Author Topic: The District of Columbia  (Read 47159 times)


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2020, 03:42:07 AM »
Frank Horrigan:

The super mutant responded by giving a crisp salute, before turning away to focus on the situation at hand. He was not used to open admiration. At least, not one that wasn't tainted with fear. This was something new to ponder about later...

Horrigan climbed up the hill that he just nuked, scorched earth covered with charred squashes. His helmet blocked all odor, but he would have guessed that the air would smell like a pumpkin pie cook off gone horribly wrong. The remains of the formerly glowing carrier pumpkin was rathermacabre- the back half of the shell, though splintered, was largely intact while the cooked innards flowed outwards. It reminded him how a Deathclaw looked after having its front turned to mulch by his minigun back in California.

Halloween Town was known for its rather festive magic. Attacking jack-o-lanterns does fit their M.O. But how did they get here, and why would they attack? Chairwoman Drosa's helicopter whooshed overhead, causing him to look up. She would be a highly valued target if there was to be an invasion...

"Madame Drosa," he called over the comms, "I recommend we pull out."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2020, 02:08:43 PM »
Serra Drosa

A young woman's voice was patched in, and at first she sounded quite put off. "Pull out now, in our moment of triumph?" Then there was a pause, until, "You must think the threat dire indeed."

The helicopter circled around once more to check the landing zone as gunfire and explosions echoed in the distance from all the clean-up duty. The grass and debris began to get blown aside by the propellers, and a familiar purple-haired woman wearing an army helmet appeared as the back loading ramp deployed. She was holding onto a support bar, and had a radio up to her face. "... situation under control, then? Border Command is likely closer, so expect a detachment to help round up any stragglers who may have slipped past the perimeter." Whomever was on the other end responded, the audio indistinct at a distance. Serra smiled. "I don't think the girls will mind a little more military."

Her smiling face turned to Agent Horrigan, and she beckoned for him to return.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2020, 02:26:58 AM »
Frank Horrigan:

"Alright, everyone, we're out of here," Horrigan called to his team over the comms.

He stood to the side of the ramp as his unit hustles in, before boarding the helicopter himself. First one on the field, last one off - a principle his father instilled into him in his youth. Upon taking his seat, he turned to face his charge, "Madame Drosa, was this an isolated incident? Or are we under attack?"
« Last Edit: February 19, 2020, 02:27:38 AM by MissingMandible »


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2020, 10:54:13 PM »
Serra Drosa

The congresswoman's had stood there at the loading ramp as well, waiting for them all with him, and now that she was sitting down and letting the adrenaline of the moment fall aside her smile fell just as hard. She pulled out one of her electronic devices and shook her head.

"The Home Guard are reporting incursions from the forests up north." Serra clenched one of her hands tightly into a fist. "Border Command disarmed a pumpkin bomb at one of the dockyards."

One of the other Custodians scowled beneath his helmet. "Those fucking monsters. Can't they tell the difference between us and those Jiralians?!"

"Yeah, we're not the ones trying to kill them off!" "You think they can even tell the difference between humans?"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2020, 04:12:56 PM »
Frank Horrigan:

This is a coordinated attack then, Frank thought. Whether it was a preemptive strike for a war, or if it was the doing of a terrorist cell matters little at this time.

"Ma'am," he said, "I must recommend for you to seek safety at the bunker. We must treat this as an attack, and the chain of command must be preserved."

Knowing that Serra Drosa likes to get hands on with military matters, Horrigan added "At least until the dust settles." a nearly imperceptible plea was there...


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2020, 11:54:07 PM »
Serra Drosa

Serra shook her head, but smiled slightly at Horrigan as well. "I have a feeling you're going to push the point if I say no." She looked around at the rest of the custodians in the transport with them. "And I have a feeling they'll follow your orders in this more than they will mine."

They seemed to look apologetically at the congresswoman while sneaking glances at the giant of a man looming over them without even having to stand up.

"However, I must insist we move to a location closer to the capital." It was closer to the center of the district, and away from borders that might be opportunistically crossed in this controlled chaos. "The chain of command will do us no good if I cannot also do my job. We need to coordinate the response."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2020, 02:39:49 AM »
Frank Horrigan:

"I have a feeling you're going to push the point if I say no. And I have a feeling they'll follow your orders in this more than they will mine."

Damn right they would, Frank thought. Crisis situation means that their charge's life is far more important than what she actually wants. If they say otherwise, he'd have them removed from the team.

"However, I must insist we move to a location closer to the capital. The chain of command will do us no good if I cannot also do my job. We need to coordinate the response."

A decent compromise. He can appreciate that.

"Congressional Bunker it is," His baritone voice boomed over the comms, "Take us there, pilot, and make sure they know we're coming."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #22 on: March 08, 2020, 03:40:06 AM »
The Congressional Bunker

9:00 AM - Nexus Time

It had been hours since the initial strikes took place, and an introdus of politicians and security personnel from across the district had soon followed. Between the depth of the installation's construction, the layers of metal and concrete, and level after level of security both automated and otherwise, this bunker had been rated one of the most secure locations in the modern Nexus by Columbian Military Intelligence. To get any moreso would require sorcery the likes of which was far from common. There were still some stragglers, some hold outs focused on defending against the possibility of their own property being caught up in the skirmishes.

A scene much like what had played out on the campus had repeated itself along the northern borders with the forests, and explosive sabotage had shut down a number of bus terminals and train stations. There were casualties, but no fatalities listed thus far from the fighting. Reports kept coming in as central command coordinated the response.

