Author Topic: The District of Columbia  (Read 47328 times)


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #510 on: December 27, 2020, 05:00:39 PM »

"I think you are lying, your eyesight was more than adequate back then." Her hand teasingly slid even further up his thigh and stopped just shy of his bulge. "I would most definitely love a tour though but.... It would be quite incomplete if it did not end in the bedroom." The movement of her hand picked up again and she closed the final to give his dick a squeeze through his pants.

"There is much you still have to learn, my young apprentice..."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #511 on: December 28, 2020, 01:37:07 AM »

"Well as I said, that sort of thing is beyond my critical range.  I am a regular human, no more no less.  God's are far beyond what I usually handle."

The hand on her back drifted back down towards her hips and he leaned in so close that his lips were practically kissing her ear.  The crowd could see his lips move, but not a single soul heard even a peep other than thorra herself.

"But lets see what a rising demigoddess and human can do together yes?  Those smiling faces in the crowd, lets give them something they won't forget, a reason to smile even on their saddest days, the simple memory of an unforgettable night."


"Heh. I like your style, Evan." Thorra replied. Electricity began to build up in a circle around their feet. At first, it was just sparks dancing harmlessly around in a circle—very soon after, it had snowballed into a nearly solid wall of plasma building up around them, supercharging the air with a pleasent static-tingle. The lights all suddenly went out, only for a moment later for the electricity to burst outwards, enveloping the crowd with a loud crash. It all happened so fast that nobody had had a chance to react, and before they knew it, every person on the dance floor had been electrified, glowing with the harmless light of Thorra's dominion over the skies. A pleasant breeze began to move through the air, enbracing each and every one of the patrons with divine power. Thorra gave Evan a wink, waiting for his thoughts on her performance.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #512 on: December 28, 2020, 03:14:09 AM »

There was something nice about her chest pressed against her own, so she rubbed them against his muscular frame.  Looking up, she smiled at his adorable back and forth.  The truth was she missed this sort of thing, the power her body had over even experienced men.  Suerte didn't realize it until this moment, but Vanilla made her feel ultimately ineffective shrugging her efforts off like that.  In her world, all you needed to toy with a man was to get the attention of his dick with your body, but here, magic was needed.  It made sense, especially as she gazed at the blond's fit party girl outfit.  The hot girls here reached higher highs then in her world.

"Helpless?  Trapped?  A big strong man like you?"

Suerte grabbed Marc by his wrists and pushed him into the wall, her nipples pressing into his chest the entire time.  They both crashed into the wall with a thud.  If they were both going to play with him, she wanted to see if she could get him to look at her more.  "Do you like to wrestle?  Don't worry.  I adore toying around with weak men just as much as strong ones....  I want to make sure we don't break the bed before we get to the bedroom."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #513 on: December 28, 2020, 04:19:15 AM »

"What can I say? Your beauty is blinding." Did he actually wink at the vampire queen, or did the squeeze get his eye shut for a second? Before anyone could answer, he felt a warm hand grab his wrist. "Oh?" The immense pressure only slammed immediately after. The blur was so fast, a normal person wouldn't even be able to realize what just happened. If there was anyone left in the game room, they were probably staring in disbelief.

"Woah there."

A wisp of red aura covered his back and his muscles slightly, only an inch away from the unharmed wall. And amazingly, his whole body was perfectly still, so much so that pushing him any further felt like trying to push a tree. Suerte and Marc were staring right into each other, the man's eyes much more intense than the usual.

And so was his smile.

"This is a party, don't just wreck it; Else, I'll have to break more than just the bed." She could feel his corded muscles press on, and his warm breath with a hint of alcohol. Did her forceful showcase actually upset him, or did it end up exciting him even more? No, that didn't really matter. She must have wanted to cross the line already.

But doing so, she awakened the wolf. "You'd like that, huh? You've teased me this much, so don't start acting innocent. I'll make sure the whole city can hear you tonight."
« Last Edit: December 28, 2020, 04:24:41 AM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #514 on: December 28, 2020, 04:56:11 AM »

The glares from the crowd had never truly lessened.  No, if anything the tension became more intense.  The couples in the room glared at them.  Some carried smiles with their glares, others a more neutral expression.  Many cheered, but some examined themselves, their outfits, their own appearance, even their sex appeal.   Whether it be envy, jealousy or a simple desire to be the two, each expression suggested some form of admiration.  The center of the dance floor was only for the best.

But that was a lie.

