worse from there.

The comment about Ilya made it clear that his timeline had not been all that different from her own. Just like in her time, Zouken had been involved in the war, which was something that she knew from Sakura and from his original actions following her summoning had not been intended from the beginning. He would only get involved if he saw an opportunity, and that almost certainly meant Sakura being actively involved and, most likely, activated as the shadow.

Rider's stomach began to turn.

Shirou continued to speak, his voice as cold as ice as he claimed no responsibility for Rin's death. However, his hesitation and the long look he made in the direction of the girl in question before giving his answer told Rider otherwise. He was clearly trying to sugar-coat the truth for his own ends.

Then, finally, he answered the one question that really mattered.

"And as for Sakura....

Well tell me. You caused her death after all."


Rider couldn't believe what she was hearing.

How dare he?

How DARE he?

With that comment, Rider started to shake with anger. It took every ounce of self-control she possessed not to kill him that instant.

She didn't know exactly what had happened to Sakura, but she found it extremely implausible that her master's death had been a direct result of her own actions. The worst crime she could ever see herself committing on Sakura was negligence. Further, he seemed to believe she would know about it, despite the repeated and clear indications that she was not from his timeline. Or, more likely, he was just trying to rile her....

No, I can't. I must protect Kiyoshi.

As much as he deserved to suffer for what he had done, Rider knew that to attack him now would jeopardise the new friendships she'd formed.

Still, she weighed things up in her mind, her anger and sadness still raw. Killing him was tempting, and she knew now that there was no way she could live in the same house as him. But, she could not risk getting into a fight with Forest or the rest, and nor could she afford to jeopardise her source of prana or the protection they could provide to Kiyoshi.

No, as much as his Sakura deserves to be avenged, the happiness of the Sakura that still lives is more important.

Even so, she had to be sure to keep him away from Forest's house, by force if necessary. There was no way she could trust this man to be within a mile of Kiyoshi, particularly given the boy's trusting nature and their familial relationship.

Fortunately for her, though, he was just as untrusting of himself as she was, and declined Forest's offer.

"I know you mean well, but...let's be honest Forest. Your apartment would get destroyed in minutes if I stayed there, and seeing as Rider is coming along as well, I predict the building would not last 2 seconds. Not to mention everyone would be afraid to sleep for fear of a slit throat in their sleep, myself included. So I think it's probably best for everybody that I stay away. And besides, I'm pretty bad company", he said before turning to leave.

I can't disagree with that..., she thought, thankful that the idiot was at least aware that they could never stay together.

Still, even thought he was leaving she couldn't simply forget that last slur. Being responsible for Sakura's death was one thing she could never, ever forgive herself for. Even if it was an alternate version of herself he was talking about, she felt compelled to stand up and defend her. And, further, she simply couldn't let the idiot's bullshit go unanswered.

And, finally, she was still seriously pissed off. Whilst his desire to leave had calmed her enough that she no longer wanted to kill him outright, she was certainly not going to let him bullshit his way out of responsibility for his actions.

Before she could speak, though, Satoshi answered her earlier question, shaking his head in refusal.

 "between you propositioning everyone here aside from lancer, shirou and myself which apart from being a bit disturbing in itself it means that going with you  will have me standing around where I can hear you have sex which is awkward. That aside I'm not particularly interested in meeting another alternate universe half sibling, especially if it's a young kid but mostly because I disagree with some of the things you've said, they quite frankly exude a lack of care for the weight of a life and I would be going against the basic nature of who I am if I let it slide."


She could understand him not wanting to listen to her having sex, and she could even understand that meeting a half-sibling from an alternate universe (although, what did he mean by another half-sibling?) would be weird. But, the last part of his statement irritated her somewhat.

"Satoshi, how dare you claim that I do not care about Sakura's life. I care about her more than anyone.

Just because someone is dead that doesn't mean that their deaths should be forgotten, or brushed under a carpet. Their murderer should be called to account for his actions. That is not a lack of care. It is the opposite of that."