Serra Drosa, Chairman of the Armed Services Committee, was moving around from station to station reading reports, seeking updates, and giving directions while accompanied by the leader of her Custodians. "No word from Washington on the front line yet, ma'am." "Keep praying for a response." "Yes, ma'am."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #23 on: March 12, 2020, 02:48:18 AM »
Frank Horrigan:

How dare they attack...

Nearly everybody was giving Frank's giant form a wide berth. His cold, seething anger metaphorically dropping the room temperature to nearly freezing.

How dare they attack...

His gauntletted hands curled into fists as he peered at the reports. Gears were turning in his head as he pieced together the larger picture - a large scale attack, seemingly perpetrated by Halloween Town. They shall repay their neighbors to the East tenfold for this.

"Ma'am," crimson lenses turned towards his charge, "What is our next course of action?"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #24 on: March 13, 2020, 01:21:43 AM »
Serra Drosa

The congresswoman paused in her activity as the head of her protection detail approached her with oh so important questions to ask. She tilted her head to the side, and up, because it was necessary to look a being of Frank Horrigan's stature in the eyes. Lenses. Close enough.

"Columbia willing?" Serra's voice was deceptively soft as she openly contemplated the idea. Then her sweet voice turned bitter. "Swift and violent retaliation. Prevent them from being capable of doing something like this again. Ever."

She returned her attention to the reports. "As soon as we can muster the necessary support, and ensure that there are no more unpleasant surprises waiting for us within our own borders."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #25 on: March 28, 2020, 11:36:00 PM »

The sky above.

The goddess looked down at her subjects, day in and day out, all day, every day. She loved every one of her worshippers dearly, taking special care to take care of them at night, work out each and every one of their worries, and show them a good time. It was exhausting work, but it felt good. It was rewarding, and she got to see her people happy, guiding then with a loving hand, and nudging them in the proper direction.

Of course, she'd noticed the attack as well. A rising fury rose within her, one that her loyal subjects could feel as a quiet voice in their subconciousness, rising them to action, pushing for a counter attack. She gave particular attention to the young congresswoman who had so quickly responded-perhaps convinently, even. She focused her mind on her, and Serralata from the warm, familar embrace of her goddess fully envelop her mind, unable to penetrate, but surrounding her and filling every one of the cracks that her trauma and rage had left within her.

For these moments, she felt whole and complete in a way she'd never felt before moving here. It was as if a mother had wrapped her arms around her and pulled her close to her bosom. And for the moment, this was all that happened.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #26 on: April 12, 2020, 07:21:02 PM »
Serra Drosa

Before Frank Horrigan's eyes the young congresswoman seemingly relaxed for a moment, her quelled by something beyond his limited ken. Her hand hovered over the papers below her, and her eyes closed in a manner he had witnessed more and more often since coming to the District of Columbia. It was a spiritual experience. It lasted nearly half a minute before she clenched her fingers tightly into fists and began to shake.

"Not now..." Serra said beneath her breath, shaking her head, before abruptly rising to her feet and facing him once more. "As for you - I will be fine here for now. I want you to check the rest of your unit and make certain they are prepared. Coordinate with the rest of the Custodians, and stand by for deployment in case anyone else needs to be extracted from their current position."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #27 on: April 19, 2020, 04:21:56 PM »
Frank Horrigan:

Frank's eyes lingered on his charge, perhaps a bit longer than he intended to. "Understood, ma'am." He excused himself.

"Check your gear and restock!" The giant's baritone voice boomed in the room the custodians took up, "We are currently on Standby! Keep your things nearby and be ready to redeploy!"

As Frank lumbered in, he only gave his team a cursory glance, trusting in their discipline to heed his orders. The meta human instead made his way to an open space on a counter and detached his minigun, gently placing it. The weapon was fired for an extended period of time, and warping was likely. A light disassembly and rotary testing was needed...


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #28 on: April 28, 2020, 07:04:45 AM »

Morning, the next day.

The blue-haired archpriestess was waiting for her compatriot at the meeting spot that Lily had asked her to be at in Columbia, exactly thirty minutes before the designated time. She leaned against the wall, watching the humans go about their everyday lives. They were so busy, so distractable, and often incredibly foolish. They had conflicting goals which they were unable to follow, and often directly went against their own interests to an incredible degree which could only be described as imbecilic.

Yet, she smiled. Despite all their flaws, Malicia adored humanity. Life was simpler among them. The lust for power and control-it was so much simpler, living among humans. If her goddess didn't exist, she'd have probably decided to live here, in Columbia.

She tapped her foot on the ground and whistled, waiting for her date to finally arrive.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #29 on: April 28, 2020, 08:41:18 PM »

The redhead eventually came down the street about 15 minutes before the agreed upon time. But her her walk wasn't normal at her, she was stumbling slightly almost like she was sore. And more than that her tail was standing up high and her wings were out and flapping slowly, eventually she abandoned walking altogether and floated the rest of the distance up to Malicia. The mkment her legs stopped supporting her weight she curled them together from what looked like exhaustion. Floating like this though only put more emphasis on the curve of her back as well as the swell of her ass, and she attracted a lot more attention and glares from the residents.

"Hey Mal, sorry for being late but my last was just so fucking tasty!" All her inhibitions had been let lose and she was running on a high, apparent from the dome of heated air that washed over the taller Succubi as she got closer.