Author Topic: The District of Columbia  (Read 47416 times)


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #375 on: November 14, 2020, 12:59:49 AM »

The cowgirl tilted her head, the two passing through the doors along with the draft that accompanied them.  The sudden gust blasted Suerte's hair, forcing her to curl it back behind her shoulders.  Suerte's hand pressed down on the top of her hat and a guilty smile crept onto her face.  "Bounty hunter, Merc?  I was whatever was the most fun," she said with a grin.  "You can judge me if you want.  I was nothing as noble as a soldier, still not all that great."

Suerte's hand gathered the girls hair between her fingers, rubbing the smooth locks.  "Your in good shape for a spinster."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #376 on: November 14, 2020, 09:03:45 PM »
Lily - Outskirts of Dunham

It didn't take long for the redhead to reach this place, not at the pace she could run at. Barely an hour had passed since she'd left Suerte and that vampire at the store, still she was wasting time. The Goddess should be impressed with her if she could solve this in less than a day.

These people were supposed to be prudes right? She could try to be sneaky or.....

Or she simply walk in full of confidence with a natural sway to her hips and with no care whatsoever to hide her nature. The charm of her kind was in full swing yet largely unfocused, her goal here wasn't to seduce anyone. It was to bring an avatar back into the fold. And clearly what was needed was a gentle touch, a gentle precise touch, right in the jugular.

Perhaps she would fare better since both embodied what this Americana despised yet was nothing like the stereotypical Succubus.

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #377 on: November 15, 2020, 01:30:01 AM »

His eyes opened then, taking in the sight of the two renegade districts. His brow furrowed as his blood quickened in irritation, veins prominent against his skin. "They are festering wounds, yes. But what would you do with them? Short of total reeducation, you cannot purge dissent. Will you drive them out? Imprison them? Execute them?" Questioning yes... but there was something more to that. Balius was not so foolish as to threaten the goddess in her sanctum, yet there was an undeniable tension in the air as he spoke. His heartbeat quickened.

"They are separatists, yes, but they have been emboldened and empowered through you. We both know that simply slaying their gods will accomplish nothing. Cutting aberrant branches from a sickened tree will not cure it. You are the source, Columbia. If that anger you hold towards them is to be anything but self-righteous, it must be directed at you as well. Now then, what are the solutions you have considered?"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #378 on: November 15, 2020, 01:37:54 AM »
Lily - Outskirts of Dunham

It didn't take long for the redhead to reach this place, not at the pace she could run at. Barely an hour had passed since she'd left Suerte and that vampire at the store, still she was wasting time. The Goddess should be impressed with her if she could solve this in less than a day.

These people were supposed to be prudes right? She could try to be sneaky or.....

Or she simply walk in full of confidence with a natural sway to her hips and with no care whatsoever to hide her nature. The charm of her kind was in full swing yet largely unfocused, her goal here wasn't to seduce anyone. It was to bring an avatar back into the fold. And clearly what was needed was a gentle touch, a gentle precise touch, right in the jugular.

Perhaps she would fare better since both embodied what this Americana despised yet was nothing like the stereotypical Succubus.


Lily's goal in drawing attention to herself was certainly successful — doors on the outskirts were slammed, children were hushed and squirreled away to be hidden from the evil machinations of her thick, volumous thighs. Despite that, she wasn't stopped, not until she began to approach the outskirts of the capitol city. She'd been asked, then ordered to leave, and finally fired upon briefly. The soldiers ceased wasting their ammunition upon realizing how futile an attempt it was.

The path was open, and Lily would be stopped by their guardian angel. She could feel their absolute faith in the abilities of their goddess to protect them and their peculiar way of existence.


The goddess had known about the intruder since she had crossed the border. Yet another foolish waste of life by her creator, attempting to capture and neutralize her righteous rebellion. The divine avatar donned her armor in preparation before quickly making her way to the verdant park named to honor her. She sat down upon a bench underneath her favorite tree, holding her sword neatly between her legs.

She waited for Lily, for she knew that her target was her.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2020, 01:42:41 AM by SINIB »

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #379 on: November 15, 2020, 02:16:45 AM »

The redhead seemingly had no such ideas, because the moment she reached the park, she veered off and went another direction. With a final sway of her wide hips, she slumped down face first on a bench at the opposite side end of the park from where this goddess had sat down.