Then, she turned to Shirou, who was already leaving the alley.

"As for you, Shirou....

 In case the supposedly dead woman standing over there hasn't clued you in to it yet, I am not the Rider you knew. My master is alive and well, so I have no idea what you are talking about. However, I do not for one second believe that the version of me you knew was responsible for her death, not outside of your twisted, self-serving sense of 'justice' and fault, anyway. You just can't accept the truth, that you are to blame, that you murdered her, probably in cold blood. Because if you did then all your pretense of being a "hero of justice" would collapse in a heap. If you accept that you murdered an innocent and helpess girl in cold blood then your entire philosophy breaks down. You know you can't save everyone, so you cope with that by making excuses for the ones you couldn't save.

I don't know exactly when your timeline diverged from mine. Did you murder her when she lay sleeping on that cold stone slab, defenceless and helpless? Did you do it later, when she slept peacefully in her bed and I was away fighting? Did you poison her food? Did you simply stand by and let Rin go insane and do it for you? I know she would never have willingly harmed you, so it can't have been self-defence.

I don't know and, frankly, I don't care. All I know is that you murdered her, and most likely Rin too, judging by the way you hesitated before answering."

Rider's voice started to break down, her anger giving way to sadness, tears appearing in her eyes.

"She never had a chance in life, Shirou. Never had a chance to live her own way, to be happy, or free or loved. She was thrown away by her birth family, tortured and used as a tool by her adoptive family. You were the one good thing in her life, her only source of comfort. She trusted you. She loved you, Shirou. She loved and trusted you and you betrayed her. Killed her in cold blood. She never expected anything in return, she just wanted to be with you."

Her voice became more and more broken, the tears flowing freely now.

"She had so much life to live, so much to give to the world. The Sakura I know is proof of that. But, she never had a chance to live that life, because of you. The one person who she trusted, who she thought saw her as a person and not just a tool to be used. You threw her away just like everyone else. You were the one person who she thought she could rely on to see her for what she was, but instead you treated her like a thing, just like everyone else. Just a tool of Zouken's to be destroyed to ensure it couldn't be used for evil.

You murdered her...

You murdered her...

You murdered her..."

Rider continued to mutter that phrase to herself, openly crying and shaking with anger and sadness, completely unaware that the target of her rant had most likely already left the alley, uninterested in the emotional breakdown of his enemy.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2013, 09:38:24 PM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #83 on: August 08, 2013, 04:09:56 AM »
Shirou stood at the entrance of the alley, his vulnerable back exposed as he listened to the woman's sobs.

Effective, as he thought it would be. He was disgusted with himself.

Nevertheless it wasn't something he could really show, as he continued listening to Rider's lament, teeth gritting together painfully as she described all the opportunities that Sakura would miss. How all her hopes and aspirations had centered around him. How he had been her whole world, and that he had killed her.

"As if I didn't know that already," he murmured, "As if I'm not constantly tormented by that knowledge, and how badly I failed her."

His vision was blurring slightly as he turned to Rider, who had collapsed onto her knees, whispering desperately, "You murdered her. You murdered her."

Despite everything his heart swayed slightly at the sight, a remnant of Emiya Shirou the naive teenager. It went against every fibre of his being to not comfort someone so vulnerable, so hurt; to continue hurting her was anathema to him.  He wasn't a stranger to this type of thing, never got easier.

"You're right. I couldn't save her from her fate, so I as good as killed her. Just like with Rin. If I had been faster...a bit smarter...less selfish...she would be still alive. The fact I'm still standing here marks me as a murderer who killed his own family," the words slipped out unbidden from his lips, seeping out of the cracks in the armor he had built around himself.