As lightning gathered around their feet, Evan's pupils were forced to the ground.  However, this time he did not flinch.  The hand on her back slid down to her lower back, just where it met the crevice of her shorts.  An electric sensation went throughout his body, filling him with a strange excitement.  He bent down, bending her backwards over the palm of the hand resting on her back.  Evan's face inches from Thorra's the entire time, he tilted her until their torso's were almost perpendicular to the ground.

And thats when he smiled.  Thats when he laughed.

"So a goddess and human can work together.  Magic is magic whether it is real or not huh?"

Finally standing both of them back up straight, he bowed to an applauding audience.  "Look at those smiling faces, the applaud of the crowd.  Remember that no matter what happens, the audience never really connect with you, merely a version of you that they see in their head.  You aren't important, not one bit.  Even so, the illusion you create, born from your imagination and ingenuity, that thing, that part of you is louder and more fervent than any other part of you could be.  What you've done today is nothing short of magical."

And yet, when Thorra would turn to Evan, he would be gone.

"You created wishes."

A rose with a note rested on her ear.  It read, When you are ready to get more personal, return the rose to me.  I don't think its right for me to take you home today, not if that is as close as we can get. I've seen you giggle, but maybe one day I can see the true depths of your smile.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2020, 02:41:41 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #515 on: December 29, 2020, 11:00:07 PM »
In a seedy part of town


His punches zipped through the air like hurricanes. But compared to the sound of bones cracking and pained groans, their reddened power was almost too quiet. The blood spilling over his face was almost casual in comparison, Shinji didn't even flinch. Not even when he slammed the last of the gang members into the alley's wall.

"Heh... don't bother... it's already too late. The wheels are in motion, we are nothing more than - khgrh!"

42 men. To thing a single person would be enough to take all of those armed goons down was madness. But Shinji knew these were no goons, and they knew he was no man. The last two standing were staring at each other intensely.

Until his gun's barrel stared right under the cultist's throat.

"You yap too much." His glare was as murderous as it got, but his voice was scarily calm and devoid of emotion. If it weren't for the brutal beating he gave all of these undercover threats, they wouldn't be able to tell how deep his rage went. "Tell me what you know. I know one of your men attacked the campus town. Why?"

With a grunt, he forced the gun deeper, threatening to shoot. But the gang member... no, enough pretenses. The salvation agent smiled and spat at his face.

"...foolish one.... sinful one... it's already far too late. Our death... our salvation... it's all so close at hand. It's a pity... someone like you... so full of sin... can never find peace. Our final release... all for the ancient ones... heheheheheh."

That's when he whacked the last guy on the head with the back of the gun. WHat, he wasn't going to kill anyone. Let the authorities sort them out.

"I hope you make more sense once the cops get to you." He turned away, bloodied trenchcoat flowing, and dialed a phone number. "Huh uh. Yes, I'll need an ambulance here. No no, I'm just a good samaritan. Must have been a gang war or something."

He sighed and closed the cell phone - hard enough to crush it into dust.

Salvation... ancient ones... what the hell was going on?

He looked back at the notes and pictures he took. He hoped he didn't thread some sort of forbidden line. This... couldn't be good.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #516 on: December 30, 2020, 12:08:49 AM »

"Oh my you two youngsters sure are fired up."

The blonde vampire had appeared next to Suerte just as fast as the push to the wall had happened, no perhaps even faster still. Either way, she cut off her buff former student's attempt to flex his strength with a flex of her own.

Valerie closed the last remaining distance between them and with just a hand on his broad muscular chest, she pushed him the final distance. He impacted with a nearly mute thud, so sublime was her control of the force exerted that no more than exactly the amount required to move him was used. It was a refined motor control skill that surpassed what any Human could hope to accomplish even in a lifetime of training.

"It is not him you should worry for..." This time she addressed the other blonde. "If anyone shall break the bed, it is I Valerie, King of the Vampires!"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #517 on: December 30, 2020, 03:01:04 AM »
Jiral Outskirts

Longirsu did not cease maximal operation of his sensors until they arrived within the perimeter of their home base. Having not voiced a single word during the journey, or given any other commands through the network, he set aside the calculations soaring within his brain as he was let down on solid ground. Hardened eyes with nothing to say targetted Ib for the span of a few seconds, and then he turned away, coat flapping behind him.

The weight of the Shield and Spear should have been nil in these configurations, yet the burden on his arms pulled him into a frantic march which soon saw him surrounded by the bronze entrails of the facility. The incursion was a waste, he argued with himself. No, perhaps not entirely, his mind responsed, louder than his own steps.