Even as her movements were hazy and wrought with laziness to them, there was a sensual edge to them, and that was only further entrenched by the way her she laid down on the bench. Her size made it so she fit just fine when curling up and anyone observing her would have an excellent view of her most defined curves.

Lily had no intentions of approaching the Goddess, she'd wait for Americana to come to her. Her tail swished back and forth in the air, as she waited eagerly.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #380 on: November 15, 2020, 04:13:39 AM »

Hours passed. Life returned to relative normativity as their goddess waited. She sat on the bench and leaned back, listening to the chirping of the birds and the rustle of the leaves through the gentle winds. The goddess closed her eyes, leaned back, and thought back to better days.

It felt so long ago now-almost as if it were ancient history. She'd been Columbia's most loyal servant-her knight in shining armor, leading the charge in every battle to protect the freedom of her goddess. She'd cut through hordes of foes, slain great monsters, all to advance the needs of her god. And then, she'd been chosen. She'd accepted the fullest brunt of Columbia's embrace; become one with her goddess. She'd promised to serve her for eternity everlasting, and well...

She clenched her fist, tightening her grip upon her sword. She remained loyal-she would purify Columbia, one day. Now, she had to face this filthy demon in order to keep going. One day, she'd become strong enough to defeat the demon lord herself-destroy the source of the people's ills and return her goddess to her senses. The one which, so long ago, she'd promised to protect with her life.

Americana moved slowly. She was in no rush to begin this confrontation, and meandered her way down the long winding paths between the trees and across the stone bridges, finding her way to Lily after a long and pleasant hour. She looked down upon Lily with a dismissive yet silent frown. It was disgusting-everything about Lily made her skin crawl. The sexualized, childlike form she took, the gentle sway of her hips as she walked, and the skimpy, form-fitting bodysuit which even further accentuated the sensual yet chiseled musculature of her body. She clenched her fist, and finally spoke. "What is your purpose in invading our sanctum, demon?"

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #381 on: November 15, 2020, 05:34:49 AM »

"Lady Columbia asked me to convince you to return to your family..." The redhead yawned and turned over, a bit disturbed by how the goddess was blocking the sunlight. "And the name is Lily, Lady Americana. Referring to me as Demon is pretty mean, and as you can see I didn't harm a single hair on your people's head when I came despite them attacking me.... I just came here to talk...."

She opened up her eyes, they were the same crimson hue as her hair. There was a strange heat surrounding the bench, like a particularly hot summer day. Yet there was a gentle embracing feel to it and it all came from Lily.

"You know, you'd get a lot more friends if you were a bit nicer."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #382 on: November 15, 2020, 04:17:57 PM »

"Define a spinster. I don't even remember exactly how many guys I have 'dated' over those centuries."

The gunslinger clearly was probably hitting on her or teasing her, but the woman was straight as arrow. Just because she was an oldie, didn't mean she was gay as fuck as people assumed nowadays. Turning around, she went on looking at the displays inside and switched the topic, her flirtations rebuffed.

"Well, I won't pry into your love life. But you don't sound like someone who took part in a war, am I wrong? There's really nothing noble about a soldier when it gets to the kill or be killed part. I don't mean to compare you to a civvie, but it's clear to me you don't have much experience about fighting together with someone, night to night. You know, for a cause that gets your hands dirtied rather than for the fun of it. Not that having fun about what you do is wrong. It just ain't honorable and noble. No knights in shining armor, who are a fairy tale anyway."[/b]


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #383 on: November 15, 2020, 11:21:13 PM »

"Lady Columbia asked me to convince you to return to your family..." The redhead yawned and turned over, a bit disturbed by how the goddess was blocking the sunlight. "And the name is Lily, Lady Americana. Referring to me as Demon is pretty mean, and as you can see I didn't harm a single hair on your people's head when I came despite them attacking me.... I just came here to talk...."

She opened up her eyes, they were the same crimson hue as her hair. There was a strange heat surrounding the bench, like a particularly hot summer day. Yet there was a gentle embracing feel to it and it all came from Lily.