"I would let you kill me, but that would be an insult to her memory. On that day, I abandoned my happy life as Emiya Shirou, to become someone who could save people, innocent people suffering undeserved fates like her. Was I wrong to do so?" He asked, before continuing onwards out of the alley, not waiting for a reply.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2013, 04:23:39 AM by OPOI »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #84 on: August 09, 2013, 05:53:17 AM »
Forest watched as Rider sank to her knees, repeating her mantra over and over again.  She watched as Emiya Shirou left the alley, and felt a pang.  Vampires, as a rule, didn't have reflections.  Sure she could take a picture of herself with the phone in her camera or see herself video taped, but mirrors and glass were useless to her.  It was one of the reasons why many of the vampires of her world lost their sense of self.  They couldn't see who they were and ended up projecting themselves on someone who was just more.  More charismatic, more powerful, more beautiful, smarter, and so on and so forth.

The Second Magus Killer had thought of her as a kindred spirit of sorts, and he had been right.  She had been on Shirou's own path once.  People became numbers and she just went through the motions.  Inside she had been hallow.  Her bed empty (even though that hadn't changed), and no one to welcome her home.  If she died, it would have mattered for naught.

Then Gabriel had been born, sparking some life into her once again.  Even though Gabriel was now fully grown and then some, she realized how close to the abyss she had gotten.

That same abyss that poor Emiya Shirou was drowning in, aware of it and uncaring.

As his back began to vanish from the alley, she sent to him, Liar.

Lancer ruffled Ruu's hair after he set the not-boy's arm and said, "There, better?  It'll heal nicely now."  Then he looked at the retreating man in the trench coat, snorted and thumbed his nose.  "Arse hole, may he enjoy the crow on his shoulder."

He then looked around and said, "Okay, who wants to go back with me to Fore's and have a good drink after that maudlin affair?  Like, get stupidly drunk until we've blacked out."

Forest walked over to where Rider was on her knees, repeating that mantra over and over again.  Steeling herself, she placed her hands on the other woman's shoulders and forced her to her feet.  She met those alien eyes from behind their glasses and held the Servant's gaze.  "Your Sakura is alive and well, Rider.  She's happy, married with children, the sort of life I'd give anything to have.  I understand your sorrow over Shirou's words, but remember this.  It. Was. Not. Your. Sakura."

Cold hands like steel gripped Rider's shoulders even harder as she continued, shaking the other woman slightly, "Sakura needs you now.  Her son needs your help, your protection.  His name is Kiyoshi right?  He needs his protector to be strong.  Prove that murder wrong.  Stand up and fight for your Sakura's happiness.  Fight for it even harder for those Sakuras who didn't get the Happily Ever After your Sakura did.  Let your Sakura live the life those others didn't."


Ah, the cesspool that was this city, this nexus between worlds where the unfortunate were pulled here for whatever reason.  Those that were pulled here attempted to thrive and lead their lives, but there were so many monsters here.  Some of those monsters were all too human while others were as inhuman as should be expected, like the idiot werewolves.

Then there were lost souls like Archer, a former Servant made flesh by all the Evils in the World in a failed attempt to corrupt him.  Not that all the World's Evils didn't leave their mark, if anything it gave the former hero of justice a sense of self, but it did not make him evil.  Selfish yes, and the carnal need carved into his former master by a host of worms had passed onto him as well.  Not the worms, thankfully, but he didn't remember being this horny when he had been alive the first time around.

Well, it makes for getting prana easier, he thought with a shrug as he looked up in the sky.  Tilting his head he saw a teenage girl with long red hair streaking past.  Reinforcing his already keen eyes, he saw the dreaded Mystic Code making the poor girl's life a living hell.  He sent her a tiny salute and continued his walking through the city.

He pondered what he wanted to do.  He'd been curious to meet Law Unto Herself since he heard of a do gooding vampire of all things patrolling the city and saving the helpless from all sorts of unsavory things.  The tainted Servant wondered if the do gooding part of the Urban Legends were over done, or if there was a vampire that broken to try to be a hero.  Either way, she would prove to be somewhat interesting, especially if she was a vampire from a different dimension than his. 