The time lost was negligible, but he did not extract the diplomatic march he expected, and they had lost energy and assets to childish arrogation, no matter that more would be easy to procure. Yet, numerous things had become known, if not understood. It did not seem as though the last assailant, who created a opportunity for Americana, was an ally she was aware of, but for their arrival and intervention to be so timely and specific respectively, the dynamic between Columbia and her splinters was almost certainly their concern. Other pieces of information potentially aligned with this, and hypotheses began to form in his head.

Before he knew it, Longirsu had deposited the World Gears at their pedestrals, and no longer felt the foreign spark of mighty antiquity stinging his nervous system, forcefully connected as they were. It had been some time since he had cause to exert himself as he did. Had she not been disabled before committing in earnest, the (theorized) demoness-elemental hybrid would have been a truly risky engagement. Exposing himself was best avoided if at all possible, but the obvious truth the encounter demonstrated, was that the effectiveness of Ib and his machines multiplied exponentially with his presence... and in fact, there was no other who could support Ib as he did.

The timeframe to design a unit of such power was not short in the least.  There was also the matter of decision-making.  In terms of power, if the objective was to stay at a remove from the battlefield, there was an easy answer. What if he removed the need for automation entirely? Forgo a brain or heart, and build it purely as a tool to be manipulated...

He was no longer walking, but sitting, then. Longirsu's eyes were already adjusted to the dim lighting of his 'office', but the shade brought him no comfort. The light would be worse, so he let it be, and patched himself to Ib.

[Ib. Do you have the samples from the red-haired subject? And comprehensible readings from the energy spike that accompanied the telekinetic attack? I want the former downstairs and the latter prioritized by your wide-area scans.] A second passed. Longirsu could feel his augmented heart beat, an annoying reminder of his own fallibility. [Also, schedule a meeting with the goddess Pauline. She may be amenable to certain proposals after hearing of her sister's pitiful display.]
« Last Edit: December 31, 2020, 05:44:24 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #518 on: December 30, 2020, 04:12:01 AM »
The Mage of Lies

Standing under the doorway with the club building stretching into the sky, Evan looked beyond the shadow of the club looming over him.  Its shadow wasn't ever expanding, covering only the cars outside.  However, the colored lights that were emitted from the building which reflected off the windows created an illusion of foreign ground.  Yet in his world there were still lights, clubs and cars.  The only difference was the people.

Evan wasn't dressed in his suit and tie.  His face was obscured by the shadow casted by his top hat.  A cape fluttered behind him, catching the soft DC wind. I suppose just because I am dead doesn't mean I can't live a little.  It was a fun dance.  I wonder if she realized the performance was just as much for her as the others....

The young man thought back to Morris, considering a moment what he might think.  That guy was the one who helped set up every stunt he pulled, with a little back talk of course.  When he thought back to the old man, he frowned, realizing what he would say in return.  Yeah... I guess that was more for me than her.  She really didn't need me at all.

As he walked down the street, he looked up at that big bright moon in the sky.  "Even if the world believes me to be a liar, would you trust me?" Evan repeated to himself, reaching out towards the moon as if to grab it.  And the words of his past life echoed back into his mind.  Of course I would trust you.

"Why I am full of shit, a liar, even to you."

Because those lies make me smile from the bottom of my heart.

And thats when Evan stopped looking at the moon and looked straight ahead.  A gust of wind blew his cape, exposing his back to the world as it fluttered madly in the growing winds of change.  Evan straightened the gloves on his hands and smiled to no one but himself.  Those smiles back there, they weren't the kind he knew, not until Thorra completed her performance.  Those smiles were real.  That is why when he strutted forward into the night, he did so with a soft walk and a confident strut.

And maybe I can smile this time. 

"Those are some strong hands and yet a gentle heart underneath all that.  You must really do well with the ladies."

Evan emerged from behind the wall, his face obscured by his hat.  All that could be seen was his chin, lips and mustache.  It didn't take long for Evan to find a few leads.  He wasn't connected to the underworld quite like he was used to, but this world was far more complicated than he first realized and just as messed up as the old one.  Imagine trading one crazy leader for dozens and multiplying the number of disenfranchised.  That goddess wasn't an anomaly.  There were more and even those with real magic.  Monsters, demons, gods: they all existed within this new world.  Even still, there was plenty of room for thieves.  It was hard to believe.

The mage of lies glanced at the bloody fist and trench coat and smiled.  "You know, the more things change, the more things stay the same.  Do you think thats a comforting thing or something to be feared...."