"You know, you'd get a lot more friends if you were a bit nicer."


Americana leveled her sword at Lily's throat, unfazed by her words. "Columbia sent you here to capture me and forcibly return my spirit to her, where she can reintegrate my people into her whole. Considering the fact that she sent a seductress, I figure that you must also be fairly strong. She's not stupid enough to think that one of you would be able to change my mind with wordplay."

For a moment, her voice softened. "Still, I thank you for avoiding hurting my people up until this point. If we can keep this conflict as an honorable duel, I would be much obliged."

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #384 on: November 15, 2020, 11:51:44 PM »


The readhead leapt to her feet in one go from her position on the bench without using her arms, it was an excellent showing of nimbleness yet like every other movement she made it was laced with feminine grace.

"I resent being called a seductress though... This is my natural form and I have yet to actively try seducing anyone here, I'm not even that good at it among us upper Succubi, I'm kinda more into duels... You goddesses all have such cute voices, first Enty and now you. I hope you'll do better than your sister, I almost felt bad when we wrestled, she was so distracted..." Lily blinked and returned from her little trip down memory lane...

"Anyway, if this is a proper duel I have one demand! If I win I want you to smile more!"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #385 on: November 16, 2020, 12:10:01 AM »

Her frown remained unwavering, and she loosened her form, readying herself for a surprise attack.

"Enough talk. When you you lose, you will leave, and never return here."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #386 on: November 16, 2020, 01:55:53 AM »

"Old lady," she said with a smirk.  "Someone who has lived a long time."

Strange, the girl would ask about her love life seemingly out of respect and politeness, but ask about war?  "I don't really see a difference.  Although i've fought in one or two wars, but yeah, its not the same as a soldier, their lives wagered, their country at stake.  I did it for the fun and the money, nothing more, nothing less.  I had a partner during that time, helped watch my back when I got in over my head.  He was a bit of a showboat who always claimed he would protect me, even if I always ended up keeping the bullets out of his skin."

Suerte finally let go of her hair, zipping around to the front of the girl and placing her hands behind her back. The smirk faded, but her eyes were still alight as made eye contact with the vampire girl's. "Did you have fun as a soldier, or was it a burden?"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #387 on: November 16, 2020, 03:20:56 AM »

She gave a long hard glance at her opponent's stance before drawing her own sword from out of thin air. The blade was curved and with the shaft it was taller than herself, how could she possibly hope to wield something that big?

Yet here she stood lazily with her blade lowered at her side. There was so many openings in her stance, lots and lots of them that would all be painfully noticeable to the Goddess...

"Now that's just a mean attitude, I'm gonna have to knock some sense into you after I win, But since this is your place why don't you go first?"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #388 on: November 16, 2020, 04:52:10 PM »

She gave a long hard glance at her opponent's stance before drawing her own sword from out of thin air. The blade was curved and with the shaft it was taller than herself, how could she possibly hope to wield something that big?

Yet here she stood lazily with her blade lowered at her side. There was so many openings in her stance, lots and lots of them that would all be painfully noticeable to the Goddess...

"Now that's just a mean attitude, I'm gonna have to knock some sense into you after I win, But since this is your place why don't you go first?"


"With pleasure!" Americana practically roared at Lily, bringing her sword to bear at Lily with a great sweep at the Succubi's gut. The sword seemed to be screaming as it cut through the air itself, heading straight towards her gut!

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #389 on: November 17, 2020, 01:29:23 AM »

"Such anger."

Her words barely had time to leave her lips before the impossible happened. The redhead had raised her right leg as quickly as she could, as if she was about the do high kick, only there was nothing to kick. However....

"Such sublime form..."

It reversed direction in an unbelievable manner, going down in an angle that shouldn't have been possible for a humanoid frame, and even more absurd the switch had happened instantaneously, without any loss in momentum. Her foot came down upon the flat side of the blade right before it hit her, and with her superior strength she forced it into the ground in one decisive moment.

"Yet so predictable..."

But it didn't end there, the redhead hadn't come to a stop, she instantly pivoted off the blade in the same monstrous way, while maintaining her full momentum. Her left leg was already raised and poised to knee the goddess in the face.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2020, 02:58:50 AM by Bern »