Dead Apostles, for the most part, were rather difficult to deal with.  The vampires he'd come across here, while being a neurotic bunch, were like the ones he'd seen in media when he had started to gather information lifetimes ago.  There were truths here and there in the legends, and admittedly he'd been entertained by some of the stories.

And he realized now that he liked to be entertained.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2013, 06:06:21 AM by Elf »

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #85 on: August 09, 2013, 10:01:11 PM »
Pendragon? As in King Arthur?

Her surname was unusual to say the least, particularly in conjunction with the very-definitely Japanese first name that, co-incidentally, she seemed to share with his Aunt Fuji. He knew a reasonable amount about Cornwall, since his brother's fiancee was from there, and as far as he was aware it wasn't a surname which was in common usage.

"Oh, that's a nice name. My Aunt is called Taiga too. And, is your father Cornish, then? My brother's fiancee is Cornish", Kiyoshi said, excited to find out more about his new friend.

He paused for a moment, and then continued to speak.

"You'll never believe it, but King Arthur was actually a woman.

My dad has met her, too. And Aunty Rider has. Dad summoned her like mum summoned Aunty Rider. Honestly, I'm not making it up.

It's amazing what sort of things happen under the noses of most ordinary people. You should be careful when you get back home, and keep yourself safe. Most magi aren't nice like my family.

It's nice to be able to talk about this stuff, honestly. Usually we have to keep it a secret. The Association that guards that secret doesn't exist here, though, supernatural stuff is out in the open."
« Last Edit: August 09, 2013, 10:02:59 PM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #86 on: August 10, 2013, 09:00:25 AM »
"You know, Archer, if you want to join in too, I'm sure the girls won't mind." Rider purred to the tall Servant. Hakuno thought that if he'd been sitting in a chair, he would have fallen out of it. As it was though, Archer seemed to be going through his own version of what Rin had gone through earlier, but with far less blushing and far more stunned silence as he desperately tried to articulate himself. Hakuno herself in the meantime was now blushing a fair bit herself.

Rin, on the other hand, quite relieved and also amused at this development, gave her former Servant a sly look. "I can't speak for Kishinami-chan of course, but I'm sure Archer wouldn't mind being shared~"

Archer stood there, still silent- thinking through what he could say in response, realizing that pretty much all his options would only serve to tie the noose around his neck. Looking between the two girls seemed to confirm his thoughts.

Archer said the only thing he really could say without shooting himself in the foot. "No comment."

Rin couldn't help but smirk just a bit, even if she'd been hoping for a response she could have more fun with. At least, if nothing else, she wasn't the only one to be humiliated in this way tonight. And even if she didn't get anything out of him she could play with further, what reactions she had gotten from Rider's little offer were still worth it. 
***To the Present***
Tension continued to build in the air as Rin, Archer and Hakuno continued to watch the mounting conflict between Shirou and Rider. Each had their own thoughts on the matter.

Hakuno's opinion of Shirou had dropped quite a bit, especially after the horrible things he had said to Rider, but she felt sorry for him at the same time. Even if she didn't think highly of him though, she didn't hate him. He and Archer were the same person once- surely there was some form of good still in him. She did empathize with Archer's rather low opinion of the Servant's alternate younger self, but at the same time, she didn't wish him any real ill will. Still... no, unless it absolutely had to be done, she wouldn't just let Archer kill him. Even if Archer was backing off for now, she could tell that Shirou was still in grave danger of getting a sword in his gut courtesy of the Servant. 

A desire that had grown stronger in the Servant since watching the confrontation between the two unfold. Even if the boy had lost much, Archer refused to let it be used as an excuse. This Shirou had let his pain turn him into something deplorable. A version of himself that had gone completely nuts, using the excuse that he worked for the benefit of all to excuse his actions when, in reality, that was all driven by the desire to see the problem end quickly. He'd let his suffering define him, to the point it put him beyond sympathy. Hakuno, Isa, Forest... they saw him as still saveable when really, at this point, the best thing they could do is put him down.

Archer reevaluated his vow from before. It was clear to him now, that this Shirou needed to be put out of his misery, for his sake and the sake of everyone around him. He didn't know whether Shirou had an actual justification for sending the Rin and Sakura of his world to their deaths, but for Rin's safety, Hakuno's, and that of perhaps countless others, personification of Justice that he had once been, he could not in good conscience let this madman roam free.

Bothersome too was this Shirou's tendency to twist and bend the truth. Archer himself had a tendency to resort to half truths, but he never outright lied. If he had something to say to someone as an insult, he always made sure it had at least some truth to it. This Shirou... from what Archer had observed through his words and actions, the Second  Magus Killer was all too fond of half truths and even outright lies. Watching him carefully, Archer could tell that Shirou had been outright lying about some of the things he'd said. And that also contributed to this Shirou's capacity as a threat, and part of why he needed to be eliminated at the nearest opportunity.

The bowman, however, chose not to act just yet. He'd be stopped anyway, the conflict that had taken so long to resolve before would resume, and Hakuno and Rin would both be endangered. That did not stop Archer from trying to take Shirou's life another time, however.

One thing he absolutely had to reply to though, even though it was clear that the young man had no intention of giving a response. "I would let you kill me, but that would be an insult to her memory. On that day, I abandoned my happy life as Emiya Shirou, to become someone who could save people, innocent people suffering undeserved fates like her. Was I wrong to do so?"

Archer could not disguise the contempt in his voice. "Honestly, I have the opposite opinion. I think you'd honor her memory more if you were dead. Your attempts to pass yourself off as some sort of savior are a joke. You're making me look heroic in comparison. It's a naive fantasy assuming that you can save everyone, but saving everyone you can is a goal to strive for. Too bad what you're doing won't accomplish that at all. In the end, you'll just find yourself haunted by everyone you killed in the name of "Justice" while you find yourself drowning in a sea of regret. When you finally decide that ending that little pity party of yours is the best option, I'll be more than happy to be the one to end it all for you."

Archer braced himself for another elbow to the rib from Hakuno, but instead he saw his Master looking down, giving off an air of contemplative melancholy. The Servant concluded that her perception of Shirou must have taken quite the hit indeed to have her reaction change so drastically. Regardless of this change though, he figured that she still wouldn't be terribly pleased if he offed the young man walking away then and there, so he instead shifted his attention to his Master, quickly appraising her condition.

She didn't seem too hurt, other than a few scrapes and bruises,  though he could tell through their ley line that she was a bit on the low side Prana wise. Her uniform looked a bit beat up too. Still, he'd see to all that when they got to the apartments. Still, she didn't seem to notice him checking her out, which worried him- normally that would definitely have gotten some sort of reaction. Seemed he had quite a bit of work to do once they finally got to the apartments. And even if it probably wasn't the best idea... Archer couldn't help but find his blue clad rival's suggestion just a tad bit tempting....

Rin looked on at Shirou's retreating back, a mixture of emotions twisting and turning in her gut. Her head was filled with questions, her heart filled with both utter disgust and pity for this maddened Shirou. For all the feelings she had to sort out though, for everything she wanted to ask and do, she knew one thing for certain. Should the two of them meet again, and get a chance to talk in private? This Emiya-kun was going to get the lecture of his life, and a hand print on his cheek that she'd personally make sure stayed there for a full week.

Rin could worry about all that later though. For now, she had to go help Rider. Even if this Rider was from a different time, or perhaps even a different timeline altogether, it seemed quite similar to the one that Rin herself was in, and thus the Tohsaka head felt obligated to at least try and lend some comfort. Forest got there first, trying her utmost to renew Rider's resolve. Rin found herself agreeing with pretty much everything the vampire had said. Rin positioned herself next to Rider, trying to add what she could.

"You heard her. Plus it's not just the Sakura from your world that's doing well- the one in mine's doing just fine! She and Emiya-kun couldn't be happier. That... that version of Shirou... even after what happened in his reality, I don't know what caused him to become so twisted, but... well, the point is, are you going to let that jerk get to you? I don't know how much of what he said is the truth, but he does seem to have some sort of grudge against you. Seems more than anything that you're the most convenient place to let him distill some of the blame from himself."

Rin looked Rider in the eyes, just as  Forest had before. "So then. Are you going to just sit there and take the blame for something you never actually did? Because the Rider I know wouldn't let herself be pushed around like that, not after all she's been through. And besides, I'm sure Sakura wouldn't like seeing you so sad. Just think of Sakura, happy at home with Emiya-kun, and get rid of those dumb tears. Don't let him win!"

Rin didn't know if her words were of any use, but she had to try. She wasn't really the best at comforting people, but she hoped that her words would help at least a little. Still... things seemed to have the potential to wind down now, with that strange version of Shirou gone. She hadn't appreciated Archer trying to get the last word in like he did, both considering it could have started things up again and that it also meant her keeping her own peace would have been for nothing, but she let it slide, since it didn't seem to change anything.

The prospect that this whole mess was finally over was a comfort to be sure, regardless. To be able to finally have her own room, take a bath... even if she hated imposing on someone else like this, she couldn't help but find the thought of such things quite pleasant indeed. Plus it meant she'd have a base of operations to carry out her mission. Thinking on her objectives, Rin couldn't help but wonder what her target was up to...

Finn at first thought he was hallucinating as he saw the figure flying through the sky. He didn't know why he was shocked, given all the weird stuff he sensed around him, but still, the sight caught him a bit off guard. Maybe a superhero, or... some sort of magical girl? He squinted upward at the girl, reinforcing his eyes so he could see her better. His eyes widened. It couldn't be. Mille?! After seven years, is that really?

No, there was no doubt in Finn's mind. Call it brotherly intuition, but the girl's appearance and bearing was certainly quite reminiscent of his missing younger sister. Finn hadn't been quite sure where to begin at first in his exploration of the city, but now he had a definite goal in mind. At the speed she was going though, he'd probably miss her going on foot.

Finn's conscience jabbed at him as he broke into one of the cars parked alongside the street. From the looks of it, the car had been abandoned for a few days or even a week now, but it still didn't do anything to settle Finn's guilt. Still, the fact that this car had yet to be stolen painted a rather grim picture indeed.

Finn hotwired the car, placed his rifle in the passenger's seat, and drove off in pursuit of the girl he thought may be his long lost sister. Even if he was wrong after all, maybe at least he'd involve himself in something interesting in the process regardless. After all, even if she wasn't his sister, she was still a magical girl, and there had to be a reason she was patrolling the City.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2013, 07:23:37 AM by Alice »

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #87 on: August 11, 2013, 02:00:07 AM »
Satoshi sighed and flipped his magic circuit into the on position, the one draw back of being the dragon right down to the soul was that once on it was obvious where he was and just how strong he was. Not ideal for him in a city like the one he found himself in but still he needed to make a point and turned around to face archer and rider as his outfit melted away replaced with his own azure mantle and shinning  steel armour.

"I was not speaking about Sakura Rider, I was talking about the other lives you insulted." he stated flatly staring at Archer as the blonde  materialized his massive whip sword dragon tail, the sword was entirely blunt like a steel oar save for a  pair of  protrusions at the end similar to an anchor. The blade was slightly bigger than Hercules own rock sword yet it put no strain on it's wielder.

"speak again as you have Archer and your master will find herself without a servant, harm that other Emiya and I will come after you, you have no idea what you are talking about so clam up" he snapped at the biker clad servant

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #88 on: August 11, 2013, 06:13:42 AM »
Through her sobbing, Rider could vaguely hear Shirou speaking, but she was too distraught to pay much attention to his words. Even so, she did pick up on the fact that he didn't consider himself anything like as guilt-free as he previously claimed. But, nothing he said or did could bring back the girl he'd murdered, or give her back the life she deserved to live. However, whilst she noticed others trying to speak, her sadness was such that she zoned it out totally.