And in that moment, the other theif would see the blue poking through the shadows.  "...Shinji."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #519 on: December 30, 2020, 04:19:55 AM »

A low, guttural growl could be heard, and the stench of death. Shinji turned to the magician-looking man and glared silently. If tension could be felt, well, then this was practically tasteable.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #520 on: December 30, 2020, 04:53:58 AM »


But before she could feel anything, she was shoved aside by the other blond.  She was surprisingly swift and strong, knocking aside Suerte with just her body taking her place.  Suerte glared at the other blonde, silently recognizing her as a worthy opponent.  She always wanted such physical power, the intimacy of physical combat was incredibly sexy.  Thats why she was being genuine when she said,

"Your annoyingly hot. "

Suerte's hand cupped the bottom of the other blonde's chin, pulling her off of Marc and into a kiss.  There was an aggressive moan from Suerte on contact and she closed her eyes as she teased her lips, biting down on the lower part as she wrapped her arms around the other blond's waist.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2020, 03:40:34 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #521 on: December 30, 2020, 11:31:18 PM »

Evan sighed and said, "Going to let me do all the talking huh?  Well I hate to break it to you, i'm not much of a talker.  Walk with me.  I have something to show you."

And so the shadows covered his baby blue eyes, the cape trailing beyond him as he walked into the darkness.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #522 on: December 31, 2020, 01:27:02 AM »

"If you know my name, you're either scum or desperate." Surprisingly, he could talk. No, maybe being called out was enough to get something out of his bitter gut. The moment Evan looked away, he was already following two inches away from him. Although he might not even notice that unless he looked back. Shinji might as well be his shadow following him. That is, until for the first time his red coat made the slightest of sounds.

Shinji walked past Evan in a moment, but it looked like barely a second passed at all. He'd have more luck noticing that a snowflake fell in a snowstorm.

"Either way, I'm not interested in dealing with clowns."

When Shinji looked back at Evan behind him, his glare was outright murderous.

"If you're a man, don't drag me like a pup."

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #523 on: December 31, 2020, 05:36:18 AM »

Does the moon need the tide? It is a foolish question. Without the moon, there could be no tide. The river does not exist without the source. There is no sunbeam without the sun. Yet, what meaning would these mighty things have without their lesser creations? If the stars howled in the depths of space, burning with the heat to swallow worlds, but there was no starlight... who would ever know of them? What meaning would they ever have? The moon, Galatea had decided, did need the tide. Just as Longirsu needed her.

Only she knew of the depths of his ambition, the depths of his foolishness. Only she knew the imperfections of his heart, how he suffered. These meaningless moments suspended in time were carefully curated by his greatest creation. Even if he would not love himself, she would love him. Even if that love would never be rewarded, she would love him. Just as the tide loved the moon.

She rested a consoling hand on his shoulder first. Then her melodic voice filled the emptiness of this laboratory. "The parts possessed a degree of internal mobility. Skin and tissue samples have been recovered from my scythe as well as the World Lance. My current scans are being made but there is interference. The target seems to be skilled at concealing their own energy signature in general as well with this field. However, the Knightmare energy seems to resonate strongly with this energy field. Future experimentation should be warranted. I have also sent a notice to the office of the goddess. What do you wish to prioritize next?"

A screen flickered on. Upon it were the mobile power sources that they had previously detected, the general static around mainland Columbia, a sparse experimental log on the energy field and Knightmare energy, and the messages sent towards Pauline's worshippers. As expected, Galatea had considered everything. She simply laid out the choices for him to choose.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2020, 05:40:40 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #524 on: December 31, 2020, 04:34:58 PM »

Evan did not respond, merely looking back with a shadowy smile as he strode forward.  The dark back alley gave way to a beautiful park, large and expansive.  Walk ways were dotted with trees, perfectly planted and grown to cover the park with shade.  In the center stood a statue of the district's goddess.  Supposedly the goddess offered divine protection to those who offered her faith, a barrier against the pains life offered.  The moon shined through the park, flashing the nearly translucent strings encasing the park in a web.

The magician turned around and bowed.  "Welcome.  There are four kids in this park, all who possess small balls given to them by me.  If you collect them and bring them to me, you will be rewarded with money and information.  No matter what you do, a choice will be made.  I look forward to seeing the show you put on."

And thus what should have been Evan evaporated into nothing, dust in the wind.

« Last Edit: December 31, 2020, 04:41:01 PM by yinsukin »