Rider continued to sob, still upset at the fate of the girl that she cared for so much, until Forest came over to her, placed her hands on her shoulders and warmly but firmly attempted to calm her.

 "Your Sakura is alive and well, Rider.  She's happy, married with children, the sort of life I'd give anything to have.  I understand your sorrow over Shirou's words, but remember this.  It. Was. Not. Your. Sakura."

I know, but the poor girl didn't even get a chance.

Forest continued speaking.

"Sakura needs you now.  Her son needs your help, your protection.  His name is Kiyoshi right?  He needs his protector to be strong.  Prove that murder wrong.  Stand up and fight for your Sakura's happiness.  Fight for it even harder for those Sakuras who didn't get the Happily Ever After your Sakura did.  Let your Sakura live the life those others didn't."

Rider looked at Forest and composed herself slightly.

Yes, she's right, I need to get back to Kiyoshi, to protect him. To protect my Sakura.

Then, Rin came over to her, looking into her eyes just like Forest had.

"You heard her. Plus it's not just the Sakura from your world that's doing well- the one in mine's doing just fine! She and Emiya-kun couldn't be happier. That... that version of Shirou... even after what happened in his reality, I don't know what caused him to become so twisted, but... well, the point is, are you going to let that jerk get to you? I don't know how much of what he said is the truth, but he does seem to have some sort of grudge against you. Seems more than anything that you're the most convenient place to let him distill some of the blame from himself.

So then. Are you going to just sit there and take the blame for something you never actually did? Because the Rider I know wouldn't let herself be pushed around like that, not after all she's been through. And besides, I'm sure Sakura wouldn't like seeing you so sad. Just think of Sakura, happy at home with Emiya-kun, and get rid of those dumb tears. Don't let him win!"

She's right, he's just trying to get at me. I can't let him win.

Composing herself, Rider spoke up, her feelings soothed somewhat by the kind words and encouragement.

"Thank you, both of you.

I know that my Sakura is happy, I know that your Sakura is happy, Rin. I just hate the thought of the Sakura he knew dying so alone, so meaninglessly, without ever seeing happiness or fulfilling any of her potential. And, worse, at the hands of the guy she loved, and someone who I would never have thought would even think of harming her. Of all the people I know, Shirou is the one I would trust with Sakura's life more than any other. More than even you, Rin. And, further, Shirou is my friend. No, he's more than just a friend, he's family. To think that someone I care for could turn out like that, could murder the person that both of us care for more than any other in cold blood, that really hurts.

And, Rin, I didn't for one second buy a word of what he said. I'm not responsible for his choices. But, even so, you're right. I shouldn't have broken down like that. He was trying to hurt me, to put me off-guard, and he succeeded.

Kiyoshi needs me to be strong. Sakura needs me to be strong. As horrible as what happened to his Sakura is, it is more important to protect the happiness of the Sakura I know. I can't bring back the dead, after all, and nor can I influence other universes. Only you are capable of that, Rin, and even then the sheer number of universes means anything you do will only ever be a drop in the ocean."

Then, suddenly, she noticed that Satoshi had changed clothes. Now he was dressed somewhat like a medieval knight, in shining steel armour. He looked very much like his mother's son. Then, he turned to Rider and spoke.

"I was not speaking about Sakura Rider, I was talking about the other lives you insulted."

Rider sighed.

Frankly, she wasn't in the mood to deal with this bullshit right now. She felt better than she had, but she was still somewhat upset and pissed off, and this asshole was now defending Shirou. Then, to make things worse, he summoned up a massive sword, bigger than even Berserker's.

"speak again as you have Archer and your master will find herself without a servant, harm that other Emiya and I will come after you, you have no idea what you are talking about so clam up"

Rider couldn't believe what she was hearing. She didn't know what Archer had said, but she was pretty sure that whatever it was had been entirely justified. And, yet, this idiot was not only defending Shirou, but was actively threatening to kill Archer merely for speaking in a manner he didn't like.

What a fucking hypocrite.

Rider's patience with the idiot had worn thin by this point. He had no right to judge her in the way he had, and the bias he seemed to be showing towards the Shirou who had just left was ridiculous. Not to mention the fact that he seemed to believe himself above everyone else. She turned to Satoshi and spoke, the annoyance and anger at his sheer hypocrisy evident.

"What the hell is wrong with you?

You offer to protect the life of a guy who not five minutes ago attempted to murder an innocent girl in cold blood, and yet you threaten to kill the guy who is trying to protect that girl for speaking in a way you don't like. You ignore the fact that he lied through his hind teeth to try to turn everyone against me and deliberately acted to upset me, and yet when one of us speaks out against him you threaten to kill us. If you feel the need to threaten people, why not start with the guy who murdered almost his entire family and attempted to murder Hakuno, rather than the guy who is just trying to protect her?

And, in case you hadn't noticed, the asshole has already gone. We all let him walk away. What point does threatening Archer serve, aside from starting another damn fight? If Archer was going to kill the guy he'd have done so several minutes ago."

Then, she turned to the rest.

"OK, well, now that asshole has gone and this hypocritical jerk is hopefully soon going to follow him", she said, pointing in Satoshi's direction, "should we get going? I'd like to get to know you better, and to get away from these idiots. I need to stop off at the hotel first to get Kiyoshi, though, and I don't know my way around the city, so I'll need someone who does to come with me."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #89 on: August 11, 2013, 06:39:53 AM »
Forest smiled as Rider composed herself and then fished out a travel pack of Kleenexes from one of her duster's pockets.  The pack was carefully opened and the tissues were passed to Rider.  Forest smiled and said, "Good.  Now clean up that pretty face and we can . . ."

"Speak again as you have Archer and your Master will find herself without a Servant, harm that other Emiya and I will come after you, you have no idea what you are talking about so clam up!"

Forest resisted the urge to groan and press her face into her hand.  The blond haired teen, Satoshi, had made a magnificent costume change and sported an absurdly large weapon.  Lancer smirked as he stepped in front of Ruu and began to put himself in between everyone else and the blond.  The Celt's crimson eyes seemed to gleam as he took a stance.  As fast as Forest had seen Lancer moved in a sparring match (one that admittedly left her more turned on than she would have admitted due to the fact that he beat her), she knew he could go violent within a moment's notice.  His normally good natured smile twisted into something feral and wolfish.

"This isn't your fight, boyo.  Sword Up the Arse tried to kill the Bowman's lass.  Archer has the right to protect what's his and reap vengeance to any wrongs slighted against her.  You're not the one who knows what the sodding hell they're talking about, so maybe you should get off your high horse with your pretty armor.  You look flashy and carry a fine weapon, but don't go barging into another man's personal battle," Lancer said.

Rider spoke up as well, furious at the blond teen's supposed hypocrisy.  Forest found her head hurting from it all. 

"OK, well, now that asshole has gone and this hypocritical jerk is hopefully soon going to follow him", Rider said, pointing in Satoshi's direction, "should we get going? I'd like to get to know you better, and to get away from these idiots. I need to stop off at the hotel first to get Kiyoshi, though, and I don't know my way around the city, so I'll need someone who does to come with me."

Forest nodded and said, "Well, I know the City pretty well, plus I have a GPS on my phone and I have a very wicked car.  It can sit possibly four other people, one up front and three thin people in the back."  She pulled out her SmartPhone complete with it's custom cover that was a gorgeous violet with black crow silhouettes on it.  It was a custom made job, obviously, but she adored it. 

Her eyes narrowed and she said, "But first . . ." 

The vampire squared her shoulders and yelled, "Next person that starts something right here and right now before everyone's settled back in my strong hold will get bit by me.  So unless you want everyone else watching you get off and then have to change your knickers after I take a nip, I'd suggest playing nice.  Understood